Except for Sakura, the people present were basically not affected by BB's words.

Andersen has always kept himself out of the matter, and basically does not participate in most things. He is like a neutral attitude, and BB's words can't affect him at all.

Jeanne will not be affected by BB's words either. Her belief is firmer than anyone else and will not waver at all.

This is even more true for Shirou Emiya. He has met many people and things along the way, and experienced life-and-death battles. He has won every time when it is impossible to win. He himself is the synonym of miracle.

As for Kiara Sesshōin, she is more looking forward to BB reaching the Mooncell center than anyone else. It is better to say that this is the most important part of her plan.

So only Sakura Matou fell into self-blame at this moment.

"Sakura, believe me, believe us——"

With such words, Shirou Emiya and others returned to the mansion. Kiara Sesshōin took Sakura and Jeanne to the next room and began to install the technique called [Five Minds to Calm the Mind].

There were various words that made people jealous.

However, Shirou Emiya did not hear these words. He stayed in the living room with Andersen very honestly and had no intention of peeping.

"Caster, what do you mean by the price of power you mentioned before?"

Shirou Emiya naturally remembered Andersen's words in his heart, but he did not ask aloud at that time.

"Don't you feel anything abnormal in your body now?"


Shirou Emiya waved his arms and felt the flow of magic in his body.

"It seems that there is nothing abnormal?"

Shirou Emiya looked at Andersen and shook his head. It seemed that Kiara Seshouin had no big problem with the Five Views Heart Stop installed on him.

"Don't you have any negative thoughts in your mind? For example, go peeping now?"

Andersen found it hard to imagine that a mentally healthy high school student like Shirou Emiya had no intention of peeping at the three people with proud figures and stunning faces.

As long as he was a normal high school student, he shouldn't have such thoughts, but now looking at Shirou Emiya, he didn't feel that he had any meaning at all.


"It seems like there is a little bit. I always feel like there is something in my heart calling me to do this."

Emiya Shirou didn't know if it was his illusion. After Andersen said this, he really wanted to see what Jeanne and the others were doing at the moment. He was very curious about the other way to install the Five Calming Minds, and he definitely didn't want to peek.

"Sure enough, it still affected me. I thought you wouldn't be affected at all———"

Chapter 706 Emiya Shirou's Regret (modified)

Emiya Shirou is not a person who has erased his seven emotions and six desires. It's just that this urgent state now makes him not think about other aspects at all.

However, when has Emiya Shirou not been in such an urgent state?

It's better to say that from the time he entered that door to now, his life has been out of touch with normal male high school students. On the one hand, he has never lived a normal high school student life.

He didn't take many normal courses. If it weren't for Sister Fuji, he would have dropped out of school because of insufficient attendance.

On the other hand, each world has different crises.

Even if Shirou Emiya simply wants to survive, he needs to think and train as much as possible to make himself stronger. There are still people who care about him in the mansion, and he cannot die easily.

Even so, Shirou Emiya will jump out without hesitation every time he encounters others in crisis.

He is even thinking about how to help people in other worlds in just two months.

Every battle is a dance on the sword, constantly hovering between life and death.

Shirou Emiya has almost no time to enjoy himself, let alone time to consider his own selfish desires. It can even be said that his greatest selfish desire is to be able to help more people.

Perhaps it is because of Shirou Emiya's short and long experience, not only the life and death battle, but also the pain that tortures him forever, which has tempered his spirit and made him extremely powerful, far beyond ordinary people.

Of course, being able to withstand such inhuman torture, and even having the same performance as ordinary people, so that others can't see the abnormality of Shirou Emiya's body at all, his will itself is beyond ordinary people.

The [evil] that kept pouring into his body was even suppressed unconsciously by Shirou Emiya.

But such suppression was only temporary.

Shirou Emiya was accelerated to absorb [evil] by Kiara Sesshōin.

But these established mazes were endowed with the ability to isolate [evil] by BB, and the [evil] pouring in was extremely rare. Even if the absorption was accelerated, there was not much [evil] in Shirou Emiya's body.

Of course, this was only for Shirou Emiya, and these [evil] could not even resist his unconscious suppression.

For normal people or even magicians, they should have been devoured by [evil] long ago, lost their meaning of existence, and then disappeared.

Only in situations like now, these [evil] can barely affect Shirou Emiya, and it is only an influence.


Emiya Shirou touched his chin, caring too much. If loading the Five Calming Contemplations only made his emotions more volatile, he felt that he could completely accept it.

After all, Matou Sakura had already said at that time what would happen if someone forcibly loaded other people's computer spells. Emiya Shirou just regarded it as a side effect of loading the Five Calming Contemplations.

And just when Emiya Shirou was thinking like this, the evil thought was instantly suppressed by Emiya Shirou.

"I don't know what kind of experience made you a person with such a strong will as a monster-"

Andersen looked at Emiya Shirou who suppressed such evil thoughts in an instant, and his calm eyes began to shake.

Even if it was him, it was impossible to suppress it under the influence of this [evil], not to mention that Emiya Shirou was just a human being.

"As for the experience, the experience of this year is really unforgettable-"

"Really? Can you tell me how you embarked on such a path? Although I write fairy tales, as an author, I am still interested in wonderful stories, which of course can provide me with creative materials."

"Otherwise, I would be locked up by that woman every time, and forced to write without any inspiration or any materials. It would be better to use the Command Spell to make me commit suicide."

Emiya Shirou himself did not expect that he, who could only barely or even only rely on the other party's carelessness to cause harm, could grow to such a point.

"Immortal Ghost"

"Empire of Sin"

"Battle for the Holy Grail"

"World of Existence"

"Never-ending Challenge"

"Bullets that Maintain Order"

"Hero's Dungeon"

"Do you think it is such a magnificent experience that has made you what you are today?"

Listening to Emiya Shirou's description of his experience, even Andersen, a writer, could not help but be fascinated. This is not something that ordinary people can experience at all.

It can even be said that ordinary people would have died when they met the immortal ghost who could use blood demon arts.

"You can grow to this point by yourself, but those experiences have accelerated your growth. Haven't you seen your own [future] if you hadn't experienced these?"

At the moment when Andersen and Shirou Emiya finished, a voice of admiration came from beside him.

"Well, so amazing——!"

At some point, Kiara Sesshōin and the others had completed the Five Heart-stopping Contemplation Ceremony and came to the living room to listen to Shirou Emiya telling his story.

Jeanne and Sakura White Hair were also deeply attracted by such an experience, and they felt heartbroken for Shirou Emiya who was getting deeper and deeper into the vortex.

"When did you come?"

Shirou Emiya really didn't notice Jeanne and the others' appearance. He was indeed immersed in the memories of his past life and death, and he was constantly regretting the things he hadn't finished.

The evil ghost that hadn't been eliminated.

The Red World Demon King that hadn't been solved.

The world-class criminal organization that hadn't been dealt with.

The deepest dungeon that hadn't been entered.

These are all the regrets that Shirou Emiya has, but even now, Shirou Emiya is not sure that he can solve these problems.

However, this storytelling session seems to have attracted someone unexpectedly.

"Master, there are other people upstairs——!" Jeanne whispered in Shirou Emiya's ear.

Shirou Emiya also nodded immediately, and then secretly projected a short sword with a chain under his body and handed it to Jeanne.

He had some guesses about the person who appeared above his head.

The only one who could peek here now was Lip, who had been peeping here before.

With BB's personality, it is impossible for him to hide in the dark and peek. He will definitely appear here in an unexpected appearance and make fun of himself.

BB, who was digging the road to Mooncell and peeping at Shirou Emiya with surveillance, sneezed.

But why was he so familiar with BB, who had only met a few times?

Shirou Emiya shook his head, then stood up and walked towards the courtyard outside.

Chapter 707 Blitzkrieg (revised)

At this moment, the sun has set outside, and the surrounding land is red.

It is finally almost night, and Shirou Emiya is actually planning to make plans tomorrow daytime, as night is not a good time for activities.

Even if Jeanne has extremely perverted revelations, it is extremely unsafe to wander around at night.

After all, Jeanne's revelations can only protect herself, and others will still be threatened.

Although this is a temporary base, the defense that makes all masters feel unshakable is just a piece of fragile paper in front of Lip and BB, so it is not safe for Sesshōin Kiara, Shiraga Sakura and others to stay here.

At this time, Lip was still lying on the roof and watching Shirou Emiya, not realizing their intentions at all.

Jeanne was able to directly determine Lip's position through revelations, and came to the other side of the courtyard while he was watching Shirou Emiya.

As an archer, Shirou Emiya is naturally very sensitive to sight, not to mention this kind of long-term staring, and Lip has no ability to cover his breath.

He had also determined Lip's location at this time.

Now Lip is the key to their departure. Since she is alone now, they will certainly grab her without hesitation.


The breeze blew slowly from a distance at this moment, gently wiping Shirou Emiya's face, and the grass in the courtyard also moved with the wind. Everything seemed so comfortable and beautiful.


At this moment, the white-haired Sakura in the living room did not dare to speak. She also found Lip's location through external surveillance and understood the intentions of Shirou Emiya and Jeanne.

After all, if we talk about combat power now, it seems that only Shirou Emiya and Jeanne can fight, and Shirou Emiya cannot fight head-on due to physical reasons.



The sound of stepping on the ground suddenly rose from the courtyard at this moment, and a strong wind suddenly set off.

The two figures tore through the air and swept away at a lightning speed, before Lip had time to react.

In just a blink of an eye, Jeanne, wearing [Devil Haunted], appeared above Lip, holding her shoulders tightly with both hands, and at this moment, her arms pressed forward, making it impossible for Lip to easily block her terrifying claws.

Everyone knew that they could not collide with her claws that could easily compress anything into a cube, and they had to suppress them at the first time.

"No, ha——! No, ha——! Don't touch me like this!"

At the moment Jeanne grabbed her, Lip made a panting sound that sounded extremely shy, and her body struggled frantically.

It seemed that because of the physical contact, Lip could not exert the cheating power to push it away for a while.

And then Shirou Emiya also jumped onto the roof.

"Senior——! I have now locked it through the Five Mind-stopping Contemplations, but I need to get Lip's three secrets to get the door to open the wall of the heart——"

At this moment, the voice of white-haired Sakura also came from Shirou Emiya's ears.

She communicated with Shirou Emiya over a long distance through her privilege as a high-level AI.

Although Shirou Emiya could hear clearly if Sakura Whitehair yelled, it was obvious that Sakura Whitehair was a lady and would not do such a thing.

"No! Ha——! No! Ha——!"

Lip was still resisting, breathing out hot air from her mouth, and her body began to secrete sweat rapidly, as if Jeanne Arc had given her extremely strong stimulation just by grabbing her.

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