
Will Liz die?

Will Sera die?

Will Mom die?

Will even Illya die?

Under the shadow of death, what Illya's brother considered, worried about, and feared was not himself, but his family.

What should I do?

What can I do?

I am obviously a brother, but at this time I can only watch my sister fall to the ground and can't do anything.

I am really a coward!

I am really an incompetent brother!

He questioned himself, blamed himself, and scolded himself.

Now he can only watch Lijielit rush forward without hesitation.

She will die!

She will die!

Perhaps because of a premonition, or perhaps because he understood what the name Sasaki Kojiro represented, he could already foresee Lijielit's death.

He wanted to speak out to stop Lijielit's actions, but for some reason he couldn't make any sound.

I could only watch helplessly, and could only stand there powerlessly, waiting for the bad news to come.




Am I really going to watch her die like this?

Illya's brother questioned his heart. He couldn't imagine the scene of Lijielit's death, and couldn't think about Illya's expression after she learned of Lijielit's death.

It should be said that no matter which person in the family died, it was something he couldn't accept.

This kind of thing must not happen!

I must do something!

I must do something! ! ! ! ! !


Move! ! !

This weak body, this cowardly body, give me! Move! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Instantly, when Lijieli appeared in front of Sasaki Kojiro, the body that was originally trembling with fear, moved involuntarily.

"Projection Start (Trace on)!!!!!!!"

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage! The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

At this moment, Illya's brother overcame the fear of death.

"Swallow Return!"

When the name of this famous magic sword was released from Sasaki Kojiro's mouth, the thing called death entered Lijieli's eyes in the most intuitive way.

Cut off ties with the secular world, sing the desires of the living, and as a swordsman, aim for infinity. I have long forgotten my age and have long lost my former figure.

Training is Sasaki Kojiro's daily life. Never tired of continuing every day, at the moment of death, staggering out of the mountain and exhaling.

The absolute sword finally flashed in the moon of the void.


With a perfectly aligned sword chant, three crescent-shaped blade lights suddenly flashed out from space, as if they had penetrated the space directly, and slashed towards Lijielit like the sickle of the god of death flying from the distant hell.

Although there were only three blade lights, they instantly enveloped the space around Lijielit, blocking all of Lijielit's escape routes, approaching with the fatal shadow of death.

Swallow Return

Type: Anti-human Demon Sword

Maximum capture: 1 person

The blades approaching from three sides "simultaneously" cut open the opposing opponent and take the head directly. Strictly speaking, this is neither a treasure nor a phenomenon that borrows the power of magic. It was originally developed to cut down flying swallows in the air.

Flashing from the real world, and then ignoring the concept of time and space, two flashes overlapped completely at the same time, resulting in slashes from three directions.

That was the "Kischur Zelretch" that surpassed the elements of speed, dexterity, and feints.

The nameless martial artist who knew nothing about magic and sorcery had reached the high realm of "second magic" despite his limitations.


At this moment, Lijielit's mouth smiled for some reason, a smile called sadness.

The moment she saw this sword skill being performed, she knew that she could not dodge, let alone resist.

The only ending was to be cut off and die.

"I'm sorry, Illya! I can never watch magical girls with you again!"

Then, as if accepting her fate, Lijielit slowly closed her eyes.


A crisp collision sound instantly resounded throughout the street.

Chapter 1016 Swallow Returns!!


The sound of metal and iron clashing like a bell turned into a sound wave, echoing throughout the street.

That was the sound caused by the three sword lights of the Moon Arc colliding almost at the same time.

A strong wind and waves raged in front of Sasaki Kojiro and Illya's brother, attacking in all directions.


Almost at the same time, the sound of tearing and blood splashing resounded in this space.


Deathly silence.

At this moment, the whole street became silent, and the surrounding trees were fading at a terrifying speed, restoring the original environment around them.

Neither Sera nor Lijielit could speak at this moment, and they all looked forward, with a touch of shock and worry on their faces.

Even Sasaki Kojiro opened his eyes wide and stared at the front.

There, Illya's brother appeared in front of Lijielit as if he had teleported, holding a long sword that was almost about to break, exactly the same as Sasaki Kojiro's, with his head lowered, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

In this situation, an indescribable silence permeated the neighborhood, and tension began to spread.

This scene lasted for no reason.

Until a certain moment, Sera swallowed his saliva involuntarily.


The slight swallowing sound seemed extremely harsh at this moment.

And under such a sound, the two figures facing each other on the street finally moved.


A mouthful of blood spurted directly from Sasaki Kojiro's mouth, instantly soaking the ground in front of him, and an extremely narrow and long cut appeared on his chest. The bright red blood continued to spread outward from the wound, soaking his clothes.


There was a sound of liquid dripping from Illya's brother's body.

That was the noise caused by the blood spilling down.

I saw that there were two extremely hideous wounds on Illya's body, with blood flowing and staining his clothes red.

A large amount of blood seeped out from his body, dripping down, gradually forming a small pool of blood.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The long sword in his hand, which was exactly the same as Sasaki Kojiro's, seemed to have been severely damaged. It began to shatter from the sword like glass, and finally dissipated in the air.

He fell straight forward as if he had lost consciousness.

The tragic scene made Sera and Lijielit's faces change.

"How did you do it——!"

Looking at Illya's brother falling straight to the ground in front of him, Sasaki Kojiro's calm expression finally produced some fluctuations, and even his pupils shrank involuntarily.


In front of Sasaki Kojiro, a cracking sound was heard, and the long sword in his hand also cracked because of the collision.

At that moment, Illya's brother performed the same sword skill as himself - [Swallow Return].

Three simultaneous slashes and three simultaneous slashes collided in this street.

The final result was that Emiya Shirou was hit twice and Sasaki Kojiro was hit once.

The class cards of the Endsworth family can provide magician servants with abilities and combat skills, but they will not provide servants with combat experience, and they will not be affected by the spirits represented by the class cards.

In battle, the magician's judgment of the battlefield is based on himself, and the use and timing of these combat skills are quite different from those of real servants.

The projection begins, identifying the creative concept, imagining the basic framework, copying the constituent materials, imitating the production technology, empathizing the growth experience, and reproducing the accumulated years. The whole project is completed.

Projection of eight sections, this is the basis of Emiya Shirou's projection.

The projection of Illya's brother is the same. Not only can he get the skills of the original owner from it, but he can even empathize with the combat experience in it and use it immediately, as if it were a sword he had used before.

If he was facing the real Sasaki Kojiro, Illya's brother's attack would probably be easily cracked.

But the opponent is just a magician who used Sasaki Kojiro's class card.

The Swallow Return used by Illya's brother carries Sasaki Kojiro's lifelong understanding of it. His sword skills are more fluent than the opponent, but he is weaker than the opponent in terms of body and weapon.

The magician who used Sasaki Kojiro's class card simply used this sword skill, and the fluency of the sword skill was not as high as Illya's brother.

It was obvious that he performed the Swallow Return first, and Illya's brother performed it later, but in the end they collided almost at the same time.

But he was far superior to Illya in terms of physical fitness, weapons, and even his own state of mind.

Mind's Eye (fake), Transparency, and Munekazu's Experience, these three inherent skills have been working on him, and he reacted almost the moment Illya's brother appeared.

The final result was that Illya's brother was stabbed twice and was almost dying.

And he was stabbed once, injured, and the weapon in his hand was also damaged.


Sera's eyes became red, and he ran towards the direction of Illya's brother who fell down in great anxiety.

And Lijieli, although she didn't speak, the magic power that almost couldn't be controlled in her body had already represented her emotions.


In the street, a whistling wind sounded with a long axe flashing with red light swinging out.

Let the terrifying long axe flash out from the air with terrifying power, like a shadow of death, and swing fiercely towards Sasaki Kojiro standing in front.

Seeing the terrifying force that tore the air apart, Sasaki Kojiro calmed down again, and raised the broken sword in his hand without hesitation, blocking it in front of him.


As soon as the two came into contact, a terrible turbulent wind burst out, causing the wind to surge wildly.

Sasaki Kojiro only felt a terrible force coming through the long sword in his hand, which shook his whole body and sent him flying backwards.

His feet slid hard on the ground, leaving two grooves, and he quickly stabilized his body.

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