As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere began to tremble.

Dazzling starlight shone from the center of the herd, illuminating the entire night sky.


Amid the sound of the sword, layer after layer of ice formed on Esdeath's hands. Under the sun's rays, it turned into an extremely dazzling light, and an extremely violent airflow burst out from Esdeath's position.


Amid the sound of an explosion, the cold air swept the entire venue.

A touch of gold wrapped in ice-blue light flashed before Emiya's eyes. This was an even more violent attack than Esdeath's previous one.

"Thunder Breathing!?"

Emiya Shirou only had time to be shocked, and the whole person was instantly blown away, flipped out like garbage, and smashed into the withered tree behind him.

He felt that his entire abdomen had lost consciousness.

Looking down, a touch of blue-green light spread from his abdomen to the surroundings.


This was Emiya's first judgment.

Esdeath didn't seem to want to let Emiya go this time. She rushed towards Emiya with a rapier, aiming directly at his neck.

"Lord Esdeath, can you let this boy go?"

Seeing Esdeath holding the rapier and intending to chop off Emiya's head, Riva rushed forward and knelt in front of her to stop her from doing the next move.

Riva's plea was also part of Esdeath's plan.

It was a pity that Esdeath didn't have any beautiful and strong women around him. Otherwise, if a young woman pleaded with him, she would be more grateful to Emiya than Riva.

One played the good cop and the other played the bad cop. For a young man like Emiya who was full of justice, Esdeath had already arranged a series of things to make Emiya submit to him.

"Oh? He is a serious criminal who attacked the empire's important officials, and he also killed many empire soldiers on the battlefield. If you save him, can you bear to see those soldiers sacrificed in vain? Save him? Now shouldn't you help those dead soldiers to avenge their deaths?"

Esdeath stabbed Liva's neck with the rapier in her hand, and drops of blood dripped down the rapier.

Her face was extremely cold and she looked extremely angry.

Chapter 62 Esdeath is about to return to the empire

Esdeath sat on a chair, one hand resting on her cheek, tilting her head and scanning the urgent information from the empire at a very fast speed.

"Night attack? Killer organization?"

"Everyone in it has an impressive imperial weapon!"

Esdeath licked her lips that were as soft as jelly.

Interesting things came one after another, how could Esdeath not be excited.

You know, even if she was on her career path to becoming a general of the empire, she didn't encounter such interesting things so overwhelmingly.

Fighting against the northern alien race, the red-haired boy with unlimited potential, and the night raid organization that constantly kills important officials of the empire.

All of this is telling Esdeath that she will not feel bored in the next period of time.

She quickly stood up from the chair and ordered the guards around her.

"Everyone, get ready! Prepare to return to the imperial capital!"


After the guards passed the information to the army outside, a deafening voice sounded from outside.

Those imperial soldiers have long wanted to stay in this icy and snowy place.

If it weren't for Esdeath looking for some information about dangerous species in the north in the palace, perhaps they would have been ready to return to the imperial capital.

Hunting dangerous species is also Esdeath's hobby.

After this war, she knew that she would most likely not come to this place again, and she decided to kill a few dangerous species as a souvenir.

That's why she came to the palace to watch their records of dangerous species here.

Weak dangerous species are not capable of becoming her collection.

Esdeath did not continue to meet with Shirou Emiya.

She has now let Shirou Emiya be managed by Liva. If Esdeath meets Emiya again now, not only Emiya, but even Esdeath may not be able to control her desire to fight him.

After all, the previous battle was not very enjoyable, and now Esdeath is still itching to find someone to fight.

She can't just find a reason to beat up her subordinates.

And such a disproportionate battle can't make Esdeath happy.

But the appearance of the empire's urgent intelligence is simply a pillow for her.

The battlefield in the north has long been pacified by Esdeath, and the entire northern alien city has been turned into ice sculptures under Esdeath's attack.

Countless civilians were slaughtered under the attack of the imperial army.

The capital of the northern alien race turned into an empty city overnight.

Those who were lucky enough not to be killed by Esdeath could not escape the fate of being killed. Her subordinates had already surrounded the entire city and kept cleaning up the battlefield.

Even those who hid in the cellar were killed by the soldiers without any surprise.

It was on this day that a race disappeared from the world.

No army would threaten the northern border of the empire anymore.

The military camp where Emiya was located was the palace of the northern alien race that was broken by Esdeath.

In such a short time, there was no way to make Emiya become her subordinate except by using violence.

This is not something that can be done overnight, so Esdeath is not in a hurry for Shirou Emiya.

She handed Shirou Emiya to Riva for the purpose of taking things step by step, like a spider entangling its prey, constantly making him lose the will to struggle, and finally falling into the spider's fangs.

The first step is to use Riva's life-saving grace to tie Shirou Emiya to her own troops.

Otherwise, Shirou Emiya will find a chance to run away, and Esdeath will not put aside her duties to find him.

She is even less likely to monitor Shirou Emiya all day long. He is just a potential subordinate, and it is not worth her spending so much energy.

If Emiya wants to run, no one can stop him except herself.

Esdeath's evaluation of Shirou Emiya is that he does not have an imperial weapon, but he is better than an imperial weapon user.

As long as Emiya is kept in the army, Esdeath has various ways to train him to be what she wants him to be.

And relying on the relationship between Riva and her, Emiya had to think about any conflict with Esdeath because of Riva's life-saving grace.

Esdeath was Riva's boss, and she was the kind of murderer who killed people without blinking an eye and liked to abuse people. Emiya had to consider what kind of punishment she would give to Riva if he confronted Esdeath.

Maybe he would kill his savior.

This must be the result that Emiya did not want to see.

Let's talk about two things separately. Emiya was recovering from his injuries again.

Emiya found himself trapped in an endless cycle called recovery.

Although it was his own fault in many cases, he did not regret it.

He sat up from the bed again. In fact, Emiya did not have much injury on his body, but the organs in his body had different degrees of frostbite.

After just a short rest for a while, Emiya felt much better and his breathing became smoother.

But Emiya thought that Riva lying next to him was very uncomfortable.

Blood has seeped through the bandage. Just by looking at it, Emiya felt a great sense of guilt.

If it weren't for his impulsiveness, Mr. Riva wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries.

"Don't worry, Emiya boy! Cough! Cough!"

Riva sat on the bed next to Shirou Emiya, patted his shoulder, and couldn't help coughing, but he still signaled him not to feel guilty about it.

Acting should be done in full.

The self-torture trick is of course a very good way.

Esdeath slashed at Riva's chest very fiercely, and blood spurted out of Riva's chest like a spring.

Shirou Emiya even rushed forward a few steps and fell to the ground when almost half of his body was completely frozen.

He had no way to resist Esdeath's freezing.

He could only watch Riva fall in a pool of blood like this.

Shirou Emiya stared at Esdeath, his eyes became more angry.

But now it was just impotent rage.

His entire lower body had been frozen into an ice sculpture. If he hit it hard, Shirou Emiya's lower body would also break apart with the breaking of the ice.

"Send them to the medical tent."

Esdeath stared at Shirou Emiya with a very cold-blooded look, and then returned to his own tent.

Of course, for those who seem to be so seriously injured, in fact, they can basically recover to their prime within three days.

So they can only bully a country boy like Emiya, who does not understand the concept of strong recovery.

Although Emiya has the most powerful recovery thing.

"Lord Riva! Lord Esdeath has a mission for you."

A soldier stood in front of Riva and reported to him in a low voice.

After all, this is a ward, and many injured patients need to rest.

Although only Riva and Shirou Emiya are resting here now, most of the soldiers have already recovered.

Otherwise, Esdeath would not have ordered to return to the imperial capital immediately.

She still pays attention to her wounded subordinates.

Liva apologized to Emiya and walked out with the soldier.

"Assassinate those ministers?"

Liva nodded outside the tent, indicating that he understood and thought carefully.

If he wanted to find a way to take Emiya in, Esdeath would basically not be able to appear in front of Emiya anymore, and this mission just gave Emiya an opportunity to stay away from Esdeath.

It was also an opportunity for Liva to constantly ask Emiya to accept Esdeath. If they always met each other, even if Liva was Emiya's savior, there was no way to force Emiya to accept Esdeath.

This kind of thing needs to be done step by step and slowly.

Thinking of this, Liva asked Emiya who was still in the ward.

"Do you want to leave the army with me temporarily?"

Chapter 63 A fatal blow

The sky was clear and the bright sunshine illuminated the entire town, which was extremely bright.

The soldiers stationed in the city also lined up in a uniform manner, then spread out to move out some of the things placed in the tents.

It seemed that these soldiers were preparing to return to the empire and were sorting out some of the things they had gained in this war.

And Emiya also followed behind Liva and watched these soldiers who looked very excited and sorted very quickly.

But he always felt something was wrong, and he couldn't tell why.

The faint smell of blood in the air that couldn't dissipate made Emiya feel a little uncomfortable.

After the massacre, the army cleaned up the area in order to be stationed. They couldn't sleep with corpses every day.

So during the time when Emiya woke up, he didn't see anyone from other countries except the people of the empire.

But this is a military camp, so it's normal that there are only people from the empire.

As for the smell of blood, Emiya just thought it was the result of the battle between the two armies.

After all, war is always accompanied by blood.

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