"Don't move!"

Jeanne in armor suddenly got angry and scolded the person lying on the roof in front of her.

Under normal circumstances, even if it was an enemy, Jeanne's attitude would not be so bad. If she had to say something, she should have said in a gentle tone————"Please don't move!"

"Master! Quick! I can't control it for too long!"

Lip's power was also slowly recovering. Even Jeanne in the state of [Devil Haunted] could not suppress it. Shirou Emiya had to take away at least one SG, the girl's secret, as quickly as possible.

However, through the strange feeling he had before, Shirou Emiya already had the answer in his heart.

"The first one——masochistic constitution!"

"Ah! So, so hot... so hot, I... like this... ah! ah! .. . . Da-me!——!"

Lip struggled, and light burst out from her chest. The heat stimulated Lip in an instant, causing her power that was about to break free to weaken instantly.


A pink ball burst out from her body. It was some kind of emotion, a key, and even a secret that she didn't want to be known, or even that she herself might not be able to confirm.

At this moment, a golden light appeared on Shirou Emiya's hand. It was the power of the Five Mind-stopping Contemplations.

"Emiya, grab it!"

In the living room, Sesshōin Kiara, who was standing next to Shiraha Sakura, immediately gave a command.


It was like a sound of something breaking. Shirou Emiya swung his fist directly at the pink ball.

It seems that Lip's so-called masochistic constitution has indeed affected Shirou Emiya, and even [evil] has taken this opportunity to erode Shirou Emiya. Otherwise, with his personality, he would not treat other people's secrets so roughly.

At the moment when the pink ball broke, in another surveillance of Shiraha Sakura, the door with a large model of Lip began to break apart.

However, just when everyone thought it was over, the white-haired Sakura had breathed a sigh of relief, Jeanne was about to let go of control, and Lip was about to stand up.

Without hesitation, the sharp words came out of Shirou Emiya's mouth.

"The second one - the cleavage that can throw things in"





Lip, who had regained her strength and was about to break free, suddenly felt like she was seen through and had seen through everything. She could only let the secret in her heart fly out.

Shirou Emiya was not just guessing casually. That time, in order to get the skewers, Lip accidentally used too much force and compressed it into a cube.

When she entered again, she accepted Shirou Emiya's feeding. At that time, she kept holding the cube tightly in her claws.

It was not until she left the mansion, looked around, and found that no one was watching her, that she put the cube in her cleavage.

At that time, Lip did not know that the wall that could originally block the view could see the outside situation after the invasion of the white-haired Sakura.

Shirou Emiya also discovered the secret hidden by Lip.


Another shattering sound, the second pink ball shattered.


"The third one——sensitive constitution"

Chapter 708 BB's back-up

Shirou Emiya was able to find the three SGs on Lip so quickly, on the one hand, Shirou Emiya himself has a strong ability to observe the things around him.

On the other hand, the Five Calming Minds has greatly improved Shirou Emiya's sensitivity to SGs.

If you want to say, Shirou Emiya himself has strong observation but low comprehension, especially for emotional matters. He is almost unfamiliar with the subtleties of emotions and is very insensitive to kindness and hostility.

Otherwise, he would not have realized the estrangement between him and Shinji Matou long after he showed such hostility.

He would not have realized the feelings of Sakura Matou who has been living in the Emiya house until now.

In addition to some special effects after being improved by Kiara Seshoin, the Five Minds Contemplations is a technique for understanding human emotions.

It allows Shirou Emiya to quickly understand what Lip wants to hide and perceive Lip's inner emotions.

Otherwise, from a normal person's perspective, Lip's cowardly character can also be regarded as an SG, and those huge hands that are completely different from others can actually be regarded as SGs.

It is precisely because of this that Shirou Emiya can pick out three SGs at once so quickly.丒

BB, who was constantly approaching Mooncell and monitoring everything at the bottom floor, couldn't help but stagger.

She thought Lip would fail soon, but she didn't expect it to fail so quickly.

This speed was too unexpected and far exceeded BB's expectations.

If she continued at this speed, she might not be able to reach the Mooncell in time.

"Really, Senior is worthy of being Senior, it really makes me so distressed!"

BB bit her thumb, made a very annoyed sound, and then sighed.

"Fortunately, I am not completely unprepared—"

Anyway, for BB, nothing ever goes as expected. Basically, something surprising happens to Emiya Shirou every time.

For example, at the very beginning, after BB dragged Emiya Shirou into the back of the moon, he placed his soul in the old school, put him into a deep sleep, and locked him in a dreamland from which he would not wake up.

It was expected that Shirou Emiya would live peacefully in the daily life of endless reincarnations. However, this reincarnation only lasted for less than a few days, and Shirou Emiya had a strong will to deny it.

From now on, even if BB continues to overwrite Emiya Shirou's memory and restart the peaceful daily life, Emiya Shirou will wake up from it.

The time to wake up is also getting earlier and earlier, but at least it is still within the range that BB can control.

As a result, a servant contracted by Shirou Emiya appeared in SE.RA.PH from nowhere, allowing her to escape from the dream again.

The time when Emiya Shirou woke up was greatly advanced.

After calculating through his own ability with advanced AI authority, he even got the idea that if he had the help of Tohsaka Rin, Leo and others, it might only take a few days to break through the maze she built. .

It was precisely because of this that BB decided to break into the old school building and abduct Emiya Shirou to extend the time.

But now————

Ever since she started kidnapping Shirou Emiya to the back of the moon, none of her plans were implemented as expected.

She seemed to be somewhat used to it.

Just like every time Shirou Emiya comes to a new world, he always encounters various situations that are completely unexpected and cannot be prepared for in advance.

BB also learned to adapt to the situation and be prepared in advance to face unexpected situations.

Two figures also appeared from behind BB at this moment.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Why did you call me here all of a sudden? I was still having a great time fighting that servant who called himself Archer and was holding a pair of swords. I was almost able to pierce his heart-"

"If you call us here like this, we won't be able to defend the floor!"

With some resentment and dissatisfaction, a blue-haired man wearing azure tights emerged from the darkness carrying a red spear.

His eyes were full of blame for BB calling him down suddenly.

"I don't have anything to do. After all, your floor is in front of mine. I haven't met those masters in the old school building at all. I don't have anything to do. I can only sit on the boat and drink wine, facing the sea breeze. Wandering of meaning.”

"Let me tell you, Master! Although the treasure you gave me is enough, can you simulate some merchant ships, hostile pirate ships and the like on the ocean?

"I see those inhuman maze guards every day, and there is no way to spend the treasure. I feel like my whole body is getting rusty——!"

"But if you call us here at this time, there must be some important task for us."

On the other side of the man in tights holding a red spear, there was a man wearing a fiery red coat and black knee-high boots. He had long pink hair and a shocking scar on his face. A woman who looks like a "resembling a pirate" also appears from the darkness.

Cu Chulainn, Drake.

The servants who once belonged to Tohsaka Rin and Matou Shinji appeared here.

However, it seems that they, like Robin Hood, have no memory of the Holy Grail War on the Side of the Moon.

But in fact, even if they have the memory of the Holy Grail War on the Side of the Moon, it does not affect them from taking orders from BB at this time.

What BB did did not violate Cu Chulainn's taboo. At most, he would say that he would be gentler when attacking Tohsaka Rin. He would also go all out to do what BB asked him to do.

As for Drake, she is a pirate. As long as it does not violate her principles, she will naturally accept the employment of whoever pays more.

BB is not like Matou Shinji. If you want to get the treasure, you have to rack your brains and use extremely difficult methods to invade Mooncell's system and change the programs inside.

She waved her hand, and mountains of gold and silver appeared directly in front of Drake's eyes.

Looking at the two people in front of him, BB could only give up trying to stop the Masters who were still trying to get closer in the old school building at this stage, and instead deal with Shirou Emiya, who was the biggest threat at this stage.

"Robin Hood has been defeated, and Lip's three SGs have also been cracked by the opponent————"

"Huh? This is too fast. It's only been half a day since we captured those people on Lip's level, and the sun hasn't even set yet."

Cu Chulainn heard BB's words and made an extremely disbelieving sound.

Chapter 709 My Prince

Robin Hood is not weak, and to some extent, he is the one that most people are afraid of in a normal Holy Grail War.

As an Archer, he possesses the aura mask that only Assassin has. He can even make the props he sets up and the arrows he shoots invisible, and they are also covered with aura mask.

Basically, apart from possessing high-level insight, intuition, or cheating-level revelation, it is difficult to completely resist these poisonous arrows fired from stealth.

In another world line, if Nero had not thrown away his blood without hesitation, and had [Even if the sun sets three times] so that he could still survive after throwing away his blood, she might have been defeated by Robin Hood in a duel.

Facing Jeanne, everything was just right.

Robin Hood wanted to kill the person protected by Jeanne, which not only delayed Jeanne's attack, but also completed his mission.

But Jeanne had a defense that could fully protect allies and block his poison gas and physical attacks.

She had the revelation to discover all the traps he designed and see through all the arrows shot out.

She had a strong anti-magic power that could minimize the impact of the poison mist on herself.

Robin Hood was able to delay Jeanne's pace under such circumstances, and even occupied an advantageous position in the battle, which was enough to show how powerful he was.

If it weren't for [The Faceless King] directly being locked in by Shirou Emiya, it might take a fierce battle to eliminate him.

Even Cu Chulainn thought that if both sides knew their true names, it would cost him a lot to defeat Robin Hood.

After all, if his Noble Phantasm knew his true name, he would be on guard. This was a matter of course.

When fighting with the Servant in red holding two swords, Cu Chulainn could fully understand the disadvantages of knowing his true name.

That guy——

Basically, if he saw that he had any intention of releasing his Noble Phantasm, he would burst out at his fastest speed and move away. In the end, he could only use his military-level ability.

In the end, he was still blocked by the so-called [Seven-fold Ring of Blazing Sky (Rho Aias)] projected by him. He was really getting more and more angry.

"The other party is not easy to deal with, otherwise I would not choose to separate them from the people in the old school building."

At this time, BB's expression was extremely calm, and he didn't look like a little devil in front of Shirou Emiya at all.

"He looks like the most difficult person to deal with. I'm very unhappy right now, so I'll vent my anger towards the red servant on him--!"

"I don't care. I'm just doing it for money--"

Cu Chulainn snorted coldly and disappeared on the spot.

And Drake didn't say anything to interrupt the conversation between Cu Chulainn and BB. She responded a little, then also turned into a spirit and left here.

But BB could also feel the surging in Drake's heart.

After staying in the floor doing nothing for so long, it's time to stretch your muscles.

Let's turn the picture to the other side.

Even Andersen, who is quite venomous, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Shirou Emiya get three SGs in one breath.

Such an offensive is too fast, so fast that even they didn't react.


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