"This time, you won't have a chance to pull out that sword!"

Brother Miyu did not back down in his words. He waved his hand and the treasures scattered on the ground began to tremble and emit a series of buzzing sounds, like beams of light, with the momentum and speed of thunder, flashing across the sky, and colliding directly with those treasures that were venting.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!!!!!"

Just like a needle against a wheat spike, countless treasures rammed together mercilessly, bringing a low and loud explosion sound, echoing in the sky, and setting off bursts of fire and air waves.

However, this scene did not last long.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!!!!!!!"

The next moment, the waves of fire and air that filled the sky were instantly lifted up, and countless treasures penetrated the rain of treasures that rose from the ground and shot straight towards the direction of Miyu's brother.


Almost at the same time, countless diamond-shaped mirrors unfolded from behind him.

"Be careful--!"

Miyu shouted, twisting his feet, and the holy sword in his hand flashed several flashes in the air.

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!!!!!!!!!!"

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As the fierce sound of steel colliding sounded, sparks blooming like fireworks were aroused beside Miyu and the others, and countless treasures were shot down by them in an instant.

At this moment, the corners of Angelica's mouth showed a sneer.

"Illusion collapse! That's not exclusive to you--!"


The next second, the treasures that were hit by Miyu and her brother exploded instantly, causing countless deafening explosions, bringing one after another terrifying impact storm, sweeping and spreading all around.

The overwhelming fire waves and amazing impacts mixed with each other, like a surging wave, sweeping in all directions.

The reason why the Infinite Sword System can suppress the King's Treasure is very simple.

The King's Treasure needs to take out the treasure before launching it, but the Infinite Sword System does not need this process at all.

Almost at the moment when the King's Treasure takes out the treasure, the treasure in the Infinite Sword System can shoot it down.

But now, Angelica, who uses the replacement magic, completely reverses this situation.

The replacement space ensures the smooth deployment of the King's Treasure.

The projected treasure is accelerated by the space corridor generated by the replacement magic, and then collides with the treasure in the Infinite Sword System.

The difference between the two is like the difference between Shirou Emiya projecting a sword arrow and shooting it on a bowstring.

So, the treasures projected by the Infinite Sword and the King's Treasure should have been knocked down by each other, but they were reversed by the replacement magic, and the Infinite Sword was knocked down more, and the treasures in the King's Treasure were knocked down less.

This is why Angelica is still fearless in the face of the Infinite Sword displayed by Brother Miyu.

Even if she does not use the Sword of Separation, she can still crush Brother Miyu.

"Seven Rings of Blazing Sky (Rho Aias)!!!!"

As the smoke of the explosion dissipated, a cherry blossom-shaped shield appeared from it, blocking all the explosions from all around.

"This is the level of a fake!"

And Angelica seemed to have expected it long ago. The moment she saw the cherry blossom-shaped shield appear, she gently snapped her fingers.

Just like Gilgamesh's most trusted treasure is the Heaven's Chain, Miyu's most trusted defense is the Blazing Sky Covered Seven-fold Ring (Rho Aias), but for Angelica, what she trusts most is the replacement magic she has mastered.

Angelica doesn't even need to guess, she can think that Miyu's treasure to defend against the illusion collapse falling around him is the Blazing Sky Covered Seven-fold Ring (Rho Aias).

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!!!!!!!!!!!!

Layers of diamond-shaped mirrors appeared rapidly from mid-air, in the form of a semicircle, instantly surrounding Miyu's brother.

Even if he used the Blazing Sky Covered Seven-fold Ring (Rho Aias) again, he couldn't resist the treasure that was shooting from almost all directions.

What's more, there was also the illusion collapse that gave him a headache.

"It's over——!"

At this time, Angelica was staring at Miyu behind the Blazing Sky Covered Seven-fold Ring as if she was staring at a dead person.

However, she seemed to have forgotten that it was not only Brother Miyu who was standing in front of her!


Accompanied by a vibration sound, the strong airflow instantly lifted the thick fog that was still hovering around Brother Miyu, revealing the figure of another person behind the cherry-shaped shield.

In her hand, a bright light suddenly rose on the sword of the golden holy sword.

The surrounding space instantly rose up with golden streams of light, flying towards the holy sword in Miyu's hand, and rolled up the sword with a bright light.

As streams of light poured into the holy sword, the holy sword turned into a ray of light, shining in the center of this world.

Looking at Angelica in front of her, a gleam of light flashed in Miyu's eyes, and she suddenly raised the holy sword in her hand above her head and chopped it down heavily.


A dazzling golden beam of light burst out from the holy sword in Miyu's hand, and stayed in the space for less than a second, stirring up layers of violent wind and waves, and suddenly shot out mercilessly towards the front.

Its terrifying power swallowed up all the treasures that shot out from the diamond-shaped mirror in an instant.

It can only be seen that at the moment when the beam was about to swallow Angelica, a huge shield with luxurious decorations on the surface blocked Angelica.


In the fierce light, a deafening thunder roared, carrying a shock wave that was enough to destroy everything, and madly ravaged everything around.


Almost at the same time, the sound of footsteps caused by a person's foot landing heavily on the ground was heard.

Holding Gan Jiang Moye, Miyu's brother turned into a black shadow, raising a storm, stirring up his energy, and without hesitation aimed at the position where a diamond-shaped mirror appeared somewhere on the battlefield, and rushed forward.

The light of a knife suddenly appeared in the space.

After a few days of rest, it was too hard to write late at night. I couldn't write anything in my sleepy state. I adjusted my writing state. This volume is coming to an end, and I am ready to perfect the outline of the next volume of the five wars.

Fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing.

Chapter 1067 I have to admit! You are stronger now!

"Mu Da Da——!"

As the emotionless words sounded in front of Miyu's brother, the Gan Jiang Moye that chopped at the opponent's waist, as if it had penetrated the space, directly passed over the opponent's body, and swung out from the other side.


Countless golden ripples unfolded beside Brother Miyu, like bullets loaded into a chamber, and countless various treasures in the golden ripples slightly appeared in front of them.

"Have you forgotten where you are now!"

Looking at the golden ripples that had surrounded him tightly, leaving no room for evasion, Brother Miyu couldn't help but raise his mouth.

"Not good——!"

Angelica's expression changed at this time, and countless diamond-shaped mirrors also unfolded from all around at the same time, but it was too late.

"Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish——!!!!!!!!!!"

All that could be heard was countless sounds of breaking through the air appearing on this snowy field that looked like a tomb of swords, and countless swords and arrows turned into silver beams flying in the sky.

At the moment when the treasure in the golden ripples was about to be shot out, it hit without hesitation.

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang--!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The sound of steel hitting steel was like rain falling on the ground, extremely fiercely ringing in the air, and the dazzling sparks made everything around bright.

"How is this possible!"

Angelica's pupils suddenly shrank at this time. It was not that she didn't know that the speed of the King's Treasure in the Infinite Sword System could not match the speed of the opponent's weapon attack.

It was because the sword arrows that were rushing towards the unfolding golden ripples suddenly turned their direction when they were about to sink into them, bypassing the displaced space directly, and collided with the treasures that emerged from the King's Treasure.

"Is it strange that all the swords in this world are controlled by me? Hero King!"

Unlike the sword arrows shot directly from the bowstring, these sword arrows that rose from the ground were controlled by Brother Miyu from beginning to end.

Although the speed and power are greatly reduced, the flexibility is enhanced. To some extent, the swords and arrows galloping in the Infinite Sword System are all [Akahara Hounds] that will always bite the enemy.

Brother Miyu felt the treasures shot down around him, mocked, stepped on the ground, and his whole body deflected.


The cold arc of light shone on the sharp Ganjiang Moye sword.


A faint sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The waving mixed with the strong wind arrived in front of Angelica in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Angelica's forehead was soaked with sweat, and her whole footsteps could not stop retreating.



Two vibrations sounded around Angelica.

One was the diamond-shaped mirror that was replaced by space, which blocked Angelica and Brother Miyu.

The other was the golden ripples of the King's Treasure, which surged around Angelica's hand, and a golden hilt that looked quite extraordinary emerged from it.

"I have to admit! You are stronger now--!!!"

"But! The long-cherished wish of the Enzwas family! It will never end here--!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The next second, the Ganjiang Moye in Miyu's brother's hand turned into a flash of light, like a ray of moonlight, with a pleasant sword chant, passing in front.

Angelica had completely disappeared on the spot.


In the trembling sound of space, under the shining of the bright moonlight, a burst of red light surged from the air.

The red light turned into a pattern like an electric wire, and instantly spread to the entire sky.

"I broke my promise, and I still asked you to pull out the sword, but---"

Brother Miyou didn't even look back, and even Mo Xie, the general in his hand, turned into magic stars and dissipated in his hand.

"Enuma Elish takes time to liberate. I'm afraid you don't have that time anymore——"

"call out----!"

Amidst the harsh sound of breaking through the sky, a red shadow suddenly shuttled through the air.

That's a sword.

It should be a sword.

A sword with an extremely strange shape.

The blade of a sword is cylindrical. The cylindrical sword body is black and covered with red lines. It looks like three silkworm chrysalis-like pieces overlapping each other. It is a strange-shaped sword covered with strange patterns.

Of course it has its own name - Escape Sword (EA).

"call out----!!!!"

Red lightning flashed in mid-air, piercing the air, and its target was Angelica in mid-air.

This sword did not fly from the ground to the sky when Angelica disappeared.

Instead, when he rushed towards Angelica, he was already speeding through the air.

Miyu understands very well, and Angelica also understands that within the Unlimited Sword System, as long as she is near the ground, she has no chance to use the Escape Sword (EA).

Therefore, for Angelica, the only place where she can successfully use the Escape Sword (EA) is in mid-air.

"Miscellaneous Cultivator——!"

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