The silver-white spear tip stirred up a turbulent flow.

Whether it was mixed in with many attacks or suddenly launched an attack.

This dark arrow could always be easily discovered by Joan of Arc.


With the rapid lifting of the holy flag, the dark arrow like a meteor was easily deflected.

The next second, the holy flag in Joan of Arc's hand was like a whistling wind wheel, with a flexible and changeable trajectory, fiercely stabbing at the green-clothed and orange-haired man.


Amid the amazing whistling sound, the green-clothed and orange-haired man suddenly retreated, wanting to shoot at him again at such a close distance.

At this distance, he gained by exchanging injuries for injuries————

As long as this poisonous arrow hits his body, then all he needs to do is wait for time to ferment.

However, Joan of Arc suddenly reacted to what the man wanted to do, and the flag that was stabbing at him suddenly changed its moves, turning into a stick and hitting him directly in the face.

At this moment, facing the sudden change of tactics, he had no time to react.


With the sound of a muffled blow, the whole person was knocked out.

"Forget it, the position has been determined, you should let her deal with it--!"

The man in green clothes and orange hair wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth slightly, and quickly turned into a golden particle and disappeared on the spot.

The thick purple-black poisonous fog around him gradually began to dissipate.

Jeanne tightly grasped the projected flag in her hand, quickly dealt with the maze guards surrounding her, and returned to the position where Kiara Seshoin and Andersen were.

"Are you all right?"

Jeanne pulled out the flag stuck in the ground and asked Kiara Seshoin.

It should be said that the protection is quite good, but Joan of Arc still habitually asked.

"Under the shining of the saint's glory, we will naturally not be harmed."

Standing beside Kiara Seshoin, Andersen nodded very affirmatively and praised Joan of Arc.

Whether it is combat quality or judgment of the situation, it is impeccable.

"As Andersen said, Miss Jeanne took care of us meticulously. But you, you have been in the poisonous fog for so long, are you really okay?"

"Thank you Miss Seshoin for your concern, but fortunately, the battle was resolved in such a short time, and the toxins in the body are still under control."

"Are the toxins remaining in the body okay?"

"Don't worry, these toxins will be automatically purified by my body."

Jeanne didn't need to lie to Seshoin Kiara at this time. Facing the toxins accumulated in her body, she was indeed able to purify them quickly.


Rank: B

Indicates that she is recognized as a saint. The ability of a saint is to choose one of "increase the effect of the secret", "HP automatic recovery", "leadership temperament increased by 1 level", and "can make holy shroud" when summoned as a Servant.

This time, considering that Shirou Emiya did not have the power related to healing magic, she chose "HP automatic recovery".

The toxins remaining in her body also gradually began to be purified at this time.

Chapter 696: Food Offensive

In this dense jungle, the red wall and the mansion it surrounded turned transparent.

And its originally conspicuous aura disappeared at this moment.

"Hmm, why can't I make such food."

With a pair of huge mechanical claws, [Matou Sakura] returned here with an expectant look, and her stomach did not make strange noises like before.

And the changes in the mansion seemed to be what she did.

It seemed that after eating, she finally remembered that the green Archer seemed to have told her to hide this place.

She did it, although it might be a little later than expected.


[Matou Sakura] muttered softly, her eyes followed Emiya Shirou who moved in the mansion, staring at him without moving.

This also made Emiya Shirou, who was about to go to the warehouse, slightly stunned.

The feeling of being watched came back again.

It's not that Shirou Emiya is so sensitive to sight.

If Shirou Emiya could really feel all sight, he wouldn't be unprepared and killed by a punch when facing Li Shuwen.

It's just that this [Sakura Matou] may think that under the cover of these walls, her traces will not be discovered by Shirou Emiya, so she is so unscrupulous.

But now Shirou Emiya pretended that he didn't find anything and continued to go to the warehouse.

"Here, I found it!"

Arriving at the warehouse, Shirou Emiya quickly found what he needed - the barbecue grill.

However, he didn't expect BB to replicate this mansion so well. In the warehouse, there are not only things that Shirou Emiya rarely uses.

There are also some electrical appliances that he collected and needed to be repaired, as well as his projection products from a long time ago.

At this time, [Sakura Matou] standing in the jungle didn't know what Shirou Emiya was going to do, but kept watching him, and his eyes never left him from beginning to end.

"Sakura, are you ready for the ingredients?"

"We're ready, senior!" Sakura answered Emiya Shirou excitedly, carrying several bags of meat from the living room and bringing them to the courtyard.

Emiya Shirou also began to set up these facilities in the courtyard.

If there is anything strange, it is the place where Emiya Shirou built the barbecue grill, which is very close to the wall. He almost built the barbecue grill directly in front of the red wall.

What's more, the barbecue grill is right in front of [Matou Sakura], separated from her by only a wall.

"What are you doing?"

[Matou Sakura] didn't understand what Emiya Shirou and the others were going to do at this time, but watched Emiya Shirou build these facilities with interest.


As the oil on the ingredients burst, the aroma suddenly burst out and spread around.

Emiya Shirou processed these ingredients very skillfully and cooked them on the barbecue grill.

Although he had never tried barbecue, which was not a nutritious way to cook food.

But years of cooking experience made Shirou Emiya familiar with the heat on the grill quickly, and the timing of grilling each ingredient was just right.

Seeing the oil bursting on the meat and smelling the aroma that spread like an invasion, even though she had finished lunch, the white-haired Sakura standing behind Shirou Emiya couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

And how could [Matou Sakura], who was separated from her by only a transparent wall, hold back.

Saliva had already flowed from the corners of her mouth and kept dripping on the ground.

Although she had secretly left here and eaten some food because she saw the food made by the white-haired Sakura before.

But because BB, another [Matou Sakura] whose feet turned into sharp blades, and the green-clothed Archer said she was fat, she didn't eat much.

What's more, compared to the snacks stored in her warehouse, the things made by Shirou Emiya in front of her were something she couldn't do at this stage.

After making a considerable part of the barbecue, Shirou Emiya glanced at the position of [Matou Sakura] in front of him, and then naturally placed the finished food on the side of the grill where there was no charcoal.

Then he took a part of the picnic tablecloth and laid it out in the courtyard.

Although the courtyard of the mansion is not large, there is actually no need for picnic cloths or the like.

But White-haired Sakura thought that since it was like a picnic, it would be better to have a more ceremonial feeling.

While Shirou Emiya was making barbecue, Matou Sakura also laid out the picnic cloth, brought out the fruits in the room, and placed them neatly on it.

From a distance, the picnic cloth with fruits neatly placed and the white-haired Sakura sitting on it formed a beautiful scenery.

"Try it, how does it taste? Actually, this should be my first time making barbecue."

When going out for school trips with classmates, barbecue is provided on the side, such as when encountering activities such as bonfire parties.

Shirou Emiya occasionally goes to grill some ingredients himself, so it is not the first time to come into contact with barbecue.

It's just that it's the first time for Shirou Emiya to prepare everything from ingredients, sauces to grills from the very beginning.

"Hmm! Delicious, even though I've already had lunch!"

As a result, Shirou Emiya grilled skewers, and Shirou Sakura just took a bite and exclaimed in admiration. 乣

This is not a compliment, but Shirou Sakura felt that it was delicious from the bottom of her heart. Even though she was a little full now, she still wanted to continue eating.

Even Shirou Sakura couldn't help but praise the barbecue, so how could [Matou Sakura], who stood directly in front of the grill and even watched Shirou Emiya make the whole process, help herself.

Even if she persuaded herself in her heart that she couldn't continue eating and couldn't continue to gain weight.

But her hand couldn't help but reach out to the grill that was less than half a meter away from her.

"Just, just eat one skewer, I've never eaten this before————"

Looking at the two people sitting on the picnic blanket in the distance, eating deliciously, [Matou Sakura] began to persuade herself in her heart.

"Just, just secretly take one skewer, the senior shouldn't find out, and even if he finds out, he shouldn't mind——"

As she said this, [Matou Sakura] was like a child who was about to do something bad, holding her breath, while constantly observing the two people who were talking, and slowly extending her mechanical claws.

But she didn't know that Shirou Emiya and White Hair Sakura were paying full attention to the position of the grill at this moment.

Chapter 697 The plan was a great success

Abandonment \u0026 collapse

Level: EX

A cheating skill evolved from the skill "Super Strength".

No matter how large the volume is, as long as it is "an object that can be completely covered by the hand", it can be crushed and compressed with the claws.

Although the compressed object will become a cubic centimeter cube, its mass can only be reduced to about one tenth before compression. The compressed object will be treated as garbage data afterwards.

Only objects smaller than Lip's hand can be compressed——

No, anything that she considers "an object that can be contained by hand" can be considered as an object to be compressed.

Although it is a plane physical interference that ignores the law of perspective, the larger the object, the longer it takes to compress. It is an illusion image compression technique that only exists in computer space.

Lip specializes in destruction. If the opponent is an immovable object... terrain or a building, it can even exert a destructive power higher than BB.

However, when facing a Servant or Master, they immediately sense the danger and flee from Lip's sight → the bulky Lip cannot catch up, and will fall into this dilemma.

It is precisely because of this skill that White-haired Sakura thought of such a strategy.

Her authority as a high-level AI is not restricted by BB in any way. Although this wall cuts off the direct vision between Shirou Emiya and White-haired Sakura.

But White-haired Sakura can still exercise her authority as a high-level AI and use the monitoring function in the maze to directly see the outside world.

It is also known that the one guarding them is such a person with extremely surging claws and chest things [Matou Sakura].

It makes White-haired Sakura a little jealous. We are all Sakura, why can yours be so big.

Of course, it is only a little jealousy.

It is really just a little jealousy, don't think too much.

When she saw the ground being smashed by her punch in the health room, White-haired Sakura had some guesses.

After that, he used his advanced AI authority to analyze her mechanical claws and got the exact answer.

You know, the old school building is a top-notch defense. Whether it is the wooden floor or the wooden wall, it is actually stronger than the walls that trapped them here.

But even so, she easily broke it with one punch, which is enough to prove that her mechanical claws are not only powerful, but also have special mechanisms.

The defense here is impregnable for them, but for that [Matou Sakura], it is basically just a matter of one punch.

In addition, through monitoring, White Hair Sakura also analyzed that [Matou Sakura] actually likes food very much. If she is hungry, she can even put down the guarding task given by BB and eat secretly.

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