Emiya suddenly remembered that he had been seriously injured before, and basically the result was certain death, but the next day, all the injuries on his body recovered immediately.

Including this battle with Kokushibo, it was exactly three times.

"Did you save me?"

Emiya asked.

"Yes, and no."

A mechanical and steady voice came.

But before Emiya continued to ask, a golden light burst out from Emiya's abdomen.

"You have a very powerful treasure in your body, it can slowly heal your body, but it has been in a dormant state before, and I activated it through some means."

Emiya nodded as if he understood.

"Then, what is my situation now?"

If the object in the body has the ability to heal, then he should have recovered now, instead of lying on the ground unable to move.

"Its healing ability is limited. The damage you suffered this time far exceeds its recovery limit, especially your broken right hand. If I hadn't used some means to increase the strength, your hand would have been scrapped and there would be no way to reconnect it."

"After barely repairing your body, it fell into a deep sleep. Unless you can obtain the magic power of its original owner, it will not start again."

After listening to the explanation of the blue light ball in front of him, Shi Gong understood that his injuries should have only recovered half, so he fell into this state.

"Then when can I fully recover?"

"With your own recovery speed, at least a few years, at most thirty or forty years, basically you can only lie in bed for a long time."

Shi Gong felt that the big light ball in front of him might be helping him, but he had no evidence and could only believe it.

And it also saved his life, and it saved it more than once. He seemed to have no reason to doubt what it said.

However, if he recovered for a few years, and the ghost came to the door at that time, wouldn't he be dead?

With such a completely immobile body, Emiya could do nothing.

Under this circumstance, Emiya could only choose another path.

"How can I obtain the magic power of the original owner of that item?"

"I can provide the magic power of its original owner, but you must sign a contract."

Emiya felt that the big ball of light in front of him had revealed its true intentions.

"Contract? Can I see it?"

Now was not a critical moment like when Emiya had to save the people around the nuclear power plant. It was not so urgent. He had his own choice and could carefully watch what the contract it gave him was like.

Under normal circumstances, the restraining force required the death of these people, but this time, the contract was slightly different.

"What does it mean to become an [anchor]?"

Emiya asked in confusion.

"Do you remember the dark wooden door that led you to that world?"

"That world?"

"Didn't we go back to the Taisho era?"

"Have you seen any magicians there?"

The big light ball's question made Emiya fall into deep thought. Compared to the modern era, there must have been more magicians in the past, but even though there was such a tragic demon killing incident, there was still no news of any magicians.

Even those demons thought that their projection magic was some kind of blood demon art, and they had no knowledge of magic.

Fantasy creatures are a very good research object for magicians. If there really are demons from Demon Slayer appearing in the world, they may be divided up by many magicians before they can dominate for long.

"That is another world different from ours, and your journey can become a bridge for us to another world."

"Why me?"

Emiya raised the key question.

"Because now only you can go through that wooden door to other worlds."

Chapter 49 Emiya, your vacation is over

"Ding Dong--!"

"Ding Dong--!"

Sakura Matou came to Emiya's house as usual and rang the doorbell.

But she didn't seem to wait for the person inside to come out and open the door, so she immediately took out the key in her hand and pushed the door open very skillfully.

This is a habit she has been sticking to for two months.

From that day two months ago, the smile on Sakura Matou's mouth began to disappear.

Without any signs, without any gas explosion, Emiya disappeared silently.

Every day, she assumed that Emiya had not disappeared, went to school with Emiya in the morning, and came to Emiya's house to have dinner with Emiya in the evening.

Even if the person sitting opposite her every day was a ball of air, Sakura would still put the rice in front of the ball of air.

It looks extremely creepy, and there seems to be some changes in her spirit.

Not only did Fuji-nee's family and the police not have any news about Emiya, even Matou Zouken, who had always been paying attention to Shirou Emiya, shook his head at Sakura and said he didn't know where Emiya was.

After all, it was Matou Zouken who arranged for Matou Sakura to monitor Emiya, but before that, Matou Sakura had always admired Emiya.

Now that Shirou Emiya has disappeared, he is also puzzled.

After Matou Zouken learned about the disappearance of Emiya Shirou, he had already started his familiar to search the entire Fuyuki City.

But Emiya's last breath was in a closed alley.

Other than that, there is no other information.

In the next month, Emiya never appeared again, and Matou Zangyan gave up the search.

But today is different.

Matou Sakura skillfully placed her shoes at the door, walked in gently, came to the kitchen, put the apron neatly placed aside on her body, and prepared to finish her breakfast.

"Good morning, senior"

Sakura spoke very gently to the empty table while cutting the vegetables in her hands.

"Good morning, Sakura"

The door was slowly pushed open, and Emiya walked in while yawning, holding his sore neck.

"Senior, you stayed up late again"

Sakura said as she looked at Emiya, whose face was full of back pain.

"Yeah, but it's a good thing I got up in the morning. Otherwise, I'd have to trouble you again, Sakura. I'll make breakfast."

After all, Emiya now has more things to master, and there are still many moves that he is not very proficient in using. Emiya returned to the training warehouse that he was very familiar with, and trained in it as if he forgot about time.

However, because of his breathing method, Emiya was able to maintain his energy even if he went to bed very late.


After Emiya took the kitchen knife away from Sakura, she realized that Shirou Emiya was back.

This was not the hallucination she imagined in her mind, this real touch was the living Emiya Shirou.

In fact, when Emiya returned home and found that two months had passed, it was hard for him to accept it.

At night, Emiya not only spent time training, but also racked his brains for a long time on how to explain his disappearance in the past two months to Sakura, Sister Fuji, and the school.

"If I tell them that I traveled to the Taisho era, will they believe it?"

Emiya himself didn't believe it, let alone the others, they would just think that Emiya had gone crazy after being away for too long.

It's like your wallet suddenly disappears one day and two months later you find it under the sofa.

A normal person's reasoning cannot be that this wallet traveled to a different world and then traveled back two months later.

As for magic, Emiya couldn't express it in front of ordinary people. He really couldn't think of any good reason to explain it.

After all, there is no way to tell other people about communicating with that big blue ball of light. In fact, even if I tell others, they won't believe it.

So Emiya decided to give up thinking and complete the daily tasks first.

When the time comes, soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth.


Sakura hugged Emiya tightly, and tears soon filled Emiya's chest.

He could feel how sad Sakura was during the two months since he left.

as well as----

When Emiya saw the bandages wrapped around Sakura's face and hands, a strong anger suddenly arose in her heart.

In the days when Emiya disappeared, Shinji treated Sakura even more harshly. Except for Emiya, no one in the entire school stopped Shinji from abusing Sakura.

Sakura was scarred when she went to school every day, but she still insisted on coming to the Emiya Residence first every day. This was her spiritual sustenance.

Sakura's hands holding Emiya became tighter and tighter. If it weren't for Emiya's body becoming stronger, he might have been out of breath by now.

"Sakura, have you recovered?"

Emiya touched Sakura's purple hair, who was still choking, and asked Sakura in a very gentle tone.


She seemed to have thought of something, her whole face turned extremely red, she quickly took off her hands, stepped back, and then put them under her body, looking at a loss.

"I'm sorry, senior, I haven't seen you for a long time and I got excited!!!"

Sakura looked at the tear stains on Emiya's chest that were completely soaked and apologized quickly.

"No, it's okay, it's okay"

Emiya waved his hand to show that he didn't care at all, and then pointed to the bandage on Sakura's arm.

"What happened to your injury?"

Although Emiya already knew who caused such injuries, he could not be too arbitrary in anything. If someone else bullied Sakura, then he might wrongly blame Shinji.

"No, I accidentally fell it myself. It has nothing to do with my brother."

Sakura's eyes were a little wandering, as if she was refusing to answer Emiya's question.

It seems that he really didn't miss it, these injuries were caused by Shinji.

Emiya decided to take time to go to Matou's house. He didn't have much time to stay now.

The big ball of light told himself that the black door would not appear until xx on xx. If he returned to Fuyuki, he would still have more than a week to live and cultivate in Fuyuki City.

But when Emiya returned home and saw——

Good guy, that wooden door will appear the day after tomorrow. After Emiya sleeps at home, he only has time for activities today.

It seemed that because he spent a lot of time treating his wounds in that dark space, he only had three days left when he came back.

However, the time spent on each treatment before was basically very short, and it basically recovered not long after the battle.

This time it took four or five days to recover. Emiya felt that there must be some shady things going on.

Emiya gnashed his teeth and expressed his anger at the big blue light ball.

He was about to leave Fuyuki again. He had to arrange his own affairs and Sakura's affairs. Otherwise, if he left again, Sakura would suffer horrible abuse.

Chapter 50: Emiya will always become a campus celebrity

Emiya became famous!

The moment he sat down in his seat, the whole class looked at him with extremely shocked eyes.

"Didn't the student who was supposed to sit there disappear?"

"Was he found?"

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