The sudden appearance of this person also stunned the hand ghost for a moment.

"Breath of Sword, Shape of Wind, Whirling Dance"


The cold sword light flashed past and the emerald-green wind blade flashed past.


Blood burst out from the hand ghost's neck.


The hand ghost felt as if someone had cut off part of his neck.

"So hard!"

Emiya shook his hands that were numb from the shock. At this time, his bright red Nichirin sword was stuck in the neck of the hand ghost.

Even with all his strength, Emiya could only cut halfway in. If he hadn't let go in time, he would have been hanging on the neck of the hand ghost together with the Nichirin Sword.

"But here we go again, the cute little fox."

The hand ghost casually pulled out the Nichirin sword stuck in his neck, broke it into two pieces and threw it on a plate. His eyes were full of interest and he looked at the red-haired boy who had just supported Emiya.

"Fox boy, how old is Meiji now?"

After being surprised for a moment, Teuki no longer cared about Shirou Emiya standing behind him.

Without the Nichirin Sword, even if he had the ability to cut his own neck, it would be of no use.

Compared to the stranger over there, the red-haired boy wearing a fox mask in front of him was the target it had been looking for.

"Projection, start!"

Chapter 35: Hand-Slayer Ghost

Since combining the breathing method with the magic circuit, Emiya found that he did not need to restart his magic circuit every time he used magic.

When you use the breathing method, the magic circuit will open by itself, and when you stop using the breathing method, the magic circuit will close.

Just like the breathing method installs a switch for the magic circuit, it can be easily turned on and off with just a few flicks.

Then why didn't you use strengthening magic to slash when fighting against the hand ghost?

On the one hand, Emiya Shirou basically used the breathing method to fight ghosts after he had the breathing method. After all, using the breathing method to fight ghosts is very effective, so he forgot that he could use strengthening magic to strengthen his Nichirin Sword. fighting.

On the other hand, the author forgot that Emiya would also strengthen magic when he wrote it. But since it has been sent out, he will continue to write that Emiya forgot to use strengthen magic.

Just when the hand ghost was constantly teasing the red-haired boy and getting the psychological pleasure of revenge.

Emiya quietly projected two serrated Nichirin swords.

Projecting before meeting people is a good habit accumulated.

So basically when Emiya meets someone who looks pretty good, he chooses to use projection to check the opponent's skills.

As for why we didn’t cast a wide net, everyone cast it once when they entered Fujigui Mountain.

The main reason is that the blue bar is not enough. If the blue bar allows, then Emiya will definitely vote for each one, and it will take time to practice the new breathing method into his own breathing method.

Otherwise, Emiya wouldn't have chosen the Wind Style to slash the hand ghost's neck.

Breathing of wind is the breathing method he is most proficient in. He figured out the breath of sword from the breath of wind. Of course, this does not mean that this is a subordinate relationship.

He had not been exposed to the Breath of Flame for long, and he simply integrated the moves into his own breathing method.

"Since you can't stop cutting it, let's try and see if it can be worn away!"

Looking at the rock-hard neck, Emiya suddenly remembered Inosuke Kubihira's saw-like katana. If it was fast enough, it should be able to cut off his head.

"Among Lintaki's disciples, those two people impressed me the most. The strongest one was a kid with a rare hair color. He had flesh-colored hair and a wound on his mouth. The other one was wearing a flower-patterned shirt. Girls in kimonos are short and weak, but they are very agile.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hand Ghost seemed to have thought of something interesting, and he started laughing on the spot.

Even if he didn't recognize the red-haired boy in front of him, Emiya could still hear what happened from the words of the hand ghost.

"Your fox mask is the mark. I remember that the mask carved by Lintaki was called the Disaster Disaster Mask. Because wearing it, everyone was eaten, and they were all in my stomach, just like the ones Lintaki killed with his own hands. !”

"Shut up!"

Just when the red-haired boy's breathing gradually became disordered and his head was gradually filled with anger, an even more angry voice came from behind the hand ghost.

"Although I don't know what kind of person Mr. Lintaki is, I am definitely not someone who can be slandered by a disgusting creature like you! You should go to hell!"

"Oh? Do you want to join us too? What can you do without the Nichirin Sword? I'm in a better mood today, so I can spare your life. Maybe you can become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps? Hahahahaha!”

The hand ghost didn't even look back and let out an extremely violent laugh.

Without the Nichirin Sword, Emiya could only become the 51st kid he had eaten.

"Breath of the beast, Lu Zhiya bites in various places!"

At that moment, Emiya Shirou suddenly turned around and suddenly kicked to the side, like a missile, with a sound of breaking through the air, it went straight to the archer's neck.


The hand ghost never expected that two knives would appear in Emiya's hand again.

The entire sides of the neck were quickly cut.

For a moment, countless arms rushed out from it like coiled snakes, and suddenly attacked Emiya who was waving his double blades wildly.

"Water Breathing Type 3 Flowing Dance"

The red-haired boy standing below was not stunned. At this moment, his heart was full of anger. He could not let it go because he had the opportunity to kill him!

His body moved at a high speed like water, and several afterimages appeared beside the arms around Emiya.


The arms around Emiya were all cut off and fell to the ground in an instant.

It did not have the experience to attack the red-haired boy with a fox mask.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

It could feel that in a few seconds, its neck would fall to the ground.

"The arms in other directions can be cut off, but not this place."


A hand suddenly stretched out from under Emiya's abdomen and hit him with a punch, causing Emiya to fly backwards. At this time, the two sawtooth-like Nichirin swords were only a little bit away from completely cutting off his head.

"I won't die here!"

"Soreiwado Kana!"

The pupils of the hand ghost suddenly shrank.

"Water Breathing Type 1 Water Surface Slash"

The blue water waves gently passed over the hand ghost whose neck was almost cut off.

He hardly used much strength, and the hand ghost's head was easily cut off.

"Are you okay?"

The red-haired boy who saw the hand ghost's head fall quickly rushed to the side of Shirou Emiya who was knocked away.

"Cough! Cough!"

Emiya coughed up a little blood lightly, and stood up with the help of the red-haired boy.

After a few breaths, Emiya's complexion quickly recovered.

This level of heavy blow did not have a particularly big impact on Emiya, who often kept fit. In addition to being more painful, it was not even as big as the impact of being numb from the shock before.

"Thanks, my name is Shirou Emiya"

Emiya expressed his gratitude to the boy who helped him up.

If it hadn't been for his help before, he might have been caught by the ghost in the air and then torn into pieces.

He was too careless and didn't think that he had no chance of dodging in the air. If the blow didn't succeed, he would be a living target.

Emiya remembered the lesson of today in his heart.

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado"

Seeing that Emiya could basically move freely, Tanjiro didn't force him to help. He knew that people who practiced breathing techniques were stronger than ordinary people, and even such a heavy blow was nothing to them.

He felt that he might not be hurt at all if he hit his head.

Chapter 36 Passed the final selection

In the constant fighting, the progress was very obvious.

In just seven days, Emiya not only killed a total of 42 demons, although those demons were weak, it was easy to block an open attack, but it was difficult to defend against a hidden arrow.

Even the most ordinary demon, in the case of a sneak attack, can cut off Shirou Emiya's head with one claw.

In the constant trial of life and death, Emiya didn't know how many sneak attacks he had suffered, and how many times he had counterattacked.

But it was precisely because of this strong sense of oppression that Emiya gradually realized————

"Sword Breathing Beast Form Wolf Fang!"

Shirou Emiya held the toothed sun wheel sword in his backhand and rushed towards the demon in front of him at a high speed. A silver-white sword blade sprang out from the ground like a fang from the bottom to the top. The demon had no resistance at all and was cut into three pieces, and then his neck was cut off by a knife.

Compared to before, Emiya can now perceive the battle scenes around him with his eyes closed. In layman's terms, Emiya has learned the Haki of Observation Haki.

But compared to Observation Haki, Emiya's perception is a conditioned reflex developed through constant fighting.

For example, if someone attacks Emiya, he will feel a chill on his back. Before he thinks, his body will either evade or counterattack.

Then he builds a battle model in his mind.

Just like another pair of eyes observing the battlefield, even with his eyes closed, Emiya can exert most of his strength.

From the first battle, Emiya clearly realized that his eyes often deceived him.

And Emiya, who has experienced so many battles here, understands that the things observed by the eyes are always limited. It cannot perceive everything around like a satellite. The enemy is hidden in the dark, so he can only react at the moment of being attacked.

If it weren't for the fact that the ghosts here are not as good as they should be, Emiya would have been attacked to death by them.

The last demon around, under Emiya's gentle swing of his samurai sword, the head slid to the ground.

Coincidentally, the red light shone from the east, and the sun once again shone through the layers of leaves on Fujiki Mountain and on the faces of everyone participating in the trial.

Gradually, people came out of Fujiki Mountain one after another. Some people knelt on the ground as if they had lost their souls. Some people threw their Nichirin swords aside and shouted that they would not be members of the Demon Slayer Corps and ran away. Some people celebrated loudly that they were still alive.

Emiya also walked out slowly, followed by a timid-looking boy with golden hair, who hid behind Emiya timidly.

Emiya walked out like a star, and in just a few breaths, he was surrounded by people.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have..."

"Thank you for your help, Emiya-san"

"I have an eighty-year-old mother above me, and I have————"

Before he finished speaking, a group of people stared at him. If he dared to say that he had an eight-year-old child, they would definitely beat him up.

The people who participated in the final trial were basically around 15 years old. If you have an eight-year-old second child, then you got married at the age of seven. It's quite a punishment.

In short, Emiya saved many people along the way in Fujiki Mountain, and because he attracted the attention of most of the ghosts, many people survived to the final round. There were still casualties, but they were not very serious.

What's more, before this, there was a situation where only two people died in the entire trial. Except for those two people, all the others passed the final trial.

As for Zenitsu Agatsuma, when Emiya found him, he was standing on a very tall tree, and under the tree were several demons who couldn't climb trees. . . . . .

They kept threatening Zenitsu Agatsuma to come down, but he just kept squatting on the tree with his ears covered.

Emiya didn't know how to complain about this scene.

He didn't expect there were demons who couldn't climb trees. Even if they really couldn't climb trees, they could cut down trees.

The demons weren't so weak that they couldn't even forcibly demolish trees.

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