Of course, to say that he was driven out is actually between accurate and inaccurate.

Shirou Emiya and Hephaestus reached a deal.

He also knew that he had a talent for forging that was comparable to his archery, but if he had a good teacher, then learning would be twice as effective with half the effort.

He also improved his archery skills to a considerable extent under Chiron's teaching.

Although at that time, a large part of it was Chiron's cheating skill - Divine Wisdom, which played a role in Shirou Emiya.

But Chiron didn't understand why Shirou Emiya could get the blessing of his own skill.

This skill can only be effective for Servants, and it was the first time that Chiron saw it work on a magician like Shirou Emiya.

As time passed, Shirou Emiya also truly absorbed all the skills that Chiron taught him and made them a part of himself.

As for the content of the deal.

Shirou Emiya took out weapons or protective gear that interested Hephaestus, and then Hephaestus would guide him for a day.

Until Shirou Emiya can't produce weapons or armor that Hephaestus is interested in.

Of course, this deal is not equal, according to Hephaestus's feeling.

Perhaps one weapon can allow Hephaestus to guide Shirou Emiya for a few days, or perhaps dozens or even hundreds of weapons can allow Hephaestus to guide for a day.

As the god of forging, even if Hephaestus does not guide Shirou Emiya in the forging skills of the god, the forging knowledge of billions of years is enough for Shirou Emiya to learn and experience slowly.

Although the deal was reached, Hephaestus did not provide accommodation and food for Shirou Emiya.

He once again embarked on his main task.

Find a job that can provide him with food and clothing, and even accommodation.

Otherwise, he can only sleep in the open.

However, with his current physical fitness, as long as he does not engage in intense battles and sports, sleeping in the open will not have much impact on Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Emiya remembered that the reason why he has been traveling through different worlds seems to be because he wants to find a job.

However, in reality, up to now, Shirou Emiya has not earned a penny.

Because all the money he got in other worlds will not be taken back, but will remain in their original world.

Even if Shirou Emiya knows that he has obtained some valuable items in other worlds, he will leave them in his original world.

Shirou Emiya can only use his own expenses not in his own world, which is equivalent to not spending a penny in such a long time, which is equivalent to finding a part-time job.

He comforts himself in this way.

However, because there is no expenditure in Fuyuki City, Shirou Emiya's economy has always been in a state of abundance.

And not long after, a building that is similar to other shops on both sides of the street, made of stone bricks and wooden boards, came into Shirou Emiya's sight.

It is a two-story building extending backwards.

On the plaque hanging on the storefront, the following words are marked.

[The Rich Hostess]

Chapter 424 It seems that you can make money without working

Standing at the door, Shirou Emiya hesitated a little.

It's not because he is not used to the style of the tavern.

But Shirou Emiya didn't have a penny on him.

It seems not good to enter a tavern or a restaurant without money.

Shirou Emiya also stood at the door and took a quick look.

Behind the counter, there was a woman in her forties with a headscarf and a very burly figure.

She looked very majestic. Shirou Emiya could feel the deterrence from her just by standing at the door.

In the store, in addition to the crowds of various races who gathered together to eat and drink and made extremely noisy noises.

There were also girls who kept shuttling in and out of the store with various drinks and dishes, wearing a light leaf-colored vest skirt that was below the knees, and a long apron on the outside of the skirt.

Shirou Emiya was looking for something with his sharp eyes.

However, he didn't find any male employees.

Looking at such a busy tavern, Shirou Emiya was still thinking about whether he could come here to work and earn some money in this world for expenses.

But this place seems to be just like the maid cafe in his own place, only recruiting female employees.

Even if male employees are recruited, Shirou Emiya feels that he may not choose to work here, unless there is no place for him to work.

Otherwise, if he works in a store without male employees, those customers will definitely look at him with murderous eyes.

If it were in Fuyuki City, it would be fine, but in this medieval-like alien world, I am afraid it is not so friendly.

Don't ask why.

Because Shirou Emiya has worked part-time under such circumstances.

However, when Shirou Emiya was still hesitating whether to go in.

A crisp voice came from in front of Shirou Emiya.

"Guest, you have been standing at the door. Is there anything?"

It was a girl with short hair with light golden green. Her expression was very cold, but the words she said could make people feel gentle. The pointed ears could clearly judge that she was an elf.

The girl asked Emiya Shirou in a clear yet gentle voice.

"I'm just strolling around here——"

Emiya Shirou scratched his head and replied a little embarrassedly.

Originally, Emiya Shirou planned to apply for a job as a chef in the tavern.

Not only can you learn some basic information about the world, but you can also have a temporarily stable job.

Live in this world.

I just didn't expect that all the waiters in this store are women.

But when he was at the door just now, Emiya Shirou seemed to have heard something about a dungeon, adventurers, and the like.

It seems like you can get paid for going out on adventures.

This should be similar to the commission he received when he became a butei.

If it's like when you became a butei, you only need to spend a small amount of time to earn a lot of money.

Sounds like a good job.

Emiya Shirou was thinking like this, but that gentle voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Is there any difficulty?"

This girl seemed to be a little warm-hearted, as if she saw that Emiya Shirou originally wanted to go in, and asked aloud.

However, this is not actually the case.

Generally speaking, most of the people active in the tavern are those who are very large dependents or guilds, or veteran adventurers with many years of experience.

Those adventurers who have just joined the clan, or newcomers, rarely choose to come to the tavern.

Their purpose is naturally to let the new adventurers put aside their unfamiliarity and come to their tavern to spend money.

To put it simply, it means expanding the customer base.

Shirou Emiya, on the other hand, looks very much like a new adventurer. When new adventurers become familiar with the place, they will naturally become their regular customers.

Occasionally, I will pass on some basic experience to the new adventurers. On the one hand, I hope that they will not die like this. Although they are not relatives, it is still a human life.

As for the other aspect, if those new adventurers survive, the tavern's business will naturally benefit.

Of course, the second one is the real focus for them.


Emiya Shirou shook his head, but suddenly he seemed to remember something.

"Do you know which way the dungeon goes?"

After all, he was unfamiliar with the place here. If he wanted to go find the so-called dungeon by himself, he might not know how much effort it would take.


Emiya Shirou could clearly hear the sigh on her lips.

"Are you a new adventurer?"

Although the sentence is somewhat doubtful, the tone is undoubtedly affirmative.

Emiya Shirou is only 16 years old now. Even though he seems to be more mature than others, his appearance is just that of an ordinary high school student.

In addition, Emiya Shirou was not dressed like an adventurer at all.

She recognized almost immediately that Emiya Shirou was a new adventurer.

You must know that almost all adventurers, even those who have reached a very strong level, are basically fully armed.

Weapons are also carried.

And Emiya Shirou just put on a red cloak on top of the black shirt he was wearing. While it made people feel strange, it also made people feel surprised by Emiya Shirou's recklessness.

Just wear such simple clothes and dare to go to the dungeon that eats people without spitting out bones.

I can only praise his courage.


Emiya Shirou hesitated for a moment, but still chose to nod.

Unlike the female waiter, Emiya Shirou wanted to hide the fact that he was a newcomer.

But he wanted to hide that he was not an adventurer at all.

"Did you see that towering building? That's the Tower of Babel, and the underground city is underneath it. But I suggest you go to the guild headquarters over there first and ask about the situation before you decide to go -"


Shouts came from inside the tavern.

"Remember to ask clearly about the situation before deciding to go!"

After saying the last sentence, the girl immediately turned back and walked away.

Although her voice sounds very gentle, she looks like a snow beauty just from her appearance.


Emiya Shirou also quickly thanked the girl.

How many new adventurers pass by here every day, how can they possibly remind them all?

What's more, the new adventurers basically won't listen to what they say.

So why do they do this hot-faced but cold-butt thing?

If Emiya Shirou was willing to spend the money, she might even explain more.

After all, he can be considered polite, and communication is more comfortable than many adventurers.

Naturally, they were more concerned about the business of the tavern than caring about those reckless new adventurers who wouldn't listen to anything they said.

Although I don't care that much.

But for new adventurers, she has already said everything. The gods should explain these matters to them. Even if the gods don't have time, the leader or other members of the family should explain them to them.

If it is a relatively small dependent clan, then its new members should also go to the guild headquarters to inquire.

But there will still be many reckless new adventurers who break into the dungeon and are brutally killed.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some clans are not good clans.

In this world, not all gods will lead their own clans.

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