Matou Shinji is full of pride but still willing to sacrifice for his friends.

Rin Tosaka is a strong-willed person who is good at taking care of others and has a sense of justice.

The same Shirou Emiya who seemed extremely upright and would never give up no matter what he faced.

Even when she returns to the ground, she will remember them forever.


While Shinji Matou and Gina were waiting anxiously, the door of the arena was gently pushed open.


Gina couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly stepped forward and helped Tohsaka Rin, who was about to fall to the ground.

"Ji, Nakko?"

At this time, Tohsaka Rin's body in Ginako's arms was soaked in blood, and the weakness from Tohsaka Rin's body could be clearly felt.

Tohsaka Rin's eyes were almost closed. At this time, her vision was completely blurred, and she could only barely distinguish where she was now through the colors.

"I will send you to the health room now!!!"

Gina looked at Rin Tosaka who had almost no strength to speak at this time, and her expression became extremely panicked. She used her best strength to pick up Rin Tosaka in front of her.

"I'm okay, Emiya!"

The moment he was picked up, Tohsaka Rin stretched out his scarred hand and pointed toward the ground.

Gina looked in the direction of her finger and saw Emiya Shirou, who had several golden cracks on his face and no trace of life at all, and was as pale as a corpse.

Before she could utter a sad exclamation, Shinji Matou standing aside immediately spoke up.

"Hurry up and take that Tohsaka woman to the health room, and then bring a stretcher over quickly. I'll keep an eye on her here!"


Gina nodded solemnly, quickly turned around and ran towards the health room.

At critical moments, Matou Shinji is still reliable.

Although he is not a doctor, he still has some simple common sense.

At least now, as much as possible, the damage suffered by Emiya Shirou can be reduced as much as possible.

It was impossible for Matou Shinji to drag Emiya Shirou directly to the health room like Rin Tohsaka.

As for carrying Shirou Emiya on his back, he didn't know how the shocking-looking injuries on his body would develop, and Matou Shinji didn't dare to take the risk.

"That guy Tohsaka tried so hard to drag you here, but he can't let you die here!"

In terms of magic attainments, Matou Shinji is not as high as Tohsaka Rin. At such an emergency, he has no way to confirm Emiya Shirou's life or death through hacking skills.

But Matou Shinji believed that since Tohsaka Rin risked his life to drag Emiya Shirou back to the academy, it was definitely not to keep a whole body.

What's more, Matou Shinji also believed that Shirou Emiya would never die so easily.

This is his intuition and his absolute trust in Shirou Emiya!

Of course, even Shinji Matou himself doesn't know where this trust comes from.


Matou Sakura exclaimed in the health room, and then hurriedly rummaged through the surrounding medicine cabinets to find some medicine, and continued to treat her wounds.

Gina found the stretcher in the health room as quickly as possible and ran out in a hurry.

Matou Sakura methodically began to stop the bleeding, disinfect, apply medicine, and bandage Tohsaka Rin.

But before Matou Sakura could finish these things, not long after she had just started, the door of the health room was pushed open heavily again.

Ginako and Matou Shinji carried the stretcher and brought Emiya Shirou over.

Matou Sakura also saw the miserable state of Emiya Shirou. Her breathing suddenly stopped, her eyes trembled violently, and the movements of her hands stopped.

She didn't understand why she showed such emotions and why her heart was shaking like this.

But now, time must be raced.

Matou Sakura quickly began to analyze the bodies of Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou.

Then he immediately signaled to Shinji Matou and Gina to put Shirou Emiya on the hospital bed.

Tohsaka Rin's injury has basically been contained now, and it won't be a big problem if he lets it go for a while.

But Emiya Shirou was now wandering on the edge of life and death.

He even said that he deserved to die. This kind of injury was simply not something that humans could bear.

"There is no cure—!"

"There is no cure—!"

However, when Matou Sakura walked towards Emiya Shirou, the analysis also gave the answer.

With the medical level of the health room at this time, it is impossible to treat Emiya Shirou's current injuries.

This was because of the golden cracks that appeared everywhere on Emiya Shirou's body that she couldn't understand at all.

"Permission must be used——!"

The moment Matou Sakura had this thought, her movements stopped again.

"No, why?"

"This is not what I should have done!"

"No, this is what I should do!"

Chapter 636: The end we will eventually reach

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

It was the constant knocking of steel against steel.

On the endless sand dunes, like a strong wind, the flying yellow sand confused Emiya Shirou's eyes.

The sky is dark.

The earth is red.

Endless flames continued to burn on the ground.

And on this sand dune, there were countless swords.

If there were no constant knocking sounds coming from the surrounding space, this place would be like a sword graveyard, with only silence.

On such an endless sword hill, Shirou Emiya stood in the center.

"Is this my heart?"

Looking at this hill full of swords that seemed to have no end, Shirou Emiya could clearly feel the sound of each weapon.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of constant knocking once again resounded throughout the space.


In the clear sound of breaking the ground, Shirou Emiya saw that a new sword was inserted into the hill.

Shirou Emiya stood in the center and watched silently.

This is Shirou Emiya's mental world, which can forge new swords every moment, and also records the weapons and protective gear that Shirou Emiya has analyzed.

He inserted all the weapons he had forged and analyzed into the sword tombstone on such a sand dune.

This is how Shirou Emiya's Infinite Sword System was formed.

Relying on the usual accumulation, he can take out the weapons he needs from the Infinite Sword System at the fastest speed and use them.

It is precisely because of this that Shirou Emiya can use a large number of treasures that appear around him when chanting.

These treasures are not projected by Shirou Emiya quickly, but taken directly from the Infinite Sword System.

In short, although it is given the name of infinity, in fact, the swords in the Infinite Sword System are limited.

Nowadays, there are only thousands of weapons in Shirou Emiya's Infinite Sword System.

After all, in the dungeon, in order to stop the monsters that rushed in like a tsunami, the weapons in Shirou Emiya's Infinite Sword System were almost exhausted.

"Why am I here?"

Shirou Emiya's heart was full of questions.

Of course, he knew that this was his mental world, but he didn't understand why he appeared in this place.

However, at this moment, Shirou Emiya saw the golden cracks that appeared in the distant sky.


A cracking sound followed, and the ground also shook violently at this moment.


With another cracking sound coming from the horizon, the dark sky also collapsed at this moment.


With a slight cracking sound, a crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of Shirou Emiya.

The ground began to collapse instantly.

Shirou Emiya, who was standing in the middle, was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

And the terrible pain also surged through Shirou Emiya's body at this moment.

The sudden and strong pain made Shirou Emiya half squat on the ground.

Sweat kept falling on his forehead.

"Are the problems in the soul getting worse?"

Shirou Emiya smiled bitterly and shook his head.

But these are the prices he should bear.

The divine weapon is not something he can master at this stage.

With a human body, step into the realm of God.

Shirou Emiya doesn't know if he can do it in the future.

But this is indeed not something he can do at this stage.

Even though Avalon in his body allows Shirou Emiya to barely have the ability to imitate the Sword of Contract Victory, it is not something he can control.

And the prototype analyzed by Shirou Emiya is an EX-level existence.

You must know that the divine weapon itself is an existence that Shirou Emiya can hardly project, not to mention the existence of the EX level.

That should be an existence that Shirou Emiya cannot project no matter what, even with Avalon.

But with the help of the original owner, it can be made possible.

The reason why Shirou Emiya can imitate the Sword of Contract Victory in Arthur's hand and project the ever-distant golden sword is the gift that Arthur gave to Shirou Emiya when he left the stage.

Otherwise, Shirou Emiya would never be able to project the Sword of Contract Victory in Arthur's hand. [ps: Chapter 128]

And every liberation is a self-destruction.

A self-destruction of the soul.

Arthur did not expect that this weapon would have such a serious impact on Shirou Emiya.

But it was precisely because of this that the golden sword that Shirou Emiya projected could easily exert the power it should have.

"If I face it again, I'm afraid I will still make these choices!"

The moment the voice fell, the surrounding space suddenly surged.


Just in front of Shirou Emiya, the hill full of countless swords began to surge wildly, and countless golden cracks continued to tear out of the space.

The ground shattered in an instant.

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