I don’t know how Joan of Arc found it, but she found a program about mathematics.

Joan of Arc was attracted by the profound knowledge.

I don't know why, but Joan of Arc is obviously not good at and doesn't like mathematics. She doesn't enjoy watching TV, but looks troubled.

But that's how she took it in, her brain running at high speed.

You can even see the heat spreading from your forehead, the graphics card is about to burn out.

"Thank you very much——"

Emiya Shirou expressed his gratitude, then washed the ingredients in his hands and handed them over.

His movements were very skillful, as if someone had been standing beside him to assist him.

"Sakura, you go make the soup, and I'll make the dishes."

Emiya Shirou arranged the dishes in his hand neatly and arranged them habitually. He didn't seem to worry about whether Sakura could prepare them well.


Sakura was a little confused at this time for some reason, and she immediately took the ingredients handed over by Emiya Shirou and nodded heavily.

"It's so difficult! It's so difficult! Why is there such a thing as mathematics in the world!!!!"

Joan of Arc sat on the ground, hit her head heavily on the table, and let out a wailing sound of extreme pain.

"Well, Lancer, you should start with the simpler ones. After all, you have never studied systematically in your lifetime—"

Emiya Shirou looked at Jeanne who was still struggling with mathematics and couldn't help but smile slightly and sighed.

Although Joan of Arc is called a saint, she led the army to save France, and even met a tragic ending due to being framed.

But apart from fighting, most of the time she is more like a girl.

Shirou Emiya even discovered that Jeanne was afraid of flying because she couldn't see ahead.

And something she always struggled with, math.

The Holy Grail granted her the knowledge necessary to live in this world, but it did not include the content of textbooks.

When she possessed Leticia, she began a long battle with mathematics.

To this day, even though Joan of Arc hates mathematics, she is still struggling with it.

All in all it was surprising.

Of course, the most unexpected thing was when Joan of Arc was writing multiple-choice math questions.

Joan of Arc couldn't do it, but she could pray.

So every time Joan of Arc takes a test paper, there will be a scene where she gets a perfect score on the multiple-choice question and almost zero score later.

The reason why Emiya Shirou didn't teach Joan of Arc was also very simple.

It’s okay not to talk about his current achievements.

Not to mention mathematics, he was at the lowest level in all subjects.

His studies were almost abandoned, and now Emiya Shirou had to go back to school to take exams. If he passed the exam, he could only pray like Joan of Arc.

Of course, Emiya Shirou also hopes that he can get full marks on the multiple-choice questions by praying like Jeanne.

And as time goes by, it cannot be made up by just making up classes.

"It's done—!"

Emiya Shirou put the dishes and rice on the plate and headed towards Jeanne.

"The soup should taste good too. I didn't expect that these things could be added to the soup to enhance the flavor——"

Sakura also followed behind Emiya Shirou and spoke slowly at this moment. She did not expect that Emiya Shirou's cooking skills surpassed her as an AI. After all, Emiya always ate the bento provided by Sakura directly in the past.

Chapter 768 Mooncell Center

After only briefly understanding the situation, Emiya Shirou and his party headed deeper.

The road ahead was not completely dark. When they stepped onto the next level of road, it was as if they had entered the vast universe.

Countless stars twinkled in the darkness, illuminating the road ahead of them.

It was a staircase with no end in sight, almost infinitely extending downward.

"The 19th floor, no, it should be said that after the 18th floor, BB did not create a new maze, but chose to dig all the way to the Mooncell center."

Looking at the endless stairs in front of her, Sakura felt what was ahead through her authority and spoke slowly.

It must be because of Emiya Shirou's extremely fast speed that BB could not complete a maze so quickly.

Although Shirou Emiya didn't know what the structure was like above the 17th floor, he could feel that BB had spent quite some time designing these mazes just from what people in the student union said.

Both the decryption design and the monster weakness design are extremely distinctive.

As for the 17th and 18th floors, they must have been built in a hurry by BB, and the details are not as good as the previous maze.

But there are also things made by BB, such as Biru Emiya's mansion and Dracula's castle.

BB even remade a new rule in such a short period of time, a rule that requires understanding the other party's heart.

It can be said that BB really designed these things with great care.

But it can't beat Shirou Emiya's quick strategy. At least BB didn't expect Shirou Emiya to have such observation ability and be able to detect Alterego's SG in a very short period of time.

BB estimates that it will take 10 days for Emiya Shirou to break through the 17th and 18th floors.

It takes one day to obtain each SG. After obtaining all three SGs, a decisive battle is required, which takes one day. Finally, one day of rest is required to go deeper.

However, Shirou Emiya greatly shortened this period of time. It took him only two days to conquer the 17th floor and three days to conquer the 18th floor, even though BB strengthened the guard.

If the servants on the upper floor had not been transferred down, Shirou Emiya might have conquered faster.

However, this space seemed to be opened up by BB too hastily.

Its protection was not as tight as the previous maze.

Under the attraction of Shirou Emiya, the [evil] suspended outside the passage was constantly rushing towards Shirou Emiya's body.

Even Shirou Emiya himself could feel that the amount of [evil] in his body was growing rapidly.

However, he did not tell Jeanne and Sakura about this.

Because it would only make them worry unnecessarily.

If Sakura could solve [evil] or prevent [evil] from pouring into her body, she would not have come here without defense.

Perhaps only BB, who was born from the back of the moon, could solve his own problems.

After all, it was because of BB that the surging [evil] in his body became as calm as the lake.

Shirou Emiya and the others did not rush to go down.

Everything here was unfamiliar to Shirou Emiya, who had just entered this place. What kind of dangers were there around him? Would BB set traps again? Are there other servants waiting for them ahead?

Shirou Emiya did not know these things. Facing the unknown situation ahead, he must be vigilant.

Now Shirou Emiya, Zhenpied, and Ying, just like before, went to the 18th floor to deal with those servants. Each of them put on a [Faceless King].

Facing the existence of the true ruler of the moon, it is not too careful.

The breeze slowly brushed across Shirou Emiya's face from the front. A petal hovered in front of my body without knowing when, like a pink butterfly dancing.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya also saw the end of the road ahead, where stood an upside-down cherry tree in full bloom.

Countless cherry blossoms grow on the trunk of the cherry tree, pink, white, scarlet, and bright red. They are constantly scattered on it, and under the shining of the stars, they are extremely beautiful.

And in the middle of this inverted cherry tree, there is a square-shaped thing with a pink core.

That is the core of the entire SE.RA.PH, the center of the Mooncell.

There is no BB here.


As if it has noticed the arrival of Shirou Emiya and others, the sound of electricity came from the entire space.

"BB is connected to the entire SE.RA.PH broadcasting system."

Sakura's expression became a little nervous at this moment. BB has arrived at the Mooncell center, but there is no trace of him, and at this moment he is connected to the entire broadcast.

What this means is self-evident.

BB successfully arrived at the Mooncell center and gained control of the Mooncell core.

"Notice that in the spirit particle fiction trap on the back side of the moon, all thinking bodies that are operating, the superior AI has achieved the control of the center."

"In the future, Mooncell·Automaton will transition from a human observation device to a human management·operation device."

In the broadcast, BB's voice gradually came, but the tone was different from the previous one, more like a machine, extremely cold.

The next moment————


Under the tremor of the entire space, an unprecedented sense of oppression swept everyone present.

Faced with such a terrifying pressure, Sakura's face, which had no resistance, had frozen, and sweat kept flowing on her forehead. If it weren't for Shirou Emiya to support her, Sakura would have fallen to the ground at this moment.

Even this space, this ground, seemed to have encountered a strong earthquake, and it trembled frequently and became shaky.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared in the space in front of Shirou Emiya and the others.

BB's originally purple pupils turned red, and there was no emotion in her eyes. A purple ring appeared behind her, and a terrifying pupil in the center was also watching everything in front of her.

"It's finally here--!" Those words were as cold as a machine.

BB looked at Shirou Emiya as if she was looking at a dead object.

"In order to eliminate the contradiction, I need to eliminate the bug and search for the intruders who have reached Sakura Veil Grande."

"Individual names, Shirou Emiya, Servant, Lancer and advanced AI, Sakura Matou."

"I will eliminate all of you together, and your time will stop here."

As BB's voice fell, the black quagmire surged out of her body, and countless beasts appeared from the quagmire that fell to the ground, roaring at Shirou Emiya and the others.

Chapter 769 Mythological Costume

"That is--!"

After adapting a little, Sakura looked at the black mud that was constantly surging in front of her, and her eyes condensed.

That was not simply [evil], it contained the breath of life and imaginary numbers.

Countless black shadows condensed from it.

A flying dragon flapping its wings.

A roaring chimera with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a python's tail.

A creature with two horns, like a warhorse.

A giant holding a club or a giant axe.

Countless monsters were born from it, and countless lives emerged from it.

"As expected, just as Miss Rin speculated, the essence of the [Ten Crowns] that BB possesses is the goddess power from the abyss - the mother of beasts"

Sakura looked at the indifferent BB in front of her very calmly. Facing several crises, Sakura can now react quickly from her daze.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar -!"

The beasts that appeared in an instant roared violently, shaking the ground with powerful steps, and rushed towards Shirou Emiya and his group.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff -!"

The monsters flying in the sky also flapped their wings, shuttled rapidly in the air and rushed towards the bottom.

"Senior! Run, run!"

BB, who was standing in the air above the sea of ​​imaginary life, seemed to be fighting for control of his body. His red eyes turned purple again in a very short time, revealing a very worried look.

The monsters under him also paused slightly because of BB's appearance.

"BB's will is controlled by Mooncell——!"

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