"Sister Fuji, did you drop something in the arena again?"

Emiya Shirou rubbed his forehead, which didn't hurt at all, and asked.

"What are you talking about! What are you talking about? Although you won two rounds, you can't say that to me. Why am I the only one who dropped something in the arena when I came to ask you?"

By the way, all the NPCs in the academy know about magicians. Even when Shirou Emiya asks some professional questions about magicians, these NPC students and teachers can answer them seriously.

They know more than Shirou Emiya.

It feels like this is some kind of school for magicians.

And Fujimura Taiga, hearing what Shirou Emiya said, also had an extremely unhappy look on his face.


Fujimura touched his chin, thinking about something, and began to mutter to himself.

"But now that you mention it, I remember that I did drop something——————"

I'll tell you————

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"No! You took me there. I'm looking for you for something else today!"

Fujimura Taiga quickly reached out and slapped his head, looking at Shirou Emiya with a blaming expression.

Shirou Emiya said that this was none of my business. Every time I came over, you would stop me and say that you had dropped something in the arena.

And it was always some strange things.

Shirou Emiya didn't spend time looking for these things.

Shirou Emiya refused such inefficient things.

However, when I was looking for the code key through [Azure], I found it by the way and brought it out to Sister Fuji.

"I don't know why recently, there are always some strange wailing sounds coming from the room in the school warehouse, and many students are scared. As a magician, if you can, go and see what's going on there."

"Room in the warehouse?"

Shirou Emiya frowned slightly. He remembered that there was a room in the warehouse, but the door seemed to be tightly locked. At that time, he thought it was completely locked like the elevator to the duel field.

Chapter 585 Ginako who rents keys

"I remember that the room in the warehouse is locked."

Not to mention that at the beginning, during the preliminaries, Shirou Emiya basically went to all the places he could go to in the school.

Among the tasks he accepted from some NPCs, there was also the task of sorting out the warehouse. Shirou Emiya went there several times, but still couldn't open it normally.

So he thought that it might be a place needed in a Holy Grail War, just like the duel field, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Looking back now, it's really strange.

Because there are only three doors that can't be opened.

The first one is the door of the duel field, which requires a code key to go to.

The second one is someone else's room, which can only be opened by himself.

The third one is the multimedia classroom. According to Rin Toosaka, someone forcibly occupied this place. In the past Holy Grail War, this place was open.

On the moon, the Holy Grail War has happened more than once, otherwise there wouldn't be so many magicians who know how the Holy Grail War works.

As for the room in the warehouse, Rin Tosaka had never even heard of it. It seemed to be just an ordinary room that should not be locked.

"I should have a spare key for the room in the warehouse here--"

After being reminded by Shirou Emiya, Taiga Fujimura seemed to remember something and took out a long bunch of keys from his pocket.

There were not too many of them. Most of them were classroom keys and some office keys. Taiga Fujimura also quickly found two spare keys in the warehouse and gave them to Shirou Emiya.


Seeing Taiga Fujimura take out the spare keys, Shirou Emiya wanted to ask him if he had a spare key for the multimedia classroom.

In this way, we can know why someone wants to occupy this classroom.

"Both keys to the multimedia classroom were taken away by Mr. Kuzuki, and I don't have a key to the multimedia classroom."

Taiga Fujimura shook his head helplessly, saying that he was powerless. At the beginning, Mr. Kuzuki had taken both keys to the multimedia classroom.

As for why no one chose to destroy the door of the classroom to see what was going on inside.

Who knows what [Private Fight] specifically refers to? Everything here is judged by Mooncell, not by one's own subjective judgment.

Just like fighting for three rounds, these three rounds are judged by Mooncell, and these three rounds can be long or short.

Some people are judged to have fought for three rounds after fighting for dozens of seconds.

Some people even fight for dozens of minutes, but Mooncell only judges that they have barely passed one round.

So no one wants to try, destroying campus things and attacking NPCs are not considered private fights.

And even if you protest, Mooncell will not pay attention to you. It thinks you have violated the rules, so you have violated the rules.

So basically few people will choose to violate the rules of the Holy Grail War set by Mooncell.

The act of saving the enemy like Emiya Shirou can be said to be on the edge of breaking the rules, and it can even be said that Mooncell has already begun to take countermeasures.


This message was told by Tohsaka Rin to Emiya Shirou. Since Emiya Shirou asked why the multimedia classroom was closed, he insisted that if Emiya Shirou wins, he will definitely encounter it.

Moreover, Tohsaka Rin himself hated Julius' behavior of killing other masters at will, so he told Emiya Shirou all the necessary information.

He also knew the real name and identity of Mr. Kuzugi's magician.

We also know that Julius is also someone who walks on the edge of breaking the rules, and he keeps killing those Masters who threaten Leo through some unknown means.

Tohsaka Rin also specifically told Emiya Shirou to stay away from Julius, as he might be killed accidentally.

"Sister Teng, since the multimedia classroom has two keys, why did you hand me the spare key instead of the original key?"

"Because the key seems to have been lent out."

Fujimura Taiga took out another key from somewhere and rummaged around. After not finding the original key, he answered Emiya Shirou.

"Lent it out? Sister Fuji, maybe it's the same as Mr. Kuzuki."

"Wait a minute, I'll check the rental records -"

As he spoke, Fujimura Taiga stretched out his hand and began to move in the void.

Although the office does have rental records, it is naturally more convenient to search for them on the Internet than on paper.

"Found it, the renter: trainee teacher - Ginako Galligeli"

"It seems that after I borrowed it, I never returned it."

Fujimura Dahe looked at the message above angrily and wanted to accuse the trainee teacher.

To be honest, she didn't know him.

Even though it was a false memory composed of pre-selection, Taiga Fujimura, as an NPC, found that he really had no memory of this Ginako Galligeli.

The presence is even lower than that of NPCs.

"Anyway, you go and take a look at the situation first. No matter what happens there, the commission reward will not be less!"

Taiga Fujimura patted Emiya Shirou on the shoulder.

Although she always has many strange tasks, the rewards are not generally generous.

At least compared to cleaning the warehouse, the rewards for tasks like cleaning toilets are much higher, and you can get more money.

But for Emiya Shirou, the money is of little use.

Rather than distracting himself from using magic rituals that were of little help during the battle, Emiya Shirou felt that he could better influence the battle situation by projecting some weapons with special effects.

Although Emiya Shirou did go all out in every battle, he did not show all his methods.

Whether it was to deal with Drake or the Three Worlds of Vlad, Emiya Shirou not only had those methods, but also had more all-out fighting methods.

"Ginako, I remember she was Karna's master——!"

At this time, Leo and Gawain, Ginako and Karna's opponents in the second round of battle, walked down the stairs very gracefully.

With a gentle smile, he greeted Shirou Emiya in the corridor very elegantly.

He seemed to have just identified his opponent from the bulletin board.

"Teacher Fujimura, Emiya-san, good morning!"

"Leo-san, good morning!!"

Fujimura Taiga also responded to Leo very energetically.

"I'm really happy to see Emiya-san win the second round like this."

Leo also told Emiya Shirou without hiding his emotions at all.

Because Emiya Shirou was regarded as his opponent, he sincerely and unabashedly hoped that Emiya Shirou could survive to fight against him.

Chapter 586: Mental breakdown has begun

"Sure enough, he's still alive——!"

In a dark room, there is only a weak light that allows people to barely see the surrounding environment clearly.

And that faint light was not a desk lamp, but the somewhat broken computer screen that fell to the ground.

The whole room was very crowded, and most of the place was filled with all kinds of sundries like a warehouse.

Among the miscellaneous items, there was an extremely simple carpet and quilt.

Various daily necessities, clothing, and food were scattered on the ground.

The stench filled the whole room.

In the garbage bag nearby, you can clearly see extremely sticky vomit.

"Save me, someone - save me"

Along with a faint wail, an extremely trembling voice came from the cabinet.

"Gina is so old——"

Before Shirou Emiya could finish his words, the people in the iron cabinet expressed strong resistance, and the entire cabinet began to shake violently.

Heart-rending roars came from the iron cabinet.

"Don't come here!!!!!!!!!"



The iron cabinet seemed unable to withstand the random movements of the people inside, and it fell forward violently, making a violent sound.

Looking at the fallen iron cabinet, Emiya Shirou strode out and quickly caught it firmly.

The locked iron cabinet was still shaking violently, trying to break free.

Gina didn't just hide in the iron cabinet, she even locked herself in it.

Seeing Ginako struggling fiercely in the iron cabinet, Shirou Emiya couldn't care so much at this time. A short knife that seemed to be everywhere appeared in Shirou Emiya's hand.

It was just a matter of splitting the lock, not to mention that the quality of these weapons forged by Emiya Shirou was not bad.


All that could be heard was a sound breaking through the air. The piece of lock that locked the iron cabinet was cut off by Shirou Emiya. Then his weak body fell heavily from the iron cabinet and fell into Shirou Emiya's arms.

The dizzy feeling of not eating for a long time filled Gina's mind at the moment when she exercised vigorously.

She wanted to struggle, but was unable to.

He could only keep roaring and begging, seemingly not remembering that he had ever met Shirou Emiya a few days ago.

Emiya Shirou draped the holy relic made by Jeanne d'Arc on Ginako's body.

There is no need to even make a diagnosis. It can be clearly felt that Jinako's mental state has begun to appear abnormal.

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