What is the situation inside the palace, and what kind of force is the revolutionary army opposing it.

Emiya can only say that he knows nothing about this. If he leaves Liva, he will have no direction at all in this unfamiliar territory.


A young man with brown hair and a white suit carrying a bottle of red wine walked over awkwardly.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, a banquet was being held in the cabin, and basically all the nobles went to attend.

Emiya was also very confused about this young man who suddenly appeared.

There is nothing aristocratic about him.

The boy in front of him also viewed Emiya in the same way.

"Well, why did you come to the deck? Is there anything wrong with the banquet below?"

The young man looked a little nervous, as if it was his first time to talk to someone like this.

"It's just that you're not used to that kind of atmosphere, what about you?"

Emiya didn't know where his nervousness came from, but he still accepted his inquiry.

"Me, me too, haha!"

He scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and the whole conversation was filled with an awkward atmosphere.


"it hurts!"

There seemed to be a knocking sound, and the boy covered his head and spilled the red wine on Emiya's body.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

He quickly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and wiped the spot on Emiya's chest where the red wine had been sprinkled.

"What happened to you just now?"

Rather than the red wine stuck to his body, Emiya was more concerned about the sound he made just now, as if something hit him in the head.

"Just now, the wind was strong and it hit me in the head."

It's obvious that he doesn't lie.

Emiya frowned and looked towards his side.

"What's your name?"

"Tazmi, just call me Tazmi—!"


Before he could finish speaking, another violent sound sounded from the other side of Tazmi.

At this time, Emiya also saw that the air over there seemed to be extremely distorted and something was wrong. The wind on the sea seemed to have hit something, blowing from the side.

"Then what should I call you?"

Tazumi rubbed her head and asked Emiya Shirou.

"Shirou Emiya, just call me Emiya."

“Weird name”

Tazmi muttered quietly.

Indeed, there was no such name in the entire empire, so Tazmi felt very strange.

But before he could ask any more questions, Emiya Shirou punched the air next to him with lightning speed.


The sound of hitting the steel plate was heard.

Severe pain spread from Emiya's fist to his arm, and Emiya took his hand back in pain. Although his physical fitness was indeed very strong, Emiya would feel great pain when his punch hit the steel plate.

Just because he could hold back from screaming didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"It was actually discovered."

An extremely calm voice came from the air on the right side of Emiya.

"The Invisible Man?"

Emiya stepped back cautiously.

He could barely make out a little bit of the windswept outline.

It was precisely because this was on the sea and the wind was so strong that Emiya could see it.

You must know that Emiya started training with the breath of wind, and he has a certain sensitivity to the wind.

If it were within the empire, it would be impossible for Emiya to discover the existence of such a person.

Maybe he really just thought that something like a stone hit Tazmi.

After all, this kind of blow is not fatal, and apart from the bad taste, there is nothing noteworthy about it.

"Don't reveal our whereabouts"

The sound in the air was extremely serious.

"If you hadn't insisted on asking me to strike up a conversation and see if I could find out any useful information, brother, I would definitely not have been discovered."

Tazmi covered her head and looked at the air beside her with reproachful eyes.

It's better now. After losing his wife and losing his troops, the information was not asked, but his whereabouts were exposed.

He even received two violent shocks on his head.

"This is to train your ability to collect intelligence. If I am not here, how will you be able to detect the information you want to know."

But he really didn't expect that the red-haired boy in front of him could see his invisible self so easily.

You must know that he was not standing still talking to Tazmi just now, but was constantly moving.

Emiya's eyes followed him, which surprised him unusually.

However, he and Tazmi did not intend to kill anyone and silence them. They were not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Moreover, the incident did not become a big deal and did not have a profound impact on this mission. When they went out to perform the mission at night, they would not be seen by some people, so nothing bad would happen.

As long as Emiya is kept secret during this period of time, there is no need to take his life.

After this incident, even if he went to the empire to report their whereabouts, it would be useless.

However, the air man was thinking about what coercive measures to use. After all, just giving him a verbal warning and then letting him go was extremely unsafe. This was completely irresponsible for the mission.

What's more, his own negligence has caused such a result.

Tatsumi was right. If he hadn't asked him to go and chat up with her on a whim, this problem wouldn't have happened.

Originally, he was planning to ask Tatsumi to go to the banquet below to get information.

It was just that Emiya happened to come out, so he asked Tatsumi to talk to him.

But it was obvious that Tatsumi was not good at asking questions.

Chapter 73 The inevitable battle

"I'm sorry, I have to let you sleep for a while!"

The invisible man apologized to Emiya, and then disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Rather than saying that he disappeared, it was better to say that the air over there suddenly trembled.

An unstoppable gust of wind rushed towards Emiya.


The palm and the fist suddenly intersected in the air.

Even if he couldn't [see] his position, Emiya could judge that he appeared behind him based on his many battle experiences.

After all, in most cases, knocking someone out usually involves a knife to his neck.

As long as the nerves and body's reaction speed keep up, Emiya can block the invisible man's attack.


The invisible man exclaimed.

He was able to block his knife even when he was invisible.

Judging from the strength, the red-haired boy in front of him was not an ordinary person.

The invisible man thought silently in his heart.

He didn't expect that he looked as thin as Tatsumi, but his actual strength was so strong.

If he was included in the Night Raid, he must be a talent like Tatsumi!

He silently admired Emiya in his heart.

Night Raid also chose to engage in assassination for the sake of the people. In his eyes, Emiya, who was an ordinary person, certainly had no hostility.

"So strong!"

Tatsumi looked at Emiya punching the air and exclaimed.

If it wasn't for his elder brother talking to him, he wouldn't be able to detect his elder brother's existence at all.

Even if it was as strong as Esdeath, if the user who was haunted by the evil spirit did not have hostility or murderous intentions towards Esdeath, she would hardly notice it even if he was close to her.

And Shirou Emiya was able to fight against his big brother who was in stealth mode and exerted his full speed, which was beyond his reach at this stage.

You should know that the combat power of the imperial utilisers is very different from that of those who are not imperial utilisers, not to mention that he is the kind of imperial utiliser with enhanced whole body.

"There is no need to do this. Although I don't know what you are going to do here, I won't pass on your message."

Shirou Emiya shook his slightly red hands. His hands were also very uncomfortable when Shirou Emiya, who was fighting with a sword, and the invisible man were fighting head-on.

He was just a nuclear bomb swordsman, not an Israeli boxing champion.


A melodious flute sound came from the ship, covering the entire hull.

"What's going on? It's so uncomfortable!"

Tatsumi covered his head and staggered on the deck like a drunk, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

"They are going to act!"

Shirou Emiya, who heard the flute, immediately realized something.

Although the sound of the flute attacks in all directions, it also has the ability to identify friend and foe. Otherwise, wouldn't the three beast warriors sitting together have to cover their ears every time they hear Neo playing the flute?

If there is no ability to identify friend and foe, such an item. Appearing on the battlefield will not have much practical effect.

Just like Jigglypuff in Pokémon, it makes everyone fall into a coma in all directions.

To a certain extent, it is a mutual destruction, although it can be effective if used well.

But Neo's imperial equipment does not have such side effects.

"Why are you not affected!"

Feeling that he was gradually becoming weak, Tatsumi looked at Shirou Emiya who was not affected with a puzzled look.

"I am also curious why you are not unconscious."

Emiya just kept this sentence in his heart and complained. If he said this sentence out loud, he would be too much like a villain.

However, based on his understanding of Neo's imperial equipment, everyone basically fell into a coma the moment the flute sounded.

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