His figure rolled on the snow like a rag thrown away, and then he died.

Esdeath had never thought of letting Numa Sekhar live. After getting tired of playing, there was only one ending waiting for him.

It was just that Emiya's appearance brought his death forward.

"You were defeated by me not long ago, and you just recovered from frostbite, and you want to challenge me?"

Esdeath took the rapier beside her very smoothly, swung a sword flower, and walked on the steps.

The icicles around her were like flowers blooming, and the whole military camp became extremely cold in an instant.

Riva and some guards around her all retreated quietly, leaving only Emiya Shirou standing straight in place, staring at Esdeath.

Let Emiya see the scene of her training Numa Sekhar.

This was intentional.

When Esdeath talked with Emiya during the battle, she was convinced that Emiya's values ​​were almost opposite to hers.

If she wanted to conquer Emiya, she had to make him change.

Emiya valued the lives of others more than his own, but Esdeath regarded the weak as grass, just objects for her to find fun.

Obviously, those northern warriors had nothing to do with him, but they tried their best to stop him.

Esdeath couldn't imagine which village could cultivate such a strange person.

Even the children in those remote villages would not give their lives for strangers.

What a contradictory person.

Esdeath seemed to have found a new toy, and her whole expression became very excited.

Rather than Emiya becoming her subordinate, she wanted to change Emiya's values, conquer him, and change him from the inside out.

This was something that excited her more than torture.

She had never changed a person like this before.

Those whose minds have been completely changed are basically enemies, and Esdeath will also sentence them to death. After all, their spirits have collapsed, and there is no need to stay, even if they are very strong.

And Shirou Emiya is not an enemy to Esdeath, and there is no need to torture him for any information.

What's more, what she needs more is a subordinate with his own thoughts, not a dog like Numa Seka who can only lick his shoes.

But she never thought that Emiya's obsession with the righteous partner is as indestructible as her self, and there will be no change in any case.

No one can make Esdeath change her principle of the survival of the fittest, and no one can make Emiya give up being a righteous partner.

Even for one person, Emiya can be a righteous partner.

"You can't defeat me without showing your murderous intent to me!"

She didn't hesitate at all, and the monstrous murderous intent surged from her body. In just one breath, a beautiful ice flower appeared in front of Emiya.

The silver-white light showed no mercy, tearing through the space and piercing Shirou Emiya's forehead.

Esdeath never gives up in battle, she always fights with the mentality of killing her opponent.

Even when facing someone she doesn't intend to kill, she will release her killing intent without reservation during the battle.

This is her respect for the battle and her thirst for blood. There is no meaning in a battle without killing.

The first step for Esdeath to change Emiya is to arouse his killing intent in his heart.

She believes that only in this way can she gradually change Emiya's thoughts!

It can also allow her to truly see Emiya's full strength.

In the previous battle, she could feel that Emiya did not use his full strength when fighting her.

It was as if he was afraid of accidentally hurting her life.

This made Esdeath very angry. She was obviously stronger than Emiya, but he did not use all his strength.

Whether it was because of the counterattack to kill those soldiers, or when fighting with Esdeath.

Emiya has never used his full strength.

This is a very simple reason - they are all human.

The Sun Blade in his hand is swung to kill demons, not to kill people.

Emiya will not fight with demons, and exchange his life for others', regardless of everything.

Even if she forced him like this, Emiya still did not have any intention to kill Esdeath.

Numa Sekhar is just a stranger to Emiya. At this time, Emiya is like a righteous person who sees a gangster attacking people on the roadside. They will rush up to stop his behavior, subdue him and hand him over to the police, instead of trying to kill the gangster.

They will be angry and regret why they did not stop it earlier, but they will not think that I will kill the gangster to avenge a few strangers, even if they will sacrifice their own lives when stopping the gangster, or kill him when stopping him.

A Western sword exactly the same as the one in Esdeath's hand appeared in front of Emiya, and suddenly bounced to the side, and accurately bounced the Western sword that stabbed him.

Before Esdeath could adjust, Emiya slapped the handle of his rapier fiercely.

Esdeath felt that this move was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"Ice Breathing, First Form, Cold Stab!"

Chapter 61: Second Battle! Esdeath


A silver arrow like a stream of light fiercely penetrated the air and shot towards Esdeath's shoulder.

At this moment, Esdeath's pupils suddenly shrank, and her body turned to the right, trying to dodge.

But it was too late. The distance between Esdeath and Emiya was very close.

After Emiya deflected Esdeath's attack, the rapier was right under her shoulder.

No matter how fast she was, she couldn't dodge the attack that almost touched her skin.

Unless she could stop time, there would be no possibility of dodging.


A hot stream splashed through the rapier onto Shirou Emiya's face.

Obviously, Esdeath did not have the ability called Smash Varudo at this time, and the rapier in Emiya's hand accurately and accurately inserted into Esdeath's shoulder.

This move was evolved by Esdeath from Emiya's breathing method. Whether it is explosive power or penetrating power, it is extremely terrifying.

If Esdeath and Emiya were at a certain distance, she would have full confidence to dodge such an attack.

Don't underestimate people who survived alone from dangerous populations.

Esdeath's intuition is even more accurate than that of wild animals. Before Emiya launched the attack, Esdeath's body had already deflected to the right.

But Emiya himself has experienced many life-and-death battles, and his brain will also work at a high speed every time he fights. Although Emiya's reaction speed is not as fast as Esdeath, the distance makes up for the difference in the reaction of Emiya and Esdeath's combat experience.

Emiya also read what Esdeath's body was thinking at the moment of launching the move. He stabbed at the left shoulder. Esdeath was in a state of charging and it was impossible for her to retreat behind.

If it weren't for Emiya's sudden change of force at the critical moment, with Esdeath's speed, although he couldn't dodge such a close-range attack, Emiya couldn't pierce her shoulder, and could only rub her arm.

Causing some minor, harmless injuries.

After being stabbed, Esdeath's body deflected, suddenly kicked the ground, and rushed to one side.

She pulled out the rapier that was inserted into her shoulder, and looked at her bloody palm in disbelief.

She seemed to have lost her mind suddenly, staring blankly at the blood on her hand.

Such a weird scene made Emiya, who was standing far away, forget to continue rushing over to fight with her.

I saw Esdeath suddenly lick the blood on her fingers with great enjoyment, and her face showed an extremely enjoyable expression.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had been injured.

Since she obtained the imperial weapon, neither the army nor the dangerous species could cause her any harm.

Another powerful general of the empire, General Bud, was unwilling to fight with her.

Bud always said that generals should not fight among themselves, as it would have a bad influence on their subordinates. So she couldn't force it.

He was just a very young boy, but he could always surprise her.

She didn't expect that she would be injured like this. Was the growth of the strength of the boy in front of her too amazing?

Esdeath wanted to take Emiya into her subordinates even more.

She liked to complete a work step by step, just like she became a general of the empire step by step.

An extremely cold breath burst out from her body, and the hole pierced in her shoulder was frozen in an instant.

Next, she would no longer deliberately lower her strength.

Esdeath wanted to see how much the red-haired boy had hidden.

The terrifying cold air turned into sound waves and exploded throughout the tent.

Leva and the guards standing outside the tent felt an extremely fierce chill rushing to their heads.

Without any preparation time, huge ice cones appeared above Emiya's head, like a guillotine, rushing towards Shirou Emiya one after another.


Silver light flashed, and one ice cone after another was shattered.

The cold knife light lit up again, turning into a golden stream of light, and once again rushed towards Esdeath's position.

The ice block as big as a meteorite stood abruptly in front of Shirou Emiya.


Under the extremely fast slash, the knife light that cut through the entire icy air easily cut the entire ice block in half.


Before Emiya continued to rush forward, a very white long leg in the ice mist suddenly fell on Emiya's abdomen.

Amid the muffled sound, Emiya rushed out like a bullet.

The snow that was originally as flat as the land was split all the way by Emiya who flew backwards, and his whole body rolled several times in it.

At this moment, Esdeath's figure suddenly flashed forward, rushing straight towards Emiya who had not yet stood up from the ground.



The sound of weapons colliding with each other once again continued to sound on the snow, rubbing out sparks.

Esdeath felt like she was looking in a mirror as she fought against Emiya. Whether it was moves or style, Emiya's fighting at this time was exactly the same as hers.

"You can learn all my fighting skills just by fighting once?"

At this time, Esdeath was truly shocked by Emiya's talent.

Because her own talent is also extremely high, she naturally knows how abnormal it is to be able to learn skills after a single battle.

This is not as simple as learning Emiya's breathing method. That kind of practice only needs to master its rules and reach a certain level of physical fitness to practice.

Tanjiro did not practice water breathing for three or four years.

It can be seen that the standard of breathing method is not very high.

But Esdeath naturally could not guess that Emiya could master the skills of his master through projection weapons.

The imperial weapon did not dare to make such an exaggerated description.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!"

A carrier pigeon circled in the air, looking very anxious.

It seemed to be conveying some information.

"It seems that there is an urgent matter in the empire."

Esdeath lowered her hat slightly. It seemed that this battle had to end quickly.

It could not continue to deal with Emiya Shirou.

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