Under normal circumstances, even if his body disappears, Emiya Shirou's soul cannot turn into data and travel through it.

Because these data carry not just simple souls, but spiritual children.

Even a magician needs to have an overhead nerve called a magic circuit, as well as the ability to clearly digitize his own essence, and accurately determine the position of his "soul", in order to be able to combine his spirit and The body and soul are "spiritually transformed" and sent into the computer world as a clone.

And Shirou Emiya is just a second-rate magician who can't even strengthen his body with strengthening magic.

It is impossible for him to understand and use this magic to transform himself into a spirit child and travel through the computer world.

However, when Shirou Emiya came into contact with the Great Holy Grail, his body that was so weak due to such horrific injuries could not withstand the invasion of the Great Holy Grail.

The moment he stepped into the Holy Grail, the body named Emiya Shirou was already dead, but his unyielding soul woke up from it and rushed towards the deepest part step by step.

He has a will in his heart that even the Holy Grail cannot erode.

To use a magician's term, at this moment, Shirou Emiya didn't even realize that he had measured his soul and confirmed the existence of his soul.

The time in the Holy Grail is not fixed. Perhaps only a few seconds have passed in the outside world, but several hours or even longer may have passed inside the Holy Grail.

After staying in the Holy Grail for a long time, constantly resisting the erosion of the Holy Grail, and under the continuous healing of Avalon, Emiya Shirou's soul gradually changed slightly.

After coming into contact with a woman named Justessa Ritzleich von Einzbern, she made a wish to restore all the damage caused by the Holy Grail War.

However, Emiya Shirou himself did not think of it, or perhaps he completely forgot that he was actually the one who died because of the Holy Grail War this time.

At that moment, the only thought in his mind was to save those who accidentally fell into the Holy Grail War.

At the moment when he made his wish, Emiya Shirou was like a heroic spirit who came into contact with the core of the Holy Grail and became flesh. The Holy Grail used Shirou Emiya's soul as a template to create a perfect body that matched it.

This is why Emiya Shirou's incomplete right arm appeared intact on his body later, because Emiya Shirou's soul was still intact.

However, the Holy Grail did not do anything extra. The damage to Emiya Shirou's soul still existed and had always affected him.

It is precisely because of these reasons that even if Shirou Emiya is not able to "transform" his soul into a spirit child like those magicians, his soul still has the ability to shuttle through such data.

Perhaps, the biggest doubt is that Avalon should have remained in his body, but it remained in his soul. Even when Shirou Emiya was inside the Holy Grail, Avalon was slowly exerting it. role.


A burst of dazzling light instantly filled Emiya Shirou's eyes, grabbing all his sight.

It's like it has completed a certain position transfer, or arrived at a place where these data need to go.

Emiya Shirou gradually felt that his body, no, it should be said that his soul had a real sense.

At this moment, his feet felt like actual ground. Even with his eyes closed tightly, Emiya Shirou could even feel the warm sunlight.

After feeling that his spirit body seemed to have stabilized, Emiya Shirou slowly opened his eyes.

"This is the private Suoqunhara Academy?"

What appeared in front of him was the school gate that seemed familiar yet strange to Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou felt as if he had returned to Fuyuki City, whether it was the door that was very similar to the private Hogunhara Academy, or the surrounding scene that was almost exactly the same as in Fuyuki City.

But if you look closely, you can see that there are actually many differences between this school and the private Hogunhara Academy.

Of course, what told Shirou Emiya most intuitively was the students walking around in the school wearing uniforms that were completely different from his own.

Although they are similar, they are not the same school.

Emiya Shirou immediately thought that it might be like the last Holy Grail War he participated in. This was a parallel world.

But why does this world exist in some kind of data?

Moreover, although these students seemed to be talking sporadically, Emiya Shirou could not see any spirituality in their eyes.

Too many doubts filled Emiya Shirou's mind at this moment, but every time he arrived in a new world, there were always countless things he didn't understand.

Now Shirou Emiya can only be thankful that his soul is still there, and there may be a possibility of returning alive.

If it weren't for the fact that he had directly experienced the feeling of physical collapse before, standing here, he might really think that this is a real world, and he would not even think that he is in the state of a soul now.

After all, the feeling of standing here is too real.

Emiya Shirou slightly stretched out his hand and pointed it at the sun suspended in the sky, whether it was the pain that had been tormenting him or the touch in this world.

It was hard for Emiya Shirou to believe that his body had collapsed.

But facing the current situation, he can only take one step at a time, and he does not have the ability to reshape his body.

No matter how bad the situation he is facing now, he can only accept it. After all, it has happened, and there is no use in regretting it.

"Let's go find Tosaka first--!"

Emiya Shirou stood there and thought for a while, and then decided to find the only magician he was familiar with and knew-Tosaka Rin.

Although there may not be Tosaka Rin in this school, it is better to take action than to stay there and do nothing.

Emiya Shirou is not a person who stands there and waits for the information of this world to come to him automatically.

Now the sun is still high in the sky. If Tosaka Rin exists in this world, she should still be active in the school.

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou immediately walked towards the academy.

At this moment, this academy also welcomed a person who should not exist in this spirit world.

Chapter 526 The girl who should have disappeared

"Who am I?"

A light and gentle voice came from a void-like space.

It was the voice of a girl, a girl with long purple hair that went below her knees and a red ribbon tied on the left side of her head. A girl wearing a white coat over her student uniform.

She stood in the center of the entire void.

The endless darkness completely enveloped her, lonely, confused, and afraid.

Countless emotions crawled into her eyes at this moment.

But the girl did not make any move, as if she had accepted such an ending, allowing the endless darkness to climb up her body and devour herself.

She couldn't help but bite her lips slightly. She wanted to resist, but she didn't know how to resist.

After all, this was just an inner world that she shouldn't have.

No matter what she did inside, her body outside would gradually disappear as if it was swallowed by darkness.

No one would remember her.

"Maybe, it's not bad to just disappear like this--!"

With a slightly crying voice, the fear in the girl's eyes became more and more intense. Who could accept that she would just disappear like this?

Moreover, it had not even been half a day since she had acquired emotions and observed the world.

The moment she acquired emotions, she knew in her heart that she would eventually disappear.

As an AI, she should not have such emotions. The appearance of emotions made her instantly enter an overloaded state, and she could not even maintain her own stability.

She knew what her ending would be, and she wanted to accept this ending herself, because this was not something she should have.

But she instinctively could not accept it——

"Someone come! Someone come!"

The girl's consciousness seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea at this moment, and her voice gradually became weak.

She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't struggle.

The darkness finally gradually crawled all over her body, and her consciousness gradually began to collapse.

She wanted to call for help, but how could the voice be transmitted.

But even if it was transmitted, what could it do? The girl was just an AI, an AI that was ignored by NPCs, ignored by magicians, and had almost no connection with people in the entire academy.

No one would lend a helping hand to her.

She could only watch herself sinking into the mud, slowly sinking, without any chance to leave.

The girl couldn't help but let out a cry of grief, her mind revealed despair.

She stopped struggling and resisting, her eyes slowly closed, accepting the ending that should have belonged to her.


What kind of cry was that?

What kind of emotion was contained in it?

It was as anxious as seeing a precious thing fall to the ground.

It was as desperate as wanting to save something important.


Before the girl could react.

This voice, without any obstruction, without any stagnation, penetrated everything and sounded from her ears at the moment she was about to lose consciousness.

The girl's mind trembled at this moment, was it because she could survive? Was it because someone observed her because of this? Or because————.

She didn't know why she had countless emotions that she couldn't understand when she heard this voice.

Who is it——

Who is it——

Who is it——

The heart that had stopped beating violently at this moment.

Her eyes also trembled violently at this moment.


It was like the sound of something being shattered came from her body.

The girl's purple eyes, like gems, also opened at the moment the sound appeared.

It was an arm full of countless injuries.

It was a white-haired man with flames all over his body.

The entire empty and dark space shattered violently like broken glass at this moment.

The girl stared at this scene in a daze, looking at the white-haired man standing in front of her and stretching his hand over.

An indescribable emotion burst out from her heart at this moment.

She didn't know how to express her feelings at this moment in words.

The girl used all her strength and slowly stretched out her hand.

The arm filled with endless injuries grabbed it tightly without any pause.

As if saving a drowning person, the girl was pulled up by this hand.

The eyes of the girl lying on the bed trembled slightly.

The pure white ceiling slowly appeared in front of her.

She tried to move her body, but at this moment, the people beside her did not seem to notice her awakening.

A warm and somewhat rough hand was placed on her forehead.

The girl closed her eyes, which had been opened a little, again, as if she was feeling the warmth transmitted from the palm.

Then, a towel carrying a warm breath wiped her face very gently.

Someone is taking good care of herself.

"Is this a dream?"

The girl was extremely uneasy. She was afraid that the moment she opened her eyes, everything she saw would become nothingness.

All that happened was just a dream.

"Are you awake?"

As if he had noticed something, the young man's calm voice came from the girl's side.

At this time, the girl felt that her right hand seemed to be tightly grasping something. When she was struggling in her heart, her right hand was involuntarily exerting force.

She exhaled deeply and slowly opened her eyes.

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