This is why, every time he enters the arena, Shirou Emiya can meet his opponent by coincidence.

It is the result of Mooncell's deliberate guidance. Otherwise, it would take so long to find the code key in such a large area.

Not to mention looking for his opponent while destroying monsters.

Matou Sakura also nodded to Rin Tohsaka. A panel that seemed to detect Shirou Emiya's physical condition appeared in front of her and began to scan Shirou Emiya's body.

"Senior Emiya's muscles are now in a weak state after the explosion."

"Although there is no damage on the surface of the body, the internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees, and most of the internal organs have even shattered."

Listening to the analysis of Matou Sakura, Rin Tohsaka's heart tightened.

If the rupture of the internal organs is not treated quickly, it can lead to death.

Although they are opponents now, Rin Tohsaka will not watch Shirou Emiya die in front of her like this.

"Will I die?"

Before Sakura Matou could speak, Shirou Emiya, who was sitting on the bed, answered weakly.

"Probably not, otherwise I should have died a few hours ago, instead of returning to the health room like this, resting for a while, and I should be fine the next day————"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's answer, Sakura Matou just opened her mouth and didn't continue speaking.

With such a degree of internal organ rupture, ordinary people can't survive at all, and she doesn't understand how Shirou Emiya has persisted for so long.

Since Shirou Emiya said so, Sakura Matou didn't intend to say anything more, and could only nod with some sadness.

"Huh? It's like this, what else do you say————"

Tosaka Rin endured the severe pain from her right arm, and accused Shirou Emiya with a slight anger on her face.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong with what the senior said."

Sakura Matou didn't know why, even though she was an advanced AI, she chose to echo Shirou Emiya's words at this moment, as if she believed in him from the bottom of her heart.

"Forget it, since Sakura said it's okay, then you should be fine too."

Hearing Sakura Matou's answer, Rin Tohsaka's heart was also put down. Since the advanced AI responsible for managing the health of the master said so, then Shirou Emiya should be fine.

Internal organ rupture can lead to death, but it can only lead to death. In many cases, if the treatment is timely, life will not be in danger. Moreover, in this world with magic, there is more than one treatment method.

"What on earth did you encounter to become like this?"

After feeding Shirou Emiya the recovery potion, Sakura Matou took Rin Tohsaka to the innermost bed and closed the curtain.

Rin Tohsaka was not particularly shy to take off her clothes and let Sakura Matou apply medicine for her.

"I met Julius."

Shirou Emiya did not hide anything because Rin Tohsaka was an opponent, not to mention that it was Rin Tohsaka who told him to pay attention to Julius and remember to keep a distance.

If it weren't for Rin Tohsaka, he would not have chosen to wear [Devil Haunted] immediately.

Although because the opponent is Li Shuwen, the defense of this set of armor is almost useless.

Chapter 596 Conversation in the Health Room

"Julius, no wonder——! Hiss————!"

The severe pain made Rin Tohsaka gasp, but her arm did not move at all, allowing Sakura Matou to apply medicine for her.

"It's a pity that I was not there at that time————"

Rin Tohsaka made a sound of regret, if she had been there at that time, it would have been better.

Of course, she knew what Julius's cheating method was.

She even made a magic spell on her body to prevent Julius from sneaking attack.

If she was teleported by Julius, she could teleport back quickly.

As a member of the resistance army, Rin Tohsaka naturally knew her opponents very well, the brothers Julius and Leo.

Especially Julius.

Unlike Leo, Julius was the captain of the anti-terrorist unit set up privately by the Western European chaebol.

A killer who has secretly killed many hostile forces.

Such a powerful killer has always been feared by the resistance organization.

It's just that he didn't appear on the battlefield or carry out assassinations for a long time.

According to reliable information, it seems that because he took too many drugs when he was a child, his body has begun to collapse and is in a half-dead state. After that, he underwent brain transformation and was connected to Harvey's supercomputer.

Therefore, Julius locked the multimedia classroom by illegal means and used it for himself.

The multimedia classroom in the academy is not just as simple as playing videos.

It can play the scene of the two masters fighting in the duel field in real time.

In other words, you can learn about the strength of other opponents through the multimedia classroom, and even learn the true name and treasure of the servant from it.

And Julius used the information obtained in the multimedia classroom to eliminate the object that threatened Leo to win the Holy Grail.

He was able to use almost illegal means to directly teleport the masters in the academy to a certain arena and let Li Shuwen eliminate them.

Even Emiya Shirou didn't have time to react, and the force of the punch penetrated the defense of [Devil Haunted] and hit his heart.

Not to mention those ordinary Masters, they were killed before they even had time to use the command spells.

The speed was so fast that even the servants in the academy could not react.

Tohsaka Rin didn't care whether Emiya Shirou would be noticed by Julius, mainly because Emiya Shirou didn't have his own servants, and logically he wouldn't be targeted by Julius.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin didn't know how Emiya Shirou fought, but Julius was able to clearly see the scene of Emiya Shirou's battle in the multimedia classroom.

Possessing the power to confront or even defeat a Servant, Julius naturally viewed Emiya Shirou as a threat.

Although Julius did not know how many Masters he had secretly killed.

But after each battle, the number of people was still only reduced by half.

Previously, Julius wanted to take action against Gina, who possessed Karna.

It's just that he has never found Ginako's location.

Later, he found that he had been staying in the warehouse without any intention of fighting. He didn't even go to the arena, so he didn't go to attack him.

After all, there was only one exit space. Without Li Shuwen by his side, Karna would probably react quickly and kill him.

Private fighting is prohibited in the academy, but it doesn't mean that you can't take action.

As long as the attack speed is fast enough, the opponent can be eliminated before Mooncell can stop it, but he will be severely punished.

However, if Gina continues like this, she will be eliminated because she has not collected the secret key. Taking such a risk to deal with it is really not worth the gain.

"What about you?"

Emiya Shirou also asked Tohsaka Rin who was inside the curtain.

"I met Leo, really, how could we be so unlucky to meet them both like this-!"

Tohsaka Rin muttered angrily, completely forgetting that he was the one who provoked Leo.

But sooner or later there will be an opponent, no matter who provokes them, they are all the same.

However, it was clear that he and Emiya Shirou were the opponents, but before the two of them collided head-on, they collided with the two Harvey family members first.

It’s really bad luck——!

"Hmph! That person with golden light all over his body? I hate him too—!"

Matou Shinji, who was lying on the hospital bed nearby, also expressed his disgust for him aloud.

When he appeared in the classroom, Matou Shinji didn't like him.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was mainly because Leo's appearance immediately stole his limelight, and his polite attitude always made him feel like he was punched in cotton wool.

Until now, Matou Shinji still seems to be worried about what happened on the fake campus during the preliminary selection.

"Is it the boy with short blond hair?"

Gina, who was on the other side of Matou Shinji, was also a little scared and made a weak sound.

There are only eight beds in the entire health room, and the four of them have already occupied half of them.

"That's right, it's him. It's like I punched his smiling face twice——!"

With that said, Matou Shinji waved towards the air in front of him, expressing his anger.

Although it is a childish-sounding anger.

"Are you okay now?".

Emiya Shirou's current physical condition is much worse than Gina's, but he has completely forgotten about himself and asked in extremely worried voice.

"No, it's okay——!"

Hearing the question from Shirou Emiya, who was already injured like this, Gina shook her head in confusion, obviously he was more serious than herself.

Gina is still a little dazed now, but it's much better than the chaos in that dark room. At least she can communicate normally like now.

At that time, she only had the fear of death in her eyes.

"Huh? Who is she? How do I remember that your opponent in the last battle was a person wearing a clown costume?"

After Matou Sakura was bandaged, Tohsaka Rin quickly put on her clothes, opened the curtain and questioned Emiya Shirou.

She had no impression of the Master who popped up out of nowhere.

It’s not the fault of Tohsaka Rin, Gina protects her online identity very well.

Even if she is number one in the world, basically no one knows her true identity, and she rarely interacts on those communication platforms with a large number of people.

Not everyone likes to show off like Matou Shinji, but he also hides it very well. Almost no one would have thought that the Asian gaming champion is actually a six-year-old child.

"Hello, my name is Jinake, yes, yes, yes, I am a participating master————"

Gina looked at Tohsaka Rin at a loss, with tears about to flow from the corners of her eyes.

Facing Rin Tosaka, Gina was obviously not as calm as when she first talked with Shirou Emiya, or with Shinji Matou.

Although Gina lives at home, she is already 29 years old and still has the calmness that some adults should have.

Gina has seen people like Shinji Matou on the Internet a lot, and he is obviously an Internet-addicted teenager.

She was also an Internet addicted girl back then.

But I haven’t given up this internet addiction yet.

Although Gina can be said to have always stayed at home and was not good at communication, just like Matou Shinji, the false memories provided by the qualifiers affected her, making her less socially fearful than herself on the ground.

And Shirou Emiya's personality is also quite gentle. In fact, if Shirou Emiya didn't like to help others and lend a helping hand to others, he would be just like an ordinary high school student.

Unlike Rin Tohsaka, the moment she saw her, Gina felt that if she were in school, she would definitely become a celebrity and a very special existence, whether it was her exquisite appearance or her unique personality.

Gina was a little bit overwhelmed.

Chapter 597 The True Wish

Time always passes quickly.

The golden sun slowly fell from the horizon, hiding in the thick clouds.

Only the horizon was left red.

The beam of light like a gem penetrated the window and shone on a pure white sheet.

Under the light of the gem, Gina, wearing a red cloak, sat on the hospital bed, looking at the computer in front of her in a daze.

The previously slightly lively health room fell silent.

Only the slight breathing of the girl named Matou Sakura lying on the table could be heard.

And the sound of Ginako clicking the mouse.

Through the light, under her glasses, her brown pupils trembled slightly.

It was not nervousness, but a sense of relief and gratitude.

Facing such a quiet environment, Ginako was no longer as panicked as she was at the beginning.

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