I don't know why, although I am obviously afraid of getting along with others, I enjoy the process of getting along with them so much.

It's strange.

Even though she is a 29-year-old adult woman, she gets along with them so easily.

It was obviously just an everyday thing that could be seen everywhere in school, but Gina kept it in her memory like a treasure.

Its preciousness far exceeds the various game records he has set.

If I were their classmate in high school, then school life would definitely be interesting.

This was the emotion that emerged from Ginako's heart at that moment.

The three of them are all unique people who will not change their behavior because of other people's opinions.

Tohsaka Rin didn't care about the opinions of outsiders. He did what he thought was right, otherwise he wouldn't have decided to stand up and resist the rule of the Western European plutocrats.

This is especially true for Emiya Shirou. His stubborn character will not change no matter how many times he is warned. Even Tohsaka Rin can only sigh for it and express his helplessness.

As for Matou Shinji, who calls himself a genius, he still maintains his arrogance even though he has suffered so many failures, and everything he does is based on his own ideas.

It is precisely because these three people have such uniqueness that they can look at themselves without any color.

Gina was originally worried that her cowardice and ridiculous reasons for joining the Holy Grail War would end up being despised by them.

But except for the negligible Matou Shinji, neither Emiya Shirou nor Tohsaka Rin showed any disdain.

However, he was still scolded by Tohsaka Rin.

Even though she was much older than Tohsaka Rin, she scolded herself as if she didn't care at all, scolding herself who was already an adult but not mature at all.

Of course, there was Shirou Emiya's restraint and Shinji Matou's undisguised ridicule.

Then they united the front together, and the target suddenly shifted from themselves to Matou Shinji.

Maybe Gina didn't realize it herself.

It is precisely because I have lived at home for fifteen years with almost no communication with the outside world.

It made her yearn so much that she could live with her parents who were not dead, become an ordinary high school student, go to school in an ordinary way, have ordinary friends and a boyfriend (if she could get one), and spend the time as an ordinary girl. A child's life.

Gina herself, deep down in her heart, does not want to live a life of staying at home forever.

She wants to change but doesn't know how.

She wanted to take that step into society, but she had been staying at home for a long time with almost no communication with others, making this step extremely difficult.

Therefore, when Gina heard that there was a Holy Grail that could fulfill any wish, she got involved by accident.

Of course, she also knew the fact that she would not die.

Tohsaka Rin explained to himself using a lot of professional terms and his deep exploration of the rules of the Holy Grail War.

Although he fell asleep in the middle of listening, the furious Tohsaka Rin shouted again and scolded him.

But roughly the answer Gina can get from the explanations of Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin is that she will not die.

And these are all things done for him by his follower, Karna, who exists like a father.

Gina looked at the sun that was about to set, her eyes full of gratitude and apologies.

It is obvious that he is Karna's follower, but everything he has done for him has to be learned from the mouths of others.

He was like a child, not understanding Karna who had been extending help to him.

After understanding all this, she suddenly had a lot to say to Karna, but she had no chance.

If she had the chance to meet Karna again in the future, she would definitely express her apology and gratitude to him.

As for now, let’s play the game for a while————

Gina, whose mentality has slowed down, doesn't have much to think about. She is a very simple person, if it weren't for this Holy Grail War.

Gina will probably stay at home until she dies.

And where did the equipment in front of her come from?

That was all Matou Shinji had finally carried from the warehouse.

Gina was embarrassed to say it, because she still didn't know whether these people were her friends, and this matter didn't seem to be a very important matter.

So Gina kept holding back until Tohsaka Rin asked.

Then for some reason, everyone's eyes turned to Matou Shinji, who was lying on the hospital bed and laughed again.


Although it was just a look, it seemed as if they had been together for a long time. Matou Shinji immediately understood what these people wanted to express.

"Huh? Emiya and I are both injured, but Gina is so weak now, so of course this kind of thing will happen to you!"

Tohsaka Rin put his hands on his hips and explained the past to Matou Shinji as a matter of course.

"I'm a patient too!"

Matou Shinji immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Don't think I don't know. Your injuries have been healed a long time ago. Those potions are equivalent to a simple healing magic. It is more than enough to treat your injuries in so many days. You can be said to be occupying public resources and staying in the hospital bed - —”


"What do you mean, is there anything wrong with what I said? The world's second-best Shinji?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Just wait, I will defeat you sooner or later, you vicious woman!!!!"

Matou Shinji scratched his head angrily, got up from the bed very reluctantly, and walked out of the health room.

In fact, if Matou Shinji really refused, Toosaka Rin would naturally not do anything to him.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Matou Shinji really regarded them as his friends in his heart.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to help do such a thing.

Chapter 598 March Fuyuki

The slight breathing sound rose and fell and lingered in such a simple room.

On the bed, Shirou Emiya, who had been lying since returning from the health room, suddenly regained his calmness and his breathing became stable, not as bad as before.

In this case, Shirou Emiya's eyelids suddenly trembled and slowly opened.


As soon as he woke up, Shirou Emiya felt the still extremely severe pain in his body.

His body did not recover as easily as before.

"Is the magic power inside almost exhausted?"

Shirou Emiya couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

For a long time, he didn't know how many times he had died without Avalon.

No matter how strong his will was, he couldn't resist the death of his body.

This was irresistible.

Shirou Emiya often paid attention to the situation of Avalon in his body.

Even after learning a lot of magic knowledge from Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya also found that every time he recovered, Avalon's magic fluctuations would become weak.

Until he returned to his own world, it was like it had been replenished, and the magic contained in it began to fill up.

But now, when he entered the spirit world before, he had consumed a lot of magic in the spirit storm to maintain the integrity of Shirou Emiya.

After that, he experienced a series of fierce battles, and Shirou Emiya was constantly suffering from various forms of injuries. He even saved Shirou Emiya from the hands of death.

The magic power contained in Avalon was rapidly consumed without any replenishment.

"We can only take it one step at a time——"

Shirou Emiya could only mutter to himself.

He never fought for his life just because he could be cured by Avalon.

The battle of risking his life is because it is worth risking his life.

Whether for himself or to save others, Shirou Emiya will never be stingy with his life.

It is better to say that his life has always been placed at the cheapest position by Shirou Emiya, so he will fight so hard.

"Ding ding ding————!"

Soon, the sound came from Shirou Emiya's terminal.

[The second code key has been generated in the arena. ]

Looking at the message above, Shirou Emiya remembered that there are only two days left before the final battle.

These days, Shirou Emiya did not go to the arena. He basically stayed in the academy with the recovery potion to rest.

Shirou Emiya did not plan to wait until his injuries were fully recovered, but just wanted to reduce the impact on the battle.

And he did not waste himself. He practiced his projection skills every day, and got a deeper understanding of the treasures he projected, striving to use them more skillfully.

Live up to the heroic name of these weapons and be able to exert their full strength.

"It's time to go--"

Shirou Emiya let out a long breath and came to the entrance of the arena again.

After all, this time he had to face his very familiar friend-Tohsaka Rin.

This was his first time stepping into this arena.

But the familiar feeling that came over him made Shirou Emiya stop his steps.

Dense woods surrounded the stone steps.

The joyful calls of birds rang out from them one after another.

A gentle breeze blew from the front, and under the sunshine, a mountain gate appeared at the end of the stone steps.

"Ryudo Temple————"

Shirou Emiya frowned.

You know, in order to tutor, Shirou Emiya came to Ryudo Temple almost every day during the holidays to visit Teacher Kuzuki and Issei Ryudo.

He was very familiar with the mountain gate of Ryudo Temple. Almost the moment he saw it, Shirou Emiya realized that this was Ryudo Temple.


But before Shirou Emiya could determine his position in the arena, strange cries sounded from all around.

The monster had discovered Shirou Emiya's existence and began to attack him.

The flying monster suddenly rolled up its wings, and it clenched into a fist shape and swung heavily in the direction of Shirou Emiya.


The heavy blow caused the strong wind to be blown to both sides, and a whistling sound was heard.

As each round ends, the strength of the monsters in the arena continues to rise.

The monster that appears now is far from being comparable to the monster that first appeared on the island.


With a faint sound of breaking through the air, the figure of Shirou Emiya, who was already wearing the evil spirit, completely disappeared.

The monster that originally launched the attack was stunned and looked for Shirou Emiya.

"It is not only physically demanding but also time-consuming to eliminate these monsters. Let's find the secret key as quickly as possible!"

Shirou Emiya had no desire to fight at all. He left the battlefield in an instant and entered the invisible state under the effect of the evil spirit.

Although Shirou Emiya participated in this Holy Grail War as a master, in reality, Shirou Emiya's current strength is at the level of a servant.

Shirou Emiya, who acted alone, did not need to consider the factor of protecting others. He could completely ignore these monsters and find the secret key as quickly as possible.

Many times, Shirou Emiya did not think so comprehensively. It was not until he met Li Shuwen, who could hide his breath, that Shirou Emiya thought that he could completely ignore these monsters and save a lot of time.

"Sure enough, this is Fuyuki City--!"

Flying in the air with his wings spread out in stealth, Emiya Shirou could easily detect that this urban maze constructed by Mooncell was modified from Fuyuki City.

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