Emiya looked at the cruel woman in disbelief.

But the woman's hands had returned to their original state at some point, and her extremely fierce expression disappeared.

A pure white cute puppy was raised by her, and it gently rubbed her cheek, and the whole scene was unusually warm.

If it weren't in a dusty gully.

"Did you kill them?"

Emiya rubbed his eyes and walked towards her. He wondered if his eyes were wrong, why these hands could turn into such a thick gun barrel.

"For justice, such scum should be sentenced to death."

She admitted her behavior without any concealment, and looked at the mutilated bodies with contempt on her face.

"Then, what about the child?"

Emiya pointed to the child who fell into the gully.

"Him? An accomplice!"

She frowned slightly and thought, and then answered Emiya's question very seriously.

That's all!

Emiya didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out.

Those nobles who treated people like animals, or even worse than animals, were not punished at all.

And those civilians who bullied each other were punished like death.

Even innocent people around them were implicated.

The child who was forced didn't even have a chance to explain before being executed by the girl.

Yes, Emiya believed that the accomplice was forced.

It was not because the child was kind enough.

But there was no intact part of his body, and even when he died, his expression was full of fatigue.

How could such a person have the experience of harming another person with those perpetrators? He could only drag his tired body to complete the tasks assigned to him by those people in order to survive.

"Didn't you ask about their situation?"

"Ask? They will definitely find all kinds of reasons to shirk responsibility. I only believe in my own eyes!"

She never doubted the correctness of what she did.

Because she represents justice!

"So, without any investigation, you concluded that all those people are criminals?"

Emiya suddenly took a few steps forward and stood in front of her, questioning her in a very excited mood.

"According to the laws of the empire, bullies must be killed! Justice cannot be violated!"

She did not retreat at all, put down the white puppy in her hand, and suddenly moved forward, facing Emiya's eyes.


Is there such a thing in the empire?

Emiya had not thought that the girl in front of him would directly speak out the laws of the empire in front of him.

He really didn't know what the laws of the empire were like. After all, the nobles here were so virtuous that the laws could be said to be completely non-existent.

Oh, that's not right.

Facing the scene in front of him, Emiya suddenly understood.

These righteous laws are just weapons used by the superiors to oppress the common people.

Only these powerless common people need to abide by these extremely [just] laws.

"No matter what the reason is, the bully must be killed?"

At this time, Emiya calmed down. The empire itself is a twisted existence. It is meaningless to argue with her.

Emiya just wants to know what the girl in front of him understands about such laws. Is she punishing those people out of her own will, or is she doing so because of the orders from the upper level?

And, he feels very uncomfortable that the girl in front of him always talks about the so-called justice of the empire.

Empire? Does it have so-called justice?

Emiya can only see all kinds of filth in it!

"Yes! Justice will be executed!"

She shouted loudly to Emiya in an extremely confident posture, as if swearing an oath.

"If your judgment is wrong————"

"No, my judgment cannot be wrong! Justice is justice, and evil is evil! This is something that will never change."

Before Emiya finished speaking, she interrupted him with a very swift voice.

"Isn't it a sin to drag those innocent people into the disaster?"

"They are just necessary sacrifices on the road of justice. The road of justice will never be smooth, and sacrifice is always inevitable!"

"Why must they become the sacrifices on your road of justice? Is justice that sacrifices innocent people still justice?"

"If you don't even have the courage to face the involvement of innocent people, how can you maintain the correctness of justice! What should you do when you have to choose between 10 people and 10,000 people!"

On this dusty street, a man and a woman argued with each other in a very tense manner as if they were about to fight, and seemed to be ready to fight at any time.

But none of them took action, even though the atmosphere was so tit-for-tat.

Although violence can solve many problems, there are more things that cannot be solved by violence.

Unless necessary, Emiya is unwilling to use violence.

So he will not attack the girl in front of him.

As for that girl.

Emiya had no hostility towards her, and he was not a wanted criminal in the album. This girl just regarded Emiya as an ordinary resident who did not understand the laws of justice in the empire.

She has always been very protective of residents with good character, because her justice is to protect these people of the empire.

Lubbock, on the other hand, was hiding behind the door of the bookstore, listening carefully to the argument between the two of them.

He endured his murderous intention towards the girl and did not dare to reveal the slightest bit.

Now Lubbock knew that he could not reveal his identity here, and he had to endure it.

What's more, he is not a full-time combatant in night attacks. His own combat effectiveness is much worse than those of professional personnel. He has always provided them with assistance.

Only when necessary, he can also have good fighting power.

If he faced her here, he might not have a chance to come back alive.

You must know that she was the one who killed Hill when facing Hill and Main.

Chapter 70 The inescapable conspiracy

Emiya and the girl did not fight in the end.

Both parties exercised great restraint. The streets here have been so damaged, and Emiya doesn't want to add new scars to this street.

He suddenly remembered that there were still many people trapped under the ruins, and with a look of regret and guilt on his face, he quickly ran to the ruins, looking for those who were still alive.

And the girl didn't make any moves, she also quickly joined in the rescue.

Even though this disaster was caused by her.

Even though she participated in the rescue operation, she had no regrets about it.

She believes that her actions causing them to suffer and her rescuing them are essentially the same thing.

The justice of punishing criminals and rescuing the Imperial people who have suffered disaster are both for the execution of justice.

There is no conflict between the two.

It is impossible for Emiya to stop her from carrying out the rescue because of the conflict between his own ideas and hers.

For things like rescue, one more person means more power.

After Emiya and the admiral were rescued, the imperial guard also arrived.

Emiya, who has read through the history of the empire, also knows what the Imperial Guard actually is.

However, now, they are just weapons wielded by the royal ministers against civilians.

It took such a long time to get here, Emiya didn't believe that there wasn't anything fishy in it.

"Captain Seliu, my subordinate is late!"

A young man at the front of the team saluted the girl with great respect.

"No, the position of captain has always belonged to my master. I am just temporarily replacing him, so there is no need to call him that."

Seleu responded, waving his hands in the hope that they would not call him such a formal name.

"team leader?"

Emiya remembered that he mentioned this person in his previous conversation with Lubbock.

It is said that he was punished by a night raid because he framed many people.

After all, he was communicating with Lubbock. His ability to bring in private goods has always been very strong. Emiya also received a lot of information about the current situation of the empire, as well as his praise for the night attack.

As the intelligence leader of the night attack, he had a lot of information, but he didn't tell Emiya everything.

He just communicated with Emiya some things that everyone in the upper echelons of the empire knew.

As for the civilians, they don't even have food and clothing, so why would they care about the life and death of the captain of the Imperial Guard? These things have nothing to do with them anyway.

Compared with the life and death of the captain of the Imperial Guard, many people will die on the streets tomorrow if they don't find food.

However, Emiya will not have any favorable impression of the night attack because of this. The killer organization will kill people when they are paid, but the person they killed happened to be a scumbag who framed an innocent person.

What's more, Emiya never believed in one-sided words.

Leva also told him about the indiscriminate massacre of some mansions during night raids.

Don't take anyone else's word for anything.

Wei Gong also has his own judgment in his heart, seeing is believing.

"May I have your name!"

Just as Emiya was thinking, Seryu's voice came from in front of him.

"Emiya Shirou."

Seyu suddenly pressed his face in front of Emiya, staring directly into his eyes.

"When you hesitate to execute those sinners, you have already lost the qualifications for justice! I am pure justice!"

After saying this, she left without looking back.

Many people in the security team looked at Emiya with mocking expressions and followed Seyu out of here.


Emiya felt a little amused and helpless at Seryu's words.

It was really because of Seliu's decisiveness that such an extremely horrific disaster was caused.

The perpetrators were just civilians with insufficient food and clothing. Even the guards who had just rushed over could easily catch them.

There is no way it would cause such a big battle like Seliu.

It would not have caused so many innocent casualties.

"10 people versus 10,000 people?"

Wei Gong suddenly remembered the question she mentioned. To this question, Wei Gong had no answer in his heart and did not know how to answer it.

If he really had to choose, he might choose to try his best to save everyone instead of making a choice here.

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