Not only does the sword have extremely abnormal healing abilities, but even her kendo level is undisputedly at the level of a swordsman. In this area, she has been abused countless times by Shirou Emiya using this weapon.

But in reality, Unohana Retsu cannot use Bankai as recklessly as Shirou Emiya.

Chapter 860: Town attacked by evil spirits

In a large town, in the castle town outside the city walls, on the walls next to the city walls, and in the trenches, purple petals are everywhere, looking like a purple ocean.

This city is the last stronghold of mankind, and it is full of vegetation that can cause harm to demons - wisteria flowers.

After all, Minamoto no Raikou cannot protect everyone in the entire city by himself.

Facing so many low-level evil spirits, it is a very good measure to cover the stronghold with wisteria flowers.

However, in such a town submerged in a purple ocean, unspeakable conflicts broke out everywhere.

In the streets, on the city walls, in the woods.

Red blood was splattering.

Silver blades were dancing wildly.

Hot flames suddenly rose.

Countless people and demons were fighting in such a world submerged by the purple ocean.


An demon bit his teeth tightly and rushed forward, but was cut off by a samurai sword with a white handle, black scabbard, plum blossom pattern, plum blossom smoke pattern carved inside the round blade, and a pale pink blade.

There was no time to scream, and it turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Flower Breathing·Fourth Type Red Flower Clothes!"

A girl wearing a demon slayer uniform, a knee-length black pleated skirt and white boots, and a white cloak with a dark pink bow tie appeared silently on its back.

The girl has cherry pink lips, pink hair ends, and wears an emerald green butterfly hairpin with pink edges. Her bangs are tied into a single side ponytail, which dances freely in the air.

Her pair of pink and purple eyes are extremely sharp, and the Sun Wheel Sword in her hand raises countless light pink slashes, rushing forward like a wave, slashing at the evil spirits jumping freely in the woods and on the streets.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The sound of slashing continued to come from the space. From a distance, countless purple petals danced around her Sun Wheel Sword, and the deep red blood stained the positive space, presenting an indescribable weirdness.

"As expected of Miss Kanao, we can't just watch those evil spirits destroy our last home!"

"Let's go together. In the wisteria flowers, those evil spirits will not be our opponents!"

Standing behind the girl named Kanao, everyone's expressions became extremely excited. They took out their weapons and fought against the evil spirits that were crashing in various places in the town.


On a certain street, a figure passed by like a gust of wind, carrying the whistling sound of the wind, and continued to rush towards the edge of the town.

The closer to the edge of the town, the more evil spirits there are, and the greater the pressure they face.

However, the evil spirits who can break through the edge and come all the way to the city, apart from the factor of luck, most of them have good strength. They may not be comparable to the upper and lower strings, but their strength should not be underestimated.


With a bombing sound, the figure directly broke through the house and broke into another street with fewer wisteria trees.

At the same time, countless evil spirits also poured out from the surroundings, blocking his way in an instant and surrounding him.

The attack was naturally to attack the weakest place in the whole town.

After all, compared with the members of the Demon Slayer Corps or the army, the wisteria flowers posed a greater threat to those evil spirits.

So this place with fewer wisteria trees became the breakthrough point for those evil spirits.

Suddenly, the figure stopped.

It was a young man who was also wearing the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps, with a dark cockscomb and a scar on his right face extending to the tip of his nose.

In his left hand, he held a black double-barreled shotgun, and in his right hand, he held a black handle and a sun wheel sword with oval patterns on the blade.

His face was bulging with veins, and his pupils turned pure black. He looked more like an evil spirit than a human.


The tense atmosphere of swords drawing began to permeate the space.

The young man looked around at the evil spirits who were all smiling, his expression full of brutality.

"All of them, must die!!!!!!"

A strong momentum burst out from him.

However, these evil spirits looked at the young man surrounded by them with contempt or teasing eyes, and started to discuss without paying attention to others.

"It's just a human being, and you are still talking nonsense here!"

"You still use guns, don't you know that guns can't kill us at all?"

"It's been a long time since I ate a human, just treat him as food, anyway, these people holding the Sun Wheel Sword would rather die than turn into ghosts."

"I really don't know why you people don't want to become ghosts, you can live forever!"

Such teasing voices kept ringing from all around.

At this moment, the young man was not under pressure, but ridicule.

"Kill you!!!!"

I saw an evil ghost suddenly erupting, his size suddenly increased, laughing maniacally, and appeared in front of the young man in an instant.


The sound of strong wind began to sound.

That was the movement caused by the evil ghost that suddenly grew in size and waved its thick arms forward.

Facing the ridicule from all directions and the huge arms reaching towards him, the young man just raised his head and stared up.

A trace of coldness suddenly flashed across his eyes like those of evil spirits.


It was the sound of something being chewed to pieces.

The young man was seen holding the sword and gun tightly, easily blocking the palm that was waving in the strong wind, and then opened his mouth fiercely and bit down.


The evil ghost who had a mocking expression just a second ago suddenly howled in pain.

Unfortunately, this performance did not arouse the slightest pity in the Devourer's heart.

"Too big—!"

Accompanied by such indifferent words, the next moment, the light of the sword lit up without any order, like an invisible wind blade, slashing towards the evil ghost's chest, flanks, thighs and neck respectively.


The sound of tearing resounded one after another.

"Help me, help me, help me!!!!"

The evil ghost was wailing in pain, its upper body was tightly grasped by the young man, and then its head was bitten off with a fierce bite.

Blood flowed from the boy's mouth like a river.

At this moment, he looked more like an evil spirit than an evil spirit.


In less than a few seconds, this evil ghost was completely eaten by the young man.


The jeers that had been ringing throughout the street just now stopped abruptly.

All the evil spirits opened their eyes wide, and some even showed frightened expressions.

"Isn't it possible?"

When human beings see things that they are unwilling to believe, or that conflict greatly with their own cognition, they will subconsciously escape from reality and let the brain refuse to accept such memories.

The same goes for these evil spirits.

"Not a single one left—!"

The young man's body was filled with terrifying blood energy, and he rushed towards the stunned evil ghost in front of him.

Chapter 861 The Son of Hezhuo Existing in the Town

"Not a single one left—!"

With one sentence, the evil ghosts around him immediately reacted, and then violent anger surged in their hearts.


"Kill him—!"

"Just a human—!"

"How dare you underestimate us——?"

"Kill him—!"

It was not easy to be immortal, it was not easy to gain the power to oppress others, and it was not easy to stand on top of others!


All around, countless evil spirits roared and charged in the direction of the young man.

Swallowing that thin figure directly.

The screen changes——————

"Dance of Butterflies·Teasing!"

"Puff——! Puff——! Puff——!"

Amidst the sound of flesh being pierced, an evil ghost was pierced through the body by a Nichirin sword with a four-leaf shape, a mint green handle, and a slender blade.


But it was clear that the Nichirin Blade did not cut off the necks of these evil spirits, but the screams could be heard very clearly. In just a few seconds, these evil ghosts fell to the ground, unable to stand up, and lost their lives. breath.

I saw a woman wearing the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps and a haori with a butterfly wing pattern, killing wantonly among the demons like a god of death.

She has black hair, the bangs in the front of her hair are purple at the end, her pupils are jewel-like purple, and she wears a butterfly hair accessory behind her hair. Like Chanel, she is surrounded by wisteria flowers and slaughters Watching the evil spirits who entered the wisteria forest.

"It's Lord Butterfly!"

"Lord Butterfly is out to deal with those evil spirits!"

"We can't fall behind! We can't rely on Lord Butterfly for everything!"

When the crowd holding various weapons saw the appearance of the Butterfly Ninja, their morale suddenly rose. The evil ghosts who originally relied on their numerical advantage to gain the upper hand were actually suppressed at this time.

But it is true. In the sea of ​​wisteria flowers and trees, the strength of these evil ghosts is basically different. Even most of the evil ghosts are not as powerful as humans, and they can only watch their heads being chopped off by the other party.

If tens of thousands of evil spirits hadn't poured into this town, there were simply too many, and the humans would have had the upper hand.

However, the butterfly ninja held the Nichirin sword in his hand tightly, looked towards the south with great worry, and was still muttering something softly in his mouth.

"Lord Minamoto no Yorimitsu, please hurry up——!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang————!"

To the south where the butterfly ninja was looking, countless explosions and fires suddenly appeared in the town, causing countless screams and lamentations.

Countless evil spirits and humans were involved, turning into blood and splashing in the air.

It was a battle like a meat grinder.

That is a struggle that ordinary people cannot interfere with.


At this moment, the explosion struck.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!"

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