Shinto Dantei

Chapter 874 Sneaking into the Demon Palace (5 updates)

"So Ye Chen, what are your plans next?"

Xiao Xuan pondered for a while. After suddenly knowing so much news, he needed time to digest it.

"I'm going to explore the base camp of the Heavenly Demon Palace to see if I can find some useful information and see if the black-robed weirdo comes from the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Ye Chen informed Xiao Xuan of the follow-up plan.

"Okay, there are many powerful people in the Demon Palace. Although your strength has reached this level, you still need to be more careful."

Xiao Xuan nodded, then showed a wry smile, "Next, I should put all my experience into studying the way of swordsmanship. I have entered the realm of swordsmanship for many years, but I have never been able to go further, even a little bit of progress." No, the age of great strife is coming, there is no harm in improving your cultivation."

Ye Chen bid farewell to Xiao Xuan and left Tiandao Sect.

He walked on the void, speeding all the way.

Arriving in a deserted wilderness, Ye Chen took out the Earth Demon Token and sensed it carefully.

Ever since I got the Earth Demon Token, I have never carefully explored its purpose.

All I know is that it can communicate with each other, just like a communicating crystal.

Under Ye Chen's inspection, a black light emerged from the token, like a map.

On the black light screen, there are many light spots, some are moving, and some are stationary.

Ye Chen discovered that many light spots were gathered in one place. Based on the location, it was estimated that this should be in a deep mountain in Zhongzhou.

If the light spots represent other token holders, then this gathering place should be the base camp, right?

"Yes or no, we will find out when we go over to find out."

With this in mind, Ye Chen rushed towards the red dots on the map.

This earth demon token has been injected with his blood and can sense his breath, so he can activate it.

If it falls into the hands of others and does not match the identity of the token, there is no way to activate the token.

However, the Heavenly Demon Palace never expected that there would be a "traitor" among them!

After Ye Chen changed his appearance, he calmed down his temperament, and his face changed randomly, becoming a middle-aged man with a plain and unpretentious appearance, the kind of man you wouldn't find in a crowd.

Then, he found the mountain range through the light spots on the map.

This is not a big mountain range, it is very low and inconspicuous in the vast wilderness.

Even if there are practitioners with experience, they would not choose such a small mountain range.

But in fact, there is a phantom formation covering the outside of this mountain range. As long as you walk into it through the phantom formation, there is a whole other world inside.

At the foot of the mountains, there is a thatched house.

In front of the thatched house, an old man in his late seventies was sitting on a recliner, closing his eyes and relaxing.

There is a fence around it, and some flowers and plants are planted in the fence. They are all ordinary and there is no difference.

However, if you think about it carefully, an old man lives alone in this deserted mountain. You will always feel that something is wrong.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, the old man opened his eyes and glanced at him lazily, "Back?"

There was a unique aura about Ye Chen, which came from the token symbolizing the Earth Demon's identity.

Each breath is unique, so the "gatekeeper" can tell it apart at once.

Ye Chen nodded, looked calm, and walked quickly inside.


When passing through the illusory formation, there was light flickering in Ye Chenna's ring.

The phantom formation noticed that Ye Chen had an Earth Demon identity token on his body, so it let him pass directly.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed. He had indeed walked into a mountain range, but it was not a small mountain range, but a majestic and exaggerated mountain range like a long dragon, with continuous ups and downs, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

On both sides of the surroundings, there are rugged rocks, and every inch of the rocks exudes a good atmosphere.

"So many smells..."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. He could detect that there were five or six auras of seven changes of life and death in this mountain range. It was impossible to estimate how strong they were.

It is also possible that he is entering the Seven Transformations of Life and Death for the first time, similar to those young sect masters.

It is also possible that he is the pinnacle of the Seven Transformations of Life and Death, a half-step emperor.

At a glance, there are many caves on both sides of the cliff, at least several hundred meters apart.

In every cave, there lives an Earth Demon level powerhouse.

They practiced cross-legged in the cave and breathed in spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy they absorbed was not spiritual energy in the traditional sense, but a modified dark spiritual energy, with a strong evil aura.

Black mist surrounded them, and the evil aura around them became even stronger.

Ye Chen saw this and was secretly surprised.

The entire Heavenly Demon Palace is actually cultivating this kind of evil spiritual energy secretly?

If there was no pusher behind it, Ye Chen would naturally not believe it.

You must know that in the past, the Heavenly Demon Palace was a very loose organization, with no affiliation with each other, and no one ordered who. However, in recent years, for some reason, the Heavenly Demon Palace has become more and more frequent.

After losing a few of the original eight demons, there were actually not many but many.

The Heavenly Demon Palace continues to expand, frantically absorbing powerful people, and no one knows what its ambitions are.

Not to mention anything else, just by glancing over, there were at least hundreds of Earth Demon-level masters.

This is not a small amount. You must know that only those who have reached the realm of the Emperor of Life and Death are qualified to become an Earth Demon.

"Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Palace doesn't want to make any big moves?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and a light seemed to flash in his eyes.

But he remained calm the entire time, walking along the road inward without squinting.

There were many demons coming and going. Perhaps because Ye Chen's appearance was too ordinary, no one looked at him twice. They all glanced at him and then looked away.

If you go forward further, you will reach the territory of the demon.

Today, there are at least a dozen heavenly demons in the Heavenly Demon Palace. Each of them has achieved the six transformations of life and death. They are very powerful. As for the place where they live, they are also different from ordinary earthly demons.

Each of them has a separate courtyard, lined up in a row.

Beyond the place where the demon lives, the place ahead should be where the great demon lives.

However, it would not be good to go too deep rashly as an old demon.

In terms of combat power, he is now at the peak of the Seven Changes of Life and Death and a half-step emperor. Under normal circumstances, he does not need to be afraid and can crush him all the way.

But after all, this is the Heavenly Demon Palace, the lair where the Heavenly Demons gather. Before you understand the danger, you still can't be too abrupt.

Just like that, Ye Chen was wandering around, waiting for the opportunity.

Soon, a heavenly demon walked quickly to the cave where the earthly demon lived and called a dozen earthly demons in total.

Those earth demons followed the steps of the heavenly demons and walked towards the deepest part.

Ye Chen glanced at it, then his figure flashed and blended into the group.

Because of his high level and concealed aura, no one noticed him at all.

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