Tsukiumihara Academy, health room.

At this time, Kiri Sakura was hurriedly bandaging Emiya Shirou, who was already bruised and bruised.

Although Li Shuwen, as a berserker, could no longer crush his own internal organs as easily as before, the strong force, mixed with the strength of not needing two strikes, continued to penetrate the protection of [Evil Ghost Haunting] , hitting the internal body.

As a berserker, Li Shuwen didn't care about his injuries at all. Even if Emiya Shirou's knight sword hit his shoulder hard, he remained indifferent and punched towards Emiya Shirou's body one after another.

"Really, before I even collided head-on with Leo, I encountered something like this——!"

"It's all my fault, if I could get rid of Julius earlier!"

Sitting next to Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin was a little aggrieved, and also blamed himself. If Leo hadn't suddenly appeared around at that time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

But in the final analysis, the battle location was too small, and Emiya Shirou had no way to break free from Li Shuwen's shackles and unleash his own strength.

However, Li Shuwen was able to launch attacks as much as he wanted, and Shirou Emiya could only fight to the end.

I'm afraid the situation will be like this when fighting Gawain. This kind of terrain is really not conducive to Emiya Shirou's battle.

But fortunately, Li Shuwen is now in a state of madness, otherwise Emiya Shirou would not be able to hold on to him for such a long time.

Even when Li Shuwen was in a state of madness, Shirou Emiya's skills were incomparable. It was just that he was able to fight with him compared to before.

But if the battle continues for a long time, the loser will still be Emiya Shirou.

Chapter 625: Ways to Cope

In the health room, Tohsaka Rin sat on the chair at the desk nearby and took a sip of the black tea that Sakura had just brewed, with a look of gloominess written all over his face.

"Now Julius is like an undead, wandering in the arena. I think if we enter the arena again, it won't be long before Julius appears again!"

She looked at the black tea in her hand and analyzed the current situation very calmly.

"And Leo, who is staying in the arena, will soon discover the noise caused by our fight with Julius, and he may arrive at our location at any time. We can't be so lucky every time, just Meet Julius near the exit point."

"So the only thing we can do now is to get rid of Julius before Leo arrives?"

Listening to Tohsaka Rin's words, Emiya Shirou quickly understood the only solution now.

There was no way they could shield Julius, and they even said that Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou didn't understand what the negative emotions like black mud actually existed.

Emiya Shirou couldn't analyze those things, and Tohsaka Rin couldn't make contact with them. She couldn't think of a way to deal with Julius without fighting.

It can only be said that the best way now is to get rid of Li Shuwen or Julius in a short time.

Leo would not stand aside and do nothing when he saw Shirou Emiya fighting with Li Shuwen.

He is gentle and graceful, and his personality is extremely gentle, but he is also a king and a leader. Faced with such a situation, he can order Gawain to release the Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

"I want to ask you, is there any Noble Phantasm that can quickly eliminate Berserker? For example, Cu Chulainn's Noble Phantasm, can you free it again?"

"No, Li Shuwen's speed is too fast. I can't complete the liberation of the Noble Phantasm before he rushes over -!"

Emiya Shirou looked at Tohsaka Rin and shook his head. To liberate the [Death Thorn Piercer], you need to take a stance in advance, and in just this short period of time, Li Shuwen was enough to sprint in front of Emiya Shirou. .

If he wanted to forcibly liberate the Noble Phantasm, during this period, even if he was wearing [Evil Ghost Haunted], he would be easily killed by Li Shuwen's power that could penetrate the armor.

One of the ways to deal with Cu Chulainn's Noble Phantasm is to kill it before it can release the Noble Phantasm.

Emiya Shirou was unable to do this, so he kept a distance from Cu Chulainn.

Shirou Emiya didn't know what would happen if Li Shuwen faced Cu Chulainn, but if he wanted to forcibly liberate the Noble Phantasm, he would die in Li Shuwen's hands because he didn't take precautions.

Although the projected [Death Thorn Piercing Spear] can pierce Li Shuwen's heart, such an ending of dying together is not what Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou want.

What's more, for Julius, as long as Shirou Emiya dies, it doesn't matter if they both die together.

Of course, Shirou Emiya couldn't just stand there and wait for Julius to come.

He even said that if he did this, he would most likely end up standing there for a whole day, waiting for Julius to appear when he wanted to leave.

Shirou Emiya needed time, but Julius didn't care about time. He could even stay in the dark, like a wild wolf keeping a close eye on his prey, until the prey relaxed its vigilance and struck again.

You must know that he is the captain of the Harvey family's assassination team.

At this time, a soft voice sounded from behind Emiya Shirou.

"Senior, it's been bandaged——!"

Next to Emiya Shirou, Matou Sakura gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, put away the medicines and blood-stained bandages placed on the bedside table, and spoke slowly with worry on her face.

Matou Sakura secretly used her own authority to deduct the healing potions delivered by Mooncell.

Mix it with the normal medicines in the health room, rub it on Emiya Shirou's body, and bandage it very carefully.

She didn't know why she did this. She was obviously just a high-level AI who had nothing to do with Shirou Emiya. She was obviously responsible for managing the health of all contestants, but she was the only one who had special feelings for Shirou Emiya. take care of.

Matou Sakura didn't understand, but she still did it.

"Thanks, Sakura-!"

Emiya Shirou also looked gratefully at Sakura, who was bandaging and wiping medicine for himself, and then re-projected a shirt that was not stained with blood and put it on.

"However, there should be a way to deal with Li Shuwen."

As if he thought of something, Emiya Shirou spoke slowly.

"What can I do!?"

Tohsaka Rin also looked at Shirou Emiya with some surprise. After all, Cu Chulainn's rapid release of the Noble Phantasm did not have time to display it. Like other Noble Phantasms, there was no possibility of displaying it.

In such a small space, with Li Shuwen's strong strength and terrifying speed, Emiya Shirou was almost limited to what he could do.

There is also the wall that is extremely difficult to break, even if Emiya Shirou wants to distance himself, he cannot do so.

"Do you still remember that [One-Sword Shura]?"

"The Noble Phantasm that made you still weak after your explosion?"

Although he left the arena, at the entrance of the arena, Tohsaka Rin helped Emiya Shirou back to the health room.

It can be said to be a very bold idea to compress all the physical strength and magic power in the body into one minute.

But at the same time, it is also a minute of trying one's best. If there is no way to kill the enemy within this minute, then only Emiya Shirou will be killed by the enemy.

Even though Emiya Shirou was exhausted, he could still force his body to move with his tenacious will.

But with combat power, it is naturally impossible to continue a head-on battle with the servants. At most, it can only barely deal with the enemy characters in the maze.

Even magic power can only be obtained by overdrafting one's own life force.

"[One-Sword Shura] has another advanced stage. [One-Sword Rakshasa] can condense all the physical strength and magic power into one second and explode! And this burden on the body will be even more severe!"

After the battle with the world's strongest female swordsman, Shirou Emiya stayed at Pojun Academy for a few days before saying goodbye to Kurono Shinguji.

During this period, Emiya Shirou also met Kuroyuki Ikki, who had surpassed Toka Todoka. He just said that even when he left, he had not fought against Kuroyuki Ikki, which was considered a pity.

If he really faced off against Kuroyuki Ikki, Emiya Shirou didn't know if he could win.

Chapter 626: Will eventually reach God’s Realm

"Now that it's solved, now we should discuss the next issue————"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Tohsaka Rin relaxed slightly, and then became serious again.

"What am I like in the parallel world you live in?"

She looked straight at Emiya Shirou. After analyzing that Emiya Shirou might be an existence in a parallel world, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but want to know what kind of existence she was in that parallel world.

What is his relationship with Emiya Shirou?

"A maverick in the school -"

Emiya Shirou could only respond to Tohsaka Rin with a wry smile. He did not expect that his identity would be revealed so easily, nor did he expect that Tohsaka Rin would accept the fact that he came from a parallel universe so easily.

It can even be said that most magicians can easily accept this matter.

After all, the founder of the Clock Tower of the Magic Association was the second magician Kishua Zelrich Shibain Ogu.

The second magic is the proof and application of parallel worlds.

Only Emiya Shirou, who didn't understand many things in the magic world, would make such a fuss.

Listening to Emiya Shirou's eloquent words, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

Just like what she said in the elevator at the beginning, if what she did was over, she would return to Japan and go to school.

What Emiya Shirou is talking about now is the life she is most looking forward to.

As a high-level AI, Sakura Matou was also sitting aside at this moment, listening infatuatedly to Shirou Emiya describing everything about herself in another world.

Obviously I shouldn't care about this.

Time also passed quickly as Shirou Emiya continued to describe his world.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou returned to the arena once again.

"Tohsaka, let's go find the exit point first——!"

They even said that the first code key was not found, and they fled in a hurry.

But this time, they came to the arena not to find the secret key, but to deal with the undead from hell-Julius.

"I know! Go that way!"

Tohsaka Rin also responded quickly to Shirou Emiya, and did not stop the action in her hands, and began to search for the existence of a nearby logout point at the fastest speed.

This move that squeezed all of one's own strength, it is almost easy to understand how weak Shirou Emiya will be after performing it.

Then the first thing to do is naturally to exit the dangerous arena and come to the safer inside the academy.

And Julius himself will chase them at the fastest speed, so the most important thing at this stage is to find the logout point immediately.

Try to leave the arena as soon as possible after the battle.

However, plans can never keep up with changes.

After just a few minutes of running, the dark substance quickly swallowed up everything around, and the depressing atmosphere once again lingered around Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka.

The red figure filled with extremely terrifying murderous intent once again appeared in front of Shirou Emiya.


Without any prelude or any conversation, an extremely violent roar rose violently under the entire dark city wall, as if a ferocious beast from ancient times was rioting, which was frightening.


The violent atmosphere quickly rose up from Li Shuwen's tightly clenched fist, bringing a whistling wind that made people's eardrums hurt, as if it tore the sky apart, and in an instant it turned into a black shadow and shot directly at Shirou Emiya's body.

The principle of [One Sword Shura] is actually very simple.

Ikki Kurogane once said that humans are living creatures with the instinct to keep themselves alive.

Even if you force yourself to do your best in your heart, your instinct will not allow you to exceed the limit.

Instinct will specially distinguish and retain the part that is enough to maintain life functions from the power you usually drive.

However, Ikki Kurogane got rid of the shackles of instinct through willpower. Concentrate all the power you have into just one minute, and use it up without a drop left, in order to achieve explosive combat power in an instant.

This is not a skill that can be performed simply by understanding. Even Kurogane Ikki has never concealed the use skills of [One Sword Shura].

If there is really someone like him who can perform [One Sword Shura], Kurogane Ikki will not feel decadent because of it, but will be more excited.

This skill not only requires unparalleled willpower, but also requires more than dozens of times more arduous training than others to get that tempered body.

So much so that in that world where talent is respected, no one can reach the same height as Kurogane Ikki.

"The weakest? Kurogane, you have already surpassed them-"

"The skills you have mastered are no worse than anyone else."

Feeling the heaviness coming from the long sword without any characteristics, Shirou Emiya's heart also settled.

There is no preparation, and no preparation is needed.

Just like Shirou Emiya's heart stopped when Li Shuwen punched him without any reaction.

This sword was also beyond Julius's expectation.

"Betting everything on this second————"

[Ichito Rakshasa]

"Seventh Secret Sword·Lightning——!"

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