He has no right to decide the lives of others at will, he can only do his best to save others.

Emiya suddenly understood where the awkward sense of justice in Selyu came from.

If it was the argument just now, Emiya thought she would choose 10,000 people without hesitation, but if another premise was added.

Those 10 people are from the Empire, and those 10,000 are from foreign races, she will decisively choose those 10 people.

Her justice is limited to the justice of the Empire.

Killing the perpetrators and rescuing the covered civilians are all manifestations of her care and concern.

She doesn't care about innocent people, but she cares about the people of the Empire.

The justice she has always believed in is the justice of the Empire. She is the demon of the justice of the Empire.

The standard of everything in her heart is the Empire, not humans.

If the Empire tells her that those people betrayed the Empire, then she will definitely slaughter them all without asking any reasons, because the Empire is just and she is the executor of justice.

She is willing to give everything for the people of the Empire, not for people.

However, Emiya did not know that her justice was not formed like Emiya's. She felt it in her life. Her justice was taught by others.

"It's time to go!"

Just when Emiya was thinking, Liva knocked on Emiya's door and informed him that he would act again tonight.

Esdeath will return to Beijing in a few days, and their real action should also begin.

It would be naive to say that the three beast warriors can only kill one minister in one night.

Yesterday was just a test of Emiya, and today is the real combination of the real and the fake.

They have to keep wandering around the empire and murder dozens of ministers.

There are many wise ministers who are dedicated to the empire, but more are scumbags of the empire.

Their task tonight is so heavy, in order to keep Emiya busy and confuse him, so that he can't accurately judge who he shouldn't kill.

No matter how talented Emiya is, he can't have three heads and six arms. Basically, he can only rely on the information they provide, and there is little chance to judge by himself.

Even if Emiya really found a few wise ministers, it would not be a big deal.

As long as he could put the blame on the high-level officials of the empire, Esdeath did not care whether his subordinates would work for the empire, as long as they worked for him.

Emiya could not find all the wise ministers among them. There would always be some wise ministers who died at his hands, or at the hands of the three beast warriors.

Moreover, they did not always act together. Whether it was Liva, Niu or Daidas, they could act alone.

They could kill them when Emiya could not arrive or verify.

Chapter 71 Daytime Mission

Emiya stood at the door of this bookstore for a while, but no one came to open the door, as if it had closed down.

It was probably because he was afraid that someone like Seleu would suddenly appear and accidentally destroy his store, and his life would be threatened.

Emiya sighed helplessly and left here.

Now, there is one less place to know the information of the empire.

Emiya still likes Lubbock's smuggling, at least he can get a lot of useful information from it.

In addition to this bookstore, Emiya has also been to other places, but most people are more concerned about their own situation than understanding the empire.

Not enough to eat, not enough to sleep, and not knowing when they will die.

They understand the corruption of the empire, but they don't want to talk about the corruption of this country with anyone.

If they are not careful, they may get their heads chopped off.

In the tavern, they only dare to discuss the brutality of Night Raid.

In the empire, praising Night Raid's actions, doesn't that mean they feel they have lived enough?

So under the tragic tyranny of the empire, Emiya did not receive any useful information.

"A new mission is coming!"

Riva came to the streets of the empire very skillfully, patted Emiya's shoulder, and whispered in his ear.

The current Emiya may be called the fourth beast warrior among the three beast warriors.

Through the three beast warriors' frame-up of those wise ministers, the extremely urgent time was accelerated, and the flute sound that made people fall into a coma, Esdeath's plan went smoothly.

Emiya did not have enough time and no way to make a correct judgment.

There are countless extremely bloody and infuriating things in the mansions of those wise ministers.

These are all masterpieces completed by the three beast warriors during the day.

In order to prevent the night raid from discovering their traces, the assassination operations of the three beast warriors are generally carried out at night.

The support of the empire is not so fast. When the empire arrives, I am afraid that they can only collect their bodies.

Riva is not strong enough to be able to 1V5. [Tatsumi and Lubbock are not on the wanted list of the night raid]

And Emiya can only get information about those targets from Riva, and there is no other way to get information about those people.

Did someone tell Emiya that the target of Riva's mission was actually a loyal minister who was patriotic and cared about the people while he was walking on the street?

This is impossible.

Even if Emiya saw it with his own eyes, he had no way to verify it, because the person involved had fallen into a deep coma, just because Niu strengthened the output of the power of the imperial weapon to prevent accidents.

Even if the person involved wakes up from the coma through pain, he will be so weak that he can't even speak and can only watch them helplessly.

Ordinary ministers basically have no fighting ability. After falling into weakness, there is almost no way to recover in a short period of time.

And those who make up the majority of them are the real scum, and Liva is also very cautious.

Only a small portion of the real mission objectives are mixed in. Emiya can only try his best to let everyone except the target person survive as much as possible.

Leva wouldn't fake information about an entire estate just to kill everyone.

Even Daidas resisted his desire to go on a killing spree.

He couldn't defeat Shirou Emiya, and even if he did take action, he would only be stopped by Emiya.

Except for the man last night, Emiya never took action personally.

Because Emiya judged that he was a murderous person, not from Liva's description, but from the women who were about to die.

Their hateful eyes don't lie.

But here Emiya could only see dead people everywhere. Even though the veins on his hands bulged, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

He does not have the ability to judge a person's good and evil so easily.

Being a virtuous minister does not mean that their hands are clean and their actions are kind. For the sake of the empire, they will also do countless sinful things.

Emiya never stood in anyone's shoes.

He can understand some things, but not agree with them.

Just like war, Emiya understands the cruelty of treating enemies on the battlefield, but he does not agree with war.

As for what impact killing those scum would have on the empire.

Oh! There are as many such scum as there are in the empire.

Therefore, the main target of night attacks has always been the high-ranking personnel of the empire. No matter how much you kill the remnants of the empire, it will be useless.

On the contrary, it will give the empire's biggest mastermind more opportunities to gain power.

And every time after leaving the palace and returning to the hotel to rest, the three beast warriors would spread the news. The empire controlled the lifeblood of public opinion, which was completely unmatched by night attacks.

Emiya is illiterate, and Liva has never told him the name and address of their mission target.

So in the tavern, Emiya could only hear that the night attack killed someone, and he actually killed someone, and he didn't know it was Liva's target.

Before they took action, weren't there discussions in the tavern about night raids and killing so-and-so?

Even Emiya who participated in the operation believed that these things were done by night raids, let alone the masses.

Compared to the original plan of only killing loyal ministers, what the three beast warriors did this time made the people more quickly accept that these things were the result of a night attack.

Because the three beast warriors not only killed the loyal ministers, but also killed the empire's cavities.

Therefore, those people thought that this was a mistake in judgment of the powerful night attack, and they also had a little panic about the night attack.

With such a sudden manslaughter, the people below were a little afraid to quietly hand over the night attack mission.

"Today, why did you go out during the day?"

Emiya asked Liva aloud. Traveling at night has been the norm these days, and if it was an assassination, it would be too blatant in broad daylight.

"He usually does not return to his mansion but stays in the palace. It is impossible for us to take action against the palace. Today is the first time he has left the palace in these days. If he does not seize this opportunity, it will be difficult to do it again. "

Levi could tell lies now, and even Emiya couldn't hear anything wrong with such an excuse.

At least on the surface, Liva and the others have been working hard to control the empire, but if they really rush to the palace to kill people, they will become a naked threat to the empire.

Even the palace dared to ignore it and rush in. If one day they wanted to kill the emperor, would they be able to kill him easily?

So Emiya had no doubts about the reason.

"Then where is he now?"

"On board----"

Emiya was a little unaccustomed to wearing his own suit. Their mission target this time was on such an extremely luxurious ship. Liva led Emiya to wear a set of extremely formal clothes, and Emiya was able to enter.

"Such luxury, I really don't know how much people and financial resources have been spent."

When Emiya saw that even the edges of the windows were covered with gold, he couldn't help but feel sad. It was a waste of time and money to create such a thing for people's enjoyment.

Chapter 72 The Invisible Man on the Deck

A blue-green wave rolled endlessly on the sea, but this big ship was extremely stable.

Emiya and the three beast warriors were sitting at the dining table on this ship.

They did not hide their identities. Rather, except for Emiya, the rest of them hid their identities but were unable to board the ship.

Most of the people on this boat were nobles, and they didn't have enough status to get on this boat.

Of course, sneaking aboard is another matter, and they are not very strict about guarding the ship.

The guards only checked people who boarded the ship in a regular way. As for those who had already boarded the ship, they did not have the courage to question them.

In fact, as long as you can get through it and board the ship quietly, you can basically blend in easily.

Apart from the palace, there is no place in the empire that is difficult to invade.

Emiya just sat for a while and then stood up.

"I'll go for a stroll around."

He hated Daidas and Niu very much. Even though they hadn't caused any killings these days, the bloody smell from them made Emiya feel very uncomfortable.

The three beastmen had their own residences, unlike Emiya, who could only be arranged in a hotel. The biggest reason they lived together in the hotel before was that Riva needed to keep an eye on Emiya to prevent him from sneaking away.

But seeing that Emiya had no intention of leaving, Riva left with the remaining two.

The longer they get along, the easier it is to expose the nature of the other two. Riva still knows this.

The less contact Emiya can have with them, the later Emiya can learn the truth.

And every assassination operation cannot be done as he pleases, so they vent it during the day.

It is impossible for Emiya to know these things. He can only smell the strong smell of blood on them.

However, since the first time he met them, except for Liva, the smell of blood on them basically never dissipated, so Emiya did not think that they had just killed someone.

Emiya left the ship and walked to the deck to get some fresh air.

"This is not a solution."

Emiya sighed. How could he not know that the three beastmen had concealed many things from him.

But he himself was an unregistered person in this area. Except for the preliminary understanding of the situation of the empire from that bookstore, Emiya did not get any useful information.

What happened to the emperor of the empire? Now the empire is supported by those people.

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