Sakura quickly understood what the BB in front of her was like.

Mooncell was originally just an automatic recording device that could realize a "quantum computer" with the concept of magic.

He has been observing and recording all the creatures, ecology, history, and even souls on the earth since the birth of the earth.

But that's all. As a device, it only retains its rationality as a machine. Even the purpose of holding the Holy Grail War is to better observe humans.

But BB merged with Mooncell, allowing it to have emotions and learn to think about problems with sensibility.

No matter how powerful BB's computing power is, it was created by Mooncell. After the two merged, she could hardly fight against Mooncell's powerful computing power and lost control of her body.

"Lancer, go deal with BB, I'll take care of these beasts!"

"Sakura, contact the student council immediately to see how long it will take them to arrive!"

Putting Sakura, who had recovered, down slightly, a black and a white double blade appeared in his hand, and Shirou Emiya stood beside Jeanne, staring at the beasts rushing in front of him.

Sakura immediately retreated, contacting the student council while retreating to a safer area.

At least it would not be affected by the aftermath of the fight between Shirou Emiya and the others.

"They have now defeated the lord of the labyrinth on the 16th floor and are now rushing towards our location. Support will be here soon!"

When Jeanne heard Sakura say that the student council was about to arrive here, a square photon crystal appeared in her hand, reflecting azure blue light beams under the light.

"Mythological dress--"

Jeanne muttered softly, and the dress of the priest on her body began to change.

Pure white clothes covered Jeanne's body. It was a dress full of holiness, and her golden braids fluttered in the wind behind her.

Powerful power suddenly emerged from Jeanne's body.

Compared with the battle attire, such a dress highlights her holiness.

It was the power from her most original source, and it was also enough to be on the same level as BB's "Ten Crowns".

After the battle with Lilith, Shirou Emiya did not immediately go deeper.

Because Shirou Emiya did not think that he and Jeanne could easily defeat BB.

So he rested in the mansion for a day, and extracted the "Mythic Costume" for Jeanne to obtain the power on the same level as the "Ten Crowns".

The Mythic Costume is to trigger the strongest divinity and ability of the servant. It can only give the ordinary spiritual base servant the authority of "Original Power" that can match BB's "Ten Crowns" privilege once, which can be roughly understood as a one-time crown spiritual base experience ticket.

As for why Shirou Emiya knew about the Mythic Costume.

That was the credit of the Student Council. Although the Student Council is now separated from Shirou Emiya, and the number of encounters with BB is almost zero.

But it does not mean that the Student Council has really been conquering the maze and doing nothing.

When Shirou Emiya was kidnapped, Lip and Lilith went to the health room and took Shirou Emiya away, while BB went to the Student Council to put pressure on them.

As the president of the Student Council, Leo was extremely calm in that panic, and used the facilities of the old school building to record some of BB's data.

In addition, everyone analyzed the data of the monsters guarding the maze.

In the end, most of BB's [Ten Crowns] data was obtained, and thus the power to obtain the original power, the Mythic Costume.

When Wuming was injected with the virus by Lilith, [Mythic Costume] was the solution they thought of.

Infiltrating the Servant's computer body, directly accessing the Heroic Core, and releasing the Heroic Root sealed by the Mooncell - "Mythic Costume".

But they had a very direct question at that time, which was how to visit the Heroic Spirit.

When Sakura learned about the predicament of the Student Council at the moment, she uploaded [Ten Thousand Colors] and loaded it on Shirakuno Kishinami.

This completed the acquisition of [Mythological Costume].

And Shirou Emiya naturally used [Ten Thousand Colors] to get the [Mythological Costume] that belonged to Jeanne but not Jeanne.

After all, she came from another world, and the root of the Heroic Spirit established by the Mooncell seal was Jeanne of this world, but even if you want to say it, there is no difference between the two, because they are both Jeanne, and their roots are exactly the same.


The pure white magic power on Jeanne's body surged suddenly, and her feet suddenly shook, aiming at BB's position and rushing away.


Also accompanied by an explosion, a spiral sword arrow sank into the monster that was pouring in, and a burst of fire and impact suddenly appeared.

The battle officially started.

Chapter 770: Support Arrives


A pure white figure tore through the space and the air, and the flag in his hand swung violently, and the pure white magic wrapped around it, bringing a roaring sound, and immediately entangled with BB.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!"

A burst of sparks and continuous crisp collision sounds continued to sound from the space.

The teaching stick and the flag were colliding extremely fiercely, and both sides were caught in an extremely dangerous battle.

Emiya Shirou cannot see the values ​​on BB, just like other people cannot see the so-called values ​​on themselves.

Because he and BB are the same, they are not servants, the only difference between the two is that he is a human and BB is AI.

The two sides who are fighting fiercely have not caused any effective damage to each other.

It can even be said that although it looks extremely dangerous, Jeanne is actually deliberately delaying time.

It is true that she has gained unprecedented powerful power from the mythical costume, but she is not good at frontal combat, but is better at guarding and defense. The biggest increase of her mythical costume is also in defense, not offense.

Now Jeanne's treasure defense ability is even far greater than when she was a Ruler.

But in terms of offense, Jeanne's authorization is extremely scarce, and she does not have any means to defeat BB.

BB has no way to get rid of Jeanne, who has the same level of power as himself, in a short time, and Jeanne has no way to cause effective damage to BB.

The two sides are in a stalemate at this moment.

Of course, this stalemate will not last too long. BB just can't do anything to Jeanne for a short time, not completely.

On the other side, mushroom clouds burst out from the monster group again and again, and the powerful impact force spreads around in circles.

Even Sakura, who was running up the stairs, was affected by such aftermath. She lay on the stairs tightly, not daring to move, for fear of being shaken down by such an impact.

However, even in the face of such a terrifying bombing, the empty areas were filled with these monsters in just a breath.

The front was still dark and there was no hope at all.

"Boom boom!"

The ground was shaken up.

"Roar roar roar roar ---!"

The roar of the monsters was getting closer and closer.

"Too many!"

Looking at the monsters roaring in front of him, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but recall the days of exploring the maze in the dungeon.

At that time, he was also facing such endless monsters.

If those monsters had not all surged out of the black mud, Shirou Emiya would have thought that he was facing the maze of the dungeon that produced monsters infinitely.

Because a considerable number of the monsters in front of him were exactly the same as those Shirou Emiya had encountered in the dungeon maze.

There were even figures of floor masters appearing from them.

The power of the spiral sword is naturally self-evident. Although it is unknown how many times it has been taken over, its terrifying explosion only took a moment to blast out a vacuum zone, and a large number of monsters were destroyed under such a terrifying explosion.

Even those floor masters who were created could not directly resist the spiral swords shot out by Shirou Emiya.

This attack, which is equivalent to an A-level treasure, was continuously poured out by Shirou Emiya as a consumable.

Even if some floor masters can resist some of the damage from the spiral sword bombardment, it is impossible to defend all the spiral swords shot out so strongly.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya could only be thankful that Mooncell's creativity did not seem to be as high as BB's, or it was being controlled by Jeanne at this moment, and there was no way to reach out and adjust the power of the monsters.

Most of them were created with the help of existing data, not like BB, who carefully created the master of the maze on each floor.

"Can I only retreat?"

Shirou Emiya shot out a sword arrow, piercing the flying monster that was rushing towards him in the sky, and took advantage of the gap to project the spiral sword and continue shooting forward.

And at this moment, behind him was the only passage to get here - the stairs created by BB.

If he was on the stairs, Shirou Emiya would be almost invincible.

Around the stairs, there was an imaginary space. If those monsters rushed up, most of them would definitely fall directly, and Shirou Emiya didn't have to worry about it at all.

Also because the stairs were not spacious, except for the monsters flying in the sky, the rest of the monsters could not cause too much danger to Shirou Emiya.

But Shirou Emiya was not concerned about these things. What he thought about was Jeanne's current situation.

Now the monsters did not affect Jeanne, not because these monsters did not interfere, but because Shirou Emiya was consuming a lot of them, and their primary target was also Shirou Emiya instead of Jeanne.

If they found that they could not attack Shirou Emiya with all their strength, they would most likely change their target and make Jeanne the first target of attack.

In this case, Jeanne's disadvantage would quickly expand.

But after just a little thought, Shirou Emiya came up with the answer.


Their goal was to drag BB, not to defeat BB, and Jeanne's treasure was not released. Even if she was constantly attacked by those monsters, she still had the ability to resist.

What's more, Jeanne had not used her treasure yet.

But if she was overwhelmed by the monsters, there was basically no way to get out. Invisibility and breath cover were useless here.

"Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

However, before Emiya Shirou could make any move, several sword arrows flew over his head, easily piercing through the monsters in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


In the group of monsters in front of Shirou Emiya, several terrifying mushroom clouds burst out from the ground.

A deafening explosion caused a terrifying impact storm that swept across the surroundings.

The overwhelming fire waves and the amazing impact mixed with each other, like a surging wave, sweeping in all directions. All the monsters in front were affected, and were quickly annihilated under the terrible impact and fire waves.

Everything was submerged by the fire waves under this impact.

But this scene only lasted for less than a few seconds, and was covered by the monsters that continued to emerge, rushing towards Shirou Emiya's position again.

Just like what Shirou Emiya did before, such a terrifying power could only hinder these monsters slightly.

"Senior, support has arrived!"

Sakura's voice also came from Shirou Emiya's ears at this moment.

Without the assistance of the mansion, Sakura, as an advanced AI, has the ability to make long-distance calls. The surveillance here has not been deprived by BB. She stands on the stairs and can fully report the situation ahead to the students.

Along with the roaring sound in front of the sky, a voice that makes Shirou Emiya extremely unhappy comes from behind him.

"Boy, not bad! You have the style of my past!"

Chapter 771 The Growing Monster

There is indeed a certain distance between each floor, but this distance is nothing for the servants.

It's just that in the maze, it takes a lot of time to defeat the enemy maze guards, decrypt, the maze king, and find the right path.

However, Sakura uploaded the maps of the 17th and 18th floors a long time ago, and the maze guards in them were basically solved by Shirou Emiya, Jeanne and others.

The students can get here very quickly without wasting too much time in the middle.

To be precise, it was Leo who instructed Shirou Emiya and Jeanne to set off early.

The road ahead was unknown, and whether they set off together or Shirou Emiya set off first, they needed to obtain unknown information ahead.

Moreover, he had great faith in the combat effectiveness of Shirou Emiya and Jeanne, if they could be eliminated by BB before their support arrived.

To be honest, Leo thought their support was unnecessary.

In his opinion, Archer's strength should be on par with Shirou Emiya.

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