After all, if Emiya's weapons were confiscated, it was as if they were not confiscated. Anyway, he could use his weapons whenever he wanted.

From the first day he came here, Emiya's magic circuit basically only turned off when he was resting.

The first thing you do every morning when you wake up is to restart your magic circuit.

This is not like the world where ghosts exist.

To be very clear, danger is only encountered at night.

So in most cases here, Emiya is in a state where the magic circuit is turned on.

Weapons can be projected at any time.

There is no way to limit magic here.

There is no need to worry about your own safety in the palace.

Chapter 82 A different morning with night attack

Emiya's body recovered very quickly, and he was able to get out of bed the next day. Apart from some muscle soreness, there were no major problems.

After his recovery, Emiya has no intention of taking a break. In such a dangerous world, he must seize every opportunity to increase his strength.


Emiya, who was about to walk out the door, suddenly heard something creepy, and his whole eyes glowed with scarlet light.

"What are you doing?"

After yesterday, the members of Night Raid also introduced each other to Emiya. Emiya was still somewhat impressed by the blond-haired big sister-like character in front of her.

It seems to be called Leonai.

"I see that your house is a little too dirty, so I can't help but want to clean it."


Leonai thought for a while, and it seemed that she hadn't done any hygiene for a long time.

Since Hill passed away, Night Raid's sanitary environment has basically been at a standstill.

Ma Yin is not good at cleaning things at all. When cleaning with Hill in the past, Hill was the main focus. After losing her, she was even more reluctant to clean, otherwise she would recall some bad memories.

Every time Leonai came to look for her, she would secretly hide in a place where no one could find her, and wait until Chitong took care of her hygiene before appearing again.

As for Chitong, she also has to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals for the members of Night Raid, and she also eats a lot. In addition, she has to take time to train during the day.

Although she will find time to clean, it is basically difficult to find time because she has many things to do. And when she does, no one comes to help, so the efficiency is very low.

As for the men, Tazmi, Brand, Lubbock, go clean?

Rather than cleaning, it's more of a destruction, basically making the whole night raid a mess.

"Are you good at this kind of thing?"

Looking at the extremely bright and shining floor behind Emiya, Leonai rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

This is better than new.

"I used to live alone, and I had a teacher who always came to my house to make trouble. If I wasn't good at it, the house would become a mess."

Emiya wiped away some black stains in the corner of the wall very skillfully, and then a short knife appeared in his hand and threw out some of the mud inside.

"These dark corners are relatively humid, and insects and other things often breed there. They need to be cleaned frequently, otherwise there will be a bad smell."

"Remember to change the water in those vases, otherwise they will become a breeding ground for bugs and the flowers will not survive long."

"And the food remnants you eat every time————"

Shirou Emiya chattered endlessly to Leone, and wave after wave of tiredness rushed directly into her mind, and she felt like she could fall asleep in the next second.

Leonai loved running around and had a lot of energy. She even had no problem sleeping for several days in a row. However, when she faced Shirou Emiya chattering like this, it took almost only a few seconds for her to feel her body. I can't open my eyelids.

"Hey——! What's wrong with you!"

The next second, Leonai did not fall directly towards Emiya.

"Hoo-! Hoo-!"

She had obviously just gotten up not long ago, but she went back to sleep.

After hearing Emiya yelling, Chitomi also walked out of the room.

Because Night Raid often carries out his tasks at night, he goes to bed and wakes up later.

By the time Emiya got up, they were basically sleeping.

As for why Leonai woke up so early, she must have not slept. People who have not slept are the first to get up.

Anyway, once or twice, it won't have much impact on her.

"What's wrong?"

Chitong held the pillow with one hand and the handle with the other. She rubbed her eyes in her pajamas and walked out of her room with a confused look on her face.

In order to prevent enemy attacks, Chi Tong will carry her weapon wherever and whenever she wants, and she can react quickly even when she is sleeping.

"Um, Chitong, do you know where Leonai's room is?"

Emiya, who was hugging Leonai, looked at Chihitong with some embarrassment.


Following the direction of Chitong's finger, Emiya quickly found Leonai's room.

"It smells so good. Did Chitong prepare breakfast so early today?"

Tazmi smelled the fragrance in the air and pushed the door open. Ever since he got the [Evil Ghost Haunting], his eldest brother trained him day and night, and his body suffered all kinds of torture every day.

Every time he woke up, he felt sore in his back.

"Hey, Tatsumi, you woke up early. The base is especially clean today. It's just right for us to run around the base thirty times before going to have breakfast!"

Brand appeared in front of Tatsumi in a trotting posture. Since he lost the imperial weapon, Brand has become more strict with his training.

He knows the gap between ordinary people and imperial weapon users. Without special transformation or strong talent, it is basically impossible to confront the imperial weapon users head-on.

But Emiya's fighting power shocked Brand deeply. When Emiya was taken to the night attack base by them, he didn't have any imperial weapon on him.

The blood on his body was sent back to the revolutionary army base and no abnormality was found, so Emiya was really just an ordinary person without an imperial weapon.

What's more, except for a very special ability used at the last moment, he head-on withstood his strongest attack.

This made Brand feel powerless, so he almost doubled his training.

And this also made Tatsumi feel very painful.

Now going on a mission is what Tatsumi hopes most every day.

After all, you shouldn't accept this devilish training when you're on a mission.

"Ah--! I'll go have breakfast first. Esdeath has returned to the palace and seems to be preparing to deal with us. I have to hurry to the bookstore to check the palace's dynamics,"

Lubbock also opened the door and walked towards the restaurant.

"Let's go, let's go"


Tatsumi was dragged away so easily, and Lubbock completely ignored his call for help.




Akame, who was sitting on the dining seat, made the same sound as a certain Flame Pillar, and immediately shouted "delicious" without eating a bite.

But the people around seemed to have heard nothing about it.

Because they had buried their heads in the bowls, the whole restaurant was filled with only the sound of Akame's voice and the constant slurping sound.

"What happened?"

Lubbock approached the restaurant and saw this situation, and there was only confusion on his face.

Chapter 83: The Teaching of Breathing Techniques


A bunch of burps were heard at the table, and even the leader of the Night Raid Organization sat at the table, holding his stomach.

He looked quite satisfied with the meal.

"I never thought that Emiya-san would have such cooking skills."

Tatsumi lay on the chair with a look of regret in his life, he had never eaten such delicious food.

Even the extremely gluttonous Akame lay on the chair like Tatsumi, looking at the ceiling, with only two words written on his face - satisfaction.

Emiya's cooking speed even kept up with Akame's speed of eating food, which made everyone in the Night Raid drop their jaws.

You know, the ingredients here are almost completely different from those of Emiya.

Mine and Akame witnessed the whole process of Emiya from asking them the names of these ingredients to making extremely delicious food.

At first, they thought that Emiya would make the dishes very unpalatable, and even planned to stop him from making them.

After all, how could someone who didn't even know the dishes cook?

However, with the mentality that they would give it a try before Emiya gave up, Mayin and Akame agreed with what Emiya did.

Emiya knew the internal structure of these ingredients after just a few glances.

He used his ability to analyze objects on the dishes.

He mastered the taste of these foods in a very short time and made extremely delicious dishes.

Seeing these strange foods, Emiya couldn't help but get excited.

The chef's heart was burning, and he was addicted to it and made a lot of them.


Emiya walked to the table and looked at everyone. It seemed that the amount of food he made was just right.

"Lubbock, why don't you go to the bookstore to find out the information!"

Tatsumi reminded him weakly that it was time to go now.

"Don't worry, let me digest it first, otherwise how will the people of the empire explain to a bookstore owner who eats so much!"

"Brother, aren't we going to exercise?"

Tatsumi looked at Brand on the other side of him again.

"We've eaten so much, strenuous exercise will hurt our bodies, let's take a break for a while."

"Akagi, don't you want to practice your swordsmanship?"


Tatsumi's only answer was a burp.

They were all too full and couldn't move at all.

"You're not a spy sent by the Empire, right? This makes it impossible for us to carry out our mission!"

Leone also opened her mouth and teased Emiya weakly. She felt like sleeping again.

Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, she will become a pig sooner or later.

"I have a good way to help you digest quickly."

Emiya didn't eat as much as they did. After finishing his own portion, looking at the people who couldn't move, Emiya decided to help them.

"What can I do? I want to go back to my room and lie down, but I'm too full————"

Main sat up with difficulty, she still wanted to maintain an elegant sitting posture.

"Follow my rhythm, exhale————"

The effect of the breathing method is very magical. It not only strengthens the body, but also has the ability to kill ghosts.

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