"I should be the one to apologize. If I hadn't been a little emotional before, Sakura, you wouldn't be so tired—"

Emiya Shirou shook his head, and his tone also contained an apology to Sakura. A large part of the reason why Sakura was so tired was due to him.

If she hadn't been urging her before, Sakura wouldn't have been so desperate.

What's more, she also needs to provide herself with all aspects of data and intelligence.

Regarding this, Emiya Shirou's heart was full of apologies.

"Take some rest, you have helped me enough -"

Chapter 968 So similar, so the same

White-haired Sakura and BB basically have the same level of computing power. After all, BB is White-haired Sakura's backup. Basically, except for their personality, everything is the same as White-haired Sakura.

Their own computing and analysis abilities are pretty much the same, but they are not too high either.

On the moon, Shiro-haired Sakura has such powerful computing power not only because she is an advanced AI, but also because of the computing power provided by the school building or the Emiya House built by BB.

That's why he was able to analyze many things in an extreme amount of time and construct some extremely powerful spells.

For example, when Emiya Shirou was in crisis, Shiro-haired Sakura was able to immediately transfer Emiya Shirou to Emiya's house through the constructed spell.

Some spells can also be improved through calculation capabilities.

With enough computing power, White-haired Sakura can do many things, many of which are unthinkable to magicians.

As for BB, she relies on Mooncell, and her computing power is unparalleled. She even used Mooncell to travel through the world and came to Fuyuki City, where Emiya Shirou is.

Now, they can only rely on their own computing power to analyze these very difficult things.

There is no way for BB and Sakura to borrow computing power from each other. In fact, they can, but there is no way to do it for a long time.

Therefore, the process of analyzing job introduction cards and constructing techniques for traveling through the world were made by BB and Shiro-haired Sakura respectively.

After many attempts, BB finally connected the job introduction card with the Holy Grail that Shirou Emiya received from Muzan Kibutsuji, allowing it to perform dream summons.

As for making new employment cards, BB said he does not have the ability.

This displacement magic, like Shirou Emiya's projection magic, was beyond her control.

The most that can be done is to shuffle a job introduction card into a blank job introduction card. At that time, it depends on who is willing to respond to the servant's power.

But in reality, the card maker changed from Darius to Emiya Shirou, projected it and then washed it into a blank career card. This is just one more process. It is equivalent to using substitution magic to create a career card. .

"Ding dong——!"

And just when Emiya Shirou started to project the employment card into his mobile phone, the doorbell rang.

"Who's coming to visit?"

Emiya Shirou had doubts in his heart. He didn't think it was Sister Fuji.

If it were Sister Teng, she would just push the door open and enter.

After getting to know each other within just a few minutes, I can only say that she is truly worthy of Sister Teng.

Of course, another aspect is that Shirou Emiya is very familiar with Sister Fuji. Sister Fuji in this world even said that she would treat him like a younger brother.

With this thought in mind, Emiya Shirou opened the door.

What greeted Emiya Shirou's eyes were two girls in casual clothes standing at the door.

Miyu and Illya.

"elder brother?"

Miyu couldn't help but murmur softly. She had seen Illya's brother before. Although he looked exactly the same, she could tell at a glance that he was not her brother.

Because of the difference in temperament, Miyu's brother is more mature than Illya's brother, and his eyes are deeper.

But Emiya Shirou, who walked out of Emiya's house, was even more mature, and even gave people a feeling of vicissitudes of life.

"Illya? What's wrong?"

However, the moment she heard Emiya Shirou's first words, Miyu understood that the other person was not her brother.

If it were his brother, he would definitely look at him immediately. ,

"No, it's actually Miyu who wants to meet Muramasa-san."

Illya also answered Emiya Shirou's inquiry very honestly. If she had to make up a reason, there was actually one, that is, she wanted to come over to thank her for taking her in and sheltering her from the rain on a rainy day.

Her mother often said that she would come over to thank her personally, but Shirou Emiya was rarely at home. Even after calling him, Shirou Emiya said that there was no need for such a grand ceremony. He had no intention of going to Illya's house, and it was impossible for her mother to be with Mei. You Yiyi blocked the door of Emiya's house, and the matter ended up being ignored.

However, Illya’s mother said that if there is a chance to see her again in the future, she would just like to thank her in person.


The moment he heard Illya's name, Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly shrank when he looked at Miyu, and then returned to their normal state. He didn't expect that she was Miyu.

The changes in Emiya Shirou's expression were all captured by Sapphire.


Miyu greeted Emiya Shirou politely.

"Come in first, there's no need to stand outside and talk like this."

"Excuse me!"

Miyu nodded, seeming to be very interested in Emiya Shirou's family.

Although Luvia and I had visited Shirou Emiya's house before.

By the way, Illya and her mother also walked around Emiya Shirou's house.

"Excuse me!"

Illya also followed Miyu and walked in. It was as smooth as returning to her own home.

丅"Fortunately, they didn't find——"

In that world, he only knew that Miyu was the Holy Grail from Kotomine Kirei, but he had never seen what Miyu looked like.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

When she came to the living room, even though she had been here once before, Miyu's eyes still turned red when she saw everything familiar in front of her.

"Illya, just drink milk, now is the time to grow!"

Ruby flew out and spoke for Illya.

"Then milk, how about you Miyu?"

Illya doesn't mind too much. She doesn't particularly like to drink or drink anything. She accepts tea, drinks, coffee and the like.

"Well, O--Brother Muramasa, what do you like to drink?"

She also asked Illya's brother this question, and the answer she gave was————

"I can accept everything except plum kombu tea."

Emiya Shirou had no hesitation. After all, he was equal to all teas and drinks except Meikunbu tea.

"Eh? Muramasa-nii, you and my brother have the same preferences!"

Illya looked very surprised. She didn't expect that apart from the similar appearance, similar personality, and even the similar preferences, if it weren't for the fact that the person in front of her had hair that was not brownish-red, her skin color was darker, and her temperament was more mature. At one point, Illya couldn't tell the difference between the other party and her brother.

Miyu's eyes became sharp here, and she had another guess.

If something looks like, feels like, uses like, and tastes like, it can basically be concluded that it is that thing.

"Have you never thought that you and Emiya Shirou are twins? Or maybe distant relatives or something?"

Ruby was also stunned when she heard Emiya Shirou's answer, but she didn't think too much and asked Emiya Shirou in a teasing tone.

Chapter 969 Doubt

"I'm a magician——"

Emiya Shirou did not choose to answer directly. It should be said that he did not know how to answer Ruby's question directly.

Regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, the other party will extend the question. In order to complete a lie, more lies are needed to make up for it, and there will be more and more loopholes.

Therefore, the answer given by Emiya Shirou actually asked the other party to think of a reasonable reason.

He is a magician.

And Illya's brother is just an ordinary high school student.

"That's right."

Ruby nodded thoughtfully. After all, there are two worlds between magicians and ordinary people.

As for magicians, my brother is also a magician.

Miyu was thinking in her mind at this time that when she was at Emiya's house, she often watched Emiya Shirou practice magic.

"Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong, Miyu?"

Illya looked at Miyu who suddenly spoke out in confusion.

"Although it's a bit presumptuous, I can ask, Muramasa-san, do you know any magic?"

Emiya Shirou was also suddenly startled, but he didn't hesitate too much.

"My level of magic is not high. I only know the most basic projection magic and strengthening magic. Strengthening magic cannot even strengthen the human body."

If you want to calculate, there is still a five-stop mind view, but Shirou Emiya has already used the evil in his body to swallow the spell left by Sesshōin Kiara.

Of course, Emiya Shirou can also use evil to devour the magic mark left by Tohsaka Rin.

But the magic seal left by Tohsaka Rin and the computer spell left by Sesshōin Kiara are different in nature. For Emiya Shirou, the magic seal can be regarded as him fighting with Tohsaka Rin on the moon. proof.

"That really doesn't mean any magic -" The ruby ​​​​floated beside Illya as if tilting her head.

Strengthening magic and projection magic are actually equivalent to not knowing magic.

After all, he is a magician who knows these two magics, and in terms of the degree of use, strengthening magic is used more often. Projection magic is mostly used as magic for training in mastering magic power, and is useless.

Projection and reinforcement.

At this moment, Miyu looked at Emiya Shirou with serious eyes.

The magic her brother practices every day is projection and enhancement.

It is basically certain that the man who calls himself Muramasa is actually Shirou Emiya.

"Projection magic?" This question came from the direction of Sapphire.

Ruby's focus is that Shirou Emiya only knows these two most basic magics. In its eyes, those who only master these two kinds of magic are not even considered real magicians.

Miyu's focus was on the other person and her brother. It should be said that she was similar to Emiya Shirou, and she mentally judged the identity of the person in front of her.

As for Sapphire, she had been suspicious and wary of this sudden appearance of a magician from the beginning, especially when Emiya Shirou said that he could project magic. She heard that the being wearing beast-like armor was also using Projection magic.

It is even said to be a super-standard projection magic.

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia had guessed the identity of the armored man. The biggest guess was that the armored man should be related to Archer's job introduction card, and might be directly the Servant in the card.

In addition to the armor, whether it was the Gan Jiang Moye weapon used by Shirou Emiya when he first appeared in front of them, or the spiral sword that annihilated Saber with one blow.

They were all the weapons used by Illya when she confronted Saber with the Archer Job Card.

It was easy to connect the two, but it was just a connection.

"Any questions?"

"No, it's just that I encountered an existence beyond the common sense of magic before, so I am a little sensitive to projection magic."

Sapphire shook her head and stared at Shirou Emiya, as if she wanted to see something unusual on his face.

"It seems so, Illya used projection magic when she used the Archer Job Card that time!" Ruby nodded as a matter of course.

"Projection Start (Trace on)"

Looking at Miyu and Sapphire staring at him without any concealment, Shirou Emiya casually projected a spoon in the kitchen.

Well, it's a low-quality version, a very low-quality one.

Shirou Emiya's projection magic has now reached the level of perfection. He can do better projection or worse projection.

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