"Wooden family Zanpakutō...."

"A gigantic wooden dragon flying in the sky!!!"

"A guy who isn't even a Shinigami, why is his Zanpakutō so powerful!!!"

When I saw a huge wooden dragon flying towards this side~ with its teeth and claws open.

The wooden dragon's body is too huge!

And the terrifying oppression that emanates from it!

Instantly freaked out Dee Roy!

Arrancar, who not so long ago boasted of defying Shinigami during the siege of Matsumoto Rangiku!


When facing the wooden dragon that makes the clouds recede!

The thin steel-skinned body couldn't stop trembling, and the pale complexion was filled with fear!

He never thought of it anyway...

Bai Chen doesn't make sense at all, every shot is a big move!

Directly use the Wood Style secret technique to summon a wooden dragon that connects the sky and the earth!

Face off against the legendary flying dragon!

How can he fight like this!


"Trap! This is clearly a deadly situation!!!"

"Aizen and Ichimaru Gin these two bastards!!!"

"They deliberately concealed the fact that there is a captain-level combat power among the interns!!!"

When the terrifying oppression that makes the atmosphere roar!

Accompanied by the soaring of the wooden dragon, double the oncoming attack time!

Xiao Long Kufang's last line of defense also completely collapsed!

The suddenly shrunk pupils were filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes.

In my heart, I am more concerned with the old pair of Aizen and Ichimaru Gin.

Cursing non-stop!

It was agreed to be a crushing game of harvesting heads!

Unexpectedly, the real clown is actually himself!

until this moment.

Xiao Long Kufang finally understood:

Why did Bai Chen "kindly" persuade them to return to the original at the beginning of the meeting?

turn out to be……………

Persuasion, it is true!

Spike is also true!

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now!

Even within a limited time, Long Kufang returned to the blade immediately! Turned into a trapped body in the stone hammer!

Mere reptiles!

How can it match the flying wooden dragon!

In the end, it will be swallowed in one bite!

Just like Bai Chen prophesied at the beginning, become the fertilizer that nourishes the forest!

And at this time.

Matsumoto Rangiku protected by a wooden ingot wall.

He also saw the shocking scene in front of his eyes!

"so amazing!!!"

"Is this really just Shikai?"

"This level of power is even stronger than the Bankai of many captains!"

Through the gaps between the wooden posts.

Look up at the gigantic wooden dragon that nearly splits the sky in two.

Matsumoto Rangiku's beautiful eyes are full of splendor.

Covering his mouth in surprise, he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

She didn't deliberately exaggerate.

Nor was it because of Bai Chen.

And deliberately exaggerate the combat power of the wooden Zanpakutō!

Matsumoto Rangiku really thinks,

The power of Zanpakutō "wooden dragon".

It is indeed above the Zanpakutō of many Shinigami captains!

At least in her opinion.....

Byakuya Kuchiki, Komamura Sajin, Tousen Kaname, etc...

Zanpakutō of several of them.

and the Bankai of Zanpakutō.

Obviously not as strong as the Zanpakutō "wooden dragon" has shown!

"If nothing else..."

"The next battle should end without any suspense?"

"The surrounding Menos Grande Gillian gradually retreated and fled..."

In addition to sighing at Bai Chen's powerful strength.

Matsumoto Rangiku was also pleasantly surprised to find that the surrounding Menos Grande who were originally surrounded and besieged were chilly.

Maybe it can't bear the oppression brought by the huge wooden dragon!

out of an instinctive fear of death.

Desperately moving his clumsy body, he fled towards the periphery slowly!

This also turned the original siege into a mass escape in an instant!

the most important is.

With the collapse of the Menos Grande pack!

Matsumoto Rangiku and the sixth-generation students, who originally experienced a narrow escape, survived the crisis without any danger!

And the reason why heaven-defying changed my life.....

Because of Bai Chen and his Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"!

at the same time.

Just in this brief gap.

When death is close at hand, even knowing that there is little hope.

Naturally, the two Arrancar subordinates were unwilling to sit still, but returned to the sword one after another:

"Eat it! Sandworm!"

"Cut it off! Five-claw worm!"

Reiatsu of the inner seal of Zanpakutō.

Accompanied by the sword, the liberation language burst out in an instant!


Just for a moment!

The light and momentum that should have been released!

After being oppressed from the sky, unexpectedly...

Was firmly suppressed!

Making Returning Edge is directly forced to interrupt!


"what happened!!!"

"Why is the sword liberation forcibly interrupted!"

"And I clearly feel that the Reiatsu that was originally sealed in Zanpakutō has not returned to the body!"

"On the contrary, it is a strange intensification and passing away! It seems to be forcibly plundered by some force!!!"

this moment...

After discovering this horrible fact.

Every syllable of Xiao Long Kufang reveals deep despair!

And the last trace of fighting spirit left, also disappeared at this moment!




As Arrancarized Adjuchas.

Finally descended from the Hueco Mundo.

With Xiaolong Kufang's strength, he was the first to be "Arrancar", although he did not rank among the "Espada".

But in terms of "combat power".

Look at the entire Arrancar regiment.

Xiao Long Kufang is definitely the mainstay!


Xiao Long Kufang never thought of it anyway!

It doesn't matter if the momentum is crushed! Even "Returning Blade" is banned!

Faced with this weird situation that cannot be explained by common sense.

He had only one thought at the moment——


Desperately waiting to die!

"Arrancar, don't be surprised...

"I forgot to tell you just now..."

Just when Xiao Long Kufang lost all hope.

Bai Chen's next words were even more murderous:


"It's not just about being huge! It's as simple as being amazingly destructive!"

"Wherever it leaps over! It can continuously absorb energy along the way!"

"So just get targeted by the wood dragon! No one's Reiatsu will be immune!"

When Bai Chen finished speaking.

The wooden dragon has swooped in front of the two Arrancar subordinates!



Swallow it straight into your stomach!

that's all.

Dee Roy and Sharon Coupon.

Didn't even have time to say the last words!

He directly took Zanpakutō with him, and became a part of the wooden dragon without any suspense!

And this battle of one against two!

In the end, it also ended perfectly with Bai Chen's absolute crushing!

"it's over....……"

"Sure enough! The characteristics of the wood dragon...in addition to suppressing the opponent! It can also absorb the enemy's Reiatsu!"

"This ability is exactly the same as in the Ninja World period!"

Following the figures of the two Arrancar subordinate officers, they completely disappeared from the field of vision.

Bai Chen grinned slightly.

Grinning a satisfied smile.

at this time.

Inside the hovering wooden dragon.

Bai Chen obviously felt it, after devouring the two Arrancars.

The power of the wooden dragon has increased significantly!

Although from the looks of it.

There are no obvious changes for the time being.


This feeling of becoming stronger is very obvious!

By connecting with the soul of Zanpakutō, it is directly fed back to Bai Chen's side!

In other words.

That is, together with Bai Chen's power!

It has also been improved to a certain extent!

"It seems..."

In the future, in the battle with the enemy, you can use the same method to repeat the trick!

"While finally defeating the opponent, it is also possible to absorb the opponent's Reiatsu!"

Think here.

Bai Chen's eyes became hot!

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as an open-type way to become stronger

In the days to come.

As long as there are enough opponents! And the strength is strong enough!


However, they were entangled by wooden dragons.

The Reiatsu in the body is bound to be absorbed and absorbed!

And as the master of Zanpakutō.

Bai Chen can also keep getting stronger in this way!

Simply kill two birds with one stone!

at the same time.

What Bai Chen didn't know was.

When he was still immersed in it, he accidentally discovered the characteristics of the wooden dragon's ability.

So secretly happy when.

...ask for flowers...

The sky not far away.

Somewhere in the seemingly empty air.

Covered under a black cloak, the trio of Aizen who came to the present world through the world-transmitting gate long ago.

at this time.

They are talking about the battle that just ended!

"Yeah, yeah..."

"I didn't expect that... that huge wooden dragon!"

"Swallowed two Arrancars in such a brutal breath!"

"Captain Aizen... Fortunately, you are by my side, otherwise it would be quite scary..."

The familiar Kyoto accent sounded.

Ichimaru Gin, as always, deliberately played weak with weird emphasis.


He wasn't really afraid of the wood dragon.

It's just nonsense!


For the hypocrisy of Ichimaru Gin.

Aizen directly chose to ignore, but provoked the topic:

"Silver, have you noticed?"

"The moment the wooden dragon dived and approached..."

"The Reiatsu on Di Roy and Xiaolong Kufang's bodies obviously weakened rapidly!"

"Obviously, their power is being plundered constantly at that moment!"

"And this weird phenomenon is also one of the abilities of Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"!"

Dark and deep pupils.

Staring at Bai Chen from afar.

There was an inexplicable look in Aizen's eyes!

When he looked at the thorn blade in Bai Chen's hand, his expression became very complicated!



Another surprise...

At the same time, there is still a trace of fear!


Deliberately rushed to this world from the Soul Society.

And hidden in the dark after a close observation.

In addition to having a more intuitive understanding of Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"!

For this wooden Zanpakutō that has never been seen before!

Standing in the perspective of the strong, Aizen has recognized its power!

At the same time, I also felt the long-lost threat!


"Captain Aizen, what should we do next?"

"With the death of the two Arrancar subordinates, the remaining Menos Grande Gillian must be wiped out immediately!"

"This time, the plan obviously failed!"

Falling light purple bangs.

Under the blowing of the breeze, it fluttered messily in front of the forehead.

Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes and continued to ask, deliberately fanning the flames.


He didn't want it to end there!

But want to keep doing things!


Ichimaru Gin had just finished speaking.

But he was immediately retorted by Aizen indifferently:

"Silver, you are wrong..."

"This time, not only did the plan not fail, but it was an unexpected success!"

Black-rimmed glasses pushed upwards.

Aizen's eyes became calm again.

With a faint smile, he continued:

"Dee Roy too..."

"Xiao Long Kufang is also good..."

"A mere two Arrancar subordinate officers, and also Grimmjow's subordinates..."

"Even if they sacrificed, it doesn't matter! On the contrary, with the help of this accident, the power of the Zanpakutō wooden dragon was perfectly tested!"

Speaking of which.

Aizen paused deliberately.

Then the topic changed, and the words were filled with a little regret:

"The only pity is that it's just Shikai!"

"It would be great if we could force Bai Chen Bankai out at once..."

Sorry though.

But Aizen was just talking casually.

He naturally knew that he wanted to force Zanpakutō "Wooden Dragon" Bankai in the middle of the battle.

The opponent must be Espada!

Not even just one Espada!

if not,

Ordinary captain-level combat power,

It is simply not enough to look at this wooden Zanpakutō!

"Tut tsk tsk..."

"Captain Aizen...have you finally admitted that you were intentionally framing Xiao Long Kufang and the others?"

"If Grimmjow knew, he wouldn't be able to help but be furious in the Palace of Void Night?"

While Ichimaru Gin was joking.

The sight shifted to Bai Chen again.

Squinting his eyes, he revealed a fox-like sly smile:


"What you said just now: To test out Bai Chen's Bankai, there are actually many ways!"

"Like in the latest Hollow experiment..."

"Using the soul of Shinigami as the basis, the humanoid transformation virtual created..."

"Killing Machine, Xubaishan!".

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