"All the evil spirits have retreated, and the flames in the surrounding towns have been extinguished. There should be no traps."

He didn't dare to guarantee it. Vampire magic would always give birth to some strange abilities. He just used his own experience to judge the safety of the surrounding environment. In this all-out war with evil ghosts, he had to stay vigilant. It is very necessary.

Emiya Shirou didn't mince words. Since he met everyone from the Demon Slayer Corps here, and even met a leader-like servant, he naturally needed to raise the questions in his mind.

In other words, just like what he does every time he arrives in a new world, he must first understand what happened in this world before he can figure out what he should do next.

Chapter 858: The situation facing human beings today

Nowadays, the situation of the Demon Slayer Squad is not good, and it can even be said that the entire human side is at an absolute disadvantage.

Almost all the members of the original Demon Slayer Corps were left in the battle with the evil spirits. It is even said that the only current members of the entire Demon Slayer Corps are the Insect Pillar Butterfly Ninja and the Sound Pillar Uku Tengen.

After the train incident, the evil spirits began to launch an all-round attack, not covering their tracks at all, and started killing on a large scale at night.

In the train incident, Enbashira Purgatory Anjuro barely managed to hold on to his life after fighting Kamizōsan, but he almost lost his fighting ability. Basically, he could only sit back and train a new generation of Demon Slayer members.

Also because of the all-round attack of evil spirits at that time, the world instantly became chaotic.

Things happened so fast that by the time the Demon Slayers reacted, an entire city had been transformed into evil spirits.

Neither the government nor the Demon Slayers knew how to respond.

Because all the other party gave them was one day to think.

At this moment, neither the government nor the Demon Slayers knew what to do, because this was something that had never happened in the past hundred years, no, it should be said.

Even in the past chaotic period, even in the period when the Demon Slayer Corps had not even learned the breathing technique and were suppressed by evil spirits, nothing so crazy had ever happened.

The conflicts between evil spirits and humans are all in the dark. Most people today even think that evil ghosts are just legends.

The members of the Demon Slayer Team were also in a hurry for a while, and almost all the pillars went out to stop the evil ghost's attack.

But even the weakest demons are several times more powerful than humans. The government's army was defeated in a desperate manner. In the face of extremely terrifying numbers of demons, those who have the demon slaying team who can kill them are really It's too weak.

During this period, they called it the Dark Age. Human beings had no hope and were being stalked by evil spirits at an extremely terrifying speed. Human beings had no ability to resist at all.

It was also during this period that Mili of Lianzhu Ganlu Temple and Shezhu Yiyi "photographed Ye Lao Su Su Xian" and "Bing Ye Ann Straw" and "Shen Zhu Yi".

After that, a woman who called herself Minamoto Norimitsu appeared on the government side, leading the army to continuously attack the evil spirits, and for the first time they won the war against the evil spirits at night.

He also discovered the place where the evil spirits lived during the day, and exterminated an extremely terrifying number of evil spirits. The Tongmo on the second string, the Yiwo seat on the third string, and the jade pot on the fifth string all died in his hands.

It brings a glimmer of hope to mankind in the face of evil spirits.

It was also during this period when Minamoto no Yorimitsu won a great victory in the battle with the demons that the Sword Forging Village and the Demon Slayer Headquarters were attacked.

First, the Knife Forging Village was found, and the Half-Tengu from Shangxian No. 4 broke into it directly.

The Demon Slayer Corps sent Mizuho Tomioka Giyu and Kasumashira Tokitō Muichiro to support them at extremely fast speeds.

But he didn't expect that the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps would be attacked at this moment by Black Death Mou, one of the top strings, and Taro, the prostitute of the sixth string.

If only these two evil spirits attacked the Demon Slayer Corps' headquarters, the Demon Slayer Corps would not be in such a situation at this time.

The one who led the attack on the Sword Forging Village was Ibaraki Douji, and the one who led the attack on the Demon Slayer Headquarters was Shuten Douji.

There is a huge gap between the original pillar and the upper string, not to mention the existence of followers.

Giyuu Tomioka and Muichiro Kasumashira Tokitoru, who went to support the sword-smithing village, stopped Ibaraki Douji at the cost of everything. In the end, Tanjiro Kamado and Genya Immortal Kawakawa killed the fourth Hantengu together. .

As for the Demon Slayer Headquarters, Yanzhu Mingyu Xingmei and Fengzhu Immortal Kawami Miya held Shuten Douji back at the cost of their lives.

Five people, Ozhu Tengen, Insect Hashira Butterfly Ninja, Gazenitsu Zenitsu, Kihira Inosuke, and Rikka Rokanahu, jointly beheaded Taro, the prostitute in the sixth chapter of the string.

As for Heishimou, one of the top stringers, he went to stop Minamoto Yorimitsu, who was rushing here for support.

Just as he was about to be killed by Minamoto Yorimitsu, Onimusuji Mumei, who had been hiding all this time, appeared, and after a brief confrontation, he immediately retreated.

Their purpose of delaying Yorimitsu Minamoto has been achieved.

By the time Minamoto Yorimitsu arrived at the Demon Slayer Headquarters, Iwazumi Yukimei and Wind Hashira Immortal Kawami Miya were already dead, and the remaining five people were also seriously injured. If she had arrived a little later, everyone at the Demon Slayer Headquarters would have People will be slaughtered by drunken boys.

At this point, what follows is a period of fierce confrontation between humans and evil spirits that lasts for several months.

At this moment, the top powers displayed by the demon Fang Ming are - Shuten Douji, Ibaraki Douji, Demon Dance Tsuji Mukai, and Black Death Mou.

The top powers displayed on this side of humanity are - Yorimitsu Minamoto, Ninja Butterfly, Tengen Uzuru, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Gatsuma, Inosuke Kubihira, Rakana Kurika and Genya Immortal Kawakawa. .

But except for Minamoto Yorimitsu, even if everyone together could not face either Shuten Douji or Kibutsuji Muzan alone.

Minamoto Yorimitsu couldn't face Shuten-douji, Ibaraki-douji, and Kibutsuji Muzan alone.

What's more, the birth of evil spirits is endless. Almost more than 90% of the residents in the town will be transformed into evil spirits. Those who can, like those pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad, would rather die than become evil ghosts will eventually be the ones. In the minority.

There is a considerable gap in the combat power at the bottom not only in quantity but also in quality.

For those evil ghosts with infinite recovery, firearms have no way to kill them. There is nothing they can do except delay. What's more, those evil ghosts can also use firearms.

The only Nichirin sword that can cause fatal damage to evil spirits has been greatly reduced due to the destruction of the sword-forging village, and only those brought out by Kamado Tanjiro and Immortal Kawagenya are left.

Giyuu Tomioka and Muichiro Kasumashira Tokitoru risked their lives just to let Tanjiro Kamado take out the surviving people in the swordsmithing village.

Therefore, the output of the Nichirin Sword cannot be provided to everyone. Only the wisteria flowers that can have a fatal impact on ghosts can allow those who do not have a Nichirin Sword to kill evil ghosts.

The poison of wisteria flower has no fatal effect on those extremely powerful evil spirits, but it is enough to deal with these evil spirits created with just a little blood.

Although Minamoto Yorimitsu, who is a general himself, and Utayashiki Yōya, the protagonist of the Demon Slayer Squad, both have strong leadership abilities, facing the huge gap between high-end combat power and low-level combat power, they can only slow down the Time of annihilation.

As time goes by, the living space of human beings is constantly shrinking. Until this day, Minamoto no Yorimitsu obtained one of the generals, Heishimou Death, and two suspected followers named Chiko Muramasa and Miyamoto Musashi. news.

Chapter 859 I want to fall into the arms of Sister Musashi

"Damn it!! Don't stop me!!!!"

"Inosuke, no, you can't beat her!!!"

"That's right, Inosuke, don't be so impulsive!! Didn't you listen to her self-introduction? Maybe she is the same existence as Minamoto Yorimitsu-sama!"

On the other side, my wife Zenitsu hugged one of Inosuke's legs tightly, tears kept bursting from the corners of her eyes, and she kept mumbling.

Tanjiro stood behind him and held his arms tightly, pulling him back.

I saw Inosuke's body had large and small sword wounds, and blood was constantly flowing from it.

But looking at his energetic appearance, it must be just some superficial injuries.

"Ha! So who are you talking about Musashi and Xuanxin?"

Inosuke roared angrily, and two balls of hot breath were sprayed from the nostrils of the pig hood.

Because of these words, the scene suddenly fell into silence.

My wife, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro couldn't help but glance at each other, and then looked at Miyamoto Musashi, who was holding two swords in front of him and watching them with interest.

"No way, don't you even know Miyamoto Musashi!?"

My wife, Zenitsu, immediately stood up and yelled at Inosuke. After all, Miyamoto Musashi is extremely well-known in Japan.

As for why my wife Zenitsu did not doubt her, you must know that Miyamoto Musashi recorded in history was a male.

On the one hand, it’s because Miyamoto Musashi is indeed very good-looking. To my wife, Zenitsu, how could a beautiful girl lie?

On the other hand, the Minamoto Yorimitsu recorded in history is also a man, but what appears is a woman whose nosebleeds will spurt out with a maternal aura if he takes one more look at her.

Minamoto Yorimitsu is both a woman, so it’s no big surprise that Miyamoto Musashi is also a woman.

Anyway, they are all beautiful.

"Sister Musashi! Don't pay attention to him, he ran out of the mountains and doesn't know anything-!"

After scolding Inosuke, my wife Zenitsu immediately turned into an intoxicated state and flew towards Miyamoto Musashi like a spirit body.

"Uh! It's nothing! It's just rare to see someone who also uses double swords, and I want to give it a try——"

Seeing Zenitsu Zenitsu flying towards him, Miyamoto Musashi couldn't help but take half a step back.

I feel like if I exchange a few more words, I will get entangled.

"You guy, you won't be able to walk if you see a female!!!"

Inosuke suddenly lost his temper and rushed forward to grab my wife Zenitsu's collar, blowing his hot breath directly into his face.

"You bastard! Let me go! Don't stop me! I'll be able to enjoy big sister's hug soon. You know I'm looking forward to it!!!!"

"Ha! You are the bastard. If the other party was an evil ghost, you would have been dead long ago!!!"

"Shut up, that's Miyamoto Musashi, that's Miyamoto Musashi! And she's a beautiful big sister, how can you say such vicious things like she is a demon!!!"

"I told you I don't know Miyamoto Musashi!!!"

"That's why I said you are so short-sighted that you don't even know Miyamoto Musashi!!!"


Standing behind the two of them, Tanjiro's eyes turned into beady eyes at some point. He scratched the back of his head, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead at some point.

Why did things develop into this situation?

"Interesting, is this the Demon Slayer team you were in?"

Miyamoto Musashi looked at the extremely noisy two people with an interested smile, and walked directly to Emiya Shirou.

"Well, I didn't stay in there for long."

Emiya Shirou just waved his hands slightly, showing a helpless expression.

He joined the Demon Slayer Squad, took over the first mission and was captured by the Demon King Wu Mei. It can be said that it was extremely miserable.

At this moment, Tanjiro could only calm down the emotions of the two people who were about to conflict.

Although if they really wanted to say it, the two couldn't collide. If Inosuke really planned to take action against Zenitsu, Zenitsu would definitely surrender with lightning speed.

So I really can’t fight.

"We will discuss the specific situation when we return to the stronghold. Although both servants have appeared here, the traces of Wu Mei have not been confirmed. We still cannot leave the stronghold for too long."

Minamoto no Yorimitsu looked at the three people in the spotlight in front of him with a motherly smile.

"Let me heal the wounded first——!"

Emiya Shirou also nodded. This was not a good place to talk, and it was just dark now, which was the time when evil spirits were active.

If they were surrounded by evil spirits, there would definitely be a lot of casualties.

"Do you know healing magic?"

In Minamoto no Yorimitsu's eyes, Emiya Shirou was just an ordinary magician.

"Well, that's right."

Emiya Shirou didn't say much, but a katana dipped in scarlet blood appeared in his hand.

"Swastika - all gone——!"

The moment the flowers fell, the surrounding land was instantly covered with surging blood, and even the trees standing on the ground turned into boiling blood.

The strong smell of blood suddenly filled everyone's nostrils, not only stopping Zenitsu and Inosuke who were still arguing, Minamoto no Yorimitsu even pulled out the sword in his hand and pointed it at Emiya Shirou.

After all, neither the shape of this field nor the aura it displays is that friendly.

"Hey! My injuries have recovered—"

Although Inosuke's injuries were very minor to some of the other Demon Slayers present, he was the first to feel the changes in his body, and the wounds were being repaired at an extremely terrifying speed.

"My legs! My legs can move!"

"Me too, my hands have grown back. This, how is this possible!"

The injured people looked at their bodies with great surprise, and their eyes couldn't stop showing joy. After all, they were all ready to lie on the hospital bed forever, but they didn't expect that they would look like evil ghosts just between breathing. Still recovered.

"I'm sorry, I was stressed——!"

Looking at the recovered team members, Minamoto Yorimitsu sighed in relief, put away the sword in his hand, and looked at Emiya Shirou with great gratitude.

This healing ability alone is enough for her to take seriously.

"No, as a general, you should remain vigilant."

Emiya Shirou shook his head, not paying much attention to this. After all, they were just strangers who met once. If he was an evil ghost, Minamoto no Yorimitsu would have already taken action at the moment of the swastika. .

"The original owner of this weapon is really a pervert!"

Miyamoto Musashi standing aside couldn't help but shout. After all, Emiya Shirou explained his abilities to her when she was sparring with Miyamoto Musashi. She knew how powerful the original holder of this sword was.

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