At this time, Lip also let out a cry of surprise, and the power finally emerged again, directly throwing Jeanne away.

Her [Evil Ghost] was also shattered by Lip's casual blow.

Jeanne also made a muffled sound while hiding the pain.

The terrifying force made everyone present feel daunted.

"I'm sorry!"

Lip apologized when he saw Jeanne being directly knocked away by his punch.

Obviously, the current scene is more like Shirou Emiya and Jeanne bullying her together.

"No, it should be said that we apologize to you-"

Shirou Emiya also followed Lip's words and apologized to him very sincerely, although they were originally enemies and should not treat each other like this.

The current situation does not look like a tense enemy at all, and Lip did not show any hostility.

The battle that should have become fierce came to a halt.

"It's okay, I, I don't know why, I feel very happy now-"

"Obviously, obviously my secret was exposed like this, and was held in the hands of the senior-"

As she said this, Lip's face also showed shame, which made the white-haired Sakura who was watching everything with the surveillance camera below couldn't help but show a very strange look.

On the contrary, Andersen and Kiara Sesshōin seemed to understand something.

"She is really a woman who is so stupid that she forgets her duties because of love-" Andersen commented sharply on Lip.

"You can't say that about girls, Andersen, this is also her cuteness." Kiara Sesshōin smiled and looked at Andersen beside him.

"Oh! I almost forgot that the worst woman in the world is right next to me. Such a disgusting person is sitting next to me. Just looking at her makes me sick."

"Hey, you just open your mouth and spray such vicious words at others. It turns out that you should have been locked up to continue writing those fairy tales instead of letting you out."


Andersen's body trembled, and his momentum suddenly softened. Being locked up in a small dark room to write is indeed a terrifying thing for writers.

Moreover, he doesn't have so much inspiration to create fairy tales for women like Kiara Seshoin.

"It turns out that I have also been watched and cared for by others."

Back on the roof, Lip's focus is completely different from others. It is better to say that she has been bullied and treated so cruelly by others since she was born.

Even the person who created her, BB, has an extremely bad attitude towards her.

Lip feels that she has never been valued by others. She can only live in the disgusting eyes of others. She doesn't understand what she did wrong and why she has been treated like this.

But because of her extremely cowardly character, she would only grit her teeth and endure these insults unless she had to resist.

Others considered that the girl's secret was taken away like this, and anyone would feel ashamed.

And what Lip thought was that Shirou Emiya was able to get her three SGs in such a short time, and even found that she was in the process of covering up her breath, which could be said to be watching her all the time.

[Senior, you have been watching me all the time. I am very important in your heart, just like you are watching me. 】

Lip, who had never been valued by others, felt the attention of others for the first time, and all the emotions in her heart were covered by the joy of this moment.

Her eyes looking at Shirou Emiya became deeper.

She even muttered unconsciously.

"Prince-sama——, I want to——hug——"

At the moment when Lip was staring at him, a chill swept through Shirou Emiya's body, which was a life-threatening feeling.

Chapter 710: Hands That Can Compress the World (Edited)

Installing a spell is not a difficult thing to do in computer space.

Rather, because in this world, the body is made of pseudo-spirits, it is completely possible to give it new functions through the already set installation program.

And the spells that Rin Tohsaka and Shinji Matou have themselves are also completed through this installation program.

It’s just that the spells they use are created by themselves, not by others.

As for why they don’t install other people’s spells and improve themselves through various spells.

That involves the negative effects of installing other people’s spells.

Everyone’s spells are strong or weak, and the capacity is different. A strong spell can completely affect the servant.

If the spell is too strong and is installed on others, it will cause damage to the personality.

This is why most magicians who participate in the Holy Grail War choose to create their own spells instead of directly using the spells that other magicians have already created.

Of course, Shirou Emiya himself does not know these knowledge points.

He didn't understand the dangers of this, but even if he knew the disadvantages, Shirou Emiya would still agree.

"The risk is too great. Even the simplest technique may exceed the load that the senior can bear at this time--!"

However, hearing the refusal of the white-haired Sakura, Sesshōin Kiara's eyes became a little sharp. She was extremely calm and smiled slightly at the white-haired Sakura.

"Don't you want to ask Mr. Emiya's opinion first?"

Sesshōin Kiara did not argue with Shirakawa Sakura, because the decision to install this technique was not in her hands, but in the hands of Shirou Emiya standing beside her.

Even if Shirakawa Sakura allowed it, as long as Shirou Emiya did not agree, she would not force Shirou Emiya to install such a technique.

But at the same time, if Shirou Emiya agreed to this, even if Shirakawa Sakura tried to stop him, it would not succeed.

"We have to find a way to cross this door, Sakura."

Shirou Emiya did not answer Sesshōin Kiara directly, but went to persuade Sakura beside him.

He was not a reasonable person. Shirou Emiya fully understood Shirakawa Sakura's concerns about him, but if he did not take risks, there was almost no way to leave here.

"There will always be other ways, senior--"

Shirakawa looked at Shirou Emiya, her eyes constantly revealing anxiety, but indeed, at this stage, except for what Sesshōin said, there was basically no way.

Even launching an offensive directly with authority would be useless.

There is a way, but it may not succeed.

The erosion of [Unlimited Sword Works] is unreasonable. Even the A-level firewall that makes all masters helpless can only resist for a moment before being eroded.

But this wall is EX-level, and it also has the power of the mind. [Unlimited Sword Works] is a mental world, so it should be considered the power of the mind.

Shirou Emiya is not sure that [Unlimited Sword Works] can really erode successfully. Now, installing this technique is the safest decision.

Looking at Shirou Emiya's firm eyes, Sakura knew that she could not persuade him no matter what, and Jeanne on the side did not know how to respond.

Because she is not a heroic spirit in Mooncell, the knowledge provided by Mooncell to her is only common sense. To some extent, she does not know as much as Shirou Emiya.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the revelation told her that there is no danger, so Jeanne is not as worried as Sakura.

Moreover, no matter what decision Shirou Emiya makes, she will stand behind him resolutely.

Although she said she would become the spear in Shirou Emiya's hand, Jeanne felt that she should be closer to the shield than the spear.

"We don't have much time. If it is really as you speculated, then BB should be approaching Mooncell at this moment. If we continue to stalemate here, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I know, I will always pay attention to your physical condition-"

Matou Sakura could only nod her head. She understood, she felt that she understood very well, and she had almost no way to persuade Shirou Emiya.

"Don't worry so much, Miss Matou, this technique will not cause a burden on the soul, and its weight is about the same as the Command Spell."

As if she had seen what she wanted to see, Sesshōin Kiara looked at the white-haired Sakura with an even bigger smile.

"This woman, she really has a bad taste-!"

Standing behind Sesshōin Kiara, Andersen shook his head to express his disgust for Sesshōin Kiara.

Of course, in the process of getting along, everyone actually understood that Andersen's words were just like that, and no one had too many thoughts about it.

"Mr. Emiya, please close your eyes and relax. The installation of the ritual will be over soon."

Sesshōin Kiara came over, and Matou Sakura looked at everything in front of her very nervously, constantly observing Shirou Emiya's data, fearing that he had a problem.

Jeanne was alert to the surroundings, ready to take action at any time if there was any abnormal movement.

Shirou Emiya closed his eyes at this time. He had never installed a ritual, and he didn't know what the installation process was. After all, projection magic was actually a by-product of [Infinite Sword Works].

This is why Shirou Emiya can still use projection magic directly in the computer world without setting up a ritual.

However, a situation that everyone did not expect appeared————


The lips suddenly felt soft.

This softness, this cherry-like sweetness, makes people want to fall into it and be deeply unable to extricate themselves.



Two different voices came from both sides. White-haired Sakura was completely stunned. She didn't expect this to happen, and Jeanne took a breath of cold air.

How dare she? Obviously, it was me first————


In fact, she didn't think so, but Jeanne still felt incredible and her face flushed.

Emiya Shirou also opened his eyes and looked at Sesshōin Kiara who seemed to be controlling something with her eyes closed in front of him. He could feel that some kind of power was pouring into his body through her lips.

But does it have to be in this form?

The last time he was kissed like this was when he was facing Esdeath.

But now Emiya Shirou can only accept it and feel the power transmitted from Sesshōin Kiara's lips.

Chapter 711 A Story Written for You (Edited)

"I'm taking Teacher Fujimura to familiarize yourself with the school. What about you, Father Kotomine?"

When he first saw it, Emiya Shirou was very surprised, so he automatically ignored Kotomine Kirei's questioning of him.

After coming to his senses, Emiya Shirou immediately responded.

"The boss has left for something, so he entrusted the store to me and asked me to take care of it for a while. However, Mr. Fujimura, is this your first time at school?"

"Ah, I'm a new teacher, the head teacher of Class A in the second year." [Fujimura Taiga] responded with a gentle expression.

"Really? No wonder I haven't seen you before. I won't bother you any more. Mr. Emiya, you can continue to help Mr. Fujimura get familiar with the campus."

"Then, Father Kotomine, we'll leave first."

Emiya Shirou also said goodbye to Kotomine Kirei and walked upstairs.

"This is the health room. If you have any abnormalities in your body, you can come here to rest. There are also some basic trauma medicines and some anti-inflammatory drugs."

After all, it's just a health room, and it can only simply provide a place for those injured and uncomfortable students to rest.

If there are serious injuries or some extremely serious diseases, the health room naturally does not have the ability to heal.

You still have to go to the hospital.

So the first thing Emiya Shirou thought of was not to go to the school's health room for treatment, but to go to the hospital.

But for some reason, he felt that the health room seemed to be able to cure many difficult and complicated diseases.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Emiya Shirou knocked on the door, just like the library. Although he remembered that the location was enough, it would be more convenient to get to know the person in charge when dealing with certain things.

"I'm coming!"

A soft and gentle girl's voice came from the health room.

Soon, the door of the health room was pushed open.

A woman with long purple hair that was longer than her knees and a red ribbon tied on the left side of her head. She was wearing a white coat that matched the atmosphere of the health room over her student uniform, and she had a very healing smile and an outstanding appearance. She pushed the door open.

"Senior!? What can I do for you?"

Seeing Emiya Shirou, her expression was calm at first, then became a little happy, and then became calm again.

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