As a saint's shroud, it also has a certain degree of calming effect on ordinary people.

After wearing the night hat with the function of holy relics, Gina gradually calmed down and fell asleep.

She seemed to have not eaten for a while.

Shirou Emiya judged this way while looking at the weak Gina in his arms.

But then he saw the food thrown on the ground, which was not even spoiled, and the unknown vomit in the trash can.

It's probably not that she is unwilling to eat, but because of the oppression of death, it makes it difficult for her to eat.

This may be the attitude of an ordinary person involved in the Holy Grail War.

Not everyone has the courage to face death, and not everyone can treat life as nothing.

Even Matou Shinji, who claims to be a genius, will panic when facing death and only fear is left in his eyes, not to mention a stay-at-home girl who stays at home every day and even has no friends.

She doesn't know how to deal with such a life-threatening battle, and there is only fear in her eyes.

Especially when she saw Karna being devoured by the black substance in front of her, Ginako, who already knew that she would die, was hit hard again.

During the days when Ginako was hiding in the warehouse, Karna took care of Ginako's daily life like an old father, food, cleaning, these things were all taken care of by Karna silently.

Although Ginako's mental state was already a little abnormal at that time, she even had periodic vomiting and had no interest in food.

The living environment was clean and tidy, and Karna often cleaned it, so that Ginako's mental state did not fall into a bad situation so quickly.

But Karna didn't know how to comfort his master, nor did he know how to make his master change his mentality.

Unless Ginako spoke, Karna rarely spoke, and the most he said was to tell Ginako that she would not die in this Holy Grail War.

But Ginako only thought that this was Karna's words of comfort.

In the days that followed, even with Karna's company, Ginako's mental state began to decline.

Until the end of the second battle, Karna, who did not get the code key to go to the final battlefield, was deleted by Mooncell.

In fact, Ginako should have been deleted together with her servant Karna.

However, in order to allow Ginako to survive, Karna transferred his golden armor.

He could not resist the deletion by Mooncell, and his whole body was stained with black matter, and then disappeared in front of Ginako.

Ginako, who survived, did not feel lucky for this, and even became more panicked.

She did not know much about the Holy Grail War, and she did not know that as long as she did not go out to cause trouble, she could live safely until the end of the Holy Grail War and return to Earth in the golden armor.

In Ginako's heart, she would still die, and even the fact that she was sure that she would die made Ginako, who was already negative, even more negative.

Even a powerful being like Karna couldn't resist the deletion of Mooncell, let alone an ordinary person like me.

In such a dark, small and dirty environment, how could Ginako recover mentally? It would only be worse.

She began to scream and wail in pain because of the fear of death that was slowly approaching.

Until she was discovered by those student NPCs, Fujimura Taiga issued a commission and asked Shirou Emiya to come here.

Shirou Emiya had discovered the fact that Karna had transferred his golden armor from the beginning.

But there was nothing he could do, because when he returned to the health room again, Ginako had left.

When he first met Ginako, her mental state was not good, but Shirou Emiya didn't even know what to do.

Shirou Emiya was very experienced in physical injuries, and he could help with bandaging and so on.

But Shirou Emiya really didn't know how to lend a helping hand for psychological problems.

He could only hope in his heart that Ginako could recover.

"Take a short break, and add a few bottles of glucose, and Miss Ginako will be able to recover temporarily."

"But if it continues like this, I'm afraid Miss Ginako won't be able to hold on without Mooncell's help."

Looking at Ginako lying on the bed, Matou Sakura also spoke with great concern.

Chapter 587 Kuzuki

"The code key has been generated, please go to the arena--"

The mechanical words without any emotion appeared on the terminal in the hand of Shirou Emiya who had just left the health room.

After two battles, the magicians walking in the corridor are no longer talking to each other.

But those NPCs who live in the corridor like real students.

Of the original 128 people, only 32 are left in this Holy Grail War.

In addition, now that the school is divided into two buildings, there are almost no magicians walking around in the academy.

Everyone is rubbing their hands at this time, or going to the arena to find the code key.


However, just as Shirou Emiya was walking towards the arena, a faint sound of breaking through the air suddenly rang out.

A dark figure mixed with the sound of strong wind just turned the distance of several meters into nothing in the blink of an eye.

No warning, no awareness.

The figure used extremely refined body skills and extremely fast movements to stab Emiya Shirou's back with great speed.

Such a sophisticated way of hiding one's own aura, as well as the act of delivering a fatal blow at that important moment, are definitely not something ordinary people can do.

The snake-like killer only emerged from the shadows at the last moment.

Emiya Shirou did not notice the abnormality in his surroundings in advance.

This is not the environment in which Shirou Emiya often lives, and his observation skills are not so meticulous that he can feel the slightest change in the surrounding atmosphere.

What's more, Emiya Shirou didn't have any objects that could search his surroundings.

It's just that this is not the first time Emiya Shirou has been attacked from behind, nor will it be the last time.

This kind of thing is unavoidable, whether it is a sneak attack by oneself or by others.

Emiya Shirou didn't notice in advance that someone was ambushing him, but that didn't mean that Emiya Shirou couldn't react to someone else's sneak attack.

The moment the footsteps sounded, Emiya Shirou was aware of it. He suddenly stopped and a short sword with a chain appeared in his hand.

As if he had eyes on his back, Emiya Shirou stepped on his foot fiercely and turned to the side. He turned around and dodged the gently brushing palm without any surprise.

He wanted to know who did it to him in the academy, not even in the arena.

The punishment for a private fight in the school is not low. Regardless of whether the person who takes action achieves his or her goal, as long as it is judged as a private fight by Mooncell, he will be severely punished.

Of course, the premise is that [it is judged as a private fight by Mooncell].

Shirou Emiya didn't know who the person who attacked him was, whether it was a magician or a servant, not to mention that he couldn't choose to attack.

In this state, a protective ghost haunting is the best choice.

And that extremely fierce offensive calmed down in an instant, changing from fists to palms, just like seeing an acquaintance gently patting the shoulder, using very light force to move towards the place where Emiya Shirou was previously. Photograph the location.


Emiya Shirou, who dodged to the side and clutched the chain dagger tightly, also saw the person who attacked him.

It was a man with long black hair and wearing a pitch black coat.

His eyes seemed to be devoid of any emotion, revealing a biting coldness, unabashedly revealing his murderous intention in front of Emiya Shirou.

"The purpose has been achieved——!"

With such cold words, the man in the jet black coat seemed to have expected that Emiya Shirou would be able to dodge.

He did not choose to continue to attack Emiya Shirou, but looked coldly at Emiya Shirou, who was holding the dagger in his hand with a dead look in his eyes.


Emiya Shirou's eyes suddenly shrank, and he suddenly understood something. Without hesitation, the dagger in his hand changed.

The next second————

The originally familiar campus corridor was transformed into an extremely unfamiliar space at this moment.

The student lying lifeless on the ground felt a sense of crisis lingering around him.

A land as gray as death.

Ancient ruins that cover the sky and the sun.

Everything here is filled with unspeakable oppression.

And in the distance that ordinary people can't see with the naked eye, monsters are constantly emerging from the ground.

The moment Emiya Shirou teleported over, his whole body was covered by [Evil Ghost Haunted].

"This is the arena————"

Yes, as Tohsaka Rin said, that Kuzuki-sensei, no, Julius, is hunting the contestants in almost illegal ways.

Private fighting is prohibited in the academy, but fighting is allowed in the arena.

Then as long as the location of the battle is changed from the academy to the arena, it will not be a violation.

It's just that this kind of thing is simply not something that ordinary magicians can do.

At this moment, the crisis of life and death suddenly surged from the soles of his feet to his brain.

Emiya Shirou, who was originally extremely calm in the face of various situations, was somehow so nervous that it was difficult to breathe, and his consciousness tended to freeze.

There is no way to kill the contestants 100% simply by sending them to the arena.

Then there is only one situation————


However, the moment he realized the answer, it was already too late.

An extremely capable voice came from behind him.

"It's really————"

There was extreme displeasure in his tone.

Killing intent also enveloped Shirou Emiya in a moment, and death instantly filled his mind.

Emiya Shirou wanted to escape, but while wearing [Evil Ghost Haunted], his feet suddenly exerted force and he dodged to the side.

However, when that capable voice appeared, everything Emiya Shirou did was in vain.

Before he made a sound, Emiya Shirou was completely unaware of the presence of other people behind him.

Then, when he makes a sound, he can naturally be killed.


The noisy wind came from afar at this moment, sweeping across this gray-white land like a cemetery.

The corpses around him also silently revealed their sorrow for their fate at this moment.

"This armor can't protect your weak body——"


The air exploded at the moment the words fell.

That was not the storm caused by the terrifying light cannon.

It was not the sound of a very hard sword piercing the air.

It was just a simple punch.

It was just a punch that looked weak and swung forward.

The person standing behind Shirou Emiya just stretched out his hand and swung forward.

The air exploded, making an unimaginable whine.

No one could imagine what kind of impact such a punch would cause when it landed on that armor.


A crisp sound came from behind Shirou Emiya who dodged to the side.

There was no strong storm, no terrifying impact, and the armor that collided head-on with the fist did not even have a crack.

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