The girl could only stare blankly at the boy who slaughtered everyone and came back to her. She was so frightened that she couldn't move at all.

"Are you okay?"

The boy squatted down and asked with a very concerned tone.

Chapter 793 Even the events of five minutes ago were a distant dream


The weak cry came from a very dilapidated hut. It was a very thin girl who could only be heard from the voice.

Her body did not seem to become thin because of hunger.

She had short pink hair and lay very weakly on the bed.

But compared to yesterday, the pink short-haired girl's face became obviously more ruddy after eating.

"Sister is here, sister is here!"

As if she heard the call of the pink-haired girl, a girl with long golden hair lying next to her who was leaning against her quickly opened her eyes and put a glass of water carefully placed aside to the mouth of the girl who sounded very weak.


As if it was an instinct to survive, the weak pink-haired girl drank the little remaining water in one gulp.

But the golden-haired woman did not blame her at all. Instead, she looked at the girl who had just finished drinking the water and was still pale with a worried look.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

The girl who drank the water instinctively began to blame herself. If it weren't for her, her sister wouldn't always be abused so cruelly.

She kept thinking, when will she die? She won't be a burden to her sister anymore, but her weak body is not enough for her to have the strength to commit suicide.

"Don't blame yourself like this, don't blame yourself like this!"

The golden-haired woman hugged her very gently, as if she was afraid that she would leave her, so she didn't dare to hug her hard, nor did she dare to let go.

At this moment, the hazy sky outside gradually became brighter.

The sun had not yet risen from the east and floated into the sky, but a little light curtain had already descended from the side of the sky, telling people that dawn was coming.

The chaos also began to gradually dissipate at the moment of the arrival of the morning.

At this moment, facing the rising light curtain, a white-haired boy stood at the door of this dilapidated house, like a statue, standing in the same place without any movement.

It can even be said that since yesterday, this white-haired boy has been standing here, guarding them.

It should be said to be guarding——


Looking at the white-haired boy standing at the door and looking into the distance, the girl with long golden hair shouted his name and walked towards him.

But Shirou Emiya seemed to have not heard it, and still stood at the door without any movement.

It was not until the girl with long golden hair stood in front of him that his dull and somewhat sharp eyes came back to his senses.

"What did you say just now?"

"Sorry, I always feel dizzy after coming here."

"Everything in the past is beginning to disappear from my mind like a dream."

"Even what happened five minutes ago seems like a distant dream--"

Emiya Shirou looked at the golden-haired girl standing in front of him, and expressed his apology in a low voice.

He felt that his memory began to become confused, and he could not remember many things. Only those things that were engraved in his soul could be barely recalled.

The golden-haired girl could also feel the abnormality of Emiya Shirou, and her eyes could not help showing worry.

"We who died will gradually lose our memories before death, but there will be no symptoms of dizziness. Are you okay?"

"I don't know--"

Emiya Shirou shook his head. He didn't know whether his situation was abnormal, but judging from the expression of the golden-haired girl, it should be an abnormal situation.

As for the fact that he died, Emiya Shirou was not surprised, nor did he have any extreme reaction.

Because he vaguely remembered that he was dead.

They should also come to this afterlife.

In his fragmented memories, Shirou Emiya understood that he had died, and the corpse that stood up at last was driven by will.

"I am not very clear, I am just a soul that can die at any time here——"

The girl with long golden hair sighed. She was running for survival every day, and she had already exhausted all her strength even if she just wanted to survive. Apart from some basic knowledge, she could not do anything.

If the souls that came to this world did not have spiritual power, they would not feel hungry. They only needed to absorb the spirit particles in the atmosphere and drinking water to survive, so there was nothing to eat in most areas of Rukongai.

Starting from the 78th District, drinking water was seriously lacking, and it became one of the targets of theft and looting. Some people even sold drinking water as a commodity for profit.

The security and living environment of the first district were ideal, and food was abundant. In the 80th District, there was no grass growing, and famine was everywhere. The souls of each person killed each other to decide who had the right to survive.

The Zaraki District is the worst and cruelest of all the 80th Districts.

In such an area where even water can only be obtained by fighting each other, the appearance of edible food, even if it is just an ordinary pancake, is enough to cause a bloody storm.

This is why the girl was trapped in the corner and tortured inhumanely.

If the street area where the girl was at this time was not occupied by a local force in the Zangmu District, then the moment she saw the food in her hand, she would be ruthlessly killed by the people here.

As for why those people killed the girl without saying a word when they saw the food in her hand.

That is naturally for sustainable development. If all those who are not in their own forces are killed, then if they want to snatch resources, they can only fight with those who occupy other chassis.

Where did the food in the hands of the golden-haired girl come from? Only she knew this.

And the reason why she tried every means, even at the cost of her life, to get the food was very simple, that is, her sister.

For some reason, her sister's physical condition deteriorated every day, and the drinking water did not show any improvement.

Therefore, the golden-haired girl decided to take a risk and wanted to try whether the food could make her sister's physical condition better.

She didn't know that sometimes, even if the soul with higher spiritual power took in the spirit particles in the atmosphere, it was still not enough to survive, and it would be too hungry to cause physical exhaustion, and even death in more serious cases.

The blonde girl was just a person who dedicated everything to her family.

She didn't know much about this world. She only knew that people who came here would lose their memories before they died, and would be separated from their relatives before, and they would hardly be able to meet.

It should be normal for Shirou Emiya to have memory disorder. As for the others, she was powerless.

"Maybe the God of Death can understand what happened to you."

At this moment, the pink short-haired girl lying on the bed made of grass slowly sat up and spoke to Shirou Emiya.

Chapter 794 Unchangeable Situation

The chaos continued.

There was no stagnation at all because of yesterday's killing.

It seemed that for the people in this area, this kind of thing had become commonplace.

It could even be said that this large-scale death was a common thing for these people.

Killing and death, they had seen too much and witnessed too much.

This was why the blonde girl could face Shirou Emiya without any burden.

Here, either you kill others or you will be killed by others. There is no other way to survive.

The girl has also become accustomed to such a world of the survival of the fittest, even if in this world, she will be eaten by the strong and is the weak part.

At this moment, the girl with long golden hair stood beside Shirou Emiya, and walked behind Shirou Emiya with the pink short-haired girl who had recovered a little and could move alone.

On the chaotic street, it seemed that someone recognized Shirou Emiya as a killing god, and the bullying in their hands immediately stopped, and they immediately hid in the dark, waiting for Shirou Emiya to leave.

That was a force that at least had some reputation on this street, and they were all killed by Shirou Emiya, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

Fearing that they would be targeted by Shirou Emiya, they were deeply afraid of the existence of these forces occupying this place so easily.

Shirou Emiya did not do anything to educate these people, but just walked silently in front of the two girls, watching everything here with an extremely sad look.

He wanted to change this place, but he had no power to change it.

This is not Fuyuki City, nor is it the labyrinth city of Orario, but more like the imperial capital, which cannot be stopped by simply fighting violence with violence.

The evil people in Fuyuki City and the labyrinth city of Orario, those who bully others, are all because of the evil and desire in their hearts, for their own pleasure, for their own interests, to cause others' misfortune, and even take pleasure in others' misfortune.

The imperial capital is because the entire existence responsible for leading the people is rotten. No matter how much Shirou Emiya does, he can't change the status quo of the civilians. They will only be ruthlessly exploited.

And the Zaraki District, is it just because of public security? More because of insufficient resources.

If Shirou Emiya takes action and really suppresses such an area, what will happen? He can't let these people continue to live, because Shirou Emiya has no resources to keep people alive.

There will only be more people resisting, and more people will die because of it.

All he could do was to solve the oppression he saw, but he had no way to fundamentally change it all.

This place, like the Empire, was something that Shirou Emiya could not change with his own strength.

"Wouldn't it be bad if this happened? Mr. Emiya was our savior, but we used him like this--"

Just as Shirou Emiya was looking around, the two sisters were talking behind him.

What the younger sister said was true. Even though they had lived in this world for so long, they were not familiar with many things, and most of them were heard from other people on the street.

If we were to ask what kind of changes had happened to Shirou Emiya's body after his death, and why he had such a headache, perhaps only the people in charge of managing this world would know.

But the younger sister had a little selfishness.

She heard from her sister about Shirou Emiya's fighting power, and that he could easily deal with those people, so he could naturally take them away from here.

That's right, just to leave here.

Leave this place that is like hell, or maybe even more cruel than hell.

They could learn from the people on the street that the closer to Seireitei, the better the living conditions and the richer the resources.

But with their strength, it is impossible to leave here alive, and they will only die on the way to the area near Seireitei.

What's more, people of their status are almost impossible to enter the closer area, and they will be stopped by the god of death in charge.

Everyone knows that the closer to Seireitei, the richer the resources, why would they be willing to stay in such a desolate, hell-like place where they can't even fill their stomachs.

That's because the god of death in charge of them restricts people like them. If they want to pass, they have to ask whether the swords in their hands agree.

"It's cooperation, not exploitation. I didn't lie. Mr. Emiya has such strength that he will go to a more central area anyway! What's more, we can lead the way for Emiya!"

Looking at her sister who seemed to have a guilty conscience and was afraid of being blamed by Shirou Emiya, the younger sister pouted and persuaded and refuted.

How can this be used? It can only be said to be mutually beneficial. Without them, how would Shirou Emiya know the way to the Soul Society?

"But we don't know how to get there either!"

The girl with long golden hair said anxiously, looking slightly at Shirou Emiya's broad back, her face flushed.

"How can we not know? Just knowing the direction is enough. You see, Emiya always gets dazed from time to time. Without us, he might get lost on the road!"

The girl with short pink hair retorted. Compared with the gentle and graceful girl with long golden hair, she was more detached.

"But if we want to leave here, we will inevitably face the God of Death. Aren't we harming Emiya?"

But she was still very worried. In her eyes, Shirou Emiya was very strong, but the power of the God of Death was something that civilians like them could not shake at all.

"Let's see first, and then we can give up if it doesn't work!"

At this point, the pink-haired girl's arrogance also dissipated. Indeed, no matter how strong Shirou Emiya is, he is just a young man who has just arrived in this world, while the god of death has lived for hundreds or thousands of years and even has professional systematic learning.

She would not be so stubborn to think that Shirou Emiya can defeat the god of death.

What's more, the pink-haired girl has not seen Shirou Emiya's battle scene with her own eyes. Since her sister thinks that Shirou Emiya is not the opponent of the god of death, she will not blindly believe that Shirou Emiya can deal with it.

"But, sister, you are so worried about Shirou Emiya, are you in love with him because of the hero saving the beauty!"

Suddenly, the pink-haired girl changed the subject and looked at her sister whose face had completely turned red with a naughty smile.

"Don't, don't talk nonsense, I, I don't mean that, it will be bad if Mr. Emiya hears it--!!!!!!!"

The blonde girl secretly glanced at Shirou Emiya's back again, and her face became even redder.

"Although he is very dull, I don't know why, after just such a short time together, I also have a good impression of him, and I really want to stay by his side. If you don't catch him, then I will take action!"

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