"My Lord is Here (Luminosite Eternelle)!!!!!!"

The golden light instantly enveloped everything around, and the terrifying poisonous fog was instantly blocked out.

Although this light was not as strong as when Jeanne was the Ruler, it was enough to completely block the poisonous fog out.

What's more,——————

At this moment, a golden figure suddenly shot out from the light and flew straight towards the man in green clothes and orange hair holding a crossbow.

Chapter 694: Unseeable Purpose

However, just when Matou Sakura was about to answer Emiya Shirou's question, the TV was suddenly turned on automatically.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Accompanied by a beautiful music and a coherent animation, a girl who called herself BB and looked exactly like Sakura appeared on the screen.

"Good afternoon! Senior, you seem to be in good spirits. What are you having for lunch today? Did you cook it yourself?"

She looked extremely cheerful, smiling at Shirou Emiya, who was sitting at the table outside the TV with a bowl of rice in his hand.


Shirou Emiya glanced at BB on TV, and then at the white-haired Sakura sitting opposite him.

Different from the two people seen before, if the person in front of the TV at this moment changed her hairstyle and put on a white coat, it would be difficult to tell the difference between the two, unless Kiri Sakura's hair had already turned white at this time.

"Heh! Please don't mess with me, senior, and don't treat me and her as equals--"

As if she had heard what Shirou Emiya said, BB looked at Sakura on the side, smiled with disdain and contempt, and her eyes were full of contempt for Sakura.

"I am different from her from the top of my head to the tips of my nails. How could I be that ugly coward——!"

Listening to BB's words, Matou Sakura gradually lowered her head, not daring to look her in the eye.

Emiya Shirou glanced at Matou Sakura's state, and then looked at BB on TV.

"Who are you?"

"I am Sakura, but I am not Sakura."

"Please remember my name——BB."

He could clearly feel the disgust BB showed towards Matou Sakura.

"Senior, don't you want to save everyone? Don't you want them all to survive? Why run away from that world? You only need to stay there, and you only need to live a comfortable and relaxed life of love and comedy, and the happy end you expect will come here."

BB questioned Emiya Shirou with a very sweet and devilish smile.

It was as if leaving there was a sin for Emiya Shirou.

But Emiya Shirou obviously would not be shaken by BB's words, let alone believe everything she said.

Seeing Shirou Emiya who seemed unmoved, BB showed a slightly distressed expression.

"It seems that the senior doesn't believe me? It makes me really sad, extremely sad, so sad that my tears turned into a river!"

"But it's a pity, even if you don't believe me, there is no other way--!"

"Because the senior is locked in a birdcage and can't get out!"

A smile like a little devil appeared on her face again, and BB seemed to like communicating with Shirou Emiya very much.

"So what do you want to do?"

Until now, Shirou Emiya couldn't understand what BB's current purpose was?

Let him sleep very comfortably, then catch him here, and build a place exactly like his own mansion.

Shirou Emiya couldn't guess BB's thoughts at all, and was led by him from beginning to end.

To be precise, it felt very strange.

If it was that he hindered her goal, then she could just kill him directly, why did she do it so many times and lock him up with the white-haired Sakura.

"Senior, are you so anxious? But it's a pity. You won't feel the gift until the end! Senior, just rest here for the next time."

"Senior, see you next time!"

BB waved his hand, and the TV screen became dark.

Everything returned to calm again.


White-haired Sakura was a little reserved, a little timid, and looked at Shirou Emiya at a loss.

"Don't worry, Sakura."

Shirou Emiya slowly reached out and put his hand on Sakura's shoulder.

And Sakura felt the warmth from Shirou Emiya's hand, and her trembling heart also calmed down.


No matter when, Shirou Emiya makes people feel so reassured.

"What is the situation we are in now?"

"These walls that surround us are reinforced, and their defense and response capabilities are far greater than the defense that separated the two sides during the Holy Grail War--"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's question, White-haired Sakura quickly analyzed it to Shirou Emiya.

Rather than making random guesses, she naturally asked the white-haired Sakura who had woken up earlier than her and had system authority.

Perhaps Mooncell placed the authority of the advanced AI at a deeper level, and BB did not take away Sakura Matou's ability as an advanced AI.

But for some reason, she did not kill Sakura Matou, nor did she separate her from Shirou Emiya.

So Matou Sakura had analyzed these walls long before Shirou Emiya woke up.

"With my current authority, there is no way to directly remove it. It will take a certain amount of time to completely analyze it."

Said Matou Sakura, lowering her head as if she had done something wrong.

"How long will it take to completely analyze it?"

"After a month————"

Is it true?

Shirou Emiya put his hand on Sakura's shoulder, indicating that Sakura didn't need to blame herself like this. If BB really couldn't close Sakura's authority and didn't kill her, then he would definitely take strict precautions.

Shirou Emiya was mentally prepared for this.

One month, he can only stay here for a few days now.

To be precise, he didn't leave for a few days, but because of the control of the treasure that can travel through the world as time goes by, Shirou Emiya can leave a certain time in advance or a certain time later.

In fact, there is still nearly half a month before he is forced to leave this world by the door.

Even so, Shirou Emiya has no way and no possibility to wait until a month later.

Moreover, within this month, it is unknown what that person will do and what purpose he wants to achieve.

Matou Sakura's authority cannot break through this wall, and he has no ability to break this wall now.

Do we really have to wait for Jeanne to come to rescue and do nothing here?

No, the erosion of the infinite sword system should be able to do it, but now it is not such an extremely urgent moment, and there are people outside who are defending here.

If there is really no way, then we can only gamble everything again and use the erosion of the infinite sword system to destroy these defenses.

Before, when facing the attack of those black materials that kept making noises at Tsukimihara Academy, although Shirou Emiya chanted.

But he did not mobilize his magic power, otherwise the ground he stepped on at that time could not still be the land of the campus.

But he did bluff the other party at that time.

"Are there any other ways?"

Shirou Emiya thought for a while, used the infinite sword system as the last trump card, and then spoke to Matou Sakura.

"If it's a short period of time, maybe not————" Sakura Matou looked at the ceiling as if she remembered something when she was halfway through her words.

"If we rely on ourselves, there is indeed no way——, but————"

Chapter 695 A brief confrontation

"Swish, swish, swish, swish————!"

Countless emerald green arrows attacked Jeanne, who was galloping, like a rain curtain.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding————!"

The crisp sound of the collision also rang out in this forest.

The iris flag kept dancing in front of Jeanne, and suddenly burst into sparks. It was as if there was an invisible sword light flashing in her hand, which was extremely dazzling.

In fact, Jeanne was wearing a red cloak of the same style as Shirou Emiya at this time.

It was the holy shroud designed and made by Jeanne, and then combined with the night hat to form a cloak-like clothing.

Usually, in order to save projection time, Shirou Emiya will store the commonly used Noble Phantasms or the Noble Phantasms that may be used next in it.

After knowing that the release form of Jeanne's Noble Phantasms as a Lancer is different from that as a Ruler, Shirou Emiya has the idea of ​​giving the clothing projection to Jeanne.

As a Lancer, Jeanne has stronger mobility and the release of Noble Phantasms has become more relaxed.

Unlike Ruler at that time, she must raise the Iris Flag to release the Noble Phantasm, and she cannot make any attacks while raising the Holy Flag.

Where the flag is, there is glory.

Because it is not a Ruler, its defense power has dropped significantly.

However, in the case of only one weapon, this is not much different from when Ruler releases the Noble Phantasm.

After all, after releasing the Noble Phantasm, Jeanne can leave the protection range of the flag, but she also loses the weapon in her hand. It is obviously a very unwise choice to enter into a battle with the enemy.

But now, the entire night hat is filled with Iris Flags projected by Shirou Emiya.

Jeanne could even release her treasures in two different places, although because the treasures converted her magic resistance into defense, the attacks on both would be accumulated together.

"This guy——!"

Looking at Jeanne rushing towards him from a distance, the green-clothed orange-haired man made a very unhappy sound.

He was not unhappy because Jeanne took out the second iris flag.

But his current means were almost restricted by it in a short time. If he wanted to win this battle, he had to prolong this battle.

The flag in the distance played a role, protecting Kiara Seshoin, preventing the poisonous fog from spreading in.

Jeanne herself has extremely high magic resistance, and these poisonous fogs can hardly cause any fatal effects now.

His treasures shot out black arrows that seemed to be stained with poison.

They would be discovered by Jeanne immediately, and even if they were hidden in the arrows like a rainstorm, they would be found accurately by her.

So that in a short period of time, his attack methods could not play the role they should have.

If time continues to stretch, the situation will be different.

On the one hand, the high anti-magic power only reduces the impact of the poisonous fog, not that it has no effect at all. After a long time, you will still be poisoned, and all attributes will decline.

On the other hand, Joan of Arc does not have unlimited magic power to supply the light of the treasure. As time goes by, it is inevitable that the poisonous fog will flow in.

He needs to stretch the front line to gain more time for fighting.

This is something that everyone present understands, and Joan of Arc knows it even better, so she will not provide such an opportunity.


That was the sound of stomping on the ground.

Joan of Arc, who was speeding, once again cracked the ground under her feet. With an extremely calm expression, she turned into a mirage-like phantom in the shaking wind and rushed forward.

The speed was amazing.

"Damn it!"

The orange-haired man's face condensed, and his figure kept retreating backwards, holding a crossbow in his hand and shooting forward, trying to stop Joan of Arc's offensive.

The dark arrow cut through the atmosphere.

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