Then it will easily lead to such a situation, that is, Shirou Emiya is far away from the city, but those puppets are still devouring humans in the city.

This is something Shirou Emiya does not want to see, so he can only work while maintaining vigilance.


The sound of burning flames sounded again.

However, this time it was not the sound of the seal being activated, but the sound of a group of flames suddenly appearing around Shirou Emiya.

I saw that the group of flames suddenly condensed into entities and turned into puppets.

Each of them was dressed in various clothes, some were quite old, and some were completely new life-size puppets.

"Squeak! - Squeak! - Squeak!"

With the sound of joints knocking against each other, the heads of these puppets all turned to look at Shirou Emiya.

This time, their target was very clear, that is, Shirou Emiya who could move freely in the seal.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Although these puppets seemed very weak, they were extremely powerful in both strength and speed. In just an instant, those puppets had surrounded Shirou Emiya.

Looking at these puppets, Shirou Emiya frowned.

It seems that these are the puppets that Yuji Sakai mentioned that devour humans.

"Projection Start (Trace on)"

Two jagged samurai swords appeared out of thin air in Shirou Emiya's hands. Facing such a besieged scene, it was a great opportunity to use this skill.

"Breath of the Beast Five Fangs Wild Tearing"

The two swords slashed in all directions without any pattern. Under the blessing of [Evil Ghost Haunting], the two samurai swords set off an extremely terrifying sword storm.

In the blink of an eye, the puppets surrounding Shirou Emiya were torn apart as if by wild beasts, turning into pieces after pieces and dissipating into a flame in the air.

But those puppets still far away seemed to have not seen the extremely strong destructive power of Shirou Emiya.

There was a crisp creaking sound.

The puppets swung their hands and feet violently, like a flying beast, bursting out from all directions and rushing towards Shirou Emiya.

Seeing those puppets rushing towards him, Shirou Emiya had no idea of ​​defense. Since he used the Breath of the Beast, the way to fight was naturally to fight like a beast.

Shirou Emiya was half squatting, and in the regular breathing, the muscles of his feet trembled, and a strong cyclone was generated from his feet at this moment.


In this instant, Shirou Emiya disappeared.

"Breath of the Beast Four Fangs Shattering Slash"

The two sawtooth-like knives crossed together, and at the moment when Shirou Emiya rushed forward, countless slashes were generated from the section of his sprint.

Under Shirou Emiya's powerful dynamic vision, those slashes passed through all the people on the street, tearing those puppets into pieces accurately.

Even without wearing [Devil Haunted], Shirou Emiya still has the strength to crush these puppets.

Chapter 227 Fariagni


That is a kind of free method.

The so-called free method refers to the magic that uses the power of existence to trigger various magical phenomena at will.

Just like the magic released by a magician, a way of using energy, but for a miracle like Seal that neither magicians nor modern technology can do, it is generally called magic.

It is like a barrier, which can isolate the inner and outer spaces, completely disconnect the cause and effect of the two spaces, and make the inner space enter a static state, while the outer space cannot observe the seal and the space inside it. A kind of free method.

This kind of free method is generally used for two purposes.

One is to let those phosphorus and those puppets exist in secret and devour the power of human existence.

The other is to use it as a battlefield in order not to interfere with the real world.


Almost at the moment when Shirou Emiya killed all the puppets, a ball of fire suddenly appeared in the air and burned up.

It was a light white flame.

The flame gradually condensed into a solid body and gradually turned into a man.

Then, an elegant and evil voice came from the other party's mouth.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see a human fighting in the seal like the [Fire Mist Warrior]. Maybe I have been here for too long and didn't realize that the world has become so interesting."

Along with such a voice, a young man wearing a pure white suit and a feather-like white cloth around him appeared in the light white flame.

"Are you the mastermind behind the wanton slaughter of humans?"

Shirou Emiya raised the jagged samurai sword in his hand and pointed at the man floating in the air, his tone full of anger.

If those people with low sense of existence were killed by the man in front of him, his hands would have been stained with a lot of blood.

At a glance, you can see the presence of several torches. The proportion of torches in the entire city is definitely not a small number.

Thinking of those people who were originally living well, suddenly disappeared from the world as if they had never existed, Shirou Emiya unconsciously clenched his hands.

Even if he had forgotten, according to the speculation of this power, when the power of existence in the torch disappeared, he would disappear forever in people's memory.

Even after his death, no one mourned him, and there was no proof that he was alive in this world. What a cruel torture it was. Watching his relatives slowly forget him, how desperate he was.

And the man said this with an elegant smile and a leisurely attitude, as if he didn't feel the anger contained in Shirou Emiya at all.

"My name is Fariagni, please teach me, the user of the armor-type treasure."

After all, in Fariagni's eyes, it was the armor, not Shirou Emiya, that made Shirou Emiya able to deal with his puppet.

What he cared about was only the armor, humans, huh——

He didn't need to know the name of the human who used the treasure, because he would die at his hands anyway and turn into the power of existence.

Fariagni's eyes were full of disdain.

He is a "Hunter" who is famous in the industry for collecting treasures and hunting fire mist warriors.

Because of his collection of treasures and hunting fire mist warriors, he was named "Hunter". He has a cunning personality and rich wisdom. His strength can be ranked among the top five in the modern Red World Apostles. He is an extremely powerful existence.

Of course, it refers to the modern times. After all, many Red World Demon Kings have lived for a long time, so he naturally cannot compare.

But it is enough to prove his strength.

The main reason why Fariagni appeared was of course that the armor on Shirou Emiya gave him great interest.

He saw with his own eyes that the armor was transformed from a sword. This is a treasure he has never seen before, plus the strength shown by Shirou Emiya.

For this set of armor, both the performance and appearance have been highly recognized by Fariagni.

Even if he cannot use it, it will never prevent him from collecting it.

Of course, Shirou Emiya does not know these things, and he does not want to know.

All he had to know was that the man in front of him was the culprit who massacred those people.


Fariagni was suspended in the air, snapping his fingers very gracefully, and a pale white flame suddenly exploded around him.

Dolls appeared from the flames.

These dolls were obviously completely different from the ones that Shirou Emiya had killed before.

The brand new appearance alone was enough to judge their strength, which was far superior to those beings.

Those dolls seemed to be pulled by invisible lines, spun in the air, and suddenly shot down like bullets.

The air also vibrated strongly.

If hit by such an attack, it would probably be torn into pieces in an instant.

Shirou Emiya suddenly kicked the ground and dodged, avoiding the attacking puppet army.

The ground was instantly turned into powder under the attack of the puppets.

But Shirou Emiya would not wait for Fariagni to launch attacks one after another.

He quickly stabilized his body, holding two jagged samurai swords in his hands and suddenly jumped up.

Like a silver meteor, with a strong force of kicking the ground, Shirou Emiya suddenly jumped into the air.

And Fariagni's reaction speed was not slow. A large number of puppets appeared around him again, aiming at Shirou Emiya in the air and shooting away.

In the air, it is not so easy to dodge.

"Sword Breathing Beast Form Tooth Dance!"

Shirou Emiya in the air seemed to have turned into a gyroscope, tightly holding the jagged samurai sword in his hand and spinning.

The powerful tearing force tore the puppets apart the moment they arrived.

Beasts, of course, need to move forward.


Fariagni was shocked.

Fariagni, who was in the air, flew up quickly, constantly controlling the puppets to spin like a drill and continue to fly towards Shirou Emiya.

Under such circumstances, the remaining strength of Shirou Emiya's charge into the sky was not enough to catch up with Fariagni, who was constantly flying upwards.

Even if he underestimated Shirou Emiya's fighting power, Fariagni would not be hit so easily.

He still had many tricks that he had not used.

However, Shirou Emiya would not give him the opportunity to continue to use his tricks.

Having experienced so many battles, Shirou Emiya knew that if he could resolve the battle as quickly as possible, he should resolve the battle as quickly as possible, and never let the enemy have the opportunity to use his trump card.

At the moment when the next puppet was about to touch Shirou Emiya, the meat grinder-like storm suddenly stopped.

Chapter 228 The Girl with Flaming Hair and Burning Eyes

At the moment when Shirou Emiya stopped, she also floated in front of Shirou Emiya with the short sword with an iron chain.

The second item [Evil Devil Haunting] was also assembled instantly.

The terrifying oppressive feeling on his body made Shirou Emiya's throat sweet, as if something was about to burst out like a fountain.

Shirou Emiya's body in the air slightly deviated, and the puppet's attack immediately brushed past his body and fell down.

"Sizzle! Sizzle!"

A thunder-like sound came from the corner of Shirou Emiya's mouth.

"Sword Breathing, Lightning Type, Lightning"

It was like a lightning-like kick that hit the falling puppet, and the terrifying force instantly created a strong air circle in the air.

Under the blessing of two copies of [Evil Ghost Haunting] and Thunder Breathing, Shirou Emiya's speed at this moment was like real thunder.

A silver meteor flashed through the space, with a whistling airflow, and two saw-toothed samurai swords were aimed at his head and chopped down fiercely.

Even if he used weapons used by others, Shirou Emiya was still able to use the skills he mastered.

Shirou Emiya would not hold back on Fariagni, let him survive, and cause more people to die. This kind of thing, Shirou Emiya could not do.

And Fariagni never expected that a human would suddenly jump in front of him and launch such an attack.

Fariagni was careless in front of humans, and his face was extremely ugly at this moment. Facing such a swift attack from Shirou Emiya, he only had time to summon the white cloth that was hovering around him to his front and block him.


The tearing sound came from in front of Fariagni, and pure white flames burned on both sides of him.

The two arms were torn apart completely and quickly by the two swords in Shirou Emiya's hands, like a cut watermelon.

The serrated sun blade was not as sharp as an ordinary sun blade, and its more damage came from tearing.

So at the moment when the white cloth resisted, the two serrated sun blades did not tear it apart immediately.

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