"Mr. Liwa, where are we going?"

Emiya looked at Liva who was constantly crossing the camp in front of him and asked.

Although Emiya accepted Liva's invitation, he didn't know where he was going.

Emiya had just come to this world and was unfamiliar with the place, so he broke into the battlefield.

He also had several conflicts with Esdeath and stayed in the military doctor's camp.

"Is he someone from a certain village?"

After these days of observation, Liva made this judgment on the origin of Emiya.

As the most powerful country on the entire continent, it can be said that almost everyone knows about the empire. Even towns in other countries know the existence of such a powerful empire.

Perhaps only villages deep in the mountains and forests with almost no communication with the outside world would know nothing about the empire.

Even the powerful empire has not explored all the locations on the entire continent.

After all, there are many extremely powerful and dangerous species in the world.

The two are far apart, and the empire is unwilling to spend a lot of troops to provoke them.

Just like the empire faced the foreign tribes in the north.

The empire can be said to be in danger. If it were not for the support of the Teigu, it would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

How could he have the energy to go out to conquer new territories? If it hadn't been for their invasion of the empire, perhaps the empire would not have sent Esdeath to conquer them.

"Go and meet up with my other two teammates, and then head towards the Imperial Capital."

Levi's calm voice answered Emiya's inquiry. He could still give Emiya Shirou an answer to such a question, but the deeper reason might only be covered up with lies.

The marching speed of the army is very slow. If Esdeath returns to the empire to respond to the members of the night attack, it will be very passive.

Esdeath was not willing to passively wait for the night attack to make a decision on her.

Although she didn't think the night attack could cause any harm to her, this was due to her absolute confidence in her own strength.

Therefore, Esdeath decided to send his three beast warriors to the empire first, and cooperated with Minister Ernest internally and externally to kill those ministers who opposed him, and then passed the blame to the night attack organization.

Bringing Emiya Shirou was also something Esdeath had considered.

Let Leva tell Emiya Shirou that those people are rotten teeth in the empire, killing countless people, robbing women, and punishing everyone.

He would act together with the three beast warriors. Even if Emiya did not kill them himself, he was already an accomplice by not stopping the three beast warriors.

Because he had the ability to stop but saw those people being executed with his own eyes.

Esdeath was looking forward to how Emiya would look when he finally knew that those who were killed were loyal and kind-hearted people.

With this in mind, Esdeath inserted a piece of the apple that the guard had just brought over, which had been cut into pieces and seemed to have been prepared by some means.

She took a gentle bite, and sweet but not smooth juice burst out of her mouth.

“It tastes really good!”

It was rare for Esdeath to express his praise for a food. Even in Esdeath in the Empire, he had never tasted food that tasted so full of ileum.

"Which chef in the army made it?"

Esdeath decided to make him her personal chef.

"This is made by the boy named Emiya who lives next to Liva. Lord Liva thinks this food tastes very good, so he asked me to bring it over for you to taste."

The guard knelt in front of Esdeath and answered her questions respectfully.

"Really? It seems that accepting him as a subordinate will be brought forward."

Esdeath licked her lips habitually, savoring the taste of those apples.

——————I am the dividing line——————

"Hey! Why did General Liwa bring the child with him?"

Sitting on the carriage, a man with short blond hair, two devil-like horns on his head, and a very cute face greeted Liva and Emiya Shirou as they walked towards them.

In his hand was a flute-like object.

"Long wait! Niu."

Liwa didn't pay any attention to his provocation. In fact, he didn't mean to provoke Liwa in any way, but he always spoke so harshly.

On the other side, before Shirou Emiya could follow Leva's footsteps, a man with an extremely majestic body stood in front of Shirou Emiya, holding a giant ax in his hand.

"Are you the boy who fought against Lord Esdeath?"

He looked at Shirou Emiya extremely fiercely, as if he was going to tear him apart in the next second.

"Don't scare the kid. Maybe he hasn't even killed anyone?"

Niu, who was sitting next to the car, was swinging the flute in his hand, with an expression on his face as if he was watching a show.

Except for Liva, the other two people had never seen the scene of fighting Esdeath for Emiya Shirou. They did not believe that someone without a Teigu could fight such a terrifying woman back and forth.

Even in the end, Emiya Shirou was killed instantly by Esdeath.

They didn't even have the courage to fight Esdeath, and they simply didn't believe that someone who had been defeated by Esdeath would have the courage to face her.

And Liva stood in front of the carriage without any dissuasion.

He just stood there quietly, saying nothing.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Emiya's tone also turned cold, he knew what would happen next.

"You will become my experience value!"

He roared loudly with great excitement, and swung the huge axe in his hand towards Emiya's neck without any mercy.

With one blow, he intended to make Emiya's head fall off.

Daidas, as one of the three beast warriors of Esdeath, he is a complete battle maniac, and prefers to fight with strong people to improve his experience value.



A very shocking sound came from Daidas's body.

He only had time to see a silver knife light, and Emiya's whole body seemed to have not moved. Only his right hand held a weapon like a samurai sword that came from nowhere, and pressed it against Daidas' neck, and a trace of blood came out of it.


A few seconds later, a loud noise made everyone look over.

I saw a huge axe blade falling from the sky, hitting the ground fiercely, and shaking a circle of extremely large waves.

In just a moment, Emiya knocked the axe blade in Daidas's hand away and put the knife in his hand on his neck.

Chapter 64: Finally reaching the Empire

The four people sat in the carriage silently, but it should not be called a carriage, but a dangerous species carriage.

In order to reach the empire in a very short time, Esde deliberately captured a dangerous species and made it obey orders with extremely violent means, destroying all its offensive organs and eating organs.

The strong survival instinct told it that if it obeyed the orders of the woman in front of it, it might still live for a while, but if it didn't, it would die on the spot.

Because in front of it, there were dead compatriots in groups.

The driver seemed very skilled, like an old hand who had driven a car in Akina Mountain. Even if the creature in front of him changed from a horse to a dangerous species, he drove his car very steadily.

If there was a glass of water on the dangerous species car, it would be very stable and not a drop of water would spill.

Maybe this driver had delivered tofu to his father before.

However, no matter how good the driving skills are, they can't stabilize the mood of some people sitting in the car.

Especially Daidas who was defeated by one blow.

Several times he wanted to rush forward suddenly and use his strong physical strength to beat Shirou Emiya into a meat paste.

But the blood that kept seeping out of his neck reminded him that as long as he dared to take a step forward, he would be the one to fall headfirst.

He didn't have the confidence to be faster than Shirou Emiya.

You have to know that he didn't react at the moment of the attack, and he didn't even know when the weapon in his hand was knocked away.

If Shirou Emiya was really an enemy, he might not even have any reaction ability, and his head would fly directly into the sky.

I'm afraid he was still thinking that he had cut off Shirou Emiya's head.

The instinct of the creature made him lower his head and show the posture of a loser.

Could it be that thin people have such powerful strength?

Whether it is Leva, Esdeath, or the red-haired boy in front of him, they all have their own unmatched strength.

How can he beat them? Even if he got the imperial weapon, he couldn't beat them. This made Daidas fall into deep self-doubt.

Then he looked up and saw Niu beside him.

Sure enough, the world is not so outrageous. At least he can easily crush the pervert who likes to collect female faces in front of him.

"What are you looking at!"

Niu kicked Daidas with a kick, expressing her dissatisfaction with him in her eyes.

And Shirou Emiya sat facing the two men.

Whether it was the first meeting or the bloody smell emanating from them, Emiya felt resistant to it.

Emiya planned to follow them to the so-called empire first, and then leave.

Going with them would only make Emiya feel uncomfortable.

Emiya did not pursue the bloody smell on the two people in front of him. Even he himself had the bloody smell on his body that he could not wash off no matter what.

People on the battlefield are helpless.

Even Riva, who had been with Emiya for a few days, had a little bloody smell on his body.

Compared with the two people in front of him, he was a little less, but not much less.

Those who could become Esdeath's subordinates and become the main force on the battlefield had their hands stained with the blood of countless people.

But Riva had his own principles. Unless Esdeath ordered him directly, Riva would not usually attack innocent people, and he did not have any special hobbies.

If Esdeath ordered him to kill, even if it was a massacre of the city, Riva would be able to do it.

He was now loyal to Esdeath with all his heart, and no matter how unscrupulous the order was, Riva would choose to accept it.

"Don't think about leaving for the time being. Lord Esdeath has told me to keep an eye on you."

Seeing that Emiya kept looking out the window, as if looking for some opportunity, Riva reminded Emiya.

Tell Emiya that he stayed by your side these days not only to take care of you, but also to have his own duty of monitoring.

It also made Emiya hear the subtext.

If Emiya escapes, then the best outcome for Riva is that Esdeath will leave him with his body intact.

Emiya doesn't know that this is a play between Riva and Esdeath. He knows that if he leaves, Esdeath will definitely not let Riva go.

After careful consideration, Emiya could only temporarily suppress his idea of ​​exploring intelligence in the empire.

He could only sit in the car obediently and follow them to carry out the mission given to them by Esdeath.

Of course, Emiya didn't know what their mission was, so Emiya asked.

"What do you plan to do after going to the empire?"


Before Niu could speak, Riva quickly interrupted her.

People born in aristocrats really have no sense of confidentiality. Emiya has not really become Esdeath's subordinate, so how can he describe it to him like this?

"Bring some scum of the empire to justice."

Riva answered Emiya in a very affirmative tone.

And Niu, who was very shrewd on the side, also understood why Riva did this.

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