Looking at her extremely shy sister, the younger sister leaned close to her ear and whispered like a devil.

Chapter 795: No different from the spirit world

The conversation between the two girls did not affect Shirou Emiya. His mind was always in a trance, and even if he heard it, his attention was not here.

He observed the surrounding environment more and thought about what kind of world this was.

He had not yet reached the level of amnesia. He still remembered many things, but many more things had been forgotten, or they were wandering in Shirou Emiya's mind in fragments until he encountered some stimulation.

It was for this reason that Shirou Emiya did not realize that the look in the blonde girl's eyes when she looked at him, in addition to pure love, also contained other emotions that Shirou Emiya was very familiar with.

That was the emotion that a normal person would show when facing Kiara Sesshōin.

A kind of fanaticism similar to that of a believer.

The evil intelligence of the human history of the back of the moon, the power of [All Desires of This World] that Sesshōin Kiara sublimated through Mooncel and Andersen's Noble Phantasm is still affecting Shirou Emiya, and even the people around him.

"I always feel like I've come to the spirit world again-"

Shirou Emiya muttered as he walked on the street.

The reason for this feeling is that the souls in this world called Soul Society have almost no difference in their lifestyle from when they were alive.

It feels like resurrecting in a new world after death, just like the magicians like Rin Tosaka, uploading their souls to the Internet and materializing their souls in the spirit world.

In the spirit world, those magicians don't need to eat much, after all, their real bodies are still on Earth, and the devices provide nutrition.

They eat more in the spirit world to restore the consumed magic power.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya has the feeling that he seems to have come to another spirit world.

After all, apart from the Mooncell that controls the world, the two sides are too similar, and both souls live in such a world.

Walking on the road, Shirou Emiya's eyes were suddenly attracted by several men in front of him who were wearing long sleeves, forked collars and chests, fixed belts, and a whole from top to bottom, divided into upper and lower parts by white belts. They were wearing black clothes and holding different long swords in their hands.

It's not just because their clothes are incompatible with the extremely dirty civilians on the street.

It's more because Shirou Emiya can see and feel the very regular energy in their bodies, which is completely different from magic.

Just like what Shirou Emiya could see in Misaki City, there was a torch with a certain power in the body to form a flame.

At that time, Shirou Emiya only knew that it should be some kind of energy. It was not until he met Shana later that he knew that kind of power was called the power of existence.

In his own world, vitality can be transformed into magic, and Shirou Emiya will not see the energy fluctuations in it when he looks at normal people.

In Shana's world, everyone has the power of existence in this world, but Shirou Emiya will not see the fluctuation of the so-called power of existence when he looks at normal people.

It is the same in this world. Shirou Emiya looks at the civilians on the street, and he can't see anything except the spirit particle form like those in Mooncell.

Only when they condense these energies can Shirou Emiya see them.

Looking at the people in front who are patrolling the streets but don't care about the miserable situation on the streets, Shirou Emiya turned his head and asked the two people beside him.

"Are they the death gods you mentioned? Or are they others, similar to those cultivated by the death gods-"

From the name, Shirou Emiya naturally thinks that the death gods are gods.


The two nodded one after another. Although they have been living in such a chaotic area, they have seen the death gods.

It's just that those people basically don't care about the lives of people in their area, even if they see civilians fighting on the streets.

There was only indifference in his eyes, but with such scarce resources, it was impossible to suppress these civilians simply by managing public security. No god of death was willing to do such a thankless task.

At this time, the god of death wearing death suits who were patrolling the streets while talking seemed to have noticed Shirou Emiya in the center of the street.

He couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

If you want to know why, here, those who can walk on the street so openly are either the boss of a street or have enough power to make others afraid.

Otherwise, they would have been torn to pieces by the civilians who were rampaging around the streets.

In these areas with scarce resources, there is no shortage of ruthless people.

Even though they are god of death and have unmatched power among civilians, they often face crazy attacks from civilians.

In order to survive, people here can do whatever it takes. I don't know how many weak god of death died at the hands of these crazy civilians.

Although they hold a contemptuous attitude towards people in these marginal areas, they will be very vigilant after living there for a while.

It's not that they haven't complained and yelled before, but the strength of these death gods is limited to this extent. Otherwise, how could they be assigned to manage such a remote area.

The truly powerful Shinigami are basically in the most central area of ​​the entire Soul Society.

If they had to stop those people in the marginal areas from rushing inwards, they would not patrol the streets at all.

Shirou Emiya was very straightforward, and walked towards the Shinigami in front of him with a very clear goal.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Shirou Emiya approaching, the Shinigami held their swords tightly, staring at him with a very vigilant look, ready to attack him at any time, and paying attention to the surrounding environment to observe whether there are other ambushes.

Others on the street watched the two parties meet in a manner of watching a play.

"Shirou Emiya."

"Shirou Emiya? Never heard of it——"

"Of course I haven't heard of it. We all know the civilians with names in these streets. What's the use of knowing the name of a civilian we have never seen before!"

They didn't set up information for everyone very considerately. The death rate here is too high. Maybe they would be killed by others the next second after recording the information.

Moreover, there are many souls who just came to Soul Society, and they were killed by others before they even confirmed their own conditions.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Shirou Emiya didn't seem to have any intention to take action, the god of death standing in front of the group asked.

In normal times, they would not care about civilians like Shirou Emiya. They are god of death, and they are much nobler than these dirty civilians.

Their hands are stained with the blood of countless civilians.

If you don't even dare to kill, you can't survive in Zaraki District.

However, Shirou Emiya, whether it is walking in the center of the street openly or his temperament, can't help but make him face it seriously.

"Do you know where there is a hospital in Rukongai?"

Chapter 796 Times have changed!

"Hospital, it's really surprising to hear such a word from Zaraki District."

The young man standing next to the leading god of death couldn't help but complain.

"If you mean the place for treatment and recuperation, it is usually near the barracks of the 4th Division, where there is a comprehensive treatment center. Basically, injuries that cannot be recovered in a short time will be treated there."

Another Shinigami beside him also answered Emiya Shirou's question at this moment.

This information is not a secret in Rukongai, but the Zaraki District is far away from the central area, and it is rare to get any information about the central area.

"Which direction can I go to reach the comprehensive treatment center?"

"Go straight along this street through the jungle in front, and then continue to move forward along the main road of each area towards the central area. You can get there by asking for directions in the Soul Society-"


A collision sounded in front of Emiya Shirou.

"Why do you have to say so much to him? He is just a civilian, and a civilian in Zaraki District. How can he go to the Seireitei? It is a great favor for us to be able to go to the neighborhood near Seireitei!"

The leading Shinigami scolded the young man who described Emiya Shirou in detail, and slapped him directly on the head, looking like he was disappointed.

"Thank you very much!"

Emiya Shirou also expressed his gratitude very sincerely, and then prepared to leave in the direction pointed by the Shinigami.

"Wait a minute, when did I allow you to leave! You are just a civilian. If anyone can go to Seireitei, the order would have been in chaos long ago!"

"What's more, the comprehensive first aid clinic is also open to us Shinigami. There is no place for civilians like you. If you have any injuries, you have to bear them yourself!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was about to leave, the leading Shinigami immediately scolded Shirou Emiya, raised the sword in his hand and pointed at him, with a very dissatisfied look in his eyes.

The originally cautious look began to change, and his words were full of disdain for Shirou Emiya.

There was a reason for the sudden change in attitude.

The initial vigilance was because in such a chaotic street, such a young man could walk safely in the center of the avenue without any damage.

There must be something extraordinary to be able to walk on the street like this, plus the specialness of the Zaraki District, so the first time, the death god faced Shirou Emiya with a vigilant attitude.

But he felt that Shirou Emiya's spiritual pressure was extremely weak, even weaker than the girl with short pink hair behind him. How could a soul that had never received systematic education control its spiritual pressure?

Moreover, even if it could really control its spiritual pressure, ordinary people would not suppress it to the point where it seemed that the spiritual pressure would dissipate in the next moment.

Then he observed the surrounding environment again. This did not seem to be a trap set for him, and there were no familiar figures of the gang around.

Just thinking about it for a while, he came to the conclusion that Shirou Emiya was actually not that strong.

After all, civilians don't know how to fight like Shinigami. They can't even use spiritual power. This only means that Shirou Emiya may have excellent fighting ability among civilians.

But compared with Shinigami -

Heh -

His eyes were full of contempt.

If Shirou Emiya's spiritual pressure level was extremely high, then he would naturally not stop him. After all, he also recruited souls from Rukongai to be trained as Shinigami.

The pink-haired girl behind him is qualified, but Shirou Emiya is not qualified at all in the eyes of this Shinigami.

But this does not mean that he will let the pink girl leave. There are many people who can become Shinigami in Rukongai, but not everyone can become a Shinigami.

One more is not much, one less is not much, the spiritual pressure she showed is only enough to become a Shinigami.

This Shinigami leader is also a bully, but this may be the reason why he can stay in Zaraki District for a long time.

"So what do I need to leave here?"

Although the other party's attitude suddenly changed, Shirou Emiya still asked politely.

"Defeat me, only if you prove your strength, you can leave here-"

As he said, the leading Shinigami showed an extremely bloodthirsty smile, and then looked at the samurai sword in his hand that began to vibrate slightly.

"Is that all?"

"That's all? Boy, you are so arrogant! Don't think you can challenge us just by defeating some civilians!"

As he said that, he slowly took a stance, and under the breeze, his spiritual pressure suddenly increased, suppressing the direction of Shirou Emiya.

They immediately felt a pressure on their bodies, and the two girls standing behind Shirou Emiya began to tremble.

This kind of spiritual pressure may look like a joke to those powerful death gods, but for these ordinary souls, it has a strong suppressive ability.


Beside Shirou Emiya, the blonde girl withstood the strong pressure, trembling her body and pulling the corner of Shirou Emiya's clothes very nervously, and even tears burst out of the corners of her eyes.

If it were before, she would run away without hesitation.

But now she is more afraid, afraid that Shirou Emiya will die in the hands of the death god like this.

This is the Zaraki District. The Death Gods in other areas may show mercy, but in this area, there is only one outcome for a failed challenge to a Death God, and that is death.

Shirou Emiya just nodded slightly to the two of them, indicating that there is no need to worry.

"If you still hold on like this, I will not show mercy if you beg for mercy later. What you will face next is only death--!"

As he said this, the Death God waved the samurai sword in his hand, lowered his figure, and the killing intent immediately enveloped the front. The Death Gods beside him also stepped back slightly.

Being able to become the leader among these people is enough to show that he is the most powerful among these Death Gods.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya seemed to be scared and stood there stupidly, staring at the Death God.

"It's really miserable. Why are you so stubborn? You have already given me a chance!"

The Death Gods who retreated discussed, not caring about Shirou Emiya's life at all. In this area, life may really be just a number.

They had never thought that Shirou Emiya could defeat their leader. If any civilian could kill the Grim Reaper in a duel, then all their studies would be meaningless.


As the bloodthirsty words fell, the Grim Reaper stomped his feet fiercely, waving the sword in his hand, and rushed towards Shirou Emiya's position.

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