
With such a heavy sound of steel and steel hitting each other as the real beginning, the heavy long ax and the obviously too long samurai sword collided fiercely, bursting out fiercely on the streets covered by the forest. of fireworks.

The giant ax in Ligelite's hand, which originally had the advantage in strength, was instantly deflected. Skill itself can make up for the gap in strength to a certain extent.

At this moment, Ligelite, who was good at strength, was far behind in speed compared to Sasaki Kojiro.

"Trace on"


Two identical long swords collided hard together at this moment, making a crisp sound like gold and iron clashing.

Under the powerful reaction force, Brother Illya and Sasaki Kojiro took a step back at the same time, and their eyes met in mid-air.


Along with such a sound, several silver bullet-like curses burst out from the tips of Sera's fingers. Under the trembling sound of the air, they pierced the air and shot towards Sasaki Kojiro's position.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Amidst the sound of breaking wind, the long sword in Sasaki Kojiro's hand turned into a continuous sword light, like a series of meteors, forming a sword curtain like a violent storm, and instantly bounced away the incoming bullets.


All that could be heard was the howling of the wind, and a circle of rich magic power surged out of Li Jie Lit's body like lightning. Then, it condensed on the long ax in her hand, and was swung heavily by Li Jie Li. He slashed towards Sasaki Kojiro in front of him.

The sharp sound of breaking wind came instantly.


On the ground, a loud bang shook, and spider webs shattered. The powerful impact caused the surrounding trees to tremble frequently, and the leaves were blown away crazily.

"Tear it apart——!"

Sasaki Kojiro took a step back in time, just in time to reach the range where the long ax flashed, but the clothes in front of him were violently passed by, and with a crisp tearing sound, a crack opened directly.

Brother Illya on the side seized the opportunity and rushed towards Illya who had fallen unconscious on the ground.

"This won't let you pass!"

Looking at Illya's brother who was planning to take advantage of the opportunity, Sasaki Kojiro couldn't help but smile. The long knife in his hand once again tore apart the atmosphere and slashed towards Emiya Shirou.


Facing Sasaki Kojiro's sudden slash, Brother Illya could only reluctantly raise the long sword in his hand that was exactly the same as the opponent's, and collided with each other again.



The long sword that originally seemed to be extremely sturdy was shattered by Sasaki Kojiro's blow.

Chapter 1014: The ultimate sword skill of a lifetime


The cold arc light shone on the long knife in Sasaki Kojiro's hand.


A violent sound of breaking through the air also sounded at this moment.

The long ax mixed with strong wind appeared beside Sasaki Kojiro in the blink of an eye, and swung it away at his waist without hesitation.


Amidst the crisp clashing sounds, the sharp long knife cut through the air again, like a flash of light, moving from in front of Sasaki Kojiro to behind him.

During this period, Sasaki Kojiro didn't even look back and had already judged Rigelit's attack.

In the burst of sparks, Sasaki Kojiro's entire figure took a step back to the side, but immediately stabilized his figure.

Eyes of mind (fake)


It belongs to the so-called premonition or sixth sense. It is different from the crisis avoidance based on "prediction supported by experience" possessed by Emiya Shirou. It is the ability to predict danger based on natural talent.

Able to see through the opponent's weapons and fighting style in just a few confrontations, his discerning eye is second to none among Servants.


It's like teleporting. Sasaki Kojiro's figure suddenly moved sideways and flickered towards Ligelite's side.

The long knife in his hand slashed mercilessly with such force that a faint arc of light appeared in the air around him, causing a sharp sound of breaking through the air.


The long ax with the red pattern also came over quickly and collided directly with the long knife that was slashing down. During the splash of fire, a strong force burst out, trying to crush the opponent's long knife. Down.

At the moment when the long knife touched the long axe, Sasaki Kojiro's arm holding the knife bent and curled, and it was close to his face. With the help of the power of the long axe, he rubbed the handle of the long axe, carrying it with him. The scalp-numbing cold wind whipped up violent sparks and struck at Ligelite at high speed.


Countless silver-white bullets also struck at Sasaki Kojiro from Li Jie Lit's back at this moment. The knocked down brother Illya got up again and ran towards Illya.

I saw Sasaki Kojiro's pupils deflected for a while, his face serious. He made a mistake with his foot, and the long knife that was originally slashing at Ligelite changed its direction instantly. He squatted down to avoid the long ax's chop, and his body shape changed again. Teleporting in the direction of brother Illya.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The silver sword light instantly knocked down the silver bullets that kept attacking, and the sword light in his hand swung towards the opponent's head at a high speed.


The two identical long swords collided heavily, and the force carried by them knocked the body of Illya brother who was running forward and fell heavily to the ground from mid-air.

"Shirou! Are you okay?"

Sera also stepped forward at this time and helped Illya brother who fell to the ground.

After fighting for so long, the situation at this time was just like the beginning. They did not break through the opponent's defense at all, and even did not move forward at all.

And whether it was Lijieli or Shirou Emiya, they had been fighting until now, and they had no way to adapt to Sasaki Kojiro's fast sword. It was even like the first time they faced it, and they had no means to deal with it at all.

Sohe's experience

Level: B

A special skill that does not reduce the accuracy of the hit even if the same move is repeated many times against the same opponent. In other words, it has the ability to "become invisible to the enemy's attack" effect.

Even Altria, whose intuitive skill is A, cannot get used to Kojiro's sword. The unique sword skills that Kojiro uses, which "often aim at the head", are showing a higher effect.

No matter how many times they want to retreat and challenge again, they cannot see through Kojiro's sword, and are always forced to fight the same battle as the first time they met.

"I said, at this level, it is almost impossible to take her away from me!"

Putting the long sword on his shoulder, the man who called himself Sasaki Kojiro looked at them with a smile on his face, and he was as calm as when he first saw them, without too much expression fluctuations.


Level: B+

Generally known as the ability of "clear mirror and still water". To be precise, it refers to the spiritual realm reached at the end of severe training.

Kojiro, who has learned this skill, always maintains a clear and quiet heart, regardless of the situation. In battle, he can completely invalidate the mental interference represented by magic such as confusion and panic caused by the opponent in the decisive battle.

Sera and Lijielit cooperated well with each other. Whether it was the timing of releasing magic or the timing of attacking, it was enough to show that they both had certain combat qualities.

Even Sasaki Kojiro, who had been planning to solve Lijielit, the big threat, had to retreat and defend every time he attacked, and then attack again.

As for Illya's brother, he was just an ordinary high school student, without any combat experience, and knew nothing about magic, so it was difficult for him to cooperate with Sera and Lijielit.

Even the projection magic was used for the first time because of instinct, and the projected items were extremely degraded. They were broken after just a few exchanges.

In the battle between the two sides, he was the best breakthrough point for Sasaki Kojiro.

But now neither Lijielit nor Sera would let him stand aside.

He was the best breakthrough point for Sasaki Kojiro, and the only person on the scene who could break through Sasaki Kojiro's defense line and reach Illya's position.

It's not because of Illya's brother's uniqueness, but because the power that Sasaki Kojiro has shown now basically maintains a simple balance with Sera and Lijieli, who work closely together.

Sasaki Kojiro is difficult to break through the defense of the two, and it is difficult for the two to suppress each other. If it is just Sera and Lijieli, they will be dragged into a long tug-of-war.

Illya's brother is the only variable in this battle, whether for Sasaki Kojiro's side or for Sera and Lijieli.

He is Sasaki Kojiro's breakthrough point, and the key to Sera and the others' breakthrough.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that the other party does not use the treasure.

"Sorry, time is very tight for me. After all, if the boss's condition continues, he will basically die."

"So, let me show you the swordsmanship that this class card represents, which he has practiced all his life!"

Saying this, Sasaki Kojiro suddenly turned his body sideways, pulled the long sword in his hand heavily behind him, and set it up.

At this moment, Lijieli felt it.

A heavy feeling like the shadow of death.

Chapter 1015: Hymn of Courage

Watching Sasaki Kojiro suddenly turn sideways, pull the long sword in his hand behind him, and set it up, Lijieli's heart was filled with warning signs.

At this moment, as Sasaki Kojiro took that stance, a demonic aura surged from him.

That was the deadly threat of death.

The surging air currents around told everyone that the next move would determine the winner, and someone would fall in a pool of blood because of it.

And this person must not be Sasaki Kojiro.

At that moment, Lijielit pointed the long axe with red stripes in her hand at Sasaki Kojiro almost reflexively, and rushed forward like a beast.

Unfortunately, Lijielit's actions were completely in vain.

Although it was not very long, for Sasaki Kojiro, this time was enough.

"Secret Sword——!"

With a soft murmur, Sasaki Kojiro suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shot straight in the direction of Lijielit like a sharp blade.

Until the moment when the shadow of death loomed over him, Illya's brother had never thought that their final outcome would be death.

His body trembled at this moment, and his expression was filled with fear of death.

Although he was also Shirou Emiya, and even in the depths of his soul, he could also use projection magic like Shirou Emiya.

But in this world, he was just a normal high school student.

He was not bound by the ideal of a partner called justice, nor had he stepped into the world of magicians, nor had he fought a battle where he risked his life.

What he spent was just a normal daily life.

If there was anything different from a normal high school student, it would only be that he was like the protagonist in a youth love comedy.


This was something he had never thought about or considered.

Everything happened too suddenly.

It was still an ordinary daily life in the last second.

The next second——

The house was completely blown up.

Life was in crisis at all times.

Illya even fell into a coma because of this.

Everyone was running, everyone was fighting.

He was confused, confused about why they had encountered such a thing. What he did next was to listen to Irisviel and go find Illya, or Sera asked him to take away the unconscious Illya.

He obeyed silently, because he didn't know what he should do or what he could do.

He was afraid, afraid of being hurt, afraid of pain, and even more afraid of death.

He was just a high school student, a high school student without profound ideals, no bitter past, and just a high school student living his daily life.

Not everyone has the courage to fight with their lives at stake, and not everyone can make such a determination.

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