"Eh—!" Sapphire couldn't help but look surprised when she looked at the spoon projected by the normal projection magic that she recognized so clearly.

"One more thing, you seem to have told me something you shouldn't have told me."

Emiya Shirou looked at them helplessly.

After all, according to what Shirou Emiya told them, he didn't know about such a thing as a job referral card.

"It's okay! We believe in you!"

Ruby didn't seem to mind very much, and Emiya Shirou was not a traditional magician, so he got along well with them, at least that's what Ruby thought.

"I don't think you need to believe me so much and tell me everything. In fact, I don't want to know so many things."

Emiya Shirou walked towards the kitchen, picked up two cups and placed them in front of Illya and Miyu.

Then he opened the refrigerator, took out the milk he had just bought from Midea, and poured it for the two of them.

"I'm still looking forward to Luvia and Rin's expressions when they see you." Ruby said it doesn't matter what happens.

“Didi di di di di!!!!!!”

An unattractive cell phone ringtone rang.

"It's Luvia's call-" Taking out her mobile phone from her pocket, Miyu pressed the connect button skillfully.

"Where are you now? You have a new job."

"In this house with BB written on the door."

Saying that, Miyu glanced at Emiya Shirou. She didn't quite understand why the word BB was written on the door. Logically speaking, it should be Qianzi, right?

"That person is at home now?"


"We'll be there soon!"

“Beep beep beep beep beep!!!!!”

Afterwards, the call was quickly hung up.

"Illya, Luvia and the others have something to do with us and will be here soon."

Miyu was not ambiguous at all, and immediately conveyed Luvia's consent on the phone to Illya.

"Hey! Haven't you already collected the employment cards?" Illya looked very surprised. Is there anything else to do?

Emiya Shirou's hand holding the tea cup was trembling a little. Can you say this kind of thing directly in front of me, a stranger? He was too defenseless.

"I don't know, but we should know when Luvia, Rin and the others arrive."

There is not much that can be said on the phone, not to mention that it will be more concise and clear in person.

Chapter 970 Moon Cancer

"Okay, sorry! Brother Muramasa, we came here to disturb you without any reason, and then we left in such a hurry."

Illya nodded solemnly, and then apologized to Emiya Shirou.

"It's nothing, I have something to do later, so I won't be able to stay for long-" Emiya Shirou also smiled bitterly.


Just a short while later, a sudden brake came from the door of Emiya's house again. It was an extremely expensive-looking black car.

"Illya! Miyu!"丄

Rin Tosaka got out of the car, shook his hair, and shouted loudly inside.


At this time, Illya and Miyu had already put on their shoes and rushed towards the door, while Shirou Emiya was standing behind them, watching.

"Shirou? No, it's just someone who looks a lot like him."

The moment he saw Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin thought he was dazzled, but upon closer inspection, he saw that the hair color of the other person was obviously different from that of Illya's brother.

But even though their hair colors are different, it's really weird to look so exactly the same.

"What are you still looking at? Get in the car!"

Looking at Rin Tosaka who was still standing there staring at Shirou Emiya, Luvia couldn't help but shout to him.

"No, it's nothing, it just feels a little weird."

Looking at the Emiya residence with the door closed, Tohsaka Rin's brows knitted tightly together, as if he had a familiar feeling, but what exactly was this feeling?

Afterwards, Tohsaka Rin also returned to the car. After all, repairing the disturbed earth veins was the most important thing now.

"Humph! You're surprised! I didn't expect there would be someone who looks so similar to Su Lang!"

After closing the car door, Luvia waved her hand, and there seemed to be a bit of disdain in her words, as if she felt that Tohsaka Rin was making too much fuss.

She had really forgotten her shocked expression when Miyu opened the photo of Emiya Shirou.

In fact, she had never really seen the white-haired Emiya Shirou, but she didn't want to lose her composure like Tohsaka Rin, so she didn't get out of the car. Anyway, there was a chance, and it was not bad.

"I don't believe that you would look so calm when you saw the second Shirou. Didn't you just know it in advance, so you came to mock me? You are obviously a young lady from a famous family, but you ended up using this method. It's really shocking. Feeling ridiculous!”

Tohsaka Rin responded without hesitation, but he was kept in the dark. He could guess that Luvia did it on purpose.

After all, Miyu often went to camp, so she couldn't forget it, so she didn't tell Tohsaka Rin on purpose.

"What did you say!?"

While still in the speeding car, Luvia stretched out her hands and locked fingers with Tohsaka Rin, who also stretched out her hands. Veins popped out on her forehead.

"Calm down! Calm down! Sister Luvia! You're still in the car now. If you make such a fuss, the car won't be able to bear it!" Seeing the two people who were about to fight, Illya panicked and tried to break up the fight.

"It's better to tell us the business first, what the specific mission is." In contrast, Miyu seemed very calm, not panicking at all, and pointed out the purpose of looking for them in such a hurry.

at the same time----

"The holy cloth is really multifunctional——"

Emiya Shirou lifted up the sleeve of his right arm, and his upper right arm was covered by a circle of red holy cloth. Because of this, Tohsaka Rin, who was standing at the door of Emiya's house, did not immediately feel the connection between himself and Emiya. Shirou's vague connection.

"After all, it is the holy cloth that Joan of Arc woven with all her heart and soul. It basically covers all the attributes that she can possess." White-haired Sakura also nodded, agreeing with Shirou Emiya's statement.

This holy cloth is really practical in every sense of the word.

"Senior! Can you still project your body?" BB also immediately answered.

At this point, after Illya and Miyu leave, it's time for them to get down to business.

"What do you want Yigui to do?"

"Hmph! Let me keep it a secret. I'll find out when you project it, senior!"

"Then can I stop projecting? It always feels like it will become a troublesome thing——"


Emiya Shirou must be as stubborn as BB, because BB's threat is very fatal. If the body is not projected, BB said that she would call Shirou brother-in-law in various tones in Emiya Shirou's ear.

Emiya Shirou got goosebumps at the thought of BB acting coquettishly towards him from all angles.

"Trace on"

With the fluctuation of azure magic power, a doll-like thing appeared in front of Emiya Shirou.

However, compared to dolls, the body can be called a body. The body used by Emiya Shirou is basically no different from his previous body.

"Senior, turn on your phone——"

Following BB's guidance, Emiya Shirou took out his blue touch-screen phone.

At this time, a card appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. It should be said that it was a job agency card.

A card with a faceless BB holding a blue gemstone.

The bottom of the card is also very thoughtfully marked in English——

"Moon Cancer"

"What kind of job agency is this?"

Emiya Shirou said that he had never seen one before. Basically, there were seven knights. At most, Jeanne was a Ruler, which was already a very special profession.

"Senior! You can't tell it yet, of course this is my customized job agency!"


Emiya Shirou actually guessed that this should be a job description created by BB himself, but even if he heard it from BB's mouth, Emiya Shirou felt unbelievable.

Can the Servant's job description still be customized?

It doesn't seem like it was said not to be possible.

"Hmph! Now you know BB's power. Even the job description on the job card can be easily changed!"

"Then, senior! Press the side button and put the phone directly on the body!"

Emiya Shirou could only nod and follow the instructions. After all, this art career introduction card was developed by BB. If he wanted to use it, he needed BB's consent and BB's teaching.


A very solemn mechanical sound can be heard stirring.

Then a calm male voice sounded on the phone.

"Dream Summon——"

“Moon Cancer!!!”


Under the buzzing sound of the air, the air flow composed of magic power surged up like a violent wind with the mobile phone as the center, covering the body.

In the blink of an eye, the lifeless body slowly stood up.

Seeing that figure, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but be startled.

At the same time, the other party also started to speak out.

"I came here following the summons. I am Moon Cancer, Moon Cancer's BB, and I have been summoned here! Please take good care of me, senior?!"

Chapter 971 Senior! Really cunning

Occupation: Moon Cancer

Real name: BB

Attribute: Chaos-Good

Ability value————

Strength: E

Durability: C

Agility: D

Magic: A

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: A

Class skills————

Versus magic: B

The ability to gain resistance to magic. Roughly speaking, it is to invalidate magic below the same level. If it is level B or above, even large-scale magic such as grand magic and ritual spells cannot cause damage.

Prop creation: A

The ability to create magical instruments. As the main method of use, it can create magic gifts. Level A prop production, even though it is simulated, can also produce elixirs.

Position construction: A

As a magician, he has the ability to create a position that is beneficial to him. The workshop that a magician usually owns is also included in the camp, but if it reaches level A, it is possible to create a camp that exceeds the temple level of the workshop.

Inherent skills————

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