
A blade's cry that broke through the sky spread in this space.

Everyone only had time to see a flash of light.


The martial artist with the fierce fist left a roar that shook the surroundings and disappeared into the void.

If the person standing in front of Shirou Emiya was not Li Shuwen who had lost his mind, but Li Shuwen of Lancer, Shirou Emiya's body would have been pierced at the moment of such a blow.

Shirou Emiya's blow, which should be said to be a terrifying blow of Kurogane Ikki that he imitated, did not reach the divine realm.

But it has begun to reach it.

Given time, the person named Kurogane Ikki will surely reach the so-called divine realm.


The command seal engraved on the back of Julius' left hand began to emit a reddish-brown light.

The man's upright face became distorted in the blink of an eye.

The severe pain and the weakness from the soles of his feet made him fall forward.


Tousaka Rin screamed at Shirou Emiya who suddenly walked forward.

Shirou Emiya, who was already soaked in blood, ran towards Julius who was falling forward, looking extremely weak.

Then, he helped Julius up with a painful expression.

At this time, the Command Seals on the back of his hand kept disappearing, and the sound of his body collapsing kept coming out.

He looked at Shirou Emiya in front of him, who was covered in blood, and roared in pain,

"Get out of my way!?"

Julius wanted to struggle out of Shirou Emiya's hands, but the weakness caused by the collapse of his body made him have no strength at all.

He couldn't even make a fist with both hands.

He looked at Shirou Emiya who was supporting him with some unreasonableness. What kind of person would help an enemy who wanted his life all the time?

This was something Julius couldn't understand at all.

Did Shirou Emiya really think that if he had the power, he would have any mercy on him?

Is this pity?

Does he need pity from others?

Julius looked at Shirou Emiya in front of him with a slightly angry look.

What he saw was eyes full of sadness.

Why did he feel sad?

Was it because of his tragic life?

Or was it because of his tragic death at the end?

Julius wanted to find the answer from Shirou Emiya's eyes.

As the dark side of Harvey, Julius had long been determined to bear everything. He did not need pity from others, let alone others to feel sad for him.

However, Julius, who was in a negative mood, clearly saw that the sadness shown by Shirou Emiya was not what he imagined.

It was sadness for a person who was about to die.

Sadness for the disappearance of a life.

"Why!? Why didn't you give me the last blow——!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was unmoved in front of him, Julius couldn't help but ask out loud.

In fact, from the very beginning, Julius noticed Shirou Emiya, and noticed the existence of such a person without his own servant.

He had the key to the multimedia classroom that could observe the decisive battlefield, and during the first battle, he began to constantly screen out the masters who would pose a threat to Leo.

And prepared a plan to get rid of those people.

He was also constantly flipping through the screen of the ongoing decisive battle, and Julius saw it, saw Shirou Emiya standing on the sea, facing a huge fleet, but without any intention of retreating.

He saw the silver figure who wanted to save his enemy even at the cost of his life.

It was obviously a Holy Grail War where life was at stake, but Shirou Emiya would rather give up his life to save his enemy.

Julius could not understand the meaning of Shirou Emiya's behavior.

But for some reason, he began to pay attention to such a person, such a person who would die on the road to saving others sooner or later.

Julius even used the supercomputer he carried on his body to query the information about the computer.

He didn't understand the meaning of doing this at all.

Didn't he go to the moon to fulfill the last words of that woman?

Chapter 627 Thanks from Leo

The breeze blew, and the yellow sand flew.

The red figure stood between the city wall, even though it was soaked in blood, it stood there without any hesitation.


Rin Tousaka walked slowly to Shirou Emiya with a somewhat worried tone.

The black mud covering the surroundings receded like a tide.

It was as if these resentments, these negative emotions from the deep, had never appeared.

The pure white city wall emitted an extremely dazzling light under the scorching sun.

"It's time to go, Tousaka!"

With such words, Rin Tousaka nodded in a daze.

She had never seen Julius, who had a cold face, smile like that.

But before Rin Tohsaka could think about it, Shirou Emiya took weak steps and walked forward.

"The second code key has been generated in the arena--!"

On the fifth day, the message of the second code key was sent to Shirou Emiya's terminal.

At this time, Matou Shinji and Ginako had bypassed Mooncell's protection program and gained control of the lighting system.

According to Matou Shinji, they would be discovered by Mooncell the moment they turned off the lighting system.

Mooncell would take back control of the lighting system as quickly as possible. With his and Ginako's strength, they could only keep [Night] for a few seconds at most.

"We didn't have a chance to try. After the invasion, Mooncell would quickly strengthen its protection. It might take a long time to invade again, or even there might be no way to invade at all-"

Matou Shinji helplessly told Rin Toosaka that there was only one chance. If he didn't seize this opportunity, Shirou Emiya would face Gawain, who had three times the power, in the final battlefield.

Rin Toosaka was also very clear about the importance of this battle, and she was a little uneasy on the way to the arena.

"Tousaka, don't be so nervous. Even if you fail, you will be fine--"

Looking at Shirou Emiya's comforting face, Rin Tousaka was discouraged again.

Isn't the reason for her anxiety still because of Shirou Emiya?

If she was the one who had to face Gawain next, even if she knew that she would lose her life, she would not be so nervous.

Because no matter what, even if she failed, it would only be her life that would be lost, and no one else would be involved.

But now, if she misjudged the timing, it would be Shirou Emiya who would lose her life.

If she really failed, she would blame herself very much.

The yellow sand once again confused the eyes of Shirou Emiya and Rin Tousaka who came to the arena.

And the moment she came to the arena, Rin Tousaka held the terminal tightly in her hand.

Compared to choosing to use unstable magic to communicate with people in the academy in the arena.

It is obvious that a more stable terminal with faster information transmission is more excellent for transmitting such important information.

"I'll find out the location of the code key first, and then I'll go find Leo!"

The first purpose of entering the arena is naturally to find the key to the final battlefield, the code key.

This is the most important thing. Otherwise, even if you really destroy Gawain's [number of the saint], you will be eliminated without the key to the final battlefield.

"Over there!"

It only took a moment for Rin Tohsaka, an excellent magician, to determine the location of the second code key, and together with Shirou Emiya, they rushed through the maze at the fastest speed.

Shirou Emiya naturally did not hide anything and burst out his momentum. They were now trying to attract the enemy, not to avoid the enemy.

"Leo, here we come!"

Similarly, Gawain also responded to the breath released by Shirou Emiya without any cover-up.

It's better to say that since the first battle, Leo and Gawain have never concealed their whereabouts.

Like the sun shining in the sky, Leo has always stood in the most dazzling position and the highest position.

"Emiya-kun, Miss Tousaka, hello--"

Also at the next intersection, the man who existed in the world like a king, Leo greeted Emiya Shirou and Tousaka Rin with a gentle smile, as if he had met a friend, without any tension.

"You are really fearless at any time!"

"Isn't this a quality that a king must have?"

Faced with Tousaka Rin's words, Leo also responded quickly.

"In fact, I am very happy to meet Emiya-kun like this, because during this period of time, Emiya-kun always avoided me and I couldn't thank him in person."

"Thank you, is there anything you need to thank Emiya for?"

Emiya Shirou has to avoid Leo these days. Some time ago, Matou Shinji and others have not successfully invaded the lighting system. If there is a conflict like Gao Wen, there is no doubt that there will be only one result.

At least in Tousaka Rin's opinion, there should be no conflict.

Gawain's information has basically been collected, and there is no need to risk his life to confront Gawain head-on, as the benefits would be minimal.

It would also make it easier for Leo to grasp the battle information about Shirou Emiya, putting Shirou Emiya at a disadvantage.

In general, the gains do not outweigh the losses.

Considering various reasons, Rin Tohsaka naturally decided to avoid the battle first.

"The one who fought with you a few days ago was my brother, right?"

"I didn't expect that he could even overcome the computer death, which was really beyond my expectation."

In such a tense atmosphere, Leo spoke slowly.

There was no sadness in his expression, as if he was talking about something that was very ordinary.

No, it should be said that he accepted the death of his brother or really didn't care about it.

But Leo still wanted to express his gratitude to himself in such a situation where the war was about to start, in such a crisis-filled scene.

Let Shirou Emiya feel his excellence, and also feel a certain sense of disharmony coming from him.

"My brother is a weak person, so he pays more attention to keeping himself strong than anyone else."

"He said he would believe me, but what he really believed was only the promise he made with his mother in his childhood memories."

"But even so, my brother must be very happy."

Is he happy?

Julius was probably happy only when Leo's mother was still alive, when she treated him as a natural [human].

People regarded Julius, whose hands were constantly stained with blood, as a ghost, and felt fear and disgust.

Is this really happy?

Everything he did was just for that promise, that obsession.

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