Therefore, this [Food Seduction Plan] was formulated by White Hair Sakura and implemented by Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou naturally agreed. There was no loss in doing so, and failure was actually harmless.

The two hit it off and began to work together to perform this grand plan.

Thinking that this plan was made by herself, White Hair Sakura couldn't help but lower her head and began to condemn herself.

She always felt that she seemed to be a bit black-bellied, and actually used such means to seduce the other party.

But the effect was unexpectedly good.


The red wall began to break, and a mechanical claw suddenly reached into the interior and grabbed the barbecue placed on the grill.


Sitting on the picnic blanket, Emiya Shirou quickly reminded when he saw the wall being torn.

"Understood--!" Matou Sakura also spoke quickly, closing her eyes tightly and calling all functions to analysis.

He did not choose to rush out directly, nor did he expose himself.

If this plan is feasible and has achieved the expected results, then it will not be a one-time plan.

Obviously, if Shirou Emiya makes a few more barbecues, the wall will be damaged many times.

Although their goal is to leave this [prison], it is better to leave through the hole torn by [Sakura Matou] and then have to confront the guards outside.

Let White-haired Sakura quickly shape the torn parts and speed up the analysis of the wall. At that time, it is a better way to sneak out of here when [Sakura Matou] who is guarding them outside is not there.

The more damage the wall suffers, the faster the analysis of White-haired Sakura will be greatly improved.


The speed of the mechanical claw is not fast, and it seems to be afraid that White-haired Sakura and Shirou Emiya, who are talking with their backs to her, will find it, so the speed is still extremely slow.

Logically speaking, if you want to avoid being discovered, you should be quick, fierce and accurate.

However, this also complies with the wishes of Sakura Matou and Shirou Emiya.

Since this wall is of the same type as the battlefield, it naturally has a terrifying recovery speed. If [Matou Sakura] retracts her claws too quickly, the wall will also recover very quickly.

White-haired Sakura's analysis time will only be a moment.

But now [Matou Sakura] has slowed down her speed, so the broken walls around her will be difficult to recover, and White-haired Sakura's speed will also be greatly improved.

"Ding! Ding! Bang!"

It seems to be because of nervousness, and it seems to be because it is the first time to do this kind of thing and has no experience.

The plate with skewers fell heavily to the ground.

Not far away, Emiya Shirou and White-haired Sakura continued to talk as if they pretended not to hear anything.

"It's a close call! It's really a close call!"

Outside the wall, the extremely thick-chested [Matou Sakura] patted her chest, and looked at Emiya Shirou who seemed to have not noticed her action in shock.

"I accidentally took too much!"

Looking at the plate that fell to the ground inside the wall without throwing out any skewers, [Matou Sakura] couldn't help but apologize.

Then she couldn't wait to look at her right hand holding the skewers.

It was a cubic centimeter cube.

It was obvious that she was too nervous and used too much force before, and accidentally compressed the food.

"Ah! How could this happen!? I obviously had restrained my strength!"

[Matou Sakura] showed a desperate look. The things she had finally obtained were compressed by herself. Now she can only throw them away as garbage data files.

"Have you finished analyzing?"

Looking at the mechanical claw that had been retracted, Shirou Emiya asked calmly.

"Because of the damage just now, the degree of analysis and control of the wall has also been greatly improved. Now it should only take 3 days to crack it."

The results just now were extremely obvious. With only a few dozen seconds of damage, the progress of analyzing these walls was directly reduced from one month to three days.

If the damage continues.

"We should be able to analyze these walls faster!" As if she understood what Shirou Emiya was thinking, Sakura nodded immediately.

Chapter 698: The Girl Who Makes People Want to Bully

Shirou Emiya and Sakura Emiya's poor acting skills are being performed in the mansion.

However, facing that [Sakura Matou], they don't need much acting skills, they just need to make sure that she will still be tempted by these delicacies.

Normal people will be surprised by the plate that suddenly fell to the ground, but Shirou Emiya seemed to have no problem at all. He picked it up and continued to make delicacies as if nothing had happened.

Obviously, [Sakura Matou] who is wholeheartedly devoted to delicacies will not notice anything wrong.

What she is thinking at this time is that next time, next time, she will definitely take out those skewers.

The refreshing fragrance spreads from Shirou Emiya again.

[Sakura Matou]'s face once again showed a thirsty look, and her body began to tense up.

She was now ready at all times, staring intently in a state where she could strike at any time.

Just wait for Shirou Emiya to leave, just wait for Shirou Emiya to leave here!


The body strikes before the mind.


The red wall shattered instantly. By the time [Matou Sakura] realized what she was doing, it was too late. Her entire body was exposed in front of Shirou Emiya.


Looking at the shattered wall in front of him, Shirou Emiya was also shocked, but he did not retreat, because he knew that the target of the huge mechanical claws in front of him was not him.

He just didn't expect that the other party couldn't even hold back and destroyed the wall before he turned around.

Looking at her masterpiece, [Matou Sakura] realized what she had just done.

Suddenly, there was a silence————

"Hello, hello——!"

She seemed very nervous, like a child who had done something wrong, her eyes were extremely flustered, but she kept glancing at Shirou Emiya.

"Ah? Hello."

Looking at the girl in front of him who looked like Matou Sakura, facing her greeting, Shirou Emiya was also slightly stunned and responded to her.

"Can I, can I have some of the food you cooked?"

Like a request, in this situation, [Matou Sakura] seemed to have forgotten that she had attacked Shirou Emiya before, and that they were enemies.

Her eyes were fixed on the food being roasted in Shirou Emiya's hand without moving away.


Shirou Emiya did not expect that the other party was more greedy than he imagined, but in fact, it was also expected.

If not, how could she destroy the wall because of this.

As if she had received Shirou Emiya's consent, [Matou Sakura] quickly showed a look of joy, stretched out her mechanical claws and grabbed towards Shirou Emiya.

The white-haired Sakura who was analyzing the wall behind Shirou Emiya was so nervous that her heart was in her throat, and even her breathing tended to stagnate.

At such a close distance, if the servant with the same face as himself slapped Shirou Emiya directly, he would not be able to dodge at all.

It will be transformed into a cubic centimeter cube like the skewers of [Matou Sakura] before.

This kind of destruction is completely unreasonable, not to mention that she has a cheating power above the strange power, which is simply impossible to resist.

However, that [Matou Sakura] did not seem to have any hostility, and stared at the food.


I don't know if it was because she was too happy, or because she didn't control her own strength well. Even though she was careful, she didn't compress them into a cubic centimeter cube like last time.

But because of the excessive force, the bamboo sticks that skewered the meat were directly crushed.

The prepared food fell directly to the ground.

Shirou Emiya frowned tightly, and a feeling of disgust rose in his heart, disgusting the clumsy woman in front of him.

She couldn't even do this!

He wanted to punish her, and even at this moment Shirou Emiya had the bad idea that he hated the most, bullying her.


Just as he was about to scold her, Shirou Emiya was stunned, and then he stretched out a hand and put it on his forehead.

"What's wrong with me?"

Why did he have such a strange thought just now? Shirou Emiya didn't understand. When he was about to blame her, he saw Sakura's face and stopped talking.

Then he immediately realized what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya's serious face, [Sakura Matou] apologized to Shirou Emiya cowardly, as if she had completely forgotten that she was the guard who was watching them and preventing them from escaping from this prison.

"It's okay, do you want more?"

Shirou Emiya resisted his impulse to bully her and asked her politely.

He didn't want to be the person he hated the most.


[Sakura Matou] nodded a little embarrassedly.

But this time, Shirou Emiya didn't let her extend her mechanical claws again, but picked up the food on the side and handed it to [Sakura Matou]'s mouth.

乄"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Looking at the food that was directly handed to her mouth, [Matou Sakura] immediately made a series of unbelievable sounds.

What is this?

Is this feeding?

Why is he so bold even though they have only met a few times?

And why is he so gentle, just because he saw that she didn't hold it firmly, he personally delivered the food to her mouth.

But at this moment, the fragrance has begun to surround her nose.

Her doubts only lasted for a moment, and then she opened her mouth and bit down hard.



[Matou Sakura] chewed, rubbing her cheeks constantly, and made a happy sound. This is really the most delicious food she has ever eaten.

Then, as if she remembered something, her cheeks suddenly became rosy, and she lowered her head slightly, somewhat afraid to look directly at Emiya Shirou.

"It's okay. How does it taste?"

"It tastes delicious. I've never eaten anything so delicious!"

When he heard the food he made being praised by others, Shirou Emiya smiled knowingly. Although the person in front of him should be an enemy, he did not feel any hostility from him.

That's why Shirou Emiya stood in front of her like he was defenseless.

"Ah, sorry, I just did it on my own-"

Emiya Shirou could really feel her cowardice from the bottom of her heart. No matter who she met, she was afraid that they would bully her, even more than when he first met Matou Sakura.

But it seemed to be true. If this was the weirdness in her, then everyone she met would bully her.

This bullying was even unconscious. When he was about to speak, Emiya Shirou himself did not realize that his attitude suddenly became so bad.

If it were not for the fact that bullying others was something that Emiya Shirou hated, and the other party had the same face as Sakura, otherwise Emiya Shirou would really not realize that he suddenly became so bad.

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