Even if the client who issued the task to them was found to have a problem, he would be killed.

Regardless of whether the client was coerced or for other reasons, Ye Xi would not risk such a thankless task to investigate.

Maybe it was a trap?

Having fought with the Empire for so long, Ye Xi had encountered everything.

If it wasn't for the strong strength of the black-haired girl, she might have been surrounded and died there.

Even if the client kept apologizing to her, she would still bury him.

If there is one, there will be another, and all her fighting forms were exposed to him. If she let the client go, she would undoubtedly put herself in deeper danger.

Since that incident, Ye Xi has killed all the clients with problems.

As a powerful force in the revolutionary army, they must cherish the lives of their teammates and themselves. To some extent, they must regard their own lives as more important than those of ordinary citizens of the Empire.

Emiya can understand their behavior. If you are not cruel, perhaps you will end up in a more cruel way. From Emiya's perspective, there is no problem with the style of the night raid, and it is even done very well.

And as killers, they are already very kind, and can be regarded as a group of like-minded people gathered together to form a group.

Not just killers.

Emiya understands, but will not accept, agree, or act with them.

"Don't you also want to change the empire?"

Lubbock stood up first and questioned Shirou Emiya. He has communicated with Emiya for the longest time, and he is the one who knows Emiya best compared to the others.

Of course, he only knows a little bit, not much, but he can feel that Emiya wants to make the empire better from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, but I will not accept your way of doing things."

Emiya nodded to show his affirmation of Lubbock's question, and also slightly explained why he was unwilling to join the night raid.

Even when he and the three beast warriors were in action, basically only the mission targets in each mansion were fatally injured.

All the others, even the guards who resisted their attack, were only slightly injured.

"You mean, the assassination method?"

The white-haired woman with only one eye sitting on the seat put her hand on her chin and asked Emiya.

She really wanted Emiya to join their revolutionary army. After resisting Brand's full-strength attack, he could also resist Liva's last attack before his death.

Emiya's strength in the night raid was probably stronger than everyone except Akame.

She asked Brand if he could kill Emiya if he was in good condition.

But Brand shook his head.

Even Brand, who was wearing [Devil Haunting], could not resist such an explosion.

And such an attack was a move released by Emiya when he was extremely weak.

What's more, [Devil Haunting] seemed to have forgotten his old love after finding a new one, and Brand had no way to activate [Devil Haunting] again.

The imperial weapon that originally belonged to him is now only available to Tatsumi.

This makes him very sad.

After all, only this imperial weapon has a soul and can do things that are new and old.

The rest of the imperial weapons are basically recognized by them, and they don’t care who uses them first and who uses them later. They are unconscious.

Just like the [Romantic Turret] in Maine’s hand, given to Najeshitan, she can still use it, but she is not suitable for using this weapon due to various defects.

It does not mean that it cannot be used.

If there is a combat force like Emiya who can easily crush the imperial weapon without using the imperial weapon and join the night attack, their assassination mission will become much simpler.

At least, the safety will be higher.

"We will not let you spread our information. If you don’t agree, then you will only have a dead end now!"

Najeshitan narrowed her eyes. She wanted to know whether Emiya was afraid of death.

An extremely sharp samurai sword flew out of Akahime's hand and was directly placed on Emiya's neck, as if she would cut off Emiya's neck without hesitation if he said no.

There is nothing to be ashamed of in fear of death. Everyone present was afraid of death, even Akahime, who had always been on the verge of life and death, was afraid of her own death.

It's just that they all have things more important than death, so in front of death, they will appear so dazzling.

Chapter 81 Intelligence Partner

"I won't join!"

Emiya seemed to be completely unconcerned about the samurai sword on his neck, and his tone was extremely firm.

Najeshitan could not change the style of the Night Raid Organization for Emiya.

And Emiya would not join such an organization just to get help.


Two voices came from the table.

Lubbock couldn't understand, and Tatsumi couldn't understand, they were not enemies, why Emiya was so stubborn and unwilling to join the Night Raid.

"Then, let's talk about cooperation."

Najestane was not an inflexible person. When she saw Emiya's uncompromising look, she knew that she could not include Emiya in the night raid.

Najehitan did not necessarily want to kill Emiya. Just like what Lubbock and Tazmi thought before, they were not enemies.

Just because he can't be accepted as a subordinate doesn't mean that Emiya can't be an excellent ally.

It's not like Esdeath and Najehitan have the idea of ​​​​making Emiya surrender. It is obviously more beneficial to keep Emiya than to kill him.

Killing Emiya would not cause any serious damage to the empire. He was neither a Three Beast Warrior nor Esdeath.

Instead, they were warriors who resisted the Empire just like them.


Emiya looked at Najexitan with some doubts, and Chitong also put down the knife in his hand.

The entire tense atmosphere disappeared instantly, and Lubbock and Tazmi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lubbock believed that Emiya was a like-minded person, and he felt like a spring breeze when talking to him, so he didn't want Emiya to die here.

Tazmi also didn't want her savior to lose his life due to the conflict with the night attack.

"How to cooperate?"

Emiya will not complete the mission goal of the night attack. If this is the case, he will basically have no effect on the night attack.


"You can rest here with us, but I need you to provide us with intelligence about the interior of the empire and Esdeath."

Najesitan followed Emiya's question and answered him.

"As a killer organization, don't you have channels to obtain their intelligence?"

Najexitan shook her head.

"Regarding some matters involving the high-level officials of the empire, the empire's defense has always been very strict. We have no chance to penetrate into the empire's palace, and spies have no way of entering the palace in such a short period of time."

"We have always been passive and can only judge the internal actions of the empire through the overall trends of the empire."

Lubbock has always been very close to the Imperial Palace. He is constantly observing the surroundings every day to obtain information.

Except for Lubbock, there were basically some informants and spies scattered throughout the empire, but it was difficult for them to get inside the palace.

"But, I don't know what's going on in the empire. If I knew, I wouldn't follow Leva and the others."

It was precisely because of the lack of sources of information that Emiya was so passive. More than a night raid, he wanted to know what happened to the empire's top brass.

"Your identity is well hidden. I think no one else in the empire knows you except Esdeath."

Wei Gong nodded. Apart from the Three Beast Warriors, he had never come into contact with anyone who was alive and could enter and leave the palace. Basically, those he had come into contact with had been killed by the Three Beast Warriors.

Except for the three beast warriors and Esdeath, there is really no one with status in the empire who knows about Emiya's existence.

Those soldiers who knew the existence of the palace were unable to enter the palace.

Among the powerful people in the entire empire, perhaps Esdeath is the only one who knows him.

But those ministers all knew that there was a fourth person among the three beast warriors, but they didn't know who the fourth person was.

After all, the intelligence information was provided to Leva by Minister Ernest. Of course, he wanted to know why Leva and the others did what they did.

Therefore, we also know that there is a fourth person among the three beast warriors. However, due to time constraints, he has not seen Emiya, nor has Shirou Emiya seen him.

"So you are planning to let me become a spy in the empire?"

Emiya asked with a questioning tone.

Najiexitan nodded in affirmation.

Since Emiya doesn't want to stay, she must bring out Emiya's greatest value.

Now that Emiya's strategic value cannot be used, his intelligence value must be used.

And just by letting Emiya stay here for a few days, he can be allowed to go. This is a sure-profit deal.

"But Liwa and the others are already dead. It's hard for me to go back alive alone without being suspected."

Emiya is determined to go to the interior of the empire. Rather than the one-sided words of these people, Emiya wants to witness the facts with his own eyes.

However, the three beast warriors all died in the hands of Night Raid, but Emiya escaped from Night Raid alive. No matter how you think about it, there is a problem.

What's more, he had met Esdeath, and there was a big conflict, so he had no chance to sneak into the empire.

Suddenly, Emiya seemed to have remembered something and asked Najiesitan.

"Where's Niu?"

"He is now captured and taken to the revolutionary army headquarters and put in prison."

Be interrogated and provide information.

Najexitan did not say the second half of the sentence.

Emiya nodded. If Niu returned to the empire, he would have no chance to enter. There must be his wanted portrait in the empire.

"You don't need to worry. Esdeath wants to accept you as a subordinate. It will be easier for you to enter the empire than us."

It was impossible for Najehitan not to get any information about Emiya. She just couldn't detect all the information about Emiya from beginning to end like Tazmi.

Najiexitan wanted to be on guard against the presence of the ghost in the night attack. She didn't want her plan to fail.

But she was still able to find information about the fight between Emiya and Esdeath.

After all, Najiesitan was really shocked by Emiya.

Although according to the report, he is still no match for Esdeath, but being able to fight with her like this, Najexitan basically has no idea of ​​killing Emiya.

Esdeath is too strong, and the presence of Emiya undoubtedly increases Najexitan's winning rate.

Her original intention was to hope that Emiya would join the night attack, and then in the final battle, she would fight against Esdeath with Chitomi and tens of thousands of troops and numerous Teigu users.

Emiya Shirou was able to directly hold Esdeath down, which gave Chitomi a better chance of sneak attacking her.

Najexitan knew that they would not be able to defeat the empire without dealing with Esdeath, so she would spare no effort to fight for any power that could deal with Esdeath.

Moreover, Esdeath fought Emiya twice, but did not take his life.

There must be an ulterior motive, and since there was nothing about Emiya that made Esdeath's heart beat, it must be that he wanted to make him a subordinate.

Najexitan could not deduce any other reasons.

After all, for a woman like Esdeath who values ​​strength, it is easy to deduce her behavioral patterns.

You can't just want to fall in love.

"Then, let me try?"

Emiya didn't refuse. After leaving Night Raid, he was actually very confused about how to act.

With such an opportunity to get close to the palace, Emiya Shirou finally had some goals.

Even simply living in the palace is better than wandering outside.

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