Now, Emiya Shirou could only ask Sakai Yuji, who he asked for help, about what happened before.

Emiya Shirou himself has an aura that makes people approachable, and he is also Sakai Yuji's savior. In addition, Sakai Yuji also needs an outlet to vent all the terrifying things he has seen.

Therefore, Sakai Yuji told Emiya Shirou everything about his experience without hiding anything.


Emiya Shirou fell into deep thought. He believed Yuji Sakai's words.

Because according to his words, it makes sense why he was hit by numerous cars.

But the big question now is what to do if such a space appears again.

Those dolls are not that powerful, but I have no way to resist, and I will die in their hands sooner or later.

Just like if I couldn't break away from Esdeath's [Mokobotemo] at that time, I would probably be the one who died.

He could only be thankful that these dolls did not have the fighting power of Esdeath.


There seemed to be the sound of something burning again, and Shirou Emiya felt that the presence of Yuji Sakai in front of him seemed to become stronger than before.

Chapter 225: Zero Hour Mystery (Revised)


Sakai Yuji lifted off the red cloak on his body and began to touch his left hand, his left leg, and his abdomen.

At the last moment when he was about to be hit by the doll, Yuji Sakai used all his strength to dodge to the side, thus avoiding the end of being stabbed through his abdomen.

But with his mutilated body, it was impossible to completely dodge the attack of the doll, so the final result was that Yuji Sakai was injured by a punch on the abdomen, and it can only be said that he survived.

But now, all the injuries on Yuji Sakai's body have recovered at this moment, which looks even more abnormal than the [Avalon] in Shirou Emiya's body.

After all, unless it is a fatal injury, [Avalon] will not heal instantly, but will slowly heal the wounds caused by the trauma.

Avalon was able to heal Emiya Kiritsugu instantly when his heart was broken during the duel with Kotomine Kirei, while Emiya Shirou had various injuries all over his body when fighting Red A but did not receive immediate recovery, which proves that Avalon was actually able to judge the severity of the injury.

I'm afraid this is also to save the magic power contained in it. The instant healing may result in more waste of magic power. After all, no one can say for sure.

Emiya Shirou was staring at Sakai Yuuji.

"Trace on"

It was a tool that looked like a sophisticated device that appeared in Shirou Emiya's hand.

A little light suddenly emitted from it, illuminating all directions.

"What's that?"

Sakai Yuji was a little surprised when he saw such an accessory suddenly appearing in Shirou Emiya's hand like magic.

"have no idea."

Emiya Shirou shook his head with great certainty. Although he could project it, he really didn't know what kind of thing it was.

His ability to analyze the projection is not because Emiya Shirou understands what the power of existence is. After all, the things projected by Emiya Shirou do not contain what should be in it, but can only perform the abilities that it should have.

If a weapon contains some kind of energy, it is impossible for Shirou Emiya to project the energy within it as well.

If there is a sword that automatically stores the magic power of a luminous cannon, the weapon projected by Emiya Shirou should be in a state where the weapon is not fully charged with magic power, instead of projecting that the magic power inside the weapon is fully charged. situation.

Emiya Shirou knew the purpose of the jewelry in his hand, but he didn't know what it meant.

For example, 0 points restore the power of existence. Emiya Shirou knew this, but he didn't know what the power of existence was. He could only understand it as a form of energy like magic.

"Aren't you going home now? Your family will be very anxious since you have been lying in the infirmary for so long."

Emiya Shirou asked Sakai Yuuji. He had no fighting ability, and it was impossible for Emiya Shirou to let him stay to assist him.

Now that he knew what he needed to know, he didn't want to be involved in this disaster if he could.

After all, based on the information Shirou Emiya knew, humans basically had no power to resist and could only obediently become the hunting targets of those dolls.

And in such a forbidden world, the existence of the torch prevents humans from realizing that there are existences in the world that devour humans.

Even Emiya Shirou couldn't protect himself, let alone that ordinary high school student.

"I can only hope that this accessory will allow me to move in a world I have never seen before."

Emiya Shirou whispered softly while holding the ornament in his hand that emitted a faint blue light.

After all, the only difference between Yuji Sakai and those torches is that he possesses such a Noble Phantasm in his body.

It's impossible that those torches can move in that still world but they just don't want to move.

However, this possibility cannot be ruled out, but Shirou Emiya has no better way now.

The night passed quietly.

Shirou Emiya put on his red cape and woke up in the infirmary.

Although he was very anxious about what happened yesterday and wanted to face those who slaughtered humans as soon as possible, but————


Shirou Emiya, who had not eaten for a day, felt the hunger coming from his abdomen.

Although not eating for just one day would not have much impact on Shirou Emiya, if he did not find a way to find a job that could earn money, he would probably have to look for food in the trash can.

Previously, someone provided him with food, clothing, shelter and transportation, but now he suddenly needed to do it himself. Shirou Emiya did not react for a while.

It's not that Shirou Emiya will not find a job by himself. After all, he is still very good at working. Isn't he on the way to work now?

As for what Shirou Emiya is doing, he doesn't understand it very well. The light ball told him that he seemed to be an anchor point or something, which could allow it to interfere.

Anyway, it was some words that Shirou Emiya didn't understand, so he didn't listen carefully. After all, if he didn't agree at that time, he would die, so there was no reason to refuse.

It's just that Shirou Emiya paid attention to those people with low sense of existence at the first time, and put the matter of finding a job aside.

Now that Shirou Emiya has a certain understanding of this world, he must also prepare to start solving his own life problems.

He is not those servants who don't need to eat or sleep, and only need magic to exist.

Although he was a soul body when he was in the Holy Grail before, the Holy Grail reconstructed a body for him. Now Shirou Emiya's body is complete, and naturally it is a human body.

The Holy Grail did not make any strengthening measures for Shirou Emiya's body. What it was before, it was what it was constructed. At most, his arm was repaired.

His soul did not lose his arm, so the constructed body naturally carried his right hand.

In this situation now, Shirou Emiya can only passively wait for the enemy's attack, and he can't be anxious.

So Shirou Emiya prepared himself and came to the streets of Misaki City again, looking for work that he could participate in.

"Is that human still alive?"

On the top of the tallest building in Misaki City, the man looked at the human on the glass jar who was attacked by Phosphorus but still alive, and a very interested smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time, he was really interested in such a human who could not move in the seal but could survive.

After all, they saw those puppets approaching Shirou Emiya with their own eyes, and Shirou Emiya did not have the means to resist the seal and was imprisoned in place.

If a human who could move freely in the seal using the free style survived the attack of Phosphorus, he would not feel too much surprise.

And those puppets were not very strong, and they could be easily solved by using a pistol, not to mention that those humans who mastered the free style also had other means.

But such a human who could not use the free style and could not move in the seal actually survived.

Allowing him to have a lack of imagination, he couldn't imagine how Shirou Emiya could survive under such circumstances.

Even if he was in a car, he couldn't resist the attack of these phosphorus.


"Is that human holding the treasure?"

The doll in his arms made a sound, telling the answer in his heart.

Although most of the treasures are on the Red World Apostles, Fire Mist Warriors, and Mistis, it does not mean that there are no humans holding treasures.

As the solid backing of the Fire Mist Warriors, a small number of humans still have some power to fight against the phosphorus.

However, a treasure that even the seal can't break through must not be very strong.

However, he still wants to see what kind of treasure it is, after all, he also has a lot of treasures on him.

Even if it is useless, it's not bad to be able to collect it, isn't it?

Chapter 226 Shirou Emiya is targeted

It doesn't take too many words to explain how Shirou Emiya found a satisfactory job.

After all, Shirou Emiya had developed the habit of working part-time very early, and it was easy for him to find a job that students could temporarily participate in.

Moreover, Shirou Emiya's efficiency in doing things was not comparable to that of ordinary people. He could do the work of three people alone, and he also had a deep knowledge of maintenance.

The author could not even list all the daily skills that Emiya knew in a few paragraphs.

Shirou Emiya only spent one morning to complete his work.

After all, because of his lack of identity, many stores were still very hesitant about whether to hire Shirou Emiya, but there were also many kind-hearted bosses in Misaki City, so Shirou Emiya decided on his job.

While Shirou Emiya was working, a voice rang out from his ears.


That was the sound of the burning flame.

At the moment when this voice rang out, Shirou Emiya threw down the plate in his hand, and a sword with an iron chain instantly appeared in his hand.

The armor also covered Shirou Emiya's whole body at a very fast speed.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya truly felt what had happened before.

In this moment, a surge of flames suddenly burned around, turning into a substantial wall, covering the entire street.

In the area covered by the 乲, a geometric square suddenly flashed on the ground, like a magic circle, expanding directly to the location of the Kagero Wall.

Immediately, the color of the space changed.

It turned into a dazzling bright red.

In this bright red space, everything suddenly stopped.

Female students who were exchanging gossip.

The plate thrown by Shirou Emiya.

The cat chasing mice in the alley.

Even the birds flying in the sky suddenly stopped, as if they were frozen in space, solidified in this bright red space.

In a blink of an eye, there was only one person who could move in this space.

That was Shirou Emiya.

He looked at the ornaments hanging on his chest that were shining with light blue light, and quickly opened the door of the store and came to the still street.

"Is this the world I couldn't see before?"

Shirou Emiya was not surprised by this bright red world, but just had some questions.

After all, he had experienced the situation of time being frozen long before he came to this world.

So when Yuji Sakai described it, Shirou Emiya had a vague guess of what the bright red world he was talking about was like.

He could only be thankful that the object he projected could indeed allow him to move freely in such a still world.

He would not become a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, he was not worried about being targeted by the other party. After all, as early as the morning when he was looking for a job, Shirou Emiya felt a vague gaze staring at him.

But he could not sense who was watching him from that direction and monitoring him. He only knew that there was a gaze that was always observing him.

So Shirou Emiya was also alert at all times.

As for why he didn't choose to walk to a place with few people to lead out the people who were watching him.

Shirou Emiya was not sure that it would choose to follow him.

According to Yuuji Sakai's description, the main purpose of those puppets was not to destroy themselves, but to devour a certain power in the human body.

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