Then, he stepped back, turned around and headed towards the living room.

Tohsaka Rin also stared at Emiya Shirou fiercely.

If it weren't for Emiya Shirou's sudden decision to go to the orphanage, she would have returned to Emiya's house long ago and wouldn't have to face Sakura's questioning.

Emiya Shirou could only respond to Tohsaka Rin with his eyes, spread his hands, and said that he had nothing to do now.

Emiya Shirou could hold Tohsaka Rin and fly down the street, but he couldn't hold so many children and fly down the street.

Fortunately, Tohsaka Rin followed Emiya Shirou.

Those children were extremely wary of Emiya Shirou who suddenly appeared from the middle of the night and woke them up while they were sleeping.

What's more, Kotomine Kirei has always seemed to be an extremely normal priest to the outside world, and the children in the orphanage simply didn't believe that Kotomine Kirei would harm them.

Kotomine Kirei also told them that the people he took away were actually sent to live in larger cities.

These simple-minded children did not doubt what Kotomine Kirei said.

To put it bluntly, no child could live for more than a year in the hands of Kotomine Kirei, so he would hardly doubt why his partner did not come back to visit him after living in another city.

Because no one can live long enough to doubt Kotomine Kirei.

What's more, even if they are suspicious, Kotomine Kirei doesn't care at all, because they have no means to resist or seek help from the outside world.

Kotomine Kirei can also use suggestion magic to dispel the doubts in these children's minds.

Just like Tohsaka Rin now uses hint magic to make them trust Emiya Shirou and herself, and follow them out of the orphanage.

It was impossible for these children to believe that Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin suddenly appeared in front of them.

At this time, Emiya Shirou could only be thankful that Tohsaka Rin came with him, otherwise Emiya Shirou would not know how much experience it would take to convince them, or to knock them out and take them away.

Although the current situation is similar.

In short, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin were like child abductors, taking away all the children from the orphanage in the dead of night.

After thinking about it for a while, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin approached Fujimura Raika and told him everything except the magician. Fujimura Raika also agreed to temporarily let these children go. On his side.

The next day, these children were sent to orphanages in other cities.

After all, it seems that only Fujimura Raika has such ability at this stage.

Emiya Shirou was also extremely grateful to Fujimura Raiga.


The tea was brought to Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin, while Sakura sat quietly opposite them.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin were on pins and needles, and the host and guest also changed at this moment.

He felt like he was a guest here, and Sakura was more like the owner of this house than himself.

With a slight smile, she looked lifeless. After bringing the tea, she sat quietly where she was.

But that's what's scary.

The surrounding atmosphere gradually became more solemn because the three of them did not speak.

Emiya Shirou also thought for a while, and it was not an option to continue the stalemate like this, and he did not want to make the relationship between Tohsaka Rin and Sakura become rigid.

So Emiya Shirou, just like explaining to Fujimura Raiga, told Sakura everything they did tonight, excluding the magician factor.

When Emiya Shirou was telling the story, Tohsaka Rin even stopped him quickly.

Even if the magician factor was removed, Tohsaka Rin still didn't want Sakura to get involved in this kind of thing.

After all, the real main culprit, Kotomine Kirei, has not been solved yet, so it is difficult not to guarantee that he will do something.

After hearing what Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin said, Sakura's hand holding the tea cup trembled slightly. She really did not expect that such a thing would happen just this night.

But Sakura still has doubts about this.

"But, Tohsaka-senpai, how did you know that senior was in trouble?"

Not long after Emiya Shirou left the Emiya residence, Tohsaka Rin seemed to have seen something and left in a hurry. Even when leaving, he could only barely say hello to Sakura and say that he was going out. Something happened.

Hearing Sakura's doubts, Tohsaka Rin coughed quickly.

"Ahem! Ahem! I just found that I lost my gem, and when I was looking for it, I happened to arrive at the church and bumped into Emiya Shirou."

"Senior Tosaka, have you found the gem?"

Hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Sakura couldn't help but look worried.

After living with Rin Tosaka for so long, Sakura naturally understands how precious the gems in her body are.

When Rin Tosaka heard Sakura's worried words, he glared at Shirou Emiya next to him with wide eyes, and then answered angrily.

"No, it seems that it fell into the sewer and was washed away by someone——!"

Thinking of the gems he threw out, Tohsaka Rin's heart was bleeding. Those were all money. He didn't know how long he had to work to buy them.

Although the Tohsaka family held many magic patents in the Clock Tower and would undoubtedly earn tens of millions of yen a year even if they did nothing, her heart still felt extremely painful.

"Very much like Senior Toosaka?"

Sakura could only comfort him like this, although it didn't sound like comforting words at all.

"Also, Senior, please don't be so impulsive in the future!"

Sakura looked at Shirou Emiya beside her, her tone became stern, and she began to blame Shirou Emiya.

She didn't blame Shirou Emiya for choosing to save those orphans, because she knew in her heart that this was the decision that the senior would definitely make.

Chapter 524 Just like entering the Holy Grail

The door appeared in front of Shirou Emiya again.

The time came to the start of school in April, and Sakura officially became a member of the high school department of Hogunhara Academy.

Mizutsu Ayako also took great care of Sakura, and pulled her into the archery club on her first day of school.

Matou Shinji also had a sour face, looking at Sakura, whom he hadn't seen for almost half a year.

But since Mizutsu Ayako and Toosaka Rin were always by Sakura's side, Matou Shinji had almost no chance to get close to her.

After all, Matou Shinji still needs to create his perfect personality in school.

After so many days, there was no movement from Kotomine Kirei. He seemed to not care about the children rescued by Emiya Shirou at all.

The orphanage seemed to have temporarily stopped operating because of the damage to the church.

As for why there has been no report on the missing children in the orphanage until now, it is because the residents of Fuyuki City themselves do not care about this matter. What they care about every day is their own lives.

After so many years, no child in the orphanage has entered the society, and there are no children from the orphanage in the school.

Kotomine Kirei cannot set up a hint magic for the residents of the entire Fuyuki City.

But no one has ever thought about this problem.

After the news reported that the church was damaged by the gas explosion, the government quickly allocated funds to start repairing the damaged church.

Although not many residents of Fuyuki City would go to such a church, it is at least a more iconic building in Fuyuki City.

Shirou Emiya never saw the blond youth again, but this was also because Shirou Emiya was busy with his studies, so he didn't have much time to wander around Fuyuki City.

He could only go to find Kotomine Kirei to learn about the last Holy Grail War in the middle of the night.

This was enough to show how tight Shirou Emiya's schedule was now. He had almost no free time. In addition to the basic training that he would not give up every day, he was devoted to studying.

He was just an ordinary high school student, not a genius like Matou Shinji. Even if he spent dozens of hours studying every day, he could only barely pass the exam in a month.

This time, Shirou Emiya said hello to Sakura and Tohsaka Rin when he left.

As for Sister Fuji, Shirou Emiya felt that if he told her, she would definitely find ways to keep an eye on him and see where he went.

A living person just disappeared like that, and came back again two months later. Even people who were not familiar with Shirou Emiya would be curious.

Standing in the room, Shirou Emiya exhaled deeply, and [Devil Haunting] covered his body at this moment, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Shirou Emiya would no longer step into the unknown world as recklessly as before.

He had no idea what the scene would be like on the other side of the door.

Would he stray into the battlefield again, or appear normally on the street.

In short, it was necessary to be prepared.

However, at the moment when Shirou Emiya put his hand on the door handle and turned it gently, a force like a giant beast came from his hand.

The door suddenly opened at a speed faster than the speed of sound.

There was not even time to blink, and the terrifying force carried Shirou Emiya and threw him towards the inside of the door.

Shirou Emiya could not react at all. He did not expect the door to be suddenly pushed open so violently.

Without any preparation, Shirou Emiya fell into such a world of nothingness.

"This feeling!!!!!!!!!!"

Before Shirou Emiya could perform any magic, the [Devil Haunting] on his body disappeared in the moment it touched this void.

Rather than the [Devil Haunting] collapsing instantly due to the erosion of the surrounding space, it was more like the collapse caused by its inability to exist in this space.

But does this really have the concept of space?

Countless blue beams seemed to see Shirou Emiya as nothing, piercing through his body and rushing in an unknown direction.

The body began to tremble like a drill.

The mind began to become confused as if it was pierced.

The brain began to spin like a blender.

Existence began to become disordered like garbled code.

At this moment, all kinds of indescribable feelings attacked Shirou Emiya's whole body like a tsunami.

It was a feeling that could not be described in words.

This feeling, except for the sense of happiness that makes people immersed, is almost exactly the same as when I was in the Holy Grail.

No, it is even stronger.

Although the Holy Grail is a completely different space from the outside world, the laws of physics and magic are not applicable there, and even the flow of time feels fast or slow, which may even shake the existence of "human beings".

But even if it is assimilated by the Holy Grail, dissolved by it, and directly turned into pure magic power, and even the soul can appear in it, it is still a space, just an abnormal space.

It can even be said that humans can maintain their existence in the Holy Grail under special circumstances.

But here, it is more like data than space.

If the space in the Holy Grail is to dissolve itself, disintegrate its body, dissolve its soul, and want to devour itself.

Then here is just to dissolve its body.

But Shirou Emiya cannot maintain his existence in any way.

Because this place is different from the space of the Holy Grail, where the flesh can exist, but it will be constantly eroded, and here, the flesh is not allowed to exist at all.

Not only the flesh, but almost all physical objects will not exist here.

It is rather unimaginable that the existence called [Gate] can actually open itself to a place where no real objects can exist.

Just like being able to put chocolate on the TV screen in front of you, or being able to reach into the TV and take out anything that is playing.

The door is equivalent to doing such a thing.

The door can do it, but it does not mean that Shirou Emiya can do it.

This is not an attack or an invasion, it is just that things themselves cannot exist here.

The body is annihilated at this moment.

The soul turns into data, and flows towards the unknown area along with the blue light that pours in.

Chapter 525 People who should not exist

At this moment, Shirou Emiya's soul is like descending into the computer world, turning into a stream of data, shuttling around at an extremely terrifying speed.

In this data network, it does not seem like being in the Holy Grail. When Shirou Emiya's body disappears and only his soul remains, there is no longer any unspeakable feeling around him.

It's as if the soul should be able to travel through this piece of data.

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