Shinto Dantei

Chapter 875 Hiding here to heal

There were more than a dozen earth demons, and suddenly there was one more person, and no one noticed it.

"Sir, Master Da Tianmo asked us to come over. What's the matter?"

An old demon asked cautiously. He looked young, probably in his twenties at most.

I don’t know why I joined the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Not only him, but the other demons are all in their twenties, very young.

"Since I called you over, there must be something good going on. Maybe the Great Heavenly Demon will give you some pointers when he is happy. You may be reborn and break through the realm directly."

The demon in front said something like a smile but not a smile.

Many earth demons were excited when they heard this.

If that's the case, that's a good thing!

Lord Da Tianmo has always seen the beginning but not the end of the dragon. If he can personally give guidance to these people, it will definitely be of great help to the realm.

In this way, more than a dozen earth demons, led by the heavenly demons, walked all the way to a huge palace.

This palace is very luxurious, with carvings everywhere, and white jade stone pillars stand in front of the main hall, completely supporting it.

"Okay, go in, Lord Da Tianmo is waiting for you inside."

The Heavenly Demon stepped aside and ordered a dozen Earth Demons to walk in.

In the main hall, it was quiet, without any sound.

Ye Chen blended in the crowd and frowned slightly.

With his powerful artistic conception, he was able to detect that there was a very good aura entrenched here. In terms of strength, he should be stronger than Xiao Xuan and Monk Mingxin.

Is there such an existence hidden in the Heavenly Demon Palace?

The pinnacle of the seven transformations of life and death? Half-step emperor?

"Just walk in?"

The young man who asked the question earlier was full of excitement.

This is the Great Heavenly Demon, a being whose strength has reached the seven transformations of life and death.

Just give yourself a few pointers and you will benefit a lot.

"Hurry in and don't keep Lord Heavenly Demon waiting."

The demon waved his hands with an impatient look on his face.

Just like that, more than a dozen earth demons walked into the hall one by one.

"Hey, why do you feel like there's an extra person?"

Outside the main hall, Tianmo counted a few times at random, but felt that the number of people he had called over earlier did not match.

But it doesn’t matter. One more person and one less person, what difference does it make?

After everyone entered the hall, there was a bang and the door of the hall was tightly closed.

In the main hall, the atmosphere was gloomy, and you couldn't see your fingers.

More than a dozen earth demons looked at each other, and they all felt that something was wrong.

From the bottom of my heart, a cold feeling arose out of thin air, giving people goosebumps.


At this time, a black arm suddenly popped out from the darkness, grabbed an old demon, and dragged him deep into the hall.

The old demon let out a scream, and before he even had time to resist, there was a click and there was no sound.

It was the sound of a broken neck.

The other earth demons instantly became excited. They each bloomed with spiritual energy and roared angrily, "Who is it? Get out!"

More than a dozen air waves burst out, violently impacting the hall.

If it were normal, this hall would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the air wave and would collapse directly.

But today, for some reason, the main hall was as stable as a mountain, motionless.

Some old demons turned around and wanted to run away, but found that the door had been sealed by a formation. He shouted angrily and punched the formation with all his strength, but the offensive power he had gathered was directly blocked by the formation. Inhaled it.

The next moment, an explosion sounded, and one of the demon's arms was blown off, and he fell to the ground in pain.


In the darkness, an arm reached out and grabbed the injured Old Demon.


This time, a clear sound of chewing came from inside.

Among them, it was accompanied by the sound of bone cracking.

The demon screamed wildly, until his throat nearly broke. However, it finally fell silent, leaving only the sound of gurgling blood and bubbling blood.

The rest of the demons all had a mental breakdown.

What exactly is going on?

Are there any monsters in the hall?

Although they were all extremely evil people, they still couldn't help but panic in this weird atmosphere.

Inside the main hall, it was gloomy and dark, and nothing could be seen.

It was surrounded by formations all around, causing the sky to respond and the earth to be ineffective.

"You should feel honored to be my food!"

From the darkness, there was a burst of hoarse laughter, which was extremely weird.

"Don't panic, if we work together, we will be able to defeat him!"

One person had an angry look on his face. In the past, he would definitely not be willing to join forces with others, but today, in order to survive, he had no choice but to do so.

He raised his hand and took out a luminous pearl from the ring, which was shining brightly, trying to illuminate the hall.

However, this hall is very strange. After the night pearl appeared, it had no effect at all and all the light was swallowed up at once.


The old demon screamed and was dragged in.

The number of people decreased one by one.

There were originally more than a dozen earth demons, but now there are only four or five left. They are trying hard to stay together, and their bodies are trembling slightly.

In my ears, I heard the pitiful voices of other earth demons calling for help.

It's like being eaten alive by some monster...!

The sound of crunching bones and gnawing throats was extremely clear.

Ye Chen was among these people. He never made a move, but just waited and watched.

Anyway, these people are heinous demons and there is no need for any sympathy towards them.

Let them kill each other and let them go.

"Hey, your essence and blood are really a great tonic for healing!"

That hoarse voice sounded again.

Ye Chen only felt the earth demon behind him push him hard, trying to push him deep into the hall.

But Ye Chen's body was as steady as a mountain. He didn't push it this time, and the burst of energy shattered his arm, breaking every inch of it. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"You still dare to trick me?"

Ye Chen's pupils were filled with light and murderous intent.

The next moment, he raised his hand and squeezed, and a majestic wave of air appeared out of thin air, crushing the earth demon directly into blood mist.

"Hey, are there any masters?"

The hoarse voice was extremely surprised, as if he didn't expect that there was actually a powerful being among these earth demons.

"You are hiding here to heal your wounds, do you think I can't catch you?"

Ye Chen sneered, and an extremely exaggerated sword intent suddenly burst out from his body, soaring into the sky.

The hall was instantly filled with the terrifying sword intent, making a clicking sound.

The void was smashed wantonly, and even the darkness that could not be seen was as bright as day under the light of the sword.

Deep in the hall, a figure in black robes was seen gnawing on a corpse. He raised his head in panic, his face covered with blood.

Ye Chen looked up and caught his appearance.

He frowned slightly.

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