So Emiya got rid of them without saying a word, so he kept following Emiya Shirou, saying that he could protect him.

Of course, Emiya didn't refuse. He would save one more person if he could.


A familiar voice shouted to him from behind.

Emiya looked back and saw Tanjiro shaking his hand to greet Emiya with a dismayed expression.

Jin Emiya also waved his hand in response to Tanjiro.

After defeating the hand ghosts together, they rested for a while and then decided to act separately. The probability of encountering ghosts when they acted together was really very small. Many ghosts would give up when they saw two ghost-killing swordsmen wandering together.

After all, ghosts don't engage in team fights. They thought that if they went out, they would face 1V2, which would put them at a big disadvantage, so the ghosts decided not to provoke them.

This made Emiya very troubled. If he didn't kill more people, how could he save more people participating in this trial?

Emiya knew that if he simply rushed to save people, he would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and kill all the ghosts in Fujiuki Mountain, wouldn't those people's lives be threatened?

However, at the end of the palace, it was not clear whether he had killed all the ghosts.

Tanjiro was also inspired by Emiya and decided to save people and kill more ghosts everywhere. He hopes that while he can pass the trial, he can also save more people's lives.

“Welcome back”

An ethereal voice pulled everyone back from their grateful mood.

"It would be great to be able to come back safely."

"First of all, we will distribute the Demon Slayer uniforms to everyone."

"We will first measure the body size and then inscribe the class"

The two women talked back and forth one by one.

The people around him rarely became quiet.

"Pah! Pah!"

Following two claps from the black-haired girl, iron crows flew down from the sky and landed on their shoulders.

"Iron crow? Isn't this a sparrow?"

Standing next to Emiya, my wife Zenitsu looked at the little sparrow that flew into her hand with an expression of disbelief.

"Then, next————"

"What a joke!"

An extremely irritable voice came from the side.

I saw a man with a dark comb haircut and a scar extending to his nose on the right side of his face, walking towards the white-haired woman in front of him with a fierce expression.

"not good!"

The man struggled to grab her head, but before he could catch her, a strong hand grabbed her arm tightly, preventing him from moving.

"What do you want to do!"

Emiya looked at the man in front of her angrily.

He didn't know why the man was angry, but the girl didn't make any mistakes. She just followed the rules, not to mention there was nothing extraordinary.


He tried several times to break away from Emiya's hand, but to no avail, he could only retreat back.

When Emiya saw him flinching, he also let go of his hand.

"Then, please choose the jade steel from here for your Nichirin sword."

Chapter 37 The first task

As the day of the final selection faded away, Emiya also received his own Nichirin Sword.

But what makes both the swordsmith and Emiya regretful is that this color-changing blade did not produce any color change in Emiya's hands.

Even if Emiya uses his own breathing techniques to perform various breathing techniques, the color-changing blade will not change at all.

Emiya could only watch the sad sword forger leave with an apologetic expression.

Although Emiya didn't have much demand for the Nichirin Sword, it was more convenient to have a ready-made weapon than re-projecting a weapon every time he fought.

Compared to projection magic, Breath of the Sword is more like a move that was formed after Emiya made his own understanding of those moves and transformed them.

When using the projection magic alone, Emiya uses mainly other people's techniques, with only a small amount of his own understanding. However, when using sword breathing, most of them are his own understanding, plus some other people's techniques.

Just like the difference between Emiya taking out a stone ax and using it to kill a hundred heads and using Gan Jiang Moye to kill a hundred heads. They are the same technique, but the way of using and understanding it is different.

"Ga! Ga! Ga!"

After just resting for a few days, after Emiya received the Nichirin Sword, an iron crow flew down from the sky and landed on Emiya's shoulder.

This is the communication tool given to Emiya after the final selection.

"Emiya Shirou! I will convey the order! Go to the town in the southeast. Residents living near the fields will hear the sound of creatures eating every night, and the villagers there have also been missing people recently!"

"Hey, the bird talked!"

Emiya had always thought that the way of delivering tasks was like flying pigeons delivering messages, but he never expected that the message would be delivered directly through words.

"It's basically confirmed that there's a ghost over there, so we need to get there as soon as possible."

After the final selection, since Emiya had no place to go, he found a hotel in a small town nearby and stayed there, waiting for the arrival of the Nichirin Sword and the mission.

He quickly packed up his things and planned to walk in the direction mentioned by Iron Crow.

Compared with wandering around alone looking for the location of ghosts, it is simpler to become a member of the ghost killing team and complete the tasks issued by them.

You should know that Emiya had been searching for the ghost in Yuguo for a month, but he didn't find any trace of the ghost. Less than a day after the incident, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps quickly arrived to control the situation and killed the ghost.

Emiya didn't think he played a big role in that battle, and it would be solved quickly with just Mr. Rengoku.

Except for the slightly troublesome ability of the ghost, all other abilities were completely no match for Mr. Rengoku, and it basically couldn't hurt Mr. Rengoku.

Just as Emiya was thinking about it, he quickly came to the town that Tie Ya mentioned.

It was just approaching noon, and all kinds of shouting filled the streets. The people coming and going made the whole town look very prosperous.

However, for Emiya, who was already familiar with the top prosperous areas like Yuguo, the prosperity here was just average.

At least it hadn't reached the point of being crowded.

"Tie Ya said that the sound of eating came from the field, and the place where the ghost was hiding should be near that area."

He could only make a preliminary judgment on the location of the ghost through information.

At this time, Emiya was quite envious of Zenitsu and Tanjiro.

One of them could tell the location of the ghost through his ears, and the other could kiss out the traces left by the ghost through his nose.

Emiya felt that if he had their talents, he would not be searching here without any clues.

He had been searching near the field for several hours, and had also asked the people in the village about some recent events, but he still couldn't find it.

However, this was inevitable.

The sun can be said to be the absolute murderous aura of the ghost, and any battle that takes place during the day is fatal to the ghost.

They may be extremely arrogant in their actions at night, thinking that they are creatures above humans, and they come to people except the Demon Slayer Corps with an arrogant attitude.

On the contrary, they are extremely cautious during the day, and they are very selective about the places where they hide, and few people from the Demon Slayer Corps can find their traces during the day.

Even Tanjiro, who has a good sense of smell, spent a whole day to find the traces of the ghost at night.

But it does not mean that the Demon Slayer Corps can do nothing during the day and just wait for the night to come and fight the demons.

The main target of the demons is not the people of the Demon Slayer Corps, their purpose is to eat people. If you don't find clues from them during the day and lock the place where the demons appear, you may not be able to find them at night.

The tragedy has already happened, and the existence of the Demon Slayer Corps is to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

As Emiya searched, he quickly locked the approximate area where the demons appeared. Basically, all the strange movements heard by the villagers came from this area.

Time also quietly came to the night, and the surrounding villagers also returned to their homes one after another.

At this moment, a chill suddenly rushed out from behind Emiya, making his whole body stiff.

"Are you, looking for me?"

At this moment, the black shadow with a cold breath suddenly rushed out from the ground.

The speed was extremely fast.

In just a blink of an eye, the black shadow rushed to the side of Emiya and suddenly stretched out a punch.

The fierce punch raised a very strong airflow and hit Emiya's body.

Emiya's reaction was also very quick. At the moment of the sound, he kicked to the right fiercely. The strong attack only brushed Emiya's cheek.

"Sure enough, hiding underground?"

Emiya had some guesses about the hiding place of the ghost. If you want to avoid being exposed to the sun during the day, there are only a few places to choose from.

Caves, houses, underground, deep sea, deep forests.

In short, there are only a few places that can always remain dark.

And if it is judged that the place where the ghost hides is near the field, then there is basically only one possibility, that is, underground.

Emiya also explored the houses near the field, but did not find any traces of ghosts, nor did he get the existence of people who were unable to go out to see the sun due to solar disease.

Emiya knew that many ghosts hid in the houses of some simple residents because of solar disease.

"Not bad!"

Emiya, who dodged the attack, looked in the direction of the voice.

Following the moonlight, Emiya could see the appearance of this woman.

She had short white hair, two horns on her forehead, red whites of her eyes, purple pupils, and symmetrical red lines on her face.

And in her purple pupils, there were characters that were not seen on any demon Emiya had ever seen.

Lower String - Four.

Chapter 38 Blood Demon Art - Demon Flash

"Lower String, Four?"

Emiya was not clear about the meaning of this character, at least in this world, no one had given him a popular science about Lower String, Upper String, and Demon King Muzan.

He only knew that there were many demons who killed people in this world, and he needed to save people from the water and fire.

However, Emiya also felt the pressure from her that was different from the ordinary demons before.

"Are you from the Demon Slayer Corps? It's been a long time since I tasted the blood of the Demon Slayer Corps!"

She licked her blood-stained fingers, and was unusually charming under the moonlight. There was still blood at the corners of her mouth that had not been cleaned up, as if she had just finished eating.


A stream of hot air slowly appeared around Emiya's mouth, and a silver stream of light also appeared on the Sun Blade in his hand.

The noisy wind blew from afar again, sweeping across the weedy field, making all the weeds in the grass seem to be pressed down by an invisible force.

"Are you going to use the breathing method?"

A light voice came from Emiya's ears.

There was no sound, no movement, and the pair of purple pupils full of smiles looked at Emiya's eyes very closely.

Emiya couldn't help but shrink his pupils!


Before Emiya could make any reaction, the severe pain in his abdomen forced him to stop thinking.

It was the explosion caused by the airflow that burst out like a storm at the moment of the fierce punch.

Emiya was instantly knocked out like a kite with a broken string.

"This is not speed! Is it a blood demon technique?"

Emiya, who fell to the ground, quickly adjusted his breathing method and stood up, looking solemnly at the woman who stood quietly in the same place after swinging a punch.

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