If he really appeared in front of Emiya at a very fast speed, regardless of whether Emiya could really react, there would be no movement around him.

Just like you can create a cool breeze by fanning yourself with your palm, it is impossible that there would be no movement at such a fierce speed.

"Blood Demon Art is really a magical thing!"

Emiya stood up and kept moving quickly. Facing an enemy with such a strange mobility, staying in place would only be at a disadvantage.

Ling Yuzi only felt a gust of wind blowing from her side, and then a breath quickly appeared in front of her.

"Sword Breathing Flame Type Flame Demon"

A very strong half-moon slash carrying a terrifying heat wave aimed at Ling Yuzi's neck.


The figure in front of Emiya disappeared instantly, as if she had never been there.

"Where is it!"

Emiya, who swung his sword in vain, quickly turned around and looked around, trying to find her current location.

Suddenly, he felt the ground beneath his feet loosen.


Emiya jumped up, and saw the ground beneath his feet suddenly shattered like a bomb, and a pale hand stretched out from it.

But before Emiya saw the person rushing out from below, he felt a chill behind him.

Emiya did not doubt his feelings at all, and the whole person quickly turned in the air, blocking the Sun Wheel Sword in his hand in front of his chest.


Like a heavy collision, a collision sounded in front of Cang Emiya's chest, like a storm, ripples, shaking around.

The powerful force hit Emiya like a falling missile, and he slid dozens of meters away on the ground.

"Did you block it?"

Ling Yuzi smiled slightly.

This is her blood demon art - ghost instant, which can jump dozens of meters away in an instant.

This is also the reason why she can escape every time she fights with the pillars.

No human can catch up with a demon that can reach hundreds of meters in an instant.

She is very proud to say that she is one of the few lower-rank demons who can survive the hands of the pillars.

Just like the pillars that survived the hands of the upper-rank demons.


Emiya immediately understood that Ling Yuzi deliberately tricked him into the air. People in the air have no ability to dodge, and he can't walk in the air, basically becoming a live target in the air.

If it weren't for Emiya's excellent reaction, he should have been pierced through the chest by the demon in front of him.

"So strong!"

This time, Emiya had basically no room for thinking during the battle, and the attacks came one after another.

He exhaled vigorously, and his speed increased again.

He had to attack continuously and could not stop, even if he didn't cut it.

So, Emiya's figure completely turned into a silver shadow, and countless sword lights appeared beside her.


The blade and the claw collided heavily, causing the impact energy to vibrate from the collision point, rubbing the air and instantly disturbing the surroundings.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

Under the moonlight, in the vast field, the collision between the blade and the claws was so intense that sparks kept bursting, looking extremely gorgeous.

Under this situation, Emiya and Rei Yuzi were fighting fiercely.

In addition to the very tricky blood demon art, Rei Yuzi's own physical fitness was also extremely strong.

She was still as solid as a rock under Emiya's sword storm attack like a storm.

No attack really hit her body.

Although she was only a lower string, she had long been accustomed to the attack method of the Demon Slayer Corps using the Sun Wheel Sword based on her experience of fighting and escaping from the pillars many times.

Unlike the upper-rank demons, she only fights with the pillars. As a lower-rank demon, she has to deal with the Demon Slayer Corps almost every day. It's just that the Demon Slayer Corps seems to be short of manpower recently, which gives these lower-rank demons a chance to breathe.

Speaking of breathing, she has killed many members of the Demon Slayer Corps, and every time she meets the pillars, she only fights a little and quickly escapes.

A demon who eats enough has enough energy to fight, and fatigue only occurs because of the recovery of the body.

But Emiya is just a human. Under such a high-intensity attack, Emiya soon felt the rapid loss of his physical strength.

The moment Ling Yuzi felt the weakening of Emiya's attack, her figure immediately disappeared.

Before, under such a strong attack from Emiya, she did not dare to use her ability, fearing that her neck would be cut off if she neglected it.

She only needs a thought to teleport out, but it is precisely because she needs a thought that she dare not rush out of the encirclement of Emiya's sword.

And now, she has seized this opportunity.


A cold shout came from above Emiya's head.

The huge fist aimed at Emiya's head and smashed it.


With a heavy muffled sound, the already violent impact wind became even more violent and exploded.


This was the sound of the ground collapsing into rubble.

The entire ground suddenly shattered under her blow.

Chapter 39 Slash, Lower String Four!

A figure flew backwards from the center of the violent impact, but immediately stabilized his body, kicked the ground hard, and rushed towards the center again.


The powerful speed turned Emiya into a stream of light, like a thunderbolt, flashing through the space, and slashed heavily at Ling Yuzi's neck.

In the quiet village, a stream flowed down from the distant mountain, like a small Milky Way, surrounding the fields in the entire village, making the surroundings of the village filled with a peaceful feeling.

However, this kind of silence did not last too long.


"Sword Breathing Thunder Type Lightning"

A golden stream of light shuttled wildly in the fields. No matter where Ling Yuzi teleported to, Emiya rushed up almost in an instant and bit her tightly.

"Is he going to die?"

It was because of Emiya's desperate pursuit that Ling Yuzi couldn't teleport a long distance at once. She could only teleport short distances continuously.

Facing Emiya's desperate attack, Ling Yuzi instantly forgot to defend and counterattack, and kept using her blood demon art to flash in the field.

Who is the hunter and who is the prey now?

Emiya instantly turned the passive into active.

The thunder that resounded through the sky added some color to the night.

He could feel his feet gradually becoming heavier.

The price of rapid movement is the price of continuous loss of consciousness.

Emiya knew that he couldn't stop now. Once he stopped, he would immediately lose his ability to attack.

Obviously, Ling Yuzi couldn't use her blood demon art crazily in a very short time. Basically, there was a certain interval between her movements and attacks, but it was more like thinking time than interval.

She couldn't quickly conceive her direction and position of movement in an instant. Perhaps her blood demon art could allow her to teleport infinitely, but due to her own thinking, she couldn't teleport around Emiya dozens of times within a few seconds.

This is different from simply teleporting in a straight line.

If you understand it in the game, it means that you flash around the enemy hero dozens of times within 3 seconds, and accurately attack the enemy hero every time. This requires not only extremely strong reaction speed, but also a strong attack speed.

And Ling Yuzi, the hardware does not meet the standard for such an attack.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Yuzi has no way to get rid of Emiya's entanglement.

Compared with Ling Yuzi who was in a panic, Emiya was adapting to the speed and direction of his teleportation.


In the sharp sound of breaking through the air, the bright red slash seemed to be a meteorite falling from the sky, rubbing against the atmosphere. When the atmosphere was shaken and panicked, the entire area around the sword was filled with an extremely hot breath.

The entire pupil of Ling Yuzi reflected the image of the fiercely burning Nichirin Sword.

"Sword Breathing Water Type Blue Sky"

This is a move performed by Emiya using water breathing. When Emiya projected Tanjiro's weapon, he felt that in addition to water breathing, he also had traces of another breathing method.

This process took less than a second, and it was just a blink of an eye.

In an instant, half of Ling Yuzi's body was cut off.

Only then did Ling Yuzi feel the strength of the man in front of her.

"How could I, how could I lose to you!"

If she hadn't used her blood demon art at the critical moment, perhaps this blow would be enough to cut off her neck!

She suddenly wanted to leave. If she continued to fight like this, she might be the one to die.

She was shocked by this idea, and her body couldn't help but retreat backwards

But a chill deep in her spine made her idea of ​​escaping stop immediately.

If Lord Muzan knew that she had to run away when facing a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, she was sure that she would not be able to survive, and perhaps the next time she met Lord Muzan, she would die.

She must, must show her usefulness!

Thinking of this, half of her body recovered in an instant, and an extremely powerful aura burst out of her body.

Even the birds in the distant forest were not awakened by such a breath.

The violent breath made the already dilapidated ground even more broken.

She pushed the ground with her feet vigorously, and the whole person turned into a dark phantom, catching up with Emiya's speed and appearing in front of Emiya in an instant.

She knew in her heart that she could not hit Emiya while he was moving just by relying on her blood demon art.

Just by simply teleporting to his side, Emiya could quickly dodge and complete the counterattack.

However, Ling Yuzi did not only rely on blood demon art to have such ghostly traces.

As a demon, his own strength is also superior to those ordinary demons.

This speed was faster than all the ghosts that Emiya had met before.

And it was much faster!

At the critical moment, Emiya's face tightened, and he raised the Sun Blade in his hand and held it across his chest.

The dark meteor directly hit Emiya's Sun Blade.


The shocking sound, which was more than a hundred times louder than the sound of the giant bell, suddenly shook up like a wind and wave, blowing in all directions.

Emiya only felt an unmatched force impacting the Sun Blade in his hand, as if a heavy mountain was pressing down on it, causing his palm to go numb, his body to tremble, and he was knocked away heavily.

In a hurry, Emiya only had time to stabilize his body and stomped his feet hard on the ground.


The ground was crushed by Emiya's foot.

The Sun Blade in his hand was also knocked away by its powerful force.

Looking at the Sun Blade in Emiya's hand that had been knocked away, Ling Yuzi smiled again, and now you have no way to stop my attack.

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