I saw a man with green hair and goggles that looked like a pilot sitting in the store next to him, welcoming the guests in a listless voice.

Emiya was attracted by the sound and stopped in his tracks.

He was in a foreign country and knew nothing about the empire. Instead of asking Liwa and the others about the empire, it was better to go out and find information about the empire himself.

Because of what happened last night, Liva did not restrict Emiya's actions in the empire during the day, but he had to go with them to complete Esdeath's mission at night.

Emiya was extremely reluctant to follow them. He always felt that Liva was hiding something about their true purpose.

But the best place to learn about the history of the empire is the bookstore.

At least it is more reliable than what Liva and the others said.

Thinking of this, Emiya walked into the bookstore.

"This guest, what do you need?"

Seeing Emiya walking in, the young man with green hair who was about the same age as Emiya walked in with a flattering look on his face, and he played the businessman vividly.

"Well, I would like to ask if there are any books on the history of the empire here."

Emiya asked the bookstore owner in front of him very politely.

"A book on the history of the Empire? Over here."

He thought for a moment, then turned around and rummaged around on the bookshelf.

"Aren't you a native of the Empire?"

"I come from a place far away from the Empire."

Emiya answered his questions very honestly.

"Then why do you want to come to the Empire?"

"Obviously the empire is not a very good place,"

While he was rummaging through books, he was chatting with Shirou Emiya.

"Maybe I'm thinking of making a change. It's better than doing nothing."

Maybe Emiya didn't have the ability to change the current situation of the empire, but let him watch those people being bullied like this. Emiya couldn't do it, and he didn't want to do it.

Even though this is not his own country, he still wants to do something for the people here.

"Oh, I found it. It's this one. No one has read this book for a long time."

He pulled out an extremely heavy-looking book from the depths of the bookshelf, blew the dust off the cover, patted it, and then placed it on the table in front of him.

"Why would you want to know the history of the Empire when even the natives of the Empire are not interested in its history."

He looked at the red-haired peer in front of him with interest.

Chapter 68 Emergencies

"It's nothing, I'm just not familiar with this place, so I wanted to take a look at the history first."

Emiya scratched his head in embarrassment, took out a heavy bag of gold coins from his pocket and placed it on the counter.

"What does this mean?"

The young man suddenly stepped back, looked at Emiya with a suspicious look on his face, looked him up and down, put his hands behind his back, and moved his fingers up and down, as if they were connected to something.

Emiya suddenly took out a large amount of money and put it in front of him. The green-haired boy was about to suffer from PTSD.

He thought that his base for detecting intelligence had been discovered by people from the empire, so he quickly searched the surroundings to see if there were any unusual people surrounding him like this.

This young man is called Lubbock. He is a member of the Night Raid organization. He usually searches for information in this bookstore. He also keeps in touch with his companions and sometimes covers his companions' actions here.

As an assassin, when he went to take on a mission, most of his employers would take out a large bag of gold coins and hand them to them, just like Emiya.

So when Lubbock saw Emiya quietly shelling out such a huge sum of money, he thought his bookstore had been discovered by the Empire.

Because this is not a place where he interacts with the people, other than members of the Night Raid organization, it is impossible for any employer to know that the owner of this bookstore is a member of the Night Raid organization.

So Lubbock immediately explored the threads he had arranged next to the bookstore to see if there was anything unusual around him.

"Boss, your hand?"

Emiya pointed to Lubbock's hand behind his back with some confusion and asked aloud.

He could clearly see the threads connecting him one after another.

"It's okay, my back is just itchy, please scratch it."

Lubbock smiled awkwardly, shook his head and stretched out his hand, feeling slightly relieved.

Perhaps he seemed a little too arrogant, even using his own Teigu blatantly in front of strangers.

But this is not the case. On the one hand, his own Teigu silk threads are extremely delicate and cannot be observed by ordinary people.

Even Tazmi, whose strength ranks among the best in the empire's army, could not discover the trap Lubbock had laid around him without being reminded by others.

On the other hand, if you are really surrounded by the empire, the sooner you use the Tei Gear to detect the situation, the better. Your life is more important than exposing yourself.

The empire would rather kill by mistake than let go.

If he is suspected, there is no other option but to leave immediately. It's just a place for intelligence searching, nothing comparable to a Teigu user.

And Emiya didn't ask any more questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and the man in front of him didn't seem to be a bad person, so Emiya didn't reveal it.

"Can you read it to me?"

Emiya is short of everything now, except money.

Riva gave Emiya a large sum of money when he went to the street.

Originally, Emiya was going to refuse.

However, Riva said that for people like them, money was of no use to them at all. As long as he wanted, most things in the empire would be free.

Emiya was different from Riva. He was a countryman to them. So Riva gave Emiya a large sum of money. Anyway, he couldn't use it himself, so he might as well do a favor.

And Emiya also thought that this money was useless to him. He would not live in the empire, so it would be better to let him have greater use.


And Lubbock was confused.


Lubbock didn't figure out what the purpose of the boy in front of him was.

"I can't read, I can only have a normal conversation, so can I ask you for a favor with this money."

Emiya answered Lubbock's question with deep apology.


Lubbock originally thought that Emiya was just a country boy who came from nowhere like Tatsumi.

Unexpectedly, he was the son of a hidden landlord.

This money is enough for them to go out on a night raid to kill those scums that the civilians hate.

"Are you sure you can't read?"

Shirou Emiya spoke fluently. Lubbock didn't believe that Emiya was illiterate, and he looked like an educated person.

Country people don't mean uneducated people. At least Tatsumi was educated and could read.

Emiya shook his head.

Lubbock became an assassin and also had some basic judgments on people's expressions.

In his eyes, Emiya didn't have any lying expressions.

Fortunately, he was a kind person. If Emiya took the money to the street, I don't know what kind of bloody storm would be set off.

Emiya also thought of such a problem, so he didn't take the money to find a hotel to ask about the matter.

If he asked others directly and they didn't want to tell him, taking out the money would cause some bad results.

Although Emiya didn't care about these gold coins, he still knew that wealth should not be exposed. He would not cause trouble for himself or others.


How can you not make money?

And it's just studying, which is much easier than assassination.

Why would Lubbock not want to make this money?

This can be said to be a windfall, and he has no reason to refuse.

Time passed quickly, and as Lubbock continued to explain, Emiya also had a preliminary understanding of the empire.

If you can't rule your family and your people, and if you can't defeat foreign enemies, the country will always perish.

But because the empire is unreasonably strong, it will become extremely distorted.

Northern aliens?

Esdeath can slaughter them all by himself, and there is no threat at all.

Without the threat to life, food and drink are abundant, and then there is only enjoyment. If there is no support from wise ministers and wise kings, then this country will fall into corruption at a very fast speed.

And the death of the current emperor's father made the corruption of the empire directly exposed.


A very terrifying collision sound came from outside the door.

Even the two people sitting in the store felt the extremely strong wind and the vibration of the ground.

What happened outside?

Lubbock lowered his head in an unbearable manner, as if he was enduring something.

Lubbock, who had been paying attention to the situation around his store, had long known what was happening outside and who was causing such a commotion outside.

But he had to keep calm.

And Emiya didn't know the situation outside. He stood up and walked out the door without noticing the abnormality of Lubbock beside him.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Emiya, who walked out of the door, was choked by the dust flying outside. He had some difficulty opening his eyes.

But a stumble allowed him to see clearly what kind of baptism the ground in front of him had suffered at this time.

The entire road was no longer as smooth as before.

A very wide gully appeared in front of Emiya.

A woman with an orange ponytail, who looked very cute, turned her hands into a very thick gun barrel, her face full of anger, and stood at the bottom of the gully.

"Bully the weak! Die!"

Emiya glanced at the opposite side of her, and a very horrifying scene appeared in front of him.

Blood was all over the ground, and several ragged people were scattered on the wall, in the gully, and in the shop next to them.

Their flesh and internal organs were everywhere, and the whole area of ​​houses was destroyed in an instant.

Emiya could see that some people were pressed under the house, crawling out with horror on their faces, and no one around dared to reach out to help him.

This place seemed to be a disaster scene, and those residents ran everywhere in panic, and everyone was busy with their own affairs.

As for those people who were torn into pieces, Emiya could only see regret and despair in their eyes.

Chapter 69 The Justice of Both


Emiya's pupils suddenly shrank, and he remembered that these people were the young people who bullied other children in this area before.

But now, they no longer have the power to bully anyone, and can only repent for their past mistakes in the endless darkness.

But what shocked him more than the deaths of these people was that the body of the child who was originally bullied was also in the pile of debris.

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