Not all gods are kind to humans and creatures in this world.

Just like Hephaestus said, most gods prioritize their own entertainment, even if there are countless casualties, even if it causes unspeakable losses.

Chapter 425 Underground City

Labyrinth City, Orario.

This is the name of this city.

In the era before the arrival of the gods, this city already existed and continues to this day.

And it is the only maze city in this world.

Only this city has underground cities, and precisely because of this, it has become a city that is like the center of the world.

Countless adventurers were attracted by Orario and came to this city.

In this city, adventurers can be found almost everywhere.

However, this city is surrounded by high city walls, with some relatively tall towers and high-rise buildings on the periphery.

The closer you get to the central area, the lower the height of the buildings.

In front of Shirou Emiya, in the center of this extremely vast city, there was a huge tower that reached directly into the sky and appeared a white-gray color throughout.

This is the Tower of Babel that the girl pointed to Emiya Shirou.

Although Emiya Shirou saw this tower soaring into the sky as soon as he went out.

But he didn't know what this tower was.

It wasn't until I got the relevant information at the guild that I realized that the so-called underground city was under the Tower of Babel.

Emiya Shirou stayed in the guild for a long time and began to learn more about the dungeon.

After all, this is a great feature of this city, and even a feature of this world.

Although these adventurers seem to have no fear of dungeons, they think dungeons are a good place to make a fortune.

But according to those guild staff, they have also been having a headache about this issue.

The dungeon is an existence that can truly engulf adventurers.

They rarely see an adventurer who is willing to listen to the staff's words that these adventurers simply don't want to hear.

He also very carefully informed Shirou Emiya about some of the history of the dungeon.

Many adventurers don't know these things.

But it's not because they are secretive, it's just that adventurers don't care about these records at all.

Therefore, most adventurers do not know the history of dungeons.

The dungeon is the only place in the world that can produce a species called monsters.

Before the gods came. People who have not received the favor cannot suppress the monsters in the underground labyrinth.

They invaded the ground unscrupulously, and everyone lived a life of dire straits.

It wasn't until the arrival of sentient beings that they gave people favors that allowed them to kill monsters, gain experience points, achieve great deeds, and grow rapidly in a very short period of time, that they were suppressed.

But it was just suppression. There were endless monsters in the dungeon, and there was no way to kill them all.

So in order to live a peaceful life, in order not to be disturbed by monsters in the dungeon.

The Tower of Babel was built in this way, covering the entrance to the underground city.

Although it is built, it is probably difficult to achieve something like a skyscraper that can soar into the sky with just human power.

If all roads lead to Rome.

The Tower of Babel is located in the center of Orario, with eight main streets extending radially around it.

It can be said that no matter where you stretch out in Orario, as long as you follow the avenue, you will reach the Tower of Babel.

Although Emiya Shirou knew so much, the guild stopped Emiya Shirou who wanted to go to the dungeon.

The reason is that Emiya Shirou is not an adventurer at all.

All adventurers need to register with the guild.

Whether it is God helping his dependents register, or he comes alone to register.

You need the guild's permission before you can go to the dungeon.

Everyone's life is hard-earned, and the guild will try its best to remind adventurers.

It is best for new adventurers to join the team of veterans, first understand what a dungeon is, and then slowly explore.

Instead of breaking into the dungeon alone, the dungeon is never as friendly as those adventurers imagined, and lives can be lost if you are not careful.

Someone like Shirou Emiya, who didn't even have a gift, would not be allowed to go to the dungeon.

There is only a dead end if you go there.

"I see--"

Emiya Shirou sincerely apologized to them.

"If you want to explore the dungeon, Emiya, you'd better accept Lord Kami's gift before going there."

The elf lady with short brown hair, emerald green eyes and glasses explained this to Shirou Emiya.

It would be great if those adventurers could listen to advice like Shirou Emiya.

"Thank you very much, Miss Eina"

"I'm looking forward to you becoming an adventurer——"

Eina also blessed Emiya Shirou with a smile.

She also provided some basic information about the Familia to Shirou Emiya.

After all, in addition to being the service window lady of the dungeon management organization "Guild", she is also an adventure consultant, whether she is an adventurer or wants to be an adventurer.

She will give corresponding opinions.

In her opinion, Shirou Emiya still has a good chance to join the various families and become an adventurer.

Whether it is his attitude or his physical fitness.

Aina also saw the calluses formed on Shirou Emiya's hands from holding the sword and the bow.

I am afraid that many families will be willing to accept such a child.


A short sword with a chain was taken out of his red cloak by Shirou Emiya.

Since Hephaestus could not make him become her family, Shirou Emiya did not need to look for other families to try one by one.

Moreover, Shirou Emiya was not very interested in accepting the gift of God.

For Shirou Emiya, it was a good thing to be able to accept the gift of God.

But not being able to accept it would not make Shirou Emiya depressed.

He was not such a person who was worried about gains and losses.


Shirou Emiya hid his figure at the corner, passed the guards, and headed towards the entrance of the dungeon.

This was something that Shirou Emiya could not do.

He naturally understood what Aina was worried about. If he were in her shoes, he would also stop such behavior.

However, Shirou Emiya only needed to bypass the guild members.

Because only they knew that he was not an adventurer.

Adventurers cannot see the ability values ​​of other adventurers.

No one would hold up an adventurer's certificate to prove that they are adventurers.

Moreover, if you are really just an ordinary person, but insist on going to the dungeon, almost no one will stop you.

It's just to die, and those adventurers are used to it.

The moment you step into the dungeon, the surroundings instantly become dim.

Chapter 426 Weird Dungeon

Olario is called a maze city, not because there are many buildings in it, and moving in this city is like walking in a maze.

It's the dungeon here.

It's not just a place to spawn monsters, but also a complicated maze.

The terrain inside is not only complex and changeable, but also has different floors.

According to the guild elf lady, the deeper the floor, the farther the ground is, and the stronger the monsters are.

"If you are a new adventurer, it is best to fight only in the first few floors. Unless you join a team, don't go too deep."

These are the original words of Miss Aina.

Although many adventurers entered the dungeon together.

But except for the team that had been gathered together, they soon began to disperse.

I can only sigh that the dungeon is worthy of being a maze, with so many roads that it is difficult to count.

Dozens of teams were easily separated on the first floor.

Not counting the next floors.

It seems that the entire dungeon is quite large.

Shirou Emiya came to the dungeon after removing the [Evil Ghost Haunting] state.

After all, no one knows him, and Shirou Emiya does not need to hide his traces all the time.

But for some reason, although the dungeon passage is very dark, it is not dim.

There is almost no need to use torches to illuminate.

The surrounding rock walls constantly emit a faint light, providing adventurers with a certain degree of light to the surrounding environment.

However, as the first floor close to the ground.

It is the safest place in the entire dungeon.

Not only because the monsters that spawn are very weak.

More importantly, the dungeon does not have the function of teleportation.

Whether you are the lowest-level adventurer or the adventurer admired by countless people.

You must go down one floor after another.

So the first floor that almost all adventurers need to go through has been cleared over and over again.

There are even situations where no monsters are seen from the first floor to the second floor.

And Shirou Emiya is in such a situation now.

When he saw the stairs to the next floor, he didn't know what kind of expression he showed.

Is he lucky or unlucky?

His original intention was not to walk through the maze, but to see the monsters in the dungeon.

Shirou Emiya could only scratch his head and walk to the next floor.

You know, he is still in the maze. When he didn't know the map at all, he found the passage to the next floor, which can be regarded as a kind of luck.


“This is, we are about to reach the tenth floor——!”

Not only did Shirou Emiya not see any monsters, he even went from the first floor to the tenth floor without any obstruction.

It was very strange.

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