The sky also became distorted.

Shirou Emiya endured endless pain, stood firmly on the surging ground, and looked at everything around him.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Along with the surging of the earth and the sky, the sound of iron hammering still sounded in an orderly manner. 亐

The whole world changed drastically in just an instant.

The position of the sky and the earth was distorted.

The endless wilderness was instantly torn apart.

Countless cracks continued to fill the entire space.

Everything around seemed so dilapidated, like a house that had not been lived in for hundreds of years.

There were broken walls everywhere, making the space that was originally not full of vitality even more dead.

The surrounding swords also began to break.

The hill that originally stood like a sword tomb became a broken limb and remnant that seemed to have experienced countless battles, and the ground was covered with sword fragments.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The hammering sound continued to come from a certain place in the space.

Shirou Emiya could feel that the swords in the Infinite Sword System began to break.

Even though his forging speed was still faster than the breaking speed, this situation would not last long.

Given his physical condition, if he did not die, the breaking speed would become faster and faster until there was no place for him to stand in the world.

This was the end he finally reached——————

Shirou Emiya picked up the broken blade on the ground and saw his broken face.

Chapter 637 The reason why he could not die


Shirou Emiya, who was lying on the bed, took a breath of cold air and sat up suddenly.

The pain from the depths of his soul was not something that ordinary people could endure.

"Senior Emiya!"

Sakura, who was standing aside, became extremely excited, and tears kept flashing from the corners of her eyes.

"What time is it now!"

Emiya Shirou covered his forehead and immediately asked Sakura beside him.

You know, when they last faced Leo, there were only two days left before the decisive battle.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but he had not been forcibly deleted by Mooncell, which proved that there was still time. It was just that the time left for Emiya Shirou might not be much.

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Matou Sakura was also stunned, and then seemed to think of something, and answered Emiya Shirou with a very reluctant face.

"Today is the decisive battle day, and there are ten minutes left, and the door to the decisive battlefield will be closed--!"

In the health room, Matou Shinji and Gina were not here. They knew nothing about treating illnesses. Instead of staying in the infirmary, it is better to do something more meaningful.

For example, renovate the multimedia classroom so that it can observe the situation in the arena, so that they can directly observe the situation in the arena through the multimedia classroom and provide better support for Emiya Shirou.

As for worrying whether Emiya Shirou can wake up before the decisive battle,

Matou Shinji and Ginako both clearly realized that they could not help at all in this matter.

If Shirou Emiya was really eliminated, they could only wait for the end of this Holy Grail War with grief.

"I have to go to the final battlefield!"

Enduring the extremely harsh tearing feeling coming from all over his body, Shirou Emiya quickly walked down from the hospital bed.

On the other side————

"Master, I'm afraid this duel will end like this soon——!"

In the azure elevator, Gawain stood beside Leo and spoke slowly.

Now there are only three minutes left to enter the final battlefield.

If Shirou Emiya does not feel it during this period, then Mooncell will automatically judge Leo as the winner, and Shirou Emiya will be directly deleted by Mooncell.

"Lord Gao Wen, there's no need to be so anxious. It's too early to draw conclusions now. Even if there are only three minutes left, I believe that Shirou Emiya can appear here."

"But with such serious injuries, I'm afraid only a miracle can make him appear here."

Listening to Leo's words, Gao Wen slowly refuted that the health room did not really belong to Shirou Emiya's base.

Leo and Gao Wen could naturally go to the health room to see Shirou Emiya, who was almost dead.

"Miracle? Don't you think that there is such a possibility in Emiya?"

Leo did not refute Gao Wen's words. This was indeed a fact.

"With such injuries, a normal person would have died long ago, but he is still alive. Such a tenacious vitality and the will to resist death under such circumstances can be described as a miracle."

Just like Matou Shinji didn't believe that Shirou Emiya would stop like this.

Facing an unprecedented person like Shirou Emiya, Leo also believed that he could come here and fight with him in the final battle.

"I will obey your orders--"

Gawain did not say much, but stood in front of Leo with the holy sword in his hand tightly.


A sound like something being opened rang out from this elevator-like space.

A faint light shone from the door.

Leo couldn't help but feel a slight smile when he heard this voice.

Emiya-kun, you are indeed a person worthy of being called a miracle.


A weak gasp came from the face in front of him that looked like shattered glass.

Like an adhesive, golden light continued to flicker from the gaps.

Emiya Shirou supported the wall beside him, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Pain that was several times stronger than before swept through Emiya Shirou's body crazily.

He felt as if there were two big hands, constantly tearing his body apart. As long as he relaxed slightly, his body would be torn apart by this powerful force.

And not only that, Emiya Shirou's injuries had not fully recovered at this time, and his muscles made violent tearing sounds with every step he took.


The door slowly closed. Shirou Emiya endured the pain and weakness coming from his body and looked at Leo, who was exuding incomparable holy light in front of him.

"You are indeed here."

"But you also understand, even if you break through the [Saint's Number], with your current strength, there is no way to defeat Gawain. Then why do you embark on this path that is bound to fail?"

Leo's words were full of confidence that he would never fail, but they also contained doubts about Emiya Shirou still embarking on this path despite such serious injuries.

"You are now suffering pain that even I can't imagine, and your soul has been shattered. Instead of enduring such inhuman torture and embarking on this journey that is bound to fail, it is better to choose to sleep without pain. Is it better to be deleted by Mooncell?”

Survival and death are also topics that Leo explores.

He also attaches great importance to the existence of life, just like Shiro Amakusa Tokisada whom Emiya Shirou first met.

Leo values ​​humanity as a whole, and what he needs is the continuation of humanity as a whole.

And Shirou Emiya, who was watching from beginning to end, was a human being.

"After all, I have countless reasons why I can't die."

"I have yet to repay the kindness Tohsaka Rin risked his life to give me."

"Sakura is still at home waiting for me to come back."

"He still carries a heavy burden of sin."

"There are many more people who need saving."

"What's more, if I want to be a partner of justice, I won't stop here!"

Emiya Shirou adjusted to his body that was about to split apart at this moment, and responded to Leo without any hesitation.

The tone was also full of determination, not wavering at all because of Leo's words.

Some of these reasons are small, some are great, and there are even reasons that Leo doesn't think are reasons at all.

But whether it was small or great, no matter what these reasons were, they were the reasons that allowed Shirou Emiya to persevere through such pain.

Even if it is just to survive, it is a reason worthy of respect.

Because these are the reasons why humans can overcome countless adversities.

"It's really something I can't refute."

A partner in justice?

It’s really a ridiculous, yet great ideal——————

Looking at Shirou Emiya in front of him, the speed of the elevator began to slow down.

The decisive battle is coming soon.

Chapter 638 It must be Cu Chulainn’s problem

"Leo's decisive battle has begun——!"

Ginako, who was observing the images in the multimedia classroom, quickly spoke out to remind Shinji Matou who was hacking into the Mooncell program.

At this time, in the image, standing on the yellow sand, Emiya Shirou was confronting Gawain like this.

Just like all decisive battlefields, their location has an extremely wide space.

There is no obstruction within hundreds of meters.

And around this circular open space, there are various broken walls and ruins.

Broken city wall.

Fallen castle.

Shattered houses.

Scattered armor.

Time has left traces of aging on it.

In the distant sky, yellow sand poured down like a waterfall, setting off one storm after another.

The yellow sand flying in the air slowly covered these buildings that fell on the desert, slowly swallowing them up.

"Hmph! I knew that guy Emiya wouldn't disappoint!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou appearing on the screen, Matou Shinji's originally depressed eyes became excited. He clenched his hands into fists and stared intently at the picture transmitted at this time.

Gina didn't complain aloud about Matou Shinji, because she was indeed concerned about Emiya Shirou's situation just like Matou Shinji.

The reason why they didn't stay in the health room was because they didn't want to see the cruel scene where Shirou Emiya was deleted by Mooncell because he couldn't go to the duel battlefield.

Even so, deep down in their hearts, Matou Shinji and Ginako never believed that a person who risked his life to save his opponent would die so easily.

"Why on earth do you hold that holy sword——"

When it came to the final battle, Gawain couldn't help but continue to ask Emiya Shirou questions.

He really couldn't understand why Arthur would be connected with such a young man in front of him.

"I was once involved in a Holy Grail War."

Emiya Shirou did not choose to annoy Gawain as he did at the beginning, but answered his questions directly.

And the action in his hands did not stop.

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