Emiya Shirou was also slightly stunned, then extended his hand to introduce himself to her.

It was not that he was confused by the sudden hand extension of the girl, but simply because he felt the disgust from behind Kishinami Shirakuno.

Or some kind of strange hostility.

Obviously, Kishinami Shirakuno's servant seemed to have a weak hostility towards him like Rin's servant.

Although Emiya Shirou did not understand why there was a sense of disgust.

"Are you okay?"

Kishinami Shirakuno looked at Matou Shinji lying on the hospital bed and could hardly move and couldn't help but speak.

Without her own memory, the only person she knew was this close friend named Matou Shinji.

So when the second round of the game was over and she didn't know what to do, Kishinami Shirakuno planned to come to visit Matou Shinji who was eliminated in the first round.

Although his personality was indeed very bad, he was still her close friend, and she was also used to Matou Shinji's self-centered personality.

"Ha! If you want me to care about you, you should think about how to survive the third battle!!"

Matou Shinji didn't seem to appreciate Kishinami Shirano's care at all, and looked at him with a very disgusted expression.

This made Rin Toosaka unable to help but want to mock Matou Shinji again, to discourage Matou Shinji's smoky personality.

But for the sake of these three gems, Rin Toosaka decided to let him go for the time being.

"The third battle will start soon!"

Hearing the conversation between Matou Shinji and Kishinami Shirano, Shirou Emiya also talked to Rin Toosaka beside him.

After all, it has been several days since the end of the second battle, and most of the magicians' second battles have also ended. I'm afraid the third battle will start soon.

"Well, we have to be prepared. I don't know who the opponent in the next battle will be?"

Rin Toosaka seemed to answer Shirou Emiya with a nonchalant look on her face, as if she could easily defeat whoever the enemy was.

However, what she was thinking in her heart at this time was that she must not be Shirou Emiya.

"By the way, Kishinami, haven't you recovered your memory yet?"

Looking at Kishinami Hakuno who seemed to want to join the group chat, Rin Tosaka asked with some concern.

Although she said that she was a magician who would do anything to achieve her goal, she couldn't help but lend a hand when she saw people like Kishinami Hakuno and Shirou Emiya who needed help.

If Matou Shinji had suffered such hardships, she would have been extremely merciful if she could pretend that she didn't see it. If it weren't for the academy's prohibition of private fighting, Rin Tosaka would have been ready to kick him.

"No, I still can't remember who I am————"

Hakuno Kishinami shook his head and answered Rin Tosaka's question. Even after two battles, she didn't recover any of her memories.

"What am I ultimately fighting for————"

Until now, she is still confused, confused about the reason for her fighting.

She found that she didn't participate in the Holy Grail War to prove herself like Shinji Matou.

She didn't participate in the Holy Grail War with a noble purpose like Rin Tosaka.

Now the only reason that supports her to fight is to live.

The will to survive that is unwilling to give up life easily.

"Don't be confused, living is not a humble idea."

Shirou Emiya looked at her confused eyes and spoke slowly.

Living is already a great thing in itself.

Until now, Shirou Emiya still thinks so.

"Ding ding ding!!!"

"Ding ding ding!!!"

"Ding ding ding!!!"

At the moment when the sunset was about to fall, three sounds came from the health room.

There is no need to make too many guesses, there is only one message that can be sent at this time.

The four people took out their terminals.

Then the three of them looked at Matou Shinji who also picked up the terminal with a very puzzled look.

He looked like he was holding back something, his face flushed, holding the phone tightly and looking at the three people standing in front of him staring at him.

"I, I just want to check, what if I receive the message, what if I can participate in the third round————"

Before he finished speaking, Matou Shinji looked at the three people in front of him who were staring at him without any motivation, and his face became redder and redder.

"I just want to see what time it is now!"

With such self-destructive words, Emiya Shirou, Kishinami Shirano, and Toosaka Rin turned their heads and looked at their terminals with satisfied expressions.

Although it is a very serious moment now, it is still good to take the opportunity to teach Matou Shinji a lesson. At least at this time, the three of them are thinking the same thing in their hearts, and they all become sinister at the same time.

"The opponent of the third round has been determined——!"

The message is very short, and just as they expected, the opponent of the third round has been determined.

But they didn't expect that the three of them sent the message at the same time.

Toosaka Rin only hopes that her opponent will not be one of them.

"Let's go together!"

Emiya Shirou quickly put away his terminal. It was meaningless to think about it any more.

Kishinami Hakuno also nodded a little nervously.

She didn't want to confront the two people in front of her.

After all, in this academy, when he lost his memory, there were few people who could talk to him except his servants.

Although they had only met a few times, Hakuno Kishinami thought that the people in front of him were all good people.

The three of them did not delay at all and arrived at the bulletin board on the second floor at the fastest speed.

It was written on it——————

Master: Hakuno Kishinami

Master: Alice

Final Battlefield: Mitsuki Nokai

Master: Shirou Emiya

Master: Rin Tohsaka

Final Battlefield: Mitsuki City

The scene became extremely cold the moment the names of the opponents appeared on the bulletin board.

No one spoke first.

Rin Tohsaka had already expected that she might face off against Shirou Emiya and become a rival in a fight.

But she did not expect that such a day would come so soon.

Three rounds of battle.

In the third round of battle, she had to face Shirou Emiya with swords.

Hakuno Kishinami seemed to have noticed the unusual atmosphere. Without saying too much, she just silently retreated and met her opponent.

The delicate girl dressed like a doll in a fairy tale world.

"Then, let's decide the winner in three rounds of battle!"

"You should understand!"

Rin Tohsaka did not escape, nor would she escape. Her expression quickly became cold and she spoke slowly.

Her eyes gathered, without any hesitation, she stood in front of Shirou Emiya and issued a battle declaration to him.

Rin Tohsaka knew the importance of the matter.

She really understood that she had a certain degree of affection for Shirou Emiya, but she would not show mercy because of this.

The purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War was not to play house here.

There are still so many people on the earth who are oppressed by the Western European chaebols who rule the entire world.

So many people are struggling in such a desperate world.

She will do her best to prevent the Western European chaebols from seizing the Holy Grail.

Even if it costs her life.

"I will do my best, and I hope you won't show mercy--!"

Rin Tosaka didn't wait for Shirou Emiya to reply, but raised the Command Seal on the back of her hand, her eyes filled with unprecedented seriousness.

Shirou Emiya was able to win two battles like this, which was enough to prove that his strength should not be underestimated.

No matter how much Rin Tosaka didn't believe it, it was an unchangeable fact that Shirou Emiya defeated two servants in a row.

Perhaps it was because Shirou Emiya was a friend she recognized, or for other reasons, Rin Tosaka didn't want to have any regrets in such a battle.

She made up her mind.

Whether she was eliminated by Shirou Emiya or defeated Shirou Emiya, she would not have any regrets.

But she didn't want to win this battle because of Shirou Emiya's kindness.

She didn't want to be suffocated by the deep guilt.

"I understand!"

Looking at Rin Tosaka's extremely serious expression, Shirou Emiya did not persuade her or discuss a countermeasure that would have the best of both worlds.

Similarly, he stared at Rin Tohsaka's eyes very seriously and replied to her.

In this Holy Grail War, everyone entered it with their own beliefs.

Shirou Emiya could also feel the energy and firm belief that belonged to Rin Tohsaka from her eyes.

"It's good that you know!"

Rin Tohsaka looked at Shirou Emiya who also replied to her solemnly, her face blushed slightly, and nodded, then quickly left the bulletin board, as if she was ready to discuss with her servant how to deal with Shirou Emiya.

She was not as stupid as Matou Shinji, nor was she like Lanlu Jun who didn't care whether to reveal the information of her servant.

From the first battle to the third battle, during the long time she spent with Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka did not reveal any information about her servant.

Shirou Emiya didn't even know what job classification Rin Tohsaka's servant was.

There was almost no information about Rin Tohsaka's servant.

His only advantage might be that he knew Rin Tohsaka's fighting methods.

Just like every time in other worlds, Shirou Emiya can only take one step at a time.

Rin Tousaka didn't reveal any information before, and now that they have really become opponents, it is even more impossible to reveal it.

"Wu! Classmate over there!!!"

"Kind-hearted classmate Emiya over there!!!"

When Shirou Emiya was thinking about the next countermeasure, an extremely jumpy voice came from the crowd and interrupted Shirou Emiya's thoughts.

"Sister Fuji?"

Standing at the stairs, Fujimura Taiga swung his arms and waved towards Shirou Emiya with a hearty smile on his face, indicating that he needed Shirou Emiya's help.

"I've said it before, you should call me Teacher Fujimura, not Sister Fuji. Calling me Sister Fuji makes me look like a gangster--"

Fujimura Taiga, who called Shirou Emiya over, hit Shirou Emiya's forehead fiercely, indicating that Shirou Emiya should not call him like that anymore.

Shirou Emiya did not dodge. Although the person in front of him was an NPC, he did not feel anything unusual. From the personality point of view, they were almost exactly the same.

If he dodged, Fuji-nee might find it very interesting and continue to hit him, given her personality.

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