It can also stop the blood from the wounds and speed up the blood flow, making the body hot.

Of course, the breathing method can also promote digestion, allowing people to convert food in the body into energy in a short time.

"Gu! Gu!————!"

A voice came from Akahima's position.

"I'm hungry!"

She touched her completely flat stomach and looked at Emiya expectantly.

And the people around her looked at Akahima with extremely surprised eyes.

She just ate too much, such a digestive ability is too terrifying.

"You have mastered it?"

Emiya looked at Akahima who stood up and was a little surprised.

She just nodded her head, and the samurai sword in her hand swung a very beautiful sword flower in the air. Only Emiya knew what was attached to it.

Emiya told them his breathing method, that is, the breathing of the sword, and of course, the deeper the understanding of the sword, the faster you can understand the working method of the breathing method.

Of course, if you are strong enough, you can master it quickly.

Akame was just in these two aspects. She basically imitated Emiya's breathing and mastered it in an instant.

"I feel that my body has endless power!"

"My body feels more full!"

The second and third were Brand and Najeshitan, who were once generals of the empire. They often got into difficult battles and needed to constantly adjust their breathing to fight better.

So they still had a certain understanding of breathing, but because Najeshitan's body was partially transformed, she mastered it a little slower than Brand.

The rest of the people were still breathing and still hadn't mastered the trick.

Emiya was not very surprised. The introduction to breathing was not profound. Anyone with a certain talent or a certain understanding of breathing could master this skill of strengthening the body.

However, for the imperial weapon user, such strengthening was better than nothing.


A slapping sound hit Tatsumi's neck.

"Don't be so anxious!"

Tatsumi couldn't help but feel anxious because he saw that the people around him stood up quickly.

The breathing rhythm also became very messy.

"Emiya, I want to know if you have a fake [Devil Haunting] in your hand."

Najesita seemed to remember something and asked Emiya.

Before, because Emiya had not fully recovered, Najeesita did not ask this question.

But she was still very curious. The imperial equipment could not be imitated. Even if it was made, it would be a subordinate equipment inferior to the imperial equipment, and there would not be two identical things.

Where did the [Devil Haunting] in Emiya's hand come from?

"Are you asking about this?"

A dagger exactly the same as the one in Tatsumi's hand appeared in Emiya's hand.


Najesita did not see where Emiya took out the thing from.

"Besides explosion, can it be used?"

Brand also became interested in it. If there really was a fake [Devil Haunting], he would choose to use it.

It's better to have it than not.

"【Evil Devil】!!!"

Emiya placed the short sword in front of him, and in an instant, a set of armor covered him completely.

The whole restaurant was silent.

Although they were prepared when Najeshitan proposed it, they really didn't expect that there would be counterfeits of the imperial weapon.

"If these counterfeits can be mass-produced!"

Najshitan has already begun to imagine the scene of all the revolutionary army wearing 【Evil Devil】, then even Esdeath may be defeated by such a legion.

She looked at Emiya as if she was looking at treasure. It was too hasty to let him go to explore intelligence. He should be allowed to return to the headquarters of the revolutionary army to make weapons.

Chapter 84 Superposition State

"It should be here."

Emiya looked at the map given to him by Najeshitan in his hand and knocked on the iron door gently.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Emiya always felt very familiar, as if he had knocked on a strange wooden door like this before.

He did not hide his whereabouts at all. After coming to the imperial capital from an underground passage in the night raid base, Emiya walked openly on the streets of the empire.

Except for Seryuu, who had met Yu Guo once before, no one in the empire knew this stranger, not to mention that Seryuu did not know the relationship between Emiya and the three beast warriors at that time.

Even if they met, there would not be any strong conflict.

When Emiya was unconscious, his whole body was soaked in blood, and even his face could not be seen clearly.

Not to mention that the guards did not pay much attention to Shirou Emiya who fell to the ground and almost had no breath.

So those people on the ship remembered Brand and the man in armor more.

As for why [Evil Ghost] appeared on the same screen when Brand was still alive, this matter was left to the top leaders of the empire to worry about.

Anyway, there is no wanted order for Shirou Emiya in the empire now.

He can wander around the empire unimpeded, just like when he acted with the three beast warriors before.

Everyone just regarded Emiya as an ordinary imperial citizen.

"What's the matter? The master is not here now."

The door was opened, and a young and strong man with a naked upper body stood in front of Emiya.

"Pork is delicious!"

"Vegetables are healthier!"

"Come in."

He stepped aside and let Emiya in, then closed the door.

This is the code for Night Raid to hand over intelligence to some informants. Basically, those who can match the code are members of the Revolutionary Army.

Of course, in order to be conservative, Night Raid basically uses different codes for each informant, fearing that if some informants are caught by the Empire and the code is asked, the entire Empire's intelligence network will be lost.

And here is the informant that Akahime is in charge of, and it is also the code that Akahime tells Emiya, the informant.

"What's the matter with the Revolutionary Army? Nothing strange has happened in this area."

Walking into the iron gate, an extremely hot breath hits his face, causing Emiya to retreat again and again.

"Nothing, just let you take a look at this weapon and see if you can find out anything."

Emiya handed the imperial weapon he projected yesterday to the young warrior in front of him.

Najesita asked Emiya if this kind of thing could be mass-produced.

Emiya shook his head and said it was completely impossible. With his current magic power, he could only project [Devil Haunting] twice.

This weapon is not like the Sun Blade. In addition to its special material and the power to kill demons, the Sun Blade has no other special features.

So Emiya's magic power can project nearly ten Sun Blades in total when it cannot be restored. This does not include the consumption of breathing method, and it is just projecting Sun Blades.

As for the move created by Emiya, it can basically consume half of Emiya's magic power in an instant. Under normal circumstances, Emiya would not waste magic power like this.

Then they also tested the extent to which Emiya's fake [Devil Haunting] was imitated.

For the genuine [Devil Haunting], basically both the attack power and the defense power were reduced by one level.

As for the duration, Emiya thought about it and basically maintained the basic form until the magic power inside the imperial weapon was consumed.

If it is used as a decoration and not used, it may last for decades, but if it is transformed.

Even if you stand still and do nothing, it can only last for an hour, and the weapon in Emiya's hand still has physical fitness requirements for the user.

But it is limited to physical fitness requirements.

In this case, this fake is more practical than the ministerial weapon.

Without the mental oppression, the user's physical fitness is strong enough, and one person can use two imperial weapons at the same time, or even three, or more.

This way of enhancing strength is completely unreasonable.

After all, there are various ways to improve physical fitness, and even transformation is one of them, but no one knows how to improve mental strength.

They also tried to let Akame use [Devil Haunting] while holding [Murasame] in her hand to fight.

The answer is that the equipment is fully compatible. Akahime's combat power can be said to have reached a higher level. [Devil Haunting] not only enhances Akahime's various values, but also makes up for her lack of defense.

Then they saw Emiya took out a Murasame from somewhere.

Those people were stunned.

Are you so fast at pirating?

Then Leone used three imperial weapons at the same time.

Although her physical fitness does not meet the minimum standard for using [Devil Haunting], her imperial weapon can enhance her physical fitness when it is activated.

Then she nested the dolls. Leone moved quickly around the night raiders with extremely strong mobility. Except for Akahime, Brand and Najeshitan, many people could only see a trace of afterimage.

According to Leone's reaction, except for the body starting to collapse, the rest was fine.

After all, her imperial weapon [King of Beasts [Lion King]] can give her extremely strong recovery power, and this degree of collapse is completely no burden for her.

The speed was more than twice as fast as before, and the Murasame in Leone's hand had the same effect as the Murasame in Akame's hand.

However, both of them were one-hit kills, so they had no way to judge who was stronger.

They could only think that Murasame was one level weaker than the original product from the perspective of a counterfeit, just like Devil Haunting.

If Najeshitan were to say, this was more than just against the sky, it was simply against the sky.

Even if these counterfeits were one level lower than the real imperial tools, they were much stronger than most of the servant tools.

There were no side effects of servant tools and imperial tools. If they could be mass-produced, it would be unimaginable.

Najeshitan's eyes changed again when she looked at Shirou Emiya, as if she had seen a big gold mine, and her eyes flashed.

Then, based on the continuous experiments that day, Emiya was basically able to project Devil Haunting, Murasame, Romantic Turret Pumpkin, and Sword Form Changing Cross Tail.

Except for Leona, Emiya can basically project and use all of them. Night Raid suddenly feels that the imperial weapon in his hand is not so good.

Emiya told them that he can only copy sword weapons. They originally thought that [Romantic Turret [Pumpkin]] could not be projected because it is a long-range weapon.

Because the front end of this imperial weapon is a melee opening similar to a knife, it allows the user to counterattack in close combat, but it is generally not used, and when it is used, it is basically dead.

And Emiya thought that this was also a sword type, but the main attack was at a distance, and then he projected it.

Everyone was stunned.

While there was no opportunity for Emiya to go to the palace, Najeshitan decided to let Emiya go to an informant of the Revolutionary Army in the city first, and let a professional see if there was any possibility of counterfeiting the fake in Emiya's hand.

Professional things should be handled by professionals, so Emiya came here.

Chapter 85 Emiya Shirou wants to forge iron

"I will give it to my master, you wait here."

He took the [Evil Demon Haunting] in Emiya's hand and walked towards a more indoor place, leaving Emiya here and not bringing him in.

Even the Revolutionary Army must accept the rules here and are not allowed to mess around.

The weapon forging master here has forged several ministerial tools.

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