"This red-haired man looks so familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before"

"Wow, so handsome, I want him to be my boyfriend!"

The whole podium was rustling, and everyone was basically discussing Shirou Emiya who suddenly appeared after not coming to school for two months.

Except for a certain seaweed-haired man who was biting his fingers with a disgusted expression on his face.

It's a pity that they seem to be assigned to the same class.

When Emiya disappeared, the high school department of Hokunhara Academy was about to start school, and after two months, the first-year courses were almost halfway through.

Although because Emiya Middle School also studied nearby, many people knew that there was a kind-hearted person like Emiya in the world.

However, this kind of urban legend will soon lose its popularity in word of mouth.

Unless you have really received help from Emiya at a critical moment, who would remember a helpful red-haired boy who was talked about by others when chatting with you.

There were only a few people who really got along well with Emiya throughout the middle school. After careful calculation, it was found that there were only two people, Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura.

When Rin Toosaka saw him jumping high, she also had a good impression of him, but she had never communicated with him until the Holy Grail War began, when she had a formal communication with him.

Yanagido Kazunari met Emiya in the first year of high school, and Mizutsu Ayako also met Emiya because of Matou Sakura.

So in fact, at least in this classroom, except for Shinji, most of them are strangers who have never seen Emiya.

After all, Emiya went missing before school started, and except for Shinji, basically no one had seen him.

At this time, sitting upright in the back row by the window, the seat of the king's hometown, looking out the window with a sad face.

He had already prepared himself mentally, but he still couldn't accept such a high-profile atmosphere.

Two months just corresponded to the time when Emiya came to the Demon Slayer world. The speed of time on both sides seemed to be exactly the same. How long Emiya stayed in Demon Slayer was how long he experienced here.

What's more, he was about to leave again, and he didn't know how long he would be away before he could come back.

Then Emiya will enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention again.

He now feels that his chair is covered with iron spikes, and it is not comfortable to sit on it.

It is not comfortable to sit on it no matter how you listen to a day's class.

Emiya complained desperately in his heart.

It is okay to have a week, but he will leave tomorrow, and he has not explained it clearly to Sister Fuji.

If it is not for the reason that he plans to go there first, Emiya feels that he will never be able to leave her office.

You should know that in order to find the missing Emiya, Fujimura Taiga's father almost dispatched all the members of the underworld to search everywhere, but the search has not stopped until now, until Emiya appeared in Sister Fuji's office.

This time, he can't leave as hurriedly as before. There are many things waiting for Emiya to explain and solve.

Finally, Emiya made it to the end of school.

Every time after class, many classmates gathered around, wanting to know how this man who had been missing for two months escaped back.

There are now more than a dozen versions of the story of Emiya's disappearance in the school.

Some of them were abducted by human traffickers, kept by rich women, went deep into Syria, and became special forces of the Japanese government to fight against demons and monsters.

And they all had an expression of "I see" and then ran to Emiya to verify.

Emiya spent the whole day sitting in his seat with the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

After all, Emiya is not much different from the transfer students now. They all came to school halfway through school, and they are also covered with some urban legends, such as the legendary story that Emiya and Shinji were often ambushed and killed by seniors.

"Shirou, tell me, where have you been in the past two months!"

And Fujimura Taiga also came to the office with the back of Emiya's collar after school.

"I, got a summer job."

Emiya could only bite the bullet and answer Sister Fuji's question.

He is not good at lying, but those things cannot be told to ordinary people like Sister Fuji.

"Part-time job?"

Fujimura Taiga picked up the chalk beside him and threw it at Emiya's head.

The pink chalk drew a beautiful arc and hit Emiya's forehead.

In fact, Emiya instinctively wanted to dodge, but suddenly remembered that if he dodged, Sister Fuji would throw chalk at him crazily.

But he took this attack to save himself from wasting more energy later.

Emiya felt that he was tired enough today.

He had to go to the Matou residence to see Shinji in the evening.

They were still good friends in middle school. Although they gradually became distant, Emiya could not sit idly by and watch Shinji abuse Sakura.

Before he traveled through time, Emiya also talked to Shinji alone about this matter, but his expression was always impatient, and they finally parted unhappily.

But after that, the scars on Sakura's body became less.

But now this situation has happened again, and Emiya must talk to him seriously again.

"Which store do you work for? How come you haven't replied in two months?"

Fujimura Taiga was still very emotional. Emiya felt that if he didn't deal with Fuji-sister, he might not have time to go to the Matou family today.

Fuji-san is a woman who can pester him to eat soba noodles all night, but Emiya can't resist her.

"Well, it's a multinational company. I've been to the UK for the past two months."

Wei Gong glanced away, his hands rubbing together unconsciously.

"You should send a message back when you get to England, otherwise you don't know how worried Sakura and I are!"

It seemed that Sister Fuji believed Emiya's words.

Emiya thought his lie would be easily discovered, but he didn't expect Sister Fuji to believe it.

"Okay, I will definitely inform you in advance next time."

“Next time soon”

After saying that, Emiya complained in his mind.

This time he might leave a note and sneak away.

Otherwise, if you tell them that you are leaving tomorrow, they will definitely ask questions.

When he walked inside the door and suddenly disappeared, Emiya didn't know how to explain it to them.

Originally, things like magic could not be revealed to ordinary people.

This kind of traveling across the world cannot be revealed to them.

It seems that I didn't ask for leave from the school.

But with Sister Teng here, I shouldn't be expelled from school.

Emiya thought with some uncertainty.

Chapter 51 The Matong Family

Finally, at the end of the dusk, Emiya left Sister Fuji's office with difficulty.

Originally, Taiga Fujimura planned to go back with Emiya.

You must know that she has not eaten the delicious food cooked by Emiya for two months, and she has lost a lot of weight due to hunger.

Now that I see that Emiya is safe and sound, I can't help but want to go to Emiya's house to have a meal.

However, I heard Emiya say that he planned to go to Matou's house first, so he planned to go to Emiya's house first.

She decided to take advantage of this meal today!

"I just happened to take Ying over to eat with her. In the past two months, she has been anxious every day, can't eat well, and often dozes off in class."

Fujimura Taiga doesn't care how late she eats. She cares more about the food than the time to eat.

Is there any food more delicious than Emiya's?

Anyway, she hasn't encountered him in the past two months.


With the sound of a bicycle braking, Emiya stopped at the door of Matou's house and rang the doorbell.

"Senior, why are you here!"

Sakura covered her mouth and couldn't help but look at Emiya who appeared at her door with surprise in her eyes.

Originally, Sakura planned to go back with Emiya today, but she was stopped by Shinji on the way, and then she saw Fuji sister taking Emiya into her office.

"Today, just stay at home!"

Shinji grabbed Sakura's hand that was trying to break away, looked at her coldly, and made an unquestionable sound.

"Don't even think about running to that guy's house privately. This is Grandpa's order!"

Upon hearing her grandfather's request, Sakura immediately stopped struggling, her face turned ashen.

But what she never expected was that Wei Gong would come to her door. She had never told Wei Gong where she lived, she just didn't want him to come looking for her.

However, Emiya can ask Sister Fuji where Sakura lives. Basically, every student's residence is registered in the school.

"Sakura, Sister Fuji asked me to come over and call you over for dinner."

Looking at Sakura who was a little overwhelmed, Emiya smiled softly and invited Sakura to Emiya's residence.

"Who is here? Why don't you come in and sit down?"

But before Sakura could react, she felt an extremely biting cold creeping up from her neck.

A very old voice came from behind Sakura.

She felt that her limbs had become stiff, and she did not dare to make any movements at all.

"You are Sakura's grandfather. It's our first time meeting you. Thank you for your kindness."

Looking at the figure gradually coming out of the darkness, Emiya quickly determined the identity of the old man in front of him.

When he was chatting with Shinji and Sakura, they all mentioned that in addition to their brother and sister, there was an old man living with them at home.

"No, no, I've always heard Sakura talking about you. You're kind-hearted and helpful, and now you've come all the way here. Why don't you come in and sit for a while."

As he spoke, Matou Zangyan turned sideways and made way for an aisle, intending for Emiya to walk in.

"Thank you. I just wanted to discuss something with Shenji."

Rather than inviting Sakura back for dinner, Emiya's main purpose was to discuss matters about Sakura head-on with Shinji.

"No, senior, Sister Teng should be waiting over there in a hurry, why don't we go over and cook first!"

Sakura looked at Emiya who was about to walk in, and her expression immediately became anxious. Her body even reacted under the pressure of Matou Zouken's aura, and she grabbed Emiya's hand and started to walk outside.

She looked at Wei Gong with a pleading look, and the hand holding Wei Gong was trembling.

But Emiya is not a person who is good at reading other people's emotions, otherwise he and Sakura would have become boyfriend and girlfriend long ago, instead of being more than friends but not yet lovers.

"No, don't worry about me, Sakura."

Emiya let go of Sakura who was holding his hand tightly and walked resolutely towards the Matou house. He would never let his friend continue to be treated like this.

Since he learned the breathing method and experienced many battles, Emiya's own temperament has also quietly changed, and his whole person has become more confident.

Otherwise, he would not choose to go directly to Matou's house to find Shinji to solve such problems.

Maybe it will be the same as before. This is their family's internal affairs and I shouldn't care about it.

The lights in the Matou family were bright, but when he walked into the living room, Emiya still felt a little cold, as if many things were staring at him.

"Sakura is just an ordinary family. Maybe I'm overthinking."

Emiya looked around and shook his head to dispel his doubts. After all, everything here seemed extremely normal, and Emiya didn't find anything strange.

And Sakura also walked behind Emiya with her head down.

"How come you are here!"

A seaweed-haired man walked quickly towards Emiya's position, his face full of anger, wishing to swallow Emiya alive.

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